ASU0001080 T. F. Daniel 3695 1984-08-12
Mexico, Tamaulipas, TAMAULIPAS: Along Hwy 101, 9.4 mi NNE of Jaumave, 23.5370337305781 -99.3411040306091, 710m
ASU0001094 thomas f. daniel 810 1978-09-11
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Prarie thorn-scrub along paved Hwy between Gonzales and Est. Zaragoza, 1.4 miles SE turnoff to Est. Zaragoza, 23.1667 -98.75, 300m
T. F. Daniel 276 1978-07-18
00093764 T. F. Daniel 276 1978-07-18
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Along paved highway between Gonzáles and Est. Zaragoza, 1.4 miles southeast of turnoff to Est. Zaragoza, prairie thorn-scrub, 23°10'N, 98°45'W, 290 m, 23.1666666 -98.75
311844 T. F. Daniel 276 1978-07-18
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Along paved highway between Gonzáles and Est. Zaragoza, 1.4 miles southeast of turnoff to Est. Zaragoza, 23.17 -98.75, 290m
3601416 L. A. McGill LAM2312 1978-04-18
United States of America, Arizona, Graham Co., Dry Canyon of Gila River, ca 2-3 mi downstream from Bonita Creek
Thomas F. Daniel 810 1978-09-11
Mexico, Tamaulipas
229649 Thomas F. Daniel 810 1978-11-11
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Along paved Hwy. between Gonzales and Est. Zaragoza 1.4 miles SE turnoff to Est. Zaragoza., 23.166667 -98.75, 300m
1104022 T.F. Daniel 276 1978-07-18
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Along paved Highway between Gonzáles and Est. Zaragoza, 1.4 mi. SE of turnoff to Est. Zaragoza, 290m
1106302 T. F. Daniel 810 1978-09-11
Mexico, Santa Cruz; 1.4 mi SE turnoff to Est. Zaragoza, between González and E Zaragoza, 23.1445 -98.7743, 300m
1106303 T. F. Daniel 284 1978-07-20
Mexico, La Noria (Guillén); Victoria; S of Victoria and 2.8 mi N of La Maroma, along hwy 101, 23.7079 -99.1534, 700m
1106304 T. F. Daniel 282 1978-07-19
Mexico, El Durazno; 2.8 mi S of San Carlos along hwy 89, 24.543 -98.9558, 420m
1106305 Harley H. Bartlett 10558 1930-07-24
Mexico, Tamaulipas, San Miguel ; vicinity of San Miguel; Cerro de la Tamaulipeca, 24.7322222 -99.0977778, 576m
TEX00373048 Thomas F. Daniel 276 1978-07-18
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Along paved highway between González and Est. Zaragoza, 1.4 mi SE of Turnoff to Est. Zaragoza., 23.16667 -98.75