Lip usually with basal dilation moderately to strongly developed, 5-10 mm; spur slenderly cylindric to slightly clavate, 4-12 mm (± as long as lip, mostly within 2 mm), apex obtuse to tapered; viscidia linear to linear-oblong. 2n = 42.
A few plants of this species were found in a bog on the Wolverton Estate about 7 miles southwest of South Bend, St. Joseph County. The area was heavily grazed and it will soon disappear if grazing continues. This species was reported by Nieuwland for Umbach (Amer. Midland Nat. 3: 119. 1913) but through the courtesy of N. C. Fassett the Umbach herbarium at the University of Wisconsin was searched, and no specimen was found. There are, however, specimens collected by Nieuwland in Lake and Porter Counties which are deposited in the herbarium of the University of Notre Dame. The location of this species in Indiana is the extreme southern limit of its range.