Culms 60-150(200) cm tall, 2-4 mm thick, robust; nodes
glabrous or shortly hirsute. Leaves cauline, evenly distributed, glabrous,
dark green; ligules 2.5-3 mm; blades 12-20 cm long, (3)4-7 mm
wide, flat to folded. Panicles 9-20 cm, narrowly lanceolate, silvery-white
or light tan; rachises 7-15 cm, with numerous branches; branches
3-5 cm, shorter than the rachises, erect, without axillary pulvini, with multiple
rames; rame internodes with a membranous groove wider than the margins,
margins copiously hairy, hairs 3-8 mm, at least somewhat obscuring the spikelets.
Sessile spikelets (3)3.5-4.5 mm, narrowly ovate to lanceolate, shiny
green, apices acute; lower glumes hirtellous on the lower 1/2, hairs
shorter than 0.8 mm, lacking a dorsal pit; awns 9-14 mm; anthers
1-2 mm. Pedicellate spikelets 1.8-2.8 mm, sterile. 2n = 120.
Bothriochloa longipaniculata grows at 2-200 m, along roadsides and in
fields, open woodlands, disturbed ground, and swales of the Gulf coastal prairie,
often in heavy clay soil. Its range extends from southern Texas and Louisiana
to northeastern Mexico and possibly Panama.