Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Sagittaria montevidensis subsp. montevidensis (Sagittaria incrassata)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-56 of 56

University of South Carolina, A. C. Moore Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

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USCH0068267Calver, Steve   158b2003-09-13
United States, South Carolina, Jasper, Jasper

William & Mary Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
27064Walter, Mary A   781973-05-16
Paraguay, Neembucu, Frutos Fondo, Dist. Yataity [but this part of Guairá Department, not Neembucu?]

Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Herbarium

MMNS038272Richard Carter   170072006-07-19
United States, Georgia, Bryan, Richmond Hill; along W side Hwy US 17, near NW quadrant jct. Hwy US 17 and GA 144., 31.95315 -81.3107833

MMNS038271Richard Carter   170072006-07-19
United States, Georgia, Bryan, Richmond Hill; along W side Hwy US 17, near NW quadrant jct. Hwy US 17 and GA 144., 31.95315 -81.3107833

MMNS038270Richard Carter   170072006-07-19
United States, Georgia, Bryan, Richmond Hill; along W side Hwy US 17, near NW quadrant jct. Hwy US 17 and GA 144., 31.95315 -81.3107833

University of Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
125785Mary A. Walter   741974-02-00
Paraguay, Neembucu, Alonso, Dist. Yataity.

Image Associated With the Occurence
125783Mary A. Walter   721975-01-00
Paraguay, Neembucu, Frutos Fondo, Dist. Yataity.

Image Associated With the Occurence
125787Mary A. Walter   751975-02-00
Paraguay, Neembucu, Along Rio Neebucu, Dist. Pilar.

Image Associated With the Occurence
125786Mary A. Walter   691974-02-23
Paraguay, Neembucu, West of Alonso, Dist. Yataity.

University of Georgia Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
GA004996Eyles, D   60591939-06-14
United States, Georgia, Chatham County, Chatham County, GA

Valdosta State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
VSC0065320Richard Carter   2006-07-19
U.S.A., Georgia, Bryan, Richmond Hill; along W side Hwy US 17, near NW quadrant jct. Hwy US 17 and GA 144, 31.95315 -81.3107833

Image Associated With the Occurence
VSC0065318Richard Carter   2006-07-19
U.S.A., Georgia, Bryan, Richmond Hill; along W side Hwy US 17, near NW quadrant jct. Hwy US 17 and GA 144, 31.95315 -81.3107833

Image Associated With the Occurence
VSC0065319Richard Carter   2006-07-19
U.S.A., Georgia, Bryan, Richmond Hill; along W side Hwy US 17, near NW quadrant jct. Hwy US 17 and GA 144, 31.95315 -81.3107833

Image Associated With the Occurence
VSC0065317Richard Carter   2006-07-19
U.S.A., Georgia, Bryan, Richmond Hill; along W side Hwy US 17, near NW quadrant jct. Hwy US 17 and GA 144, 31.95315 -81.3107833

Image Associated With the Occurence
VSC0065316Richard Carter   2006-07-19
U.S.A., Georgia, Bryan, Richmond Hill; along W side Hwy US 17, near NW quadrant jct. Hwy US 17 and GA 144, 31.95315 -81.3107833

University of Alabama Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00066593Steve Calver   Steve Calver 158d2003-09-13
United States, South Carolina, Jasper, Savannah Harbor Dredged Material Disposal Areas. On N side Savannah R, E of hwy 17 (Talmadge Bridge), inside Area 14A

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00055178G. Chauvière   G. Chauvière 381987-07-20
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Cercado; Corretera de Trinidad; 1km hacia Lloma Sudrez

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00055100N. Ritter   N. Ritter 38961996-11-19
Bolivia, Beni, Prov. Cercado; City of Trinidad; road between the city and the airport; ca. 0.5 km SE of the entrance to the airport, -14.82 -64.91, 175 - 175m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00057475D. C. Daly, D. G. Silva, L. Lima, & A. R. S. Oliveira   D. C. Daly 96231997-10-19
Brazil, Acre, Mun. Assis Brasil: Basin of Rio Acre (tributary of Rio Purus). Colocação Beira Rio (Sr. José Cardoso)., -10.93 -69.49

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00024984Charles Mohr   Charles Mohr s.n.1895-00-00
United States, Alabama, Mobile, Mobile, 30.68 -87.96

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00024983Charles Mohr   Charles Mohr s.n.1895-00-00
United States, Alabama, Mobile, Mobile, Ann & Government, 30.68 -88.06

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00024996G. Hatschbach   G. Hatschbach 411241978-03-15
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Mun. Sombrio. Lagoa do Sombrio

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00024997P. I. Oliveira   P. I. Oliveira 1441979-11-02
Brazil, Parana, Mun. Curitiba. Rio Iguacu

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UNA00024994G. Hatschbach   G. Hatschbach 402601977-10-27
Brazil, Parana, Mun. Curitiba. Uberaba de Baixo

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00024992G. Hatschbach   G. Hatschbach 497831984-02-28
Brazil, Parana, Mun. S. Jose dos Pinhais. Rio Iguacu

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00024995G. Hatschbach, O. Guimaraes   G. Hatschbach 293991972-04-01
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Mun. Laguna. Estr. p/ Farol Sta Marta

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00021943G. Hatschbach, A. Manosso   G. Hatschbach 517071987-12-12
Brazil, Parana, Mun. Santo Inacio. Rio Paranapanema

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00021683D. Degen   D. Degen 17701990-07-02
Paraguay, Presidente Hayes, Ruta a Benjamin Acerral

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UNA00024990L. F. Ferreira   L. F. Ferreira 1791975-01-28
Brazil, Parana, Mun. Curitiba. Boqueirao

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022048Blas Perez   Blas Perez 11461991-09-00
Paraguay, Central, Jardin Botanico y Zoologico, Trinidad, Asuncion. Reserva Natural, -25.243419 -57.570486

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00023358Elsa Zardini, L. Guerrero   Elsa Zardini 337471992-11-18
Paraguay, Central, Estero del Ypoa. Villeta - Puerto Guyrati. 6 km S of Villeta, on trail to Paraguay River. Gallery Forest on Paraguay River., -24.45 -56.43

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00023272Elsa Zardini, L. Guerrero   Elsa Zardini 342121992-12-16
Paraguay, Central, Estero del Ypoa. Villeta - Puerto Guyrati. 10.5 km S of Villeta, on Arroyo Pikysyry. Gallery Forest., -24.4 -56.43

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022051Elsa Zardini, T. Tilleria   Elsa Zardini 323391992-07-06
Paraguay, Guaira, Mbocyaity - Melgarejo. 2 km E of Mbocyaity on Arroyo Gerbasia Gallery Forest., -24.28 -55.61

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022395Elsa Zardini, R. Velazquez   Elsa Zardini 257401991-01-11
Paraguay, Cordillera, 14 km W of Arroyos y Esteros. Inundated savanna., -24.86 -56.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022388Elsa Zardini, A. Salinas   Elsa Zardini 244641990-11-30
Paraguay, Central, Tavarory, 1 km E of Rio Paraguay. Inundated savanna., -24.5 -56.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022052Elsa Zardini, T. Tilleria   Elsa Zardini 319861992-06-17
Paraguay, Central, Estero del Ypoa Pindoty. Inundated savanna and patches of forest. Border of Estero., -24.36 -57.46

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022025Elsa Zardini, T. Tilleria   Elsa Zardini 292281991-12-09
Paraguay, Central, Tavarory, 3 km S from administration. 1 km E of Rio Paraguay. Savanna., -24.5 -56.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022020Elsa Zardini, P. Aquino   Elsa Zardini 313061992-03-18
Paraguay, Paraguari, Estero "Ypoa". Between Nueva Italia and Yuguyty on a hill. Inundated savanna., -24.38 -56.56

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00023355Elsa Zardini, L. Guerrero   Elsa Zardini 338171992-11-27
Paraguay, Central, Estero del Yopa. Villeta - Puerto Guyrati. 7.5 km S of Villeta. Gallery Forest and inundated savanna along creek, on clay., -24.43 -56.45

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00023359Elsa Zardini, L. Guerrero   Elsa Zardini 335011992-11-05
Paraguay, Central, Estero del Ypoa. South of Tacuara. Gallery Forest along Estero., -24.36 -56.53

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022026Elsa Zardini, R. Velazquez   Elsa Zardini 279531991-06-27
Paraguay, Central, Lake "Ypoa", peninsula S of Pindoty, along W coast. Inundated savanna with patches of trees., -24.33 -56.48

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022027Elsa Zardini, C. Velaquez   Elsa Zardini 280421991-06-27
Paraguay, Central, Lake "Ypoa", peninsula S of Pindoty, along eastern coast on Lake Yabeby. Inundated savanna with patches of trees., -24.33 -56.51

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022024Elsa Zardini, T. Tilleria   Elsa Zardini 285481991-11-04
Paraguay, Central, Estero del Ypoa Peninsula S of Pindoty along eastern coast on lake Yabeby. Inundated savanna., -24.33 -56.51

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022383Elsa Zardini, U. Velazquez   Elsa Zardini 231251990-09-01
Paraguay, Central, Estero del Ypoa, 5 km S of Pindoty along lake. Inundated savanna., -24.66 -56.53

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022385Elsa Zardini, U. Velazquez   Elsa Zardini 166141989-11-18
Paraguay, Cordillera, Confluence of Rio Paraguary and Rio Salado. Inundated savanna., -24.85 -56.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022019Elsa Zardini, H. Velazquez   Elsa Zardini 281881991-08-03
Paraguay, Central, Lake "Ypoa" basin. Lake Yabeby. Inundated savanna with patches of trees near Cerro Pe., -24.33 -56.56

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022028Elsa Zardini, L. Guerrero   Elsa Zardini 327691992-07-27
Paraguay, Central, Estero de Ypoa Canada. Forest along Yabeby Lake., -24.36 -56.53

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00024993John H. Wiersema, A. Schinini   John H. Wiersema 22421982-04-06
Argentina, Corrientes, Common in backwaters along A. Riachuelo off Ruta 12, ca. 17 km S of Corrientes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022047Elsa Zardini, T. Tilleria   Elsa Zardini 319001992-06-08
Paraguay, Central, Mariano Roque Alonso-Limpio: Surubil. 4 km NW from entrance to Tavavory. Inundated savanna with scattered trees., -24.88 -56.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022046Elsa Zardini, L. Guerrero   Elsa Zardini 319651992-06-08
Paraguay, Central, Mariano Roque Alonso-Limpio: Surubil. 4 km NW from entrance to Tavavory. Inundated savanna with scattered trees., -24.8 -56.46

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022390Elsa Zardini, C. Velazquez   Elsa Zardini 248621990-12-07
Paraguay, Central, Estero del Ypoa, 15 km SW of Nueva Italia. Coast in front of Isla Guazu. Aquatic., -26.25 -56.46

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00024991Micheal Nee   Micheal Nee 393481990-10-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Sara, 12 km. WSW of Portachuelo, 1 km. W of Rio Palometillas on highway from Portachuelo to Buena Vista. Marshy roadside with small ponds., -16.61 -62.46, 295 - 295m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00022053Elsa Zardini, P. Aquino   Elsa Zardini 318441992-06-08
Paraguay, Central, Limpio-Piquete Cue. Inundated savanna and patches of forest., -24.88 -56.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
UNA00064273Marcel Dorken   Marcel Dorken s.n.2001-07-06
United States, Georgia, Chatham, 6 air mi SW of Silk Hope., 32 -81.28

Stoneville Weed Science Laboratory Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
SWSL000385Robert A. Stewart   40801991-10-01
United States, Mississippi, Leflore, Ca 0.5 mi W of Leflore Co. on MS Hwy 442., 33.643068 -90.460739

Image Associated With the Occurence
SWSL000386Charles R. Gunn   108471975-08-05
United States, Mississippi, Washington, Delta Center behind Bldg. 8 at ditch alongside RR, 33.423525 -90.912073

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