Lucas C. Majure 10537 2023-11-15
U.S.A., Florida, Lee, Pineland on Pine Island, Randell Research Center, across from the Tarpon Lodge off of Waterfront Dr., 26.6605 -82.1522, 8m
United States, Florida, Monroe
100794882 J. Richard Abbott 23689 2007-11-06
United States, Florida, Lee, (Big) Pine Island, on west side of County Road 767 (H. Stringfellow Road) a few kilometers south of junction with FL 78, ca 7.7 km north of the south end of the island; north of Woodstock Road and south of Rock Sound Road., 26.582 -82.109
100794883 J. Richard Abbott 24954 2008-09-10
United States, Florida, Orange, S of the Orlando International Airport, SW of Taft on Boggy Creek Road, ca 0.1 mile E of small bridge over Boggy Creek and ca 0.85 mile NW of junction with S Access Road (to airport and to 417, the Central Florida Greenway), in canal on N side of road & S of railroad tracks., 28.3906 -81.3203
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00405833 Brumbach, William C. 8793 1975-04-04
United States, Florida, Lee, PLANTS OF SANIBEL & CAPTIVA ISLANDS... Middle Captiva
NCU:Vascular Plants
NCU00405786 Correll, Donovan S. 48120 1977-02-27
United States, Florida, Monroe, North Key Largo.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00082504 Robert Burckhalter 2504 1993-12-22
United States, Florida, Brevard, E side of St. John's River, along sides of old US 192. 0.6 mi. NW of Sweetwater Camp. 8.5 mi. W of Melbourne. Deer Park SE Quad., 28.083 -80.751, 6m
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081814 G. N. Avery 2020 1970-02-04
United States, Florida, Miami Dade
290848 Lucas C. Majure;Mónica Arakaki 10537 2023-11-15
U.S.A., Florida, Lee, Pineland on Pine Island, Randell Research Center, across from the Tarpon Lodge off of Waterfront Dr., 26.6605 -82.1522
UVMVT238184 Hill, S. R. 16103 1985-03-23
United States, Florida, Collier, Marco Island, Sheffield Ave. near Mariner St., 25.936508 -81.726506
UVMVT238186 Hill, S. R. 11033 1982-03-17
United States, Florida, Monroe, Marathon Key, Marathon, at Rte. 1 and 41st street near VFW building, 24.666667 -81.0725
UVMVT297325 S.R. Hill 12657
United States, Florida
UVMVT297326 S.R. Hill 11074
United States, Florida
UVMVT297327 D.S. Correll 50229
Bahamas, New Providence
PH00424489 J. Bernard Brinton s.n. 1879-08-02
United States, none
PH00023834 C. Wright 1565 1859-09-00
Cuba, in Cuba Orientali, prope
PH00023835 C. Wright 1115 1859-01-00
Cuba, prope villam Monte Verde dictam, Cuba Orientali
PH00023836 S.B. Buckley s.n. 1861-05-00
United States, Texas, Northern Texas
PH00023837 C. Wright s.n.
United States, Texas
CM300605 Pringle, C.G. 66 1903-01-20
Cuba, Santa Clara, Colonia Limones, Ingenio Soledad, near Cienfuegos
TEX00192527 Esteban M. Martínez|Abisaí García Mendoza 17817 1986-04-24
Mexico, Chiapas, Ocosingo, 3 Km al W de Frontera Corozal, camino a Palenque
57376 W. C. Brombach 9329 1978-01-29
United States of America, Florida, Lee, Upper Captiva, 26.522 -82.1893
140152 K. A. Bradley 2217 2002-03-02
United States of America, Florida, Hendry, Edge of road next to afence onside of CR833 south of Devils Garden, 26.5084 -81.1261
140167 K. A. Bradley 2263 2002-03-12
United States of America, Florida, Lee, Lee County: Sanibel Island. Frannie's Preserve, Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation property., 26.522 -82.1893
00139661 C. Wright 1565 1859-09-00
Cuba, Cuba
NDSU008620 Cecil R. Slaughter 10,508 1998-10-04
United States, Florida, Putnam