Rhizomes globose. Leaves spreading, succulent, (14-)25-39 × 2.2-4.8 cm; blade light green, glaucous, spotted with green or brown round to oval markings up to 1 × 0.5 cm, channeled and undulate, or flat, broadly lanceolate, margins with teeth of several sizes, irregularly spaced, often retrorse. Scape 21.4-21.95 dm. Inflorescences crowded, 2.8-3.95 dm, bearing 27-46(-81) flowers. Flowers nearly erect, with cooked onion odor; tepals golden green adaxially, glaucous and green abaxially; perianth tube broadly funnelform-campanulate, 0.7-1.5(-2.2) cm; limb lobes recurved, usually longer than tube, 0.7-2.1 cm; filaments nearly erect at maturity, exserted by 4-6.6(-9.7) cm, bent near middle in bud; ovary 10-20 mm; style slightly longer than stamens; stigma pale green, clavate, 3-angled, furrowed apically, lobes not reflexed. Capsules cylindrical, 2.3-3.1 × 1.6-1.9 cm.
Flowering spring--mid summer. Growing separately or in colonies, in open areas, on clay soil; 0--100 m; Tex.; Mexico (Tamaulipas).