Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Festuca hephaestophila (Festuca tolucensis var. hephaestophila)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-61 of 61

Herbario CHAP

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
3146Stephen D. Koch   73511975-09-12
ESTADO DE MEXICO, IXTAPALUCA, Estación Experimental de Investigación y Enseñanza de Zoquiapan, 8 km al S de Río Frío, Llano coleto, 2 km al S de los edificios., 19.276111 -98.669444

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
3749José Leocadio Magaña Meoza   73521975-07-11
ESTADO DE MEXICO, IXTAPALUCA, 8 km al S de Río Frío, cañada Temascatitla, más o menos 200 m del camino 4 hacia abajo. Estación de Enseñanza de Zoquiapan., 19.2675 -98.649167

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
3749Stephen D. Koch   73521975-07-11
ESTADO DE MEXICO, IXTAPALUCA, 8 km al S de Río Frío, cañada Temascatitla, más o menos 200 m del camino 4 hacia abajo. Estación de Enseñanza de Zoquiapan., 19.2675 -98.649167

Angelo State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
27592M. L. Gonzalez   901984-07-27
Mexico, Mexico, Amecameca, Volcn Popcatepetl, 200 m. al S del albergue Tlamacas

Brown University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
PBRU00060455C. G. Pringle   85881901-08-14
Mexico, Puebla, Mt. Orizaba.

Canadian Museum of Nature

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex. Steud.
CAN 602530Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Stancik, Daniel   214602007-10-21
Mexico, Nuevo Leon (State), Near summit of Cerro Potosí., 24.875 -100.232, 3674m

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
CM268542Pringle, C.G.   85881901-08-14
Mexico, Puebla, Mt. Orizaba, 4267m

Herbario del Jardín Botánico BUAP, Puebla, Mexico

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
33365I. Suazo   1551989-07-15
Mexico, Puebla, Guadalupe Victoria, La Barranca

Herbario Isidro Palacios

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
35546M. González L.   901984-07-27
MÉXICO, MÉXICO, Volcán Popocatépetl, 4000m

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
35547M. González L.   991984-08-16
MÉXICO, MÉXICO, Est. Exp. Zoquiapan, 3250m

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
35548M. González L.   1351984-10-02
MÉXICO, VERACRUZ, Cofre de Perote

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
35549M. González L.   1511984-11-01
MÉXICO, MÉXICO, Cerro Tláloc, 4050m

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
LL00438047Cyrus Guernsey Pringle   s.n.1901-08-14
Mexico, Puebla, Mt. Orizaba.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
LL00438050Jerzy Rzedowski R.   217861965-12-30
Mexico, Estado de Mexico, Vertiente NE del Ixtaccíhuatl, en la región de Peñas Cuatas (Yautepeme)., 19.178713 -98.641695

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
LL00438053Jerzy Rzedowski R.   228541966-08-06
Mexico, Estado de Mexico, Cráter del Nevado de Toluca.

Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
M. Gonzalez-Ledesma   3101990-11-14
Mexico, Mexico

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
Rzedowski   157611962-07-08
Mexico, Mexico

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
G. Mick   2001964-07-03
Mexico, Mexico

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
M. Gonzalez   1351984-10-02
Mexico, Veracruz

Texas Tech University, E. L. Reed Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
TTC002894Rzedowski   217861965-12-30
Mexico, Mexico, vertiente NW del Ixtaccihuatl, region de Peñas Cuatas, Yautepeme, 19.178713 -98.641695, 4000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
TTC002895Chester Rowell   s.n.1960-08-09
Mexico, Mexico, volcano de Toluca, 32.55 -115.1, 3962m

University of Arizona Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
388536S. J. Darbyshire   48231997-09-22
Mexico, Tlaxcala, Mexico, Tlaxcala, La Malinche volcano, southeast of Tlaxcala, northest of Puebla., 19.233889 -98.032222, 4290m

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
117873C. G. Pringle   1892-09-01
Mexico, México, Cráter del Nevado de Toluca, Mex.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
185280J. Rzedowski   1972-09-03
Mexico, México, La Ciénega, cerca del Llano Grande, vertiente N del Ixtaccfhuatl, Mex.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
18807L. A. Kenoyer   1938-08-25
Mexico, México, Cráter del Nevado de Toluca, Mex.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
229654A. A. Beetle   1980-07-08
Mexico, México, Izta-Popo National Park, Mex.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
284665J. A. McDonald   1986-08-22
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Miquihuana, Sierra de Pena Nevada, Ceja y ladera S y SW, Mpio. Miquihuana, Tamps.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
338853J. Rzedowski   1965-11-06
Mexico, México, Vertiente NE, Nevado de Toluca, Mex.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
340941J. A. Villarreal-Quintanilla   1989-09-16
Mexico, Coahuila, Arteaga, Sierra La Viga, 6 km al E de Jame, Puerto Maravillas, Coah., 25.36667 -100.5667

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
Mexico, Mexico

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286861Hugh H. Iltis, Robert Koeppen & Frank S. Iltis   1871960-07-13
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307598

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286862Hugh H. Iltis, Robert Koeppen & Frank S. Iltis   961a1960-08-14
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307599

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286777Jerzy Rzedowski   293081972-09-02
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307486

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286776John H. Beaman   19641958-07-30
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307485

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286775Jerzy Rzedowski   217861965-12-30
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307484

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286774Eizi Matuda   261021952-05-01
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307483

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286773Hugh H. Iltis   10221960-08-16
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307482

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286778John H. Beaman   23431958-08-22
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307487

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286793Jerzy Rzedowski   157611962-08-08
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307502

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286792John H. Beaman   25051958-09-10
Mexico, Puebla, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307501

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286791John H. Beaman   26001958-09-17
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307500

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286786G. Mick & K. Roe   2001964-07-03
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307495

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286785Jerzy Rzedowski   216711965-11-06
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307494

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286784J. Thompson, R. George & C. Rowell   s.n.1960-08-09
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307493

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286783G.B. Van Schaack   34091954-07-16
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307492

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286790Jerzy Rzedowski   228541966-08-06
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307499

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286789G. Mick & K. Roe   1971964-07-03
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307498

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286788L.H. Harvey & J.T. Witherspoon   94511972-10-22
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307497

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286787C. Ritchie Bell | James A. Duke   167551959-08-25
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307496

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1286863Gordon D. McPherson   10301974-06-24
Mexico, Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 307600

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
1122135M. González Ledesma & J. García P. | José García P.   3101990-11-14
Mexico, Mexico, Albergue Estación de Microondas; Nevado de Toluca, 19.1495 -99.7539, 4200m

University of New Mexico Herbarium

UNM:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
UNM0102156J. Rzedowski   293081972-09-03
Mexico, Unplaced State, Unplaced County, La Cienega, cerca del Llano Grande, vertiente N del Ixtaccihuatl., 3600m

University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
108722Dunn, Dziekanowski, Bolingbroke   204171972-08-17
Mexico, State of México, Inside the crater of Nevada de Toluca., 18.9589 -91.2514

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
TEX00080623Fred A. Barkley|Chester M. Rowell|Grady L. Webster   M-661947-08-23
Mexico, Estado de Mexico, In the Volc de Zinantecatl, near Toluca

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
TEX00080624McDonald   20391986-08-22
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Miquihuana, Sa de Peña Nevada, ceja y ladera S y SW

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
TEX00437996John H. Beaman   16881957-09-08
Mexico, Estado de Mexico, Nevado de Toluca.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
TEX00437998John H. Beaman   17531957-09-13
Mexico, Puebla, North side of Pepocatepetl.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
TEX00438000John H. Beaman   19641958-07-30
Mexico, Estado de Mexico, Iztaccihuatl; on south side of mtn.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
TEX00438001John H. Beaman   21801958-08-06
Mexico, Veracruz, Cofre de Perote; east side of mtn.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
TEX00438003John H. Beaman   22241958-08-10
Mexico, Tlaxcala, Malinche; crest of north rim of the crater.

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex Steud.
TEX00438052Jerzy Rzedowski R.   228541966-08-06
Mexico, Estado de Mexico, Cráter del Nevado de Toluca.

Page 1, records 1-61 of 61


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