BRIT793612 Arnold Tiehm 16177 2010-06-19
United States, Nevada, Pershing
BRYV0194280 Arnold Tiehm 16247 2010-07-14
U.S.A., Nevada, Humbolt, Jackson Mountains. Bottle Creek on E side of the range, near the end of the road from the Happy Creek Road., 41.3371 -118.42586, 2469m
BRYV0194278 Arnold Tiehm 15850 2009-06-09
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Diamond Mountains. Water Canyon at SE end of the range, about 1/2 miles W of canyon entrance., 39.54925 -115.79172, 1935m
BRYV0194279 Arnold Tiehm 15866 2009-06-14
U.S.A., Nevada, Humbolt, Jackson Mountains. 3.1 road miles S of Leonard Creek Road on main road on NW side of the mountains, then ENE about 1.4 miles., 41.45608 -118.45233, 1676m
BRYV0194277 Arnold Tiehm 16177 2010-06-19
U.S.A., Nevada, Pershing, Trinity Range, 7.1 road miles W of Seven Troughs Road on road to Eagle Picher Mine, S of the road., 40.2683 -118.76326, 1585m
BRYV0194274 Arnold Tiehm 12069 1993-06-24
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range, ridgeline 0.5 airmile SSE of Northumberland Pass on the Northumberland Canyon road to Monitor Valley., 2682m
BRYV0194271 N. Duane Atwood 10460 1984-07-21
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Head of Cottonwood Cr. Table Mountain, Toiyabe National Forest.
BRYV0194270 Duane Atwood 10517 1984-07-22
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Between Haystack Canyon & Mosquito Cr., 2682m
BRYV0194269 Noel H. Holmgren 9335 1979-06-17
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Butte Mountains, canyon, 7.1 km ( 4.4 mi) west of the west valley road, 52 km (32.5 mi) airline distance northwest of McGill., 2190m
BRYV0194268 Noel H. Holmgren 4456 1970-07-16
U.S.A., Nevada, Eureka, Diamond Mountains, Cottonwood Creek drainage., 2896m
BRYV0194318 Virginia Crosby 1960 1978-06-08
U.S.A., Oregon, Lake, ÒBlack HillsÓ, 5.35 miles south of Christmas Valley into center of hills., 1570m
BRYV0194267 S. Goodrich 13151 1979-07-03
U.S.A., Nevada, Eureka, Toiyabe N. F. Monitor range, on or near the divide between N. F. Allison Cr. and Reynolds Cr. Big Flat area. 32.5 mi. 105 degrees from Austin., 39.36305 -116.47861, 2889m
BRYV0194266 S. Goodrich 12921 1979-06-25
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe N. F. Toiyabe Range, Summit Creek, 37 mi. & 197 degrees from Austin., 38.97583 -117, 2484m
BRYV0194265 S. Goodrich 12747 1979-06-18
U.S.A., Nevada, Lander, Shoshone Mtns, Antelope Valley ca. 18 mi. & 315 degrees from Austin., 1707m
BRYV0194263 S. Goodrich 12778 1979-06-20
U.S.A., Nevada, Lander, Toiyabe Range, Grass Valley, Dry Canyon 38 mi. 25 degrees from Austin., 39.98333 -116.77388, 1859m
BRYV0194261 Sherel Goodrich 11434 1978-06-09
U.S.A., Nevada, Lander, Reese River Valley; near Hwy 8A.
BRYV0265528 Noel H. Holmgren 12624 1996-06-09
U.S.A., Oregon, Lake, 30 km (18.6 mi) south of U.S. Highway 20, near the Frederick Butte Road, 34.5 km (21.5 mi) air distance south-southeast of Brothers., 43.52 -120.50694, 1465m
OBI153922 Arnold Tiehm 15866 2009-06-14
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Jackson Mountains, 3.1 road miles south of Leonard Creek Road on main road on northwest side of the mountains, then east/northeast about 1.4 miles, 41.456083 -118.452333, 1676m
CM109160 Macbride, J.F. 3153 1916-07-10
United States, Idaho, Blaine, Lost River Mts, near Clyde, 2286m
CM534137 Tiehm, A. 15850 2009-06-09
United states, Nevada, White pine, Diamond Mountains, Water Canyon at SE end of range, about 0.5 mi W of canyon entrance, 1935m
29494 A. Tiehm 11208 1987-06-09
United States, Nevada, Elko, Delano Mts, 3.1 rd mi E of Rock Springs on the rd to Delano & Crittenden Reservoir, on steep light colored ash deposits, 41.707961 -114.336637, 1768 - 1768m
56480 A. Tiehm 14269 2003-06-08
United States, Nevada, Elko, Cedar Ridge, 1.2 road miles south/southeast of Indian Well on road to Huntington Creek, 40.532591 -115.802152, 1768m
63628 A. Tiehm 15770 2009-06-01
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Jackson Mountains, just north of Rattlesnake Canyon, 2.1 air miles just west of due south of Rock Spring, 41.040722 -118.541083, 1676m
63629 A. Tiehm 15850 2009-06-09
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Diamond Mountains, southeast end of range, Water Canyon, about 0.5 mile west of canyon entrance, 39.54925 -115.791722, 1936m
63630 A. Tiehm 15866 2009-06-14
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Jackson Mountains, 3.1 road miles south of Leonard Creek Road on main road on northwest side of the mountains, then east/northeast about 1.4 miles, 41.456083 -118.452333, 1676m
63690 A. Tiehm 16177 2010-06-19
United States, Nevada, Pershing, Trinity Range, 7.1 road miles west of Seven Troughs Road on road to Eagle Picher Mine, south of the road, 40.2683 -118.763267, 1585m
63732 A. Tiehm 16247 2010-07-14
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Jackson Mountains, east side of range; Bottle Creek, near end of road from the Happy Creek Road, 41.337667 -118.425867, 2469m
ASC00106296 Arnold Tiehm 15850 2009-06-09
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Diamond Mountains. Water Canyon at SE end of the range, about 1/2 miles W of canyon entrance., 39.54925 -115.79172, 1935 - 1935m
DES00067480 Arnold Tiehm 15866 2009-06-14
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Jackson Mountains, 3.1 road miles S of Leonard Creek Road on main road on NW side of the mountains, then ENE about 1.4 miles., 41.456083 -118.452333, 1676m
00037923 J. F. Macbride & E. B. Payson 3153 1916-07-10
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine County, Lost River Mountains, near Clyde, alt. 7500 feet, 2286m
UTC00223542 Arnold Tiehm 12069 1993-06-24
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toquima Range ridgeline .5 airmile SSE of Northumberland Pass on the Northumberland Canyon road to Monitor Valley., 2682m
UTC00257187 Arnold Tiehm 16177 2010-06-19
United States, Nevada, Pershing, Trinity Range, 7.1 road miles W of Seven Troughs Road on road to Eagle Picher Mine, S of the road, 40.2683 -118.763267, 1580m
UTC00259661 Noel H. Holmgren 12624 1996-06-09
United States, Oregon, Lake, 30 km (18.6 mi) south of U.S. Highway 20, near the Frederick Butte Road, 34.5 km (21.5 mi) air distance south-southeast of Brothers., 43.52 -120.506944, 1465m
342654 J. F. Macbride 3153 1916-07-10
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., Lost River Mountains, near Clyde, 2286m
446686 P. L. Packard 7364 1973-06-02
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., Blue Point on north side of Mahogany Mountain, 43.27031 -117.2581, 1341m
85843 J. Francis Macbride, Edwin B. Payson 3153 1916-07-10
U.S.A., Idaho, Blaine, Lost River Mtns, near Clyde., 2287m
410405 Arnold Tiehm 16247 2010-07-14
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Jackson Mountains, Bottle Creek on E side of the range, near the end of the road from the Happy Creek Road.
Arnold Tiehm 15866 2009-06-14
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, 3.1 road miles south of Leonard Creek Road on main road on northwest side of the mountains, then east northeast c. 1.4 miles, 41.45608 -118.45233, 1677m
441036 Arnold Tiehm; Jan Nachlinger 15850 2009-06-09
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Diamond Mountains, Water Canyon at SE end of range, ca 0.5 mi W of canyon entrance, 39.54925 -115.7917222, 1935m
383853 Arnold Tiehm 15866 2009-06-14
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Jackson Mountains, 3.1 road miles S of Leonard Creek Road on main road on NW side of the mountains, then ENE about 1.4 miles. T41N R31E S1, 41.456083 -118.452333, 1676m