ASC00081379 Arnold Tiehm 14454 2004-05-20
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, High Rock Canyon Hills, 0.4 road miles SE of Black Buttes road on road to Chukar Gulch., 41.426767 -119.268183, 1884m
ASC00064291 Arnold Tiehm 12126 1995-06-13
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, W of Hwy 8A, 1.2 road miles N of Badge Mountain Road., 41.737484 -119.383347, 1829m
UTC00245245 Arnold Tiehm 14454 2004-05-20
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, High Rock Canyon Hills, 0.4 road miles SE of Black Buttes road on road to Chukar Gulch., 41.426767 -119.268183, 1884m
UTC00179913 Margaret J. Williams 81-56-3 1981-06-12
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Lake Valley, 4.2 rd mi E of Hwy 93., 1830m
UTC00069746 H.D. Ripley 6200 1945-06-29
United States, Nevada, Elko, 10 miles N. of Currie., 1890m
UTC00158002 Brant Rogers 947 1978-06-02
United States, Nevada, Washoe, SW side Badger Mt, .8 air miles E of Wall Canyon Ranch., 41.5984 -119.3719, 1780m
UTC00239907 Noel H. Holmgren 13614 1999-06-27
United States, Nevada, Elko, Pequop Mountains, foothills on the east side along the old U.S. Highway 40 now paralleling Interstate 80, 4 km (2.5 mi) northwest of the Oasis-Montello exit., 41.054444 -114.525556, 1880m
UTC00239909 Noel H. Holmgren 13624 1999-06-28
United States, Nevada, Elko, Butte Valley, 2.9 km (1.8 mi) west of the valley road from a turnoff 39.7 km (24.7 mi) south of U.S. Highway 93, 10.5 km (6.5 mi) air distance west-southwest of Currie., 40.185556 -115.038611, 1980m
UTC00224511 Arnold Tiehm 12126 1995-06-13
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge; 1.2 road miles N. of Badger Mt. Road on highway 8A, W of the highway., 1830m
03188272 A. Tiehm 12126 1995-06-13
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, 1.2 road miles N of Badger Mt. Road on highway 8A, W of the highway., 1829m
630413 A. Tiehm 12888 1999-06-10
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Owyhee Desert, 1.5 road miles west-northwest of Butte Springs on Bob Johnson Road past Hat Peak, 41.90099 -116.4489, 1577m
748360 N. H. Holmgren 13614 1999-06-27
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Pequop Mountains, foothills on the east side along the old U.S. Highway 40 now paralleling Interstate 80, 4 km (2.5 mi) northwest of the Oasis-Montello exit, 41.0544444 -114.5255556, 1880m
77083 H. D. D. Ripley 6445 1945-06-29
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., 10 mi N of Currie, 40.4272 -114.7522, 1890 - 1890m
77053 R. C. Rollins 81229 1981-06-06
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Near Hwy 8A, Charles Sheldon Wildlife Refuge, 43 mi NE of Cedarville, California.
185544 P. Train 3665 1940-05-13
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., 30 miles east of Wells on Cobre old Highway paralleling Southern Pacific Railroad
704191 A. Tiehm 14454 2004-05-20
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., High Rock Canyon Hills, 0.4 road mile southeast of Black Buttes road on road to Chukar Gulch, 41.4266667 -119.26805556, 1884m
77090 P. Train 3665 1940-05-13
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., 30 mi. E of Wells on Cobre old highway parelleling S.P.R.R.
77057 A. Tiehm 9600 1985-06-05
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., W end of Wildcat Gorge at SE end of Shoestring Valley, E of Stevens Camp., 41.52 -119.3, 1722m
77052 H. D. D. Ripley 4611 1944-05-27
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Foothills of Peq?? Range, near Oasis., 41.0042 -114.5675, 1875m
77058 A. P. Pinzl 8942 1990-04-23
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Antelope Flat E of Hays Canyon Range, Nellie Spring turnoff from road which had been numbered "34"., 41.35 -119.6, 1768m
77033 A. Tiehm 8730 1984-06-19
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Butte Valley on the road to Te-Moak Indian Reservation, 5.8 air mi SSE of Odgers Ranch., 40.18 -115, 6200m
77050 B. Rogers 947 1978-06-02
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., SW side Badger Mtn, .8 air miles E of Wall Canyon Ranch., 41.6 -119.37, 1783m
748361 N. H. Holmgren 13622 1999-06-27
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Butte Valley, along the valley road 38.1 km (23.7 mi) south of U.S. Highway 93, 9 km (5.6 mi) south of Odgers Ranch, 6 km (9.5 mi) air distance west-southwest of Currie, 40.1983333 -115.0066667, 1920m
Joshua J. Irwin, Wendy Irwin 2063 2010-07-03
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Challis National Forest: Lemhi Range: North Creek Canyon near Point 7330, 14.2 air mi N of Howe., 43.98872 -113.01834, 2360m
BRYV0088800 Arnold Tiehm 8730 1984-06-19
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Butte Valley on the road to Te-Moak Indian Reservation, 5.8 air miles SSE of Odgers Ranch., 40.18813 -115.00742, 1890m
BRYV0088788 Arnold Tiehm 12126 1995-06-13
U.S.A., Nevada, Washoe, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, 1.2 road miles N. of Badge Mt. Road on highway 8A, W of the highway., 1829m
BRYV0088787 Arnold Tiehm 9600 1985-06-05
U.S.A., Nevada, Humbolt, West end of Wildcat Gorge at southeast end of Shoestring Valley, east of Steven Camp., 41.52492 -119.29245, 1722m
BRYV0088786 Reed C. 81229 1981-06-06
U.S.A., California, Humboldt, 8a, Charles Sheldon Wildlife Refuge, 43 miles northeast of Cedarville.
102382326 Andrew C. Sanders 32871 2006-06-13
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Steptoe Valley: near work camp in vicinity of Connors Pass Well, N side of road from Hwy. 50/93 (Connors Pass 7.5'Q)., 39.0422222 -114.7330556, 2080m
3357446 Andrew C. Sanders 32871 2006-06-13
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Steptoe Valley: near work camp in vicinity of Connors Pass Well, N side of road from Hwy. 50/93 (Connors Pass 7.5'Q)., 39.0422222 -114.7330556, 2080m
9598 P. Train 3665 1940-05-13
USA, Nevada, Elko, 30 mi. e. of Wells on Cobre old highway parallelling S.P.R.R., 41.106269 -114.39366
OSC-V-023676 H. Nielsen; H. Nielsen 2005-00-00
United States, Oregon, Malheur
OSC-V-023677 Jean M. Findley; Jean Findley 2005-00-00
United States, Oregon, Malheur
CM480070 Tiehm, A. 12126 1995-06-13
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, 1.2 road mi N of Badger Mt Rd on highway 8A, W of highway, 1829m
RSA0038621 Arnold Tiehm 9600 1985-06-05
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, West end of Wildcat Gorge at southeast end if Shoestring Valley, east of Stevens Camp., 1722m
RSA0038622 Arnold Tiehm 14454 2004-05-20
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, High Rock Canyon Hills, 0.4 road miles SE of Black Buttes road on road ro Chukar Gulch., 41.4267667 -119.2681833, 1883m
RSA0038940 Arnold Tiehm 12126 1995-06-13
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, 1.2 road miles N. of Badger Mt. Road on highway 8A, W of highway., 1828m
34372 Pinzl A 8942 1990-04-23
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Antelope Flat, E of Hays Cyn Range, Nellie Spring Turnoff from rd which had been numbered "34", 1768m
57778 A. Tiehm 14454 2004-05-20
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, High Rock Canyon Hills, 0.4 road mile southeast of Black Buttes road on road to Chukar Gulch, 41.426767 -119.268183, 1884m
00019302 P. Train 3665 1940-05-13
United States of America, Nevada, Elko County, 30 mi. e. of Wells on Cobre old highway paralleling S.R.R.R.
01687343 [data not captured]
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt County, [data not captured]
01687344 [data not captured]
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe County, [data not captured]
01687345 E. C. Neese 8692 1980-05-24
United States of America, Utah, Millard County, T21S, R2W, Sec. 4, along Hwy 50-26, 10 mi W of Salina, 1829m
01687346 [data not captured]
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt County, [data not captured]
01687347 [data not captured]
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt County, [data not captured]
01687348 [data not captured]
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe County, [data not captured]
00359115 A. Tiehm & M. J. Williams 8730 1984-06-19
United States of America, Nevada, Elko County
PLA 0005628 A. Pinzl 3931 1981-05-12
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Sheldon Antelope Range, Badger Creek Road to Summit Lake, ca 1 mile SE of Mahogany Mt., 1841m
PLA G 0009176 G A. Tiehm 12126 1995-06-13
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, W of Hwy 8A, 1.2 road miles N of Badge Mountain Road., 41.737484 -119.383347, 1829m
PLA G 0005540 G A. Tiehm 9600 1985-06-05
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, West end of Wildcat Gorge at southeast end if Shoestring Valley, east of Stevens Camp., 1722m
PLA 0011393 A. Pinzl 8948 1990-04-23
USA, Nevada, Washoe, West of Badge Mtn. about one road mile SW of Sheldon Angelope Range boundary along road previously known as "8A", 1798m
PLA 0011394 A. Pinzl 8942 1990-04-23
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Antelope Flat E of Hays Canyon Range, Nellie Spring turnoff from road which had been numbered "34"., 41.35 -119.6, 1768m