Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Scrophularia marilandica (Scrophularia neglecta)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 5, records 401-500 of 3519

Missouri Botanical Garden

473712Peter H. Raven   273291986-08-23
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, 6.5 mi (10.5 W of DeSoto). T39N, R3E, Sec. 11. Weedy roadside in woods, near bridge over Parker Creek on dirt road, ca. 0.5 mi (0.7 km) NNE of its confluence with Big River. Elev. 570 ft (175 m)., 38.125 -90.675, 175m

473684Guang Hua Zhu   12351992-08-28
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Riverlands Environmental Demonstration Area (REDA), [US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District]. Along the Mississippi River, directly across from Alton, Illinois, adjacent to the Melvin Price Lock and Dam (26)., 38.86666 -90.20555, 125m

Scrophularia marilandica f. neglecta (Rydb.) Pennell
100715732John Davis   46291915-07-26
United States, Missouri, Riverview Park. Hannibal.

474102Takuji Hoshino   10191985-08-09
United States, Missouri, Callaway, T48N 1/4 Sec. 10; Whetstone Creek Wildlife Area, ca. 1 mi N of Williamsberg on E side of State Rd. EE, open meadow near S bank of Whetstone Creek., 38.9328 -91.7111

473918Mary Susan Taylor   56121985-10-13
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Deciduous woods, n side of Rt T, on ridge south of St. Albens. T44N R2E ne sec 11., 38.3415 -90.4558

1680829Samuel M. Tracy   46651886-07-17
United States, Missouri, Boone, Columbia., 38.95167 -92.33389

1681092Ernest J. Palmer   632831956-06-17
United States, Missouri, McDonald, Rocky open ground, along creek bed. Near May.

3514216John Davis   10231911-09-12
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Whiteside woods, 39.18527 -91.01666

1680997Ernest J. Palmer   637361956-08-20
United States, Missouri, Polk, Upland thickets, near Graydon Springs.

3530217Ernest J. Palmer   143361918-09-09
United States, Missouri, Taney, Branson moist rocky ground along streams, 36.64361 -93.21833

1681672Julian A. Steyermark   834681956-11-01
United States, Missouri, New Madrid, Second growth woodland in level ground, 3 mi NW of Marston.

1681593Gordon T. Maupin   7261974-07-18
United States, Missouri, Dent, Montauk 7.5, t32n, r7w, sec 27, ne 1/4, ne 1/4, ne 1/4, roadside of hwy 119, Near old mill. Disturbed.

1681520Ernest J. Palmer   569041953-09-27
United States, Missouri, Taney, Open rocky ground, along Long Creek, Oliver Township.

1681303Benjamin F. Bush   12897A1933-08-22
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Courtney. Rich woods., 39.15556 -94.39333

1681151Karl E. Maneval   s.n.1927-07-28
United States, Missouri, Boone, Round hole.

100869437Rebekah Mohn   302015-08-09
United States, Missouri, Andrew, 4020 State Route H, Fillmore, Missouri., 40.0714 -94.9778

1681232Ernest J. Palmer   646041956-10-17
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Open upland woods, along John's Creek, 1/2 mi SE of Spencer.

3572135George Yatskievych   89-2981989-08-19
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Jack's Fork River, ca. 3 mi E of bridge at Highway 17 scattered on open gravel bar on S bank of river; erect herbs to 2 m tallPlatanus, Salix, Cornus, 37.04138 -91.62861, 250m

1681736Ernest J. Palmer   618171955-10-28
United States, Missouri, Christian, Rocky open woods, along Swan Creek, near Garrison.

1915213Cathy M. Nicholson-Crandall   901989-08-18
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis

1681810Ernest J. Palmer   679601958-09-18
United States, Missouri, Cedar, Upland thicket, 6 mi SE of Cedar Springs.

1682121Frank C. Gates   127121920-09-13
United States, Kansas, Riley, A woodland herb along wildcat e of keats.

1682217Ernest J. Palmer   564731953-08-12
United States, Missouri, Newton, Rocky ground, along shoal creek, 3 mi s of diamond.

1694434Cindy E. Becker   991997-09-08
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Intermittent waterway near Alley Spring. Growing on an alluvial fan, along trail.

1694596Cindy E. Becker   621997-06-15
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Along an intermittent tributary near Alley Spring. On a high floodplain along walking path.

100836587Andrew L. Thomas   1322014-05-09
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, In cultivation at MU Southwest Center, Mt. Vernon, Missouri., 37.070824 -93.878817

3264767Julian A. Steyermark   765601954-08-16
United States, Missouri, Harrison, Along Sugar Creek, 3-3 1/2 mi. north of Gilman.

100330618Bill Summers   104252009-07-31
United States, Missouri, Howell, Spring Creek, downstream from Hwy AP bridge, Noblett Lake Rec. Area, 36.9033 -92.0839

100877156Leroy J. Korschgen   19771973-10-02
United States, Missouri, Pike, Ted Shanks Conservation Area - R.R., 39.545701 -91.193227

960710James C. Solomon   10631974-07-18
United States, Illinois, Knox, Knox College Field Station. 4 mi. S of Victoria., 40.48 -90.06, 230m

100865212Steve R. Turner   15-1422015-08-18
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Matson Hill County Park, along trail 0.3 air mi NW (bearing 331 deg) of parking lot., 38.6269 -90.8172, 226m

473673Guang Hua Zhu   13641992-09-05
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Riverlands Environmental Demonstration Area (REDA), [US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District]. Along the Mississippi River, directly across from Alton, Illinois, adjacent to the Melvin Price Lock and Dam (26). Forest north-west of office area, between burned and unburned pasture., 38.8625 -90.16527, 125m

1611327Norlan C. Henderson   67-12811967-07-28
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Roadside embankment, along Mo #2, about 2 mi E of Chilhowee.

1681977Ernest J. Palmer   263001924-09-29
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Rocky open woods and thickets, near Joplin.

1565806Carrol F. Eaglesfield   2441997-08-23
United States, Missouri, Henry, Conner O. Fewel Wildlife Area. Damp woods, along creek.

1682292Ernest J. Palmer   589081954-09-16
United States, Missouri, Christian, Open upland woods. 7 Mi sw of chadwick.

1565807Carrol F. Eaglesfield   2451997-09-06
United States, Missouri, Henry, Conner Fewel WLA. Wet wooded area by spring.

1682375Ernest J. Palmer   162831919-09-02
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Upland thickets, 3 mi S of Webb City.

1575060Gerrit Davidse   18391969-08-02
United States, Iowa, Story, R-24W T-84N; just N of Iowa State University and Squaw Creek., 42.0786482 -93.6402235

1575508Gerrit Davidse   19601969-08-27
United States, Iowa, Story, Woods near High School Prairie in Ames., 42.0444326 -93.6270761

102758886Robert A. Stewart   34461988-07-28
United States, Mississippi, Bolivar, Ca 8 miles WSW of Beulah near Mississippi River.

103251235Andrew Townesmith   38582020-09-24
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, gravel bar on Meramec River., 38.4602778 -90.8163889

1678946Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1904-00-00
United States, Missouri, Boone, Thickets. Columbia.

1680174Delzie Demaree   155971937-08-09
United States, Arkansas, Hot Spring, Fertile wooded bottoms. Cove creek. Magnet cove.

957875Alan E. Brant   35061995-09-26
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, T29N, R1W, SE4, SE4, Sec. 21. Bottoms and toe slopes of Paint Rock Creek and tributaries, Deer Run State Forest; boundary and just west of MOFEP Site No. 6., 198 - 213m

960592James C. Solomon   9701974-07-03
United States, Illinois, Knox, Boy Scout Camp. NW qurter, Sec. 12, Haw Creek township., 40.87 -90.116

100550679Richard Carter   20681979-09-01
United States, Tennessee, Sumner, Taylor Hollow, 2.5 miles south of Westmoreland.

1587831Gerrit Davidse   376361998-09-07
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Magnolia State Forest, ca. 9 miles E. of Highway US 61 along MO Highway V, flood plain of the Mississippi River., 38.02694 -90.11527, 100m

100695595Andrew Townesmith   23692012-06-02
United States, Virginia, Augusta, George Washington National Forest, North River Ranger District. Along Forest Service road 95 (North River Road), 2.3 miles NW of intersection with Forest Service road 96 (Calf Pasture road)., 38.3627778 -79.2638889, 755m

102944835Leroy J. Korschgen   19771973-10-02
United States, Missouri, Pike, Ted Shanks Conservation Area - R.R., 39.545701 -91.193227

100715693Benjamin F. Bush   s.n.1893-08-20
United States, Missouri, Jackson

100715653Robert H. Mohlenbrock   92671989-07-27
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Hickory Canyon Natural Area, L-A-D Foundation Property, ca. 2 miles north of Sprott, via dirt road off county road EE. T37N R6E S25., 244 - 290m

100715444David W. LaPlante   5951986-07-16
United States, Missouri, Platte, Northwest section marsh along edge near open water site LBM9.

100296982Robert A. Stewart   58371996-10-25
United States, Tennessee, Obion, 0.8 road mile northeast of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service office on state Hwy 157. Wooded loess ridge.

1679550Julian A. Steyermark   835261956-11-01
United States, Missouri, Scott, N-facing sandy ridge and slopes, 4 1/2 mi E of Vanduser.

1613332Harry E. Ahles   861341978-08-09
United States, Massachusetts, Hampden, Thickets along connecticut river in chicopee, just north of rt 90.

1679885Ernest J. Palmer   668921957-09-24
United States, Missouri, Polk, Open upland woods. 2 mi N of Brighton.

1679341Ernest J. Palmer   679961958-09-21
United States, Kansas, Cherokee, Thicket, along small stream, 6 mi se of baxter springs.

1679115David L. Spencer   651940-08-19
United States, Missouri, Taney, Drury Refuge. Bottom field.

1680758Ernest H. Favor   s.n.1901-08-02
United States, Missouri, Boone

1680924Ernest J. Palmer   506011950-07-30
United States, Missouri, Barton, Open woods along creek, near golden city.

3504595Benjamin F. Bush   86681918-08-29
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Montier low woods, 36.98694 -91.57527

1682049Ernest J. Palmer   498131949-09-26
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Moist ground, open woods, 3 mi SW of Webb City.

3510984Melvin L. Conrad   95251981-08-19
United States, Missouri, Randolph, AECI Strip Mine Project bottomland deciduous woods, 39.49472 -92.69166

1194748James S. Miller   89251997-08-19
United States, North Carolina, Madison, Pisgah National Forest. 20 mi. southeast of Del Río, Tennessee on State Route 107., 35.755 -82.95305, 1300m

100715727Benjamin F. Bush   61541910-08-08
United States, Missouri, Montier., 36.9869444 -91.5752778

3521558Lewis S. Hopkins   1021981-09-05
United States, Missouri, Lewis, Lewistown, 4.0 mi N; off Highway H; Robert Bailey farm hillside above pond, in oak-hickory understory

1681471Julian A. Steyermark   799871955-09-25
United States, Missouri, Nodaway, Vicinity of Hundred and Two River, 4-4 1/2 mi NW of Barnard.

100715704Benjamin F. Bush   5681899-09-25
United States, Missouri, Swan., 36.7952777 -93.0625

3532066Ernest J. Palmer   41881913-09-08
United States, Missouri, McDonald, Elk River, Noel low woods, 36.5455555 -94.485

1681388W. Barker   44591967-08-23
United States, Kansas, Butler, 1/2 mi s of leon. Wooded area along the river. Plant was 6 ft tall.

100715707Ernest J. Palmer   4341903-07-06
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Frequent in open woods, Webb City.

1681906Ernest J. Palmer   240811923-10-09
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Thickets and roadsides, near Carthage.

100715664John H. Kellogg   19991928-09-30
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Allenton., 38.50361 -90.67583

101889710Norlan C. Henderson   67-12811967-07-28
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Roadside embankment, along Mo #2, about 2 mi E of Chilhowee.

101889711Norlan C. Henderson   67-12811967-07-28
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Roadside embankment, along Mo #2, about 2 mi E of Chilhowee.

101897518Ernest J. Palmer   637361956-08-20
United States, Missouri, Polk, Upland thickets, near Graydon Springs.

101897652Ernest J. Palmer   240811923-10-09
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Thickets and roadsides, near Carthage.

101316799Steve R. Turner   21-1532021-08-13
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, forested area along wetland trail., 38.47445 -90.80723, 170m

3504689Benjamin F. Bush   95781921-08-27
United States, Missouri, Clark, Dumas, 40.52111 -91.63527

3501865Garland C. Broadhead   s.n.1864-08-12
United States, Missouri, Cass, bottoms

3502917Benjamin F. Bush   139301934-09-13
United States, Missouri, Cooper, Lamine rich woods, 38.94666 -92.87444

3502495Benjamin F. Bush   118071930-07-02
United States, Missouri, Platte, Farley dry woods

100566135Karen M. Meyer   14312012-06-28
United States, South Dakota, Hughes, Crow Creek Indian Reservation. Big Bend District. 12 miles on Hwy 34 from Hwy 47, South on road 21756, Cheney Rush, west on side rd, at Stock dam., 44.25 -99.7, 585m

3505850Albert Chandler   11461939-10-20
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Doniphan on top og Current River bluffs, 36.62083 -90.82333

3500508Cindy E. Becker   16162005-09-15
United States, Missouri, Newton, Camp Crowder - National Guard Training Site mesic forest; Roadside seeps near the mouth of the spring at the base of the overgrown glade remnant. East section of the South Unit, Camp Crowder; (X:377509.61 Y:4071131.66 Z:15); Secesh-Cedargap silt loams, 0 to 3 percent slopeCorylus americana, Verbes, 36.77805 -94.37277, 406m

971661Thomas B. Croat   780711995-08-00
United States, Missouri, Crawford, Along 9 mi stretch of Meramec River, NW to NE of Steelville crossing under Highway 19 between Cuba and Steeleville., 37.9888 -91.3761, 200m

3516581Linda S. Ellis   s.n.1992-08-28
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Highway 63 at Yancy Mills, northeast access road on the Little Piney River roadsides

3514375John Davis   57821915-08-21
United States, Missouri, Marion, Near Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Hannibal damp soil

3514394John Davis   62221915-09-07
United States, Missouri, Lewis, Canton banks of Wyaconda River, damp soil, 40.125 -91.625

3518008Noah M. Glatfelter   s.n.1897-09-19
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, St. Louis common

3518949Hein, S.   s.n.1982-08-21
United States, Missouri, Macon, Hein property backside pond dam, 7 ft tall with branching flower stalks, 39.89694 -92.82416

3521112Burnetta Hinterthuer   6251973-07-29
United States, Missouri, Monroe, Corps of Engineers Contract, Salt River basin; Joanna Quad. 7 1/2; .70 degrees ENE hickory, oak, walnut, elm woods, rocky below top soilgrowing along roadside; not common, 39.50666 -91.72361, 192m

3521165Burnetta Hinterthuer   8281973-08-28
United States, Missouri, Ralls, Corps of Engineers Contract, Salt River basin; Joanna Quad. 7 1/2 marshy area off gravel road, spring fed; not common, 39.50666 -91.72361, 171m

3508987Jim Conrad   33981974-09-19
United States, Missouri, Camden, Broadus Branch Bluff, 2 air km W of Tunnel Dam at Lake Niangua midslope in loamy, sandy sandstone and cherty limestone soils, 37.93472 -92.87222, 259m

3511140Melvin L. Conrad   83681979-08-03
United States, Missouri, Randolph, Strip Mine Vegetation Project, site 12; N side of Highway 3; E of Middle Fork of Little Chariton River deciduous woods roadside, 39.50916 -92.67194

3521465Sherry L. Holmes   8331992-10-04
United States, Missouri, Scott, Scott City Quad, Scott City Exit on I-55, 1.2 mi E on Highway K, N on town roads to ward Marquette Lake, NE along cliffs, E fork at end of cliffs to gate and old railroad grade 0.5 mi NE wet bottomland forest along Cape La Croix Creek at base of limestone cliffs, 37.23972 -89.5

3521586Lewis S. Hopkins   1391981-10-18
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Chesterfield, Missouri River Bottoms along Water Works Rd at the end of River Valley Dr. river bottoms near railroad tracks

3525306Otto Krause   s.n.1866-08-00
United States, Missouri, Cole, Jefferson City, 38.57666 -92.17333

3540279Julian A. Steyermark   150101934-08-29
United States, Missouri, Gentry, Along East Fork of Grand River, about 3 mi NW of Albany low woods

Page 5, records 401-500 of 3519


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