Plants annual; cespitose. Culms (12)30-115 cm, erect to decumbent,
usually rooting at the lower nodes, mostly glabrous, pubescent beneath the panicles.
Lower sheaths longer than the internodes, antrorsely scabridulous; ligules
1.2-2.7 mm, truncate, erose; blades (2.5)5-35.2 cm long, (1)2-9.3 mm wide,
antrorsely scabridulous, usually flat, becoming involute or convolute when dry.
Panicles (3)4-23 cm long, 1.5-8 cm wide, rachises pubescent; branches
5-24, ascending, axes triquetrous, lower branches (0.8)1-9.5 cm. Spikelets
8-11.5 mm, with 5-10 florets, distal 1-4 florets sterile or staminate. Glumes
with 1 green to purplish vein, antrorsely scabridulous, apices acuminate, awnlike;
lower glumes 5.9-11.5 mm; upper glumes 5.8-10.5 mm; lowest lemmas
4.5-5.7(6.4) mm, veins green, midveins excurrent to 1.2 mm, midsections hairy
adjacent to and on the lateral veins, with 0.5-1.6 mm hairs, antrorsely scabridulous
elsewhere; paleas 4-5 mm, antrorsely scabridulous on the apices and veins;
anthers 3, 1.3-1.7 mm, yellow to purplish. Caryopses 2.6-3 mm long,
0.7-0.9 mm wide, flattened. 2n = 40.
Trichoneura elegans usually grows in dry, deep, sandy soil. Its range extends
from south central Texas to northern Tamaulipas, Mexico.