Leaves: petiole mainly 3-8 mm; blade hastate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, oblong-ovate, or ovate to obovate, mainly 15-30 × 5-15 mm, margin entire or irregularly repand-dentate, sinuate-dentate, undulate-crisped, with sinuses rounded, or less commonly entire. Fruiting bracteoles mainly horizontally spreading when mature, mainly 8-12 mm thick, on stipes mainly 1-4 mm when mature, body globose, 4-7 mm thick, covered with radiating, conic, tuberculate processes mainly 2.5-5 mm.
Saline, often fine-textured soils; 10-100 m; Tex.; n Mexico (Coahuila, Tamaulipas).