00064101 C. H. Dodson 7912 1979-07-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, Rio Chiquilpe, near junction with Rio Baba. 7 Km east of Km 7, on highway Sto. Domingo-Quevedo., 420m
00067232 C. H. Dodson 7935 1979-07-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, Rio Chiquilpe. Near junction with Rio Baba. 7 kilometers east of Kilometer 7 on Highway Santo Domingo-Quevedo., 420m
00067234 C. H. Dodson 7936 1979-07-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, Rio Chiquilpe. Near junction with Rio Baba.7 kilometers east of Kilometer 7 on Highway Santo Domingo Quevedo., 420m
00067235 C. H. Dodson 7934 1979-07-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, Rio Chiquilpe. Near junction with Rio Baba. 7 kilometers east of Kilometer 7 on Highway Santo Domingo-Quevedo., 420m
00067236 C. H. Dodson 7761 1979-07-03
Ecuador, Los Rios or Quevedo, Path following ridgeline at El Centinela. At crest of Montañas de Ila. On road from Patricia Pilar to 24 de Mayo at Kilometer 12. Patricia Pilar is at Kilometer 45 on road from Santo DOmingo to Quevedo., 600m
00068039 C. H. Dodson 7825 1979-07-10
Ecuador, Pichincha, Patricia Pilar to 24 de Mayo at km 12. Ridge line at El Centinela at crest of Montana de Ila., 600m
00072883 C. H. Dodson 7906 1979-07-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, Rio Chiquilpe near junction with Rio Baba. 7 kilometers east of kilomter 7 on highway Sto. Domingo-Quevedo., 420m
00073339 C. H. Dodson 11422 1981-09-19
Ecuador, Guayas, Prov. Guayas. Capeira, km 21 Guayaquil to Daule, 20-200 m. La Toma water purification plant., 40m
00076015 C. H. Dodson 7892 1979-07-12
Ecuador, Pichincha, Rio Chiquilpe near junction with Rio Baba. 7 km E of Km 7 on highway Santo Domingo-Quevedo.
00079944 C. H. Dodson 8598 1979-07-28
Ecuador, El Centinela at crest of Montanas de lla on road from Patricia Pilar to 24 de Mayo at km 12, Patricia Pilar is at km 45 on road from Sto Domingo to Quevedo., 600m
00079945 C.H. Dodson 7930 1979-07-12
Ecuador, RIo Chiquilpe, junction with Rio Baba, 7 km east of Km 7 on highway Sto, Domingo-Quevedo, Prov of Pichincha., 420m
00079946 C. H. Dodson 7951 1979-07-12
Ecuador, Rio Chiquilpe junction with Rio Baba, 7 km east km 7 on highway Sto, Domingo Quevedo., 420m