ANHC001067 Theo Witsell 08-0195 2008-05-22
United States, Arkansas, Arkansas, Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Grand Prairie Ecoregion. USGS Stuttgart South 7.5' Quad. Roth Prairie Natural Area. Near parking area in the NW corner of the natural area., 34.45394 -91.57691
ANHC001068 Theo Witsell 04-0235 2004-05-04
United States, Arkansas, Saline, West Gulf Coastal Plain. USGS Spring Lake 7.5' Quad. South of Lorance Creek and north of Maple Creek., 34.57445 -92.2597
ANHC001069 Theo Witsell 04-0231 2004-05-04
United States, Arkansas, Saline, West Gulf Coastal Plain. USGS Spring Lake 7.5' Quad. South of Lorance Creek and north of Maple Creek., 34.57445 -92.2597
ANHC010334 Jim Keesling 13-0038 2013-04-25
United States, Arkansas, Garland, Ouachita Mountains. Central Hills, Ridges, and Valleys Ecoregion. USGS Fountain Lake 7.5' Quad. Hot Springs Village. Below the Lake Balboa, at the Lake Balboa Storage Center., 34.6227 -92.90082
ANHC010981 Jennifer Reed 767 2016-05-23
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, Lake Poinsett State Park. Approx. 200 m south of intersecion of HWY 1 and State Park rd., 35.53102 -90.68767
ANHC012197 Brent Kelley s.n. 2007-05-18
United States, Arkansas, Pulaski, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Tertiary Uplands Ecoregion. USGS Little Rock 7.5' Quad. Little Rock. Gillam Park (City of Little Rock). SE of jct. of I-430, I-440, & I-65. This specimen was collected during field work conducted by Audubon Arkansas to document the flora of the Fourche Creek watershed and donated to ANHC in 2017., 34.70098 -92.25749
ANHC012198 Brent Kelley FC-0116 2007-05-17
United States, Arkansas, Pulaski, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Tertiary Uplands Ecoregion. USGS Little Rock 7.5' Quad. Little Rock. Fourche Creek Bottoms. NNE of the end of W 60th St. & W of I-30. This specimen was collected during field work conducted by Audubon Arkansas to document the flora of the Fourche Creek watershed and donated to ANHC in 2017., 34.69841 -92.30109
ANHC012652 Alan Brant 7133 2012-05-04
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, USGS Gipsy 7.5' Quad. Castor River. TRS: T29N R8E S5 NE4NW4, 37.21694 -90.19667, 128m
ANHC014216 James R. Davis 206 1973-04-14
United States, Arkansas, Lee, Ditch near L'Anguille River. TRS: T2N R3E S11
ANHC015209 Virginia L. McDaniel 2346 2018-04-08
United States, Arkansas, Ashley, South Central Plains. Pleistocene Fluvial Terraces Ecoregion. 7 miles south of Crossett; west of Highway 133 S in Crossett Experimental Forest; Compartment 56 (Poor Farm Forty Demonstration) on Ashley 228., 33.0335 -91.92982
ANHC016880 Jim Keesling 19-0005 2019-03-01
United States, Arkansas, Dallas, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Tertiary Uplands Ecoregion. USGS Fordyce 7.5' Quad. N of Fordyce, in front of a business called Janies Flowers, 25 yds. W of US-167, 0.4 mile N of the US-79 jct., 33.83383 -92.41017
APCR003167 Philip E. Hyatt 4439.18 1992-03-29
United States, Arkansas, Crittenden, West Memphis, south side of the intersection of Interstate Highways 40 & 55.
APCR003168 Maxine Clark 1971-05-10
United States, Arkansas, Conway, Rose Creek, southern part of county, South of Petit Jean.
APCR003170 Philip E. Hyatt 427.34 1988-04-03
United States, Arkansas, Jackson, 1.0 mi. n. of Swifton on U. S. Hwy. 67.
APCR003171 Philip E. Hyatt 673.34 1988-05-28
United States, Arkansas, Jackson, North side of Newport at dragstrip on site of World War II Airport and local airfield (in current use)
APCR003186 R. K. Robertson 1951-04-27
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Illinois. East side of Baily Hall
APCR003187 Tim M. Wilkins 127 1970-05-04
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Northwest of Paine Hall.
APCR003188 L. E. Ward 41 1969-04-15
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Arkansas Polytechnic College, campus.
APCR003243 Sherri Leslie 1852 1986-04-16
United States, Arkansas, Bradley, Ark. 8, 1.2 miles south of Jct. with Ark. 4, southeast of Warren. T13S R9W S12
BRIT236161 D. J. Rosen 6320 2014-03-29
United States, Texas, Harris, Katy Prairie Conservancy’s Jack Road prairie; on and S of Jack Road, 2 km W of its intersection with Katy-Hockley Road, 7 km S of the town of Hockley; near the N boundary of the site. GPS - 29°57'48.04"N 95°49'44.85"W (NAD 83), 29.963344 -95.829125
IND-0135312 John R. Bozeman 8858 1967-04-16
United States, South Carolina, McCormick, Savannah River below Clark Hill dam, 34.005804 -82.574964
IND-0135311 Lloyd H. Shinners 7468 1945-05-03
United States, Texas, Hopkins, 7 miles east of Sulphur Springs, 33.144713 -95.480106
IND-0135310 Harry E. Ahles 38507 1958-04-19
United States, North Carolina, Hertford, 0.6 miles east of Mintons Store on NC. 305, 36.288691 -77.179619
IND-0135309 W. H. Horr E137 1937-06-07
United States, Kansas, Neosho, 0.5 miles south of Earltown [Earlton], 37.578136 -95.470907, 294m
IND-0135308 W. H. Horr E137 1937-06-07
United States, Kansas, Neosho, 0.5 miles south of Earltown [Earlton], 37.578136 -95.470907, 294m
IND-0135307 Scott McCoy 3632 1935-05-12
United States, Indiana, Warrick, a few miles east of Booneville along road 62, 38.039873 -87.229069
IND-0135306 Michael Homoya s.n. 1985-05-24
United States, Indiana, Vanderburgh, NW 1/4 of NE 1/4, Sec. 6, T6S R9W, 38.032102 -87.457534
IND-0135305 Michael Homoya 85-05-21-71 1985-05-24
United States, Indiana, Vanderburgh, NW 1/4 of NE 1/4, T6S R9W sect. 6., 38.032102 -87.457534
IND-0135304 Steve Dunbar 6 2001-06-07
United States, Indiana, Jackson, north of Brownstown, 1549 E. CR 450N, 38.942969 -86.009717
IND-0158081 Richard M. Hull 1289 2021-05-10
United States, Indiana, Posey, Gray Owen Farm; located on S side of County Road 1115 S approximately 135 meters E of the intersection between County Road 115 S and the entrance road to Wabash Lowland CA, 37.87566 -88.050424, 107m
W.E. Thomas 5620 2021-05-05
United States, Indiana, Orange, Tillery Hill SRA off SR145, 38.4197 -86.608418
W.E. Thomas 5765 2021-06-27
United States, Kentucky, Hancock, Hawesville area, Vastwood Park, 37.91392 -86.78792
W.E. Thomas 6897 2023-05-23
United States, Indiana, Pike, Log Creek Cemetery, 38.231941 -87.195743
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00122736 Stephanie M. Gunn-Zumo DB-81 2005-05-13
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Gulf Islands National Seashore, Davis Bayou. Both sides of DO NOT ENTER road north of picnic area and covered pavillions near northwestern boundary of the Unit., 30.4019 -88.795
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00124629 Stephanie M. Gunn B-105 2005-04-02
United States, Louisiana, Jefferson, Jean Lafitte National Historic Park and Preserve; Old homesite and pond north of Highway 301., 29.7623 -90.119
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00125252 Stephanie M. Gunn CH-99 2005-04-14
United States, Louisiana, Saint Bernard, Fencerow that separates the cemetary frm the battlefield along the eastern portions of the Park. Jean Lafitte National Park and Preserve, Chalmette Battlefield Unit., 29.9425 -89.9878
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00126220 Stephanie M. Gunn WSI-26 2005-05-12
United States, Mississippi, Harrison, Gulf Islands National Seashore, West Ship Island; Gulf Islands National Seashore, West Ship Isand. Transition zone from beach dunes to marsh on south shore directly south of Ft. Massachusetts., 30.2083 -88.9706
2159302 Alan E. Brant 5571 2004-05-10
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Gipsy Quadrangle. T29N, R8E, SW, NE, Sec. 5. Bottoms of the Castor River., 37.2166667 -90.1833333, 125m
3588280 George Yatskievych 89-122 1989-05-24
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Junction of U.S. Highway 60 and State Highway 51; open, moist ditch on S side of Highway 60, near train tracks; scattered plants in gravelly soil, with Rubus, Oenothera, and grasses., 98m
100267497 Ernest J. Palmer 7220 1915-04-15
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Open ground.
100775357 Nels J. Holmberg 4287 2012-05-19
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Robertsville State Park, 180 m S of the Meramec River., 38.4344 -90.8172, 143m
100375759 Davis, Bv. s.n. 1944-05-00
United States, Missouri, Carter, Big Spring State Park
100375743 Benjamin F. Bush 2684 1905-05-05
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Williamsville, 36.9711 -90.5494
100375689 Cindy E. Becker 0875 2005-05-13
United States, Missouri, Newton, Camp Crowder - National Guard Training Site, 36.8303 -94.3458, 360m
100375721 Garland C. Broadhead s.n. 1871-04-25
United States, Missouri, Cass, Austin
100340970 Julian A. Steyermark 18888 1935-05-05
United States, Missouri, Livingston, Along No Creek, just S of Parmersville
100330535 Bill Summers 6602 1994-05-16
United States, Missouri, Newton, Wildcat Glade Natural Area, southwest edge of Joplin on W side of Wildcat Park just S of Highway I-44, 37.0336 -94.5239
100330539 Bill Summers 1196 1983-05-13
United States, Missouri, Ozark, Across Norfolk River from Hammond Mill Camp, 36.7567 -92.1589
100330540 Bill Summers 1378 1984-05-16
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Glen Allen
100339686 Janeen R. Laatsch s.n. 2003-05-07
United States, Missouri, Pemiscot, Girvin Memorial Conservation Area; Mooring-TN Quadrangle
100339776 Viktor Muehlenbach 3939 1976-06-19
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Carrie Avenue freight yard of the Rock Island Railroad track, E of the middle roadway of the switchmen shanty
100340384 Julian A. Steyermark 4971 1938-04-22
United States, Missouri, Perry, Near Gerber
100340375 Julian A. Steyermark 416 1931-04-05
United States, Missouri, Dunklin, Ca. 5 mi NW of Campbell
100340389 Julian A. Steyermark 10272 1936-05-02
United States, Missouri, Mississippi, In Chearleston Cemetery, 2 mi W of Charleston
100334910 Youngjune Chang 444 1989-05-13
United States, Missouri, Vernon, Osage Prairie, 37.7419 -94.3342
100335448 Stephen L. Timme 14975 1998-04-11
United States, Missouri, Vernon, Camp Clark National Guard Area SE of Nevada and E of Highways K and 71, 37.8333 -94.3
100335861 Sam Gibson 3544 2002-05-16
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Wood's Prairie, 1.25 miles S of junction of Highway 174 and K, 3/4 mile W, 37.0931 -93.7244
100382169 Benjamin F. Bush 13479 1934-05-08
United States, Missouri, Maries, Lane's Prairie
100382170 Benjamin F. Bush 15511 1936-05-15
United States, Missouri, Bates, Amoret, 38.2553 -94.5875
100398351 Jim Conrad 3656 1975-05-20
United States, Missouri, Dallas, Sugartree Bluff; 4 km E of Buffalo on Niangua River 1 km N of County Road K; for 'Flora of the Slopes of the Niangua River' Project, 37.6394 -93.0403
100495968 Steve R. Turner 12-083 2012-05-08
United States, Missouri, Gasconade, Canaan Conservation Area, along trail 0.9 air mi SW (bearing 245 deg) from Bock Rd. parking lot, 38.3358 -91.6114, 253m
100375747 Benjamin F. Bush 7537 1915-05-10
United States, Missouri, McDonald, Noel, 36.5456 -94.485
100340974 Julian A. Steyermark 18965 1935-05-12
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Above limestone canyon of 'Grand Gulch', 4 mi S of Koshkonong
100330493 Bill Summers 5125 1992-05-28
United States, Missouri, Howell, 3 1/2 mi. N. of Brandsville, 36.7014 -91.6856
100330490 Bill Summers 4194 1991-04-26
United States, Missouri, Butler, Business highways 67 & 60 at Maud St, Poplar Bluff
100337752 Robert H. Mohlenbrock 21351 1986-06-12
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Hickory Canyon Natural Area, L-A-D Foundation Property, ca. 2 mi N of Sprott, via dirt road off County Road EE, 37.8864 -90.3167, 244 - 290m
100339687 Janeen R. Laatsch s.n. 2000-05-30
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, E side of Apple Creek Conservation Area, ca. 5 mi E of New Wells on N side of County Highway CC, 37.5589 -89.5364, 107m
100335462 George Yatskievych 94-64 1994-05-16
United States, Missouri, Newton, Wildcat Glade Natural Area on W side of Wildcat Park, SW end of Joplin on SE side of Interstate 44, ca. 1 airmi SW of State Highway 86 junction, 37.0336 -94.5239, 290 - 305m
3297136 Alan E. Brant 6103 2007-04-12
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Sturdivant Quadrangle. Botanical Survey of Duck Creek Conservation Area. Cultivated fields., 37.0661111 -90.0872222, 106m
100340972 Julian A. Steyermark 18926 1935-05-11
United States, Missouri, Dent, 1 mi N of Shannon Co line
100919271 Alan E. Brant 8162 2016-05-19
United States, Missouri, Callaway, Whetstone Creek Conservation Area., 38.96907 -91.73397, 233m
100932798 Steve R. Turner 16-039 2016-05-05
United States, Missouri, Gasconade, Canaan Conservation Area, periphery of northeasternmost parking lot., 38.3367 -91.5875, 247m
101161942 Alan E. Brant 9011 2019-05-05
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Otter Slough Conservation Area Botanical Inventory. Primitive camping area, east end of Pool 14., 36.713322 -90.101525, 98m
101157512 Steve R. Turner 19-035 2019-05-18
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, Pacific Palisades Conservation Area, open crop field 1930 ft north of parking area., 38.46985 -90.72783, 135m
101398330 Alan E. Brant 9907 2022-05-13
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Toeslope and adjacent alluvial plain of the Castor River. Buchanon Missouri., 37.216082 -90.194348, 128m
101928319 James M. Sullivan 97-1 1997-05-05
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Robertsville State Park, along margin of vernal pool near main park road about 150 m from Meramec River.
102617737 Julian A. Steyermark 18762a 1935-04-27
United States, Missouri, Henry, Prairie between Lewis and Cinton.
102617804 Julian A. Steyermark 19029 1935-05-22
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Sterile open fields along ditch bordering cherty woods south of Patton.
102617871 Julian A. Steyermark 78244 1955-04-24
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Low rich woods in valley of Headwater Diversion Channel, 4 1/2 mi. north of Arbor, 3 mi. southwest of Whitewater.
102784371 Alan E. Brant 7133 2012-05-04
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Gipsy Quadrangle. T29N, R8E, NE, NW, Sec. 5. Bottoms and terraces of the Castor River. Old fields. Mesic alluvial soil., 37.2169445 -90.1966666, 128m
103487159 S.R. Warner s.n.
United States, Texas, Willis, Texas. Habitat: Trans. Black to Sandy. April.
103487170 W.H. Emig 567 1916-04-27
United States, Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.
Mark Fishbein 6845 2012-04-19
United States, Oklahoma, Payne, Stillwater; Oklahoma State University research Range, about 13 km (air) WSW of jct OK Hwy 51 and Western Rd in Stillwater, about 250 m N of 56th Ave, 331m
KSP012842 Neil Snow 10818 2015-04-23
United States, Oklahoma, Ottawa, Ca. 3.95 km SW of intersection in Miami of US Hwy 66 and OK Hwy 10, on Grand River Dam Authority properties near the Neosho River., 36.8662 -94.921783, 234m
KSP013344 Karen Stoehr 97 2015-05-02
United States, Oklahoma, Ottawa, Grand River Dam Authority, Area SE of the southern end of S. 520 Rd, just N. of the Neosho River, ca. 6.3 km W of US Hwy 69 and W of Veteran's Rd./22nd Ave. NE of Miami., 36.89961 -94.94927, 233m
KSP013312 Karen Stoehr 194 2015-05-13
United States, Oklahoma, Ottawa, Grand River Dam Authority, Area W. of the Miami Airport, W. of NW P St, between Veterans Rd. and Goodrich Blvd., 36.90055 -94.89587, 237m
KSP013533 Karen Stoehr 249 2015-05-13
United States, Oklahoma, Ottawa, Grand River Dam Authority, Area W. of the Miami Airport, W. of NW P St, between Veterans Rd. and Goodrich Blvd., 36.89877 -94.89851, 233m
KSP013625 Chance Curran 31 2016-05-05
United States, Oklahoma, Ottawa, Grand River Dam Authority properties. Parcel 8b. 3.85 km (282 degrees) NW of intersection of 3rd Ave SW and Main St, Miami., 36.87795 -94.919183, 231m
KSP037153 Samantha Young 122 2014-04-26
United States, KANSAS, Crawford, Private property on the south side of S 530th, ca. 440 m W of 160th St and ca. 0.55 air mi. NNE of the intersection of Pine St and Vine St in Cherokee., 37.35373 -94.8192
Samantha Young 242b 2014-05-03
United States, KANSAS, Crawford, Cherokee: Private property on the south side of S 530th, ca. 440 m W of 160th St and ca. 0.55 air mi. NNE of the intersection of Pine St and Vine St., 37.35373 -94.8192
S. Young 445 2014-05-18
United States, KANSAS, Cherokee, Busch Property: E side of NE 80th St, ca. 430 m from the road and ca. 827 m N of NE Weir Rd, ca. 5.6 air mi. SSE of the intersection of Broadway St and 126 Hwy in Pittsburg.
KSP037152 Samantha Young Pryer 445 2014-05-18
United States, KANSAS, Cherokee, On the E side of NE 80th St, ca. 430 m from the Rd and ca. 827 m N of NE Weir Rd ca. 5.6 mi. SSE of the intersection of Broadway St and 126 Hwy in Pittsburg, 37.32201 -94.68035, 264m
Samantha Young Pryer 919 2014-06-04
United States, KANSAS, Cherokee, On the W side of NW 50th St, ca. 370 m N of NW Coalfield Rd., 37.26755 -94.92379, 269m
KSP037151 Samantha Young Pryer 1031 2014-06-08
United States, Kansas, Crawford, Cherokee, private property on the S side of S 530th, ca. 440 m W of 160th St and ca. 0.55 mi. NNE of the intersection of Pine St. and Vine St., 37.35373 -94.8192, 284m
Samantha Young Pryer 1033 2014-06-08
United States, Kansas, Crawford, Cherokee, private property on the S side of S 530th, ca. 440 m W of 160th St and ca. 0.55 mi. NNE of the intersection of Pine St. and Vine St., 37.35373 -94.8192, 284m
Samantha Young Pryer 1085 2014-06-08
United States, Kansas, Cherokee, Pittsburg, E side of NE 95th St, ca. 85 m N of NE Bethlehem Rd. and ca. 13 mi. SSE of the intersection of Broadway St and US Hwy 126., 37.19392 -94.65513, 264m
TAC01004 M. Faries MWF-22 2002-04-09
United States, Texas, Erath, Stephenville; Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, intersection of US Hwy 281 N and Lingleville Hwy. Disturbed peach orchard W of greenhouses, terraced on E and W sides, 32.251185 -98.196629
Larry E. Brown 34550 2009-04-29
United States, Texas, Hardin, Big Thicket National Preserve, Neches Bottom and Jack Gore Baygall Unit; along the pipeline right of way and the Wagon Road Trail. Both are entered from the only section of the Unit that is adjacent to Hwy/ 2927 N of Silsbee.
Larry E. Brown 33292 2008-03-30
United States, Texas, Liberty, Big Thicket National Preserve, Loblolly Unit; Southern edge of unit to west of County Road 2071 where it enters the Unit. This unit is north of Hwy 105 between Moss Hill and Batson.
Larry E. Brown 33240 2008-03-16
United States, Texas, Liberty, Big Thicket National Preserve, Menard Creek Corridor Unit; West of Hwy 2610 at southern edge of unit south of grocery store.