Plants annual; tufted. Culms 7-21(40) cm, erect. Ligules 1.4-2.3
mm, obtuse; blades 1-8 cm long, 1-3.5 mm wide; upper sheaths usually
inflated. Panicles 2-3.5 cm long, 4-5.5 mm wide, dense. Glumes 3-4.5
mm, connate for 1/2-4/5 of their length, coriaceous, keels winged, ciliate,
obtuse, mucronate, divergent; lemmas 2.5-3.5 mm, connate at the
base, glabrous, apices truncate, awns 3-6 mm, geniculate, exceeding the
lemmas by 0-4 mm; anthers 1.2-2.5 mm. 2n = unknown.
Alopecurus creticus is native to marshes and wet places in the southern
part of the Balkan Peninsula. It was discovered on ballast dumps in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania in the nineteenth century; it has not persisted in the Flora region.