ASU0139589 P.E. Hyatt 9647 2000-08-25
United States, Montana, Lincoln, Door Skells Recreation Area, near Lincoln/Sanders county line, from that, 5 miles north to Rec Area, then 0.5 miles west to Bull Lake lakeshore at recreation area boat ramp, then about 100-200 feet north along lake shore.
ASU0139581 D. Keil 6541 1970-07-11
USA, Illinois, Lake, Illinois Beach State Park along Lake Michigan., 42.41679 -87.80462, 180m
ASU0139588 P.F. Zika 13154 1997-06-19
United States, Oregon, Curry, E side of Rte. 101 at Harris State Park., 42.07127 -124.30849, 61 - 61m
ASU0139580 D. Keil 6516 1970-07-07
USA, Illinois, Lake, Illinois Beach State Park, along Lake Michigan, 42.411372 -87.806285
ASU0139587 J. McCleary 1503 1949-07-26
USA, Michigan, Silver Lake region
ASU0139579 Cooke, Pinkava, Keil, Weber 2293 1969-08-21
United States, Oregon, Lane County, Along Hwy 101, at turnoff to Darlington wayside, north of Florence.
ASU0139586 R.L. Stuckey
United States, Ohio, Ottawa, detailed locality information protected
ASU0139590 J. McCleary 1505 1949-07-29
USA, Michigan, Big Silver Lake
ASU0139585 M.C. Fritts 90-30 1991-08-30
USA, Washington, San Juan, Orcas Island, Moran State Park, bog area west of road to Mt. Constitution, Cold Springs Trail, 48.666293 -122.839517, 660m
ASU0307537 RINK, GLENN 15300 2018-08-11
United States, Arizona, Graham, Pinalenos Mountains, Columbine bog, 32.70179 -109.91126, 2905m
ASU0139584 D.S. Correll 36119 1968-08-19
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Where Cain Canyon joins the Penasco River at Forest Trail to Atkinson Canyon
ASU0139583 E. Neese 8168 1979-08-02
United States, Utah, Uintah, Whiterocks Canyon, 8 mi N of Whiterock.; 0, 2188m
ASU0139582 M. Licher 247 2002-08-01
USA, IDAHO, Wier Creek Hot Springs
ASC00076163 M. Licher 247 2002-08-01
United States, IDAHO, Clearwater, Wier Creek Hot Springs, 46.46337 -115.03604
ASC00121422 M. Licher 5709 2017-08-23
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Andrew's Fen, northeast of Andrew's Lake, north of Durango., 37.727917 -107.701833, 3295m
ASC00129464 Glenn Clifton 50089 2009-09-17
USA, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Peak Quad: Penasco Canyon, 32.840774 -105.787417, 2670m
ASC00123490 M. Licher 5850 2018-08-23
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Rio Penasco Seep, at Junction of Sunspot Hwy. & County Road C17, 32.842361 -105.787806, 2679m
ASC00129465 Glenn Clifton 20382 1987-08-23
USA, Wyoming, Lincoln, Firehole River, 44.575502 -110.828957, 2170m
ASC00118836 RINK, GLENN 15300 2018-08-11
United States, Arizona, Graham, Pinalenos Mountains, Columbine bog, 32.70179 -109.91126, 2905m
ASC00119746 M. Licher 5635 2017-07-13
United States, Utah, Garfield, Blubber Creek Valley, about 1.5 miles up from junction with East Fork Sevier River, Paunsaugunt Plateau, south of Tropic Reservoir., 37.550556 -112.300111, 2469m
ASC00117642 M. Licher 5323 2016-06-18
United States, Utah, Kane, Paunsaugunt Plateau, Sieler Meadow, in east draw above willow exclosure., 37.46018 -112.31875, 2518m
ASC00055133 E. Rouleau 11311 1972-08-21
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Stephenville Crossing, 48.55 -58.566667
ASC00117362 J.McGrath 1445 2015-07-20
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Andrews Fen (Fen CO 254) - 0.3 mi east of Andrews Lake, 37.72821 -107.70213, 3292m
ASC00078649 G. Rink 4059 2004-09-07
United States, Colorado, La Plata, San Juan National Forest, Just north of Haviland Lake on the east side of Highway. 550, at a small, shallow alkaline lake visible from the Highway., 37.53442 -107.81812, 2468m
ASC00123503 M. Licher 5863 2018-08-24
United States, Arizona, Graham, Columbine, Pinaleno Mountains, southwest of Safford., 32.701833 -109.911333, 2908m
DES00015656 J. K. Morton NA-9410 1976-08-01
Canada, Ontario, Michael Bay, south shore of Manitoulin Is., 45.6 -82.1
DES00074735 Lars Fagerstrom 1951-07-09
Finland, South Karelia (Etela-Karjala, EK/Ka): Vehkalahti. Pyhalto, W of River Taipaleenjoki S of the bridge., 60.733333 27.333333
DES00028685 Arnold Tiehm 9298 1984-08-24
USA, Nevada, Elko, Bull Run Mts, ridge just east of the Bull Run Reservoir, Cottonwood Creek., 41.6251734 -116.1753305, 2134m
DES00024252 G. M. Keleher 933 1982-06-12
Canada, Manitoba, Division No. 17, Sagemace Bay, Lake Winnipegosis., 51.833333 -100.116667
DES00015162 R. Daubenmire 44349 1944-07-15
USA, Idaho, Bonner, Priest Lake at mouth of Indian Creek., 48.2185 -116.900439
O.F. Clarke 660813--27 1966-08-13
United States, Oregon, Coos, [Oregon Dunes] north of Coos Bay, 43.44361 -124.24306, 3m
UCR0014616 A.C. Sanders 32947 2006-06-23
United States, Rhode Island, Newport, East side of Conanicut Island north of Beavertail Point, 41.45583 -71.39, 2m
UTC00291817 A. Huber 5717 2021-06-28
United States, Utah, Uintah, Whiterocks Canyon, Uinta Mountains, 40.610872 -109.931881, 2274m
UTC00284397 S. Goodrich 29107 2016-09-15
United States, Utah, Summit, Uinta Mtns. West Fork Blacks Fork., 40.9035 -110.6535, 2842m
UTC00082472 W. G. Dore 1438 1940-08-09
CANADA, Nova Scotia, Digby, St. Martin near Meteghan.
UTC00091145 J. M. Gillett; L. J. Van Rens 9589 1955-07-14
CANADA, Ontario, CARLETON, March Township Shirley Bay Haycock Island Ottawa River.
UTC00099466 Joseph P. Tracy 13505 1934-07-30
United States, California, Humboldt, Along coast in front of South End of Stone Lagoon. Dry Lagoon., 3m
UTC00165660 S. Goodrich 1979-07-12
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe National Forest ; Toiyabe Range McLeod Creek 29 miles 196 degrees from Austin., 39.0875 -117.2194444, 2499m
UTC00237714 J.A Calder; D.B.O. Savile; R.L. Taylor 22055 1957-07-01
CANADA, British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Islands; About 4 miles south of Sandpit on road to Cooper Bay, Moresby Island., 52.4166667 -131.5
UTC00031016 J. W. Stacey; G. H. Jones 51 1938-08-17
United States, Washington, Pierce, Silver Lake.
UTC00148540 SL Welsh; K Taylor; K. Thorne 14290 1976-08-04
United States, Utah, Kane, Clay Creek., 37.53 -112.3366667, 2499m
UTC00054378 H. E. Parks 5214
United States, California, Humboldt, Dry Lagoon south of Orick., 130m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0088858 R.D. Worthington 32116 2003-06-13
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mts, upper Rio Penasco Canyon at Sunspot Hwy., 32.8432 -105.7895, 2682m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0133133 J.McGrath 1438 2015-07-19
United States, Colorado, San Juan, 37.728083 -107.701694, 3292m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090260 J. McGrath 645 2004-08-11
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Silver Springs Canyon at Mescalero property line., 33.002 -105.657, 2407m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090259 Sivinski, R. 8297 2012-06-21
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Upper spring run of Bluff Spring in upper Rio Peñasco valley ca. 9 air miles south of Cloudcroft., 32.82986 -105.73833, 2500m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090257 Sivinski, R. 8367 2013-08-12
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mountains, Silver Springs Canyon 100 m SW of hwy 244 just south of Mescalero Apache Reservation boundary., 33.00428 -105.65498, 2410m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090258 R.D. Worthington 31508 2002-08-14
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mountains, Sliver Springs Canyon and highway 24 at Mescalero Reservation property line., 33.0044 -105.6553, 2392m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0134219 J.McGrath 1445 2015-07-20
United States, Colorado, San Juan, Andrews Fen (Fen CO 254) - 0.3 mi east of Andrews Lake, 37.72821 -107.70213, 3292m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0144475 Jim McGrath 910 2009-07-13
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Rio Penasco at junction of Hwy 6563 and county road c 017 in Sacramento Mountains. Sw/4 of NE/4 of sec. 11, T17S, R11E., 2682m
76578 241 7/4/2005
United States, New Mexico, Otero, in the valle above the cascade at Bluff Springs, about 6 miles NE of Sunspot in the Sacramento Mts, Lincoln National Forest, 32.830176 -105.738551, 2493m
4595 Sheldon, EP sn 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, Turtle Lake
53119 36119 8/19/1968
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Where Cain Canyon joins the Penasco River at Forest Trail to Atkinson Canyon
5131 W.S. Cooper sn 1902-06-28
United States, Michigan, Antrim
27855 R.D. Worthington 36672 2012-07-29
USA, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mountains, Mescalero Reservation property line in Silver Springs Canyon and Hwy 244, NE 1/4 of Sec.22, 33.00405 -105.654683, 2408m
28507 R.D. Worthington 36614 2012-06-21
USA, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mountains, upper Rio Penasco at intersection of Sunspot Hwy and County Road 17 at Bluff Spring Recreation Area, 32.831267 -105.737217, 2469m
101244 collectors: W Weber & R Wittman 15447 1979-10-06
United States, Colorado, Jackson County, Rout NF, Zirkel Wilderness, Grizzly-Helena Trail & Ute Pass Trail, 39.29 -106.56, 3810m
181569 collectors: Susan Spackman 045 2000-09-13
United States, Colorado, Park County, Park County, CO Garo Quad. Sweetwater Ranch, fen in South Park
159781 collectors: Robert Bursik 2075 w/ B. Moseley & M. Mancuso 1991-08-08
United States, Idaho, Fremont County, Targhee National Forest; Island Park Ranger District; meadow along Warm River
159796 collectors: Arnold Tiehm Margaret Williams 9298 1984-08-24
United States, Nevada, Elko County, Elko County, NV Bull Run Mtn, ridge just east of Bull Run Reservoir, Cottonwood Creek, 41.62 -116.17
108961 collectors: S. Spackman E. Mohr, D. Shorrock 0028 2000-09-03
United States, Colorado, Park County, High Creek Fen
159872 collectors: J. A. Calder C. C. Loan & W. I. Findlay 4890 1950-08-31
Canada, Ontario, 3 miles southwest of old Stittsville, Goulbourn Twp, Ottawa District, Carleton Co.
2310305 Collector unspecified s.n.
2310406 Graham s.n.
2192861 W. S. Moffatt 317 1896-08-00
United States of America, Michigan, Muskegon Co., Shore of Lake Harbor.
2310023 C. C. Deam 57064 1936-07-02
United States of America, Indiana, Fulton Co., Border of the east side of South Mud Lake in sec. 22 about 4 mi. se. of Fulton., 40.950344 -86.190231
2310151 E. L. Hankenson 55
Saders Bay.
2310422 J. L. C. Marie-Victorin 9293 2019-00-00
Canada, Quebec, Etangs à l'intérieur de l'île; ile du Hâvre-aux-Maisons, 47.442568 -61.759001
2310215 Collector unspecified s.n.
2192851 K. K. Mackenzie 4921 1911-08-00
United States of America, New Jersey, East of Sevartswood Lake., 41.072584 -74.835936
2310179 C. Billington s.n. 1916-07-09
United States of America, Michigan, Shore of Marl Lake, Oakland.
2310339 C. W. Swan s.n. 1885-07-25
United States of America, Maine, York Co., 43.383974 -70.544775
2310143 W. A. Weber 15447 1979-10-06
United States of America, Colorado, Jackson Co., Routt N. F, Zirkel Wilderness, Grizzly-Helena Trail and UTE Pass Trail (Bear Creek). Boettcher Lake and Pitchpine Quadrangles., 39.296 -106.5617, 3810m
2310181 M. W. Gorman 131 1895-08-07
United States of America, Alaska, Spacious Bay.
2310022 H. R. Bennett 354 1955-06-26
United States of America, Indiana, Lake Co., Near north end of Clark Road northwest of Old Pines Station NY Central in northwest part of Gary.
2310029 C. M. Ek s.n. 1941-09-27
United States of America, Indiana, Whitley Co., Border of Crooked Lake, on west side of Rd. 9, 2 miles north of Rd. 102.
2310248 E. B. Payson 4415 1925-07-21
United States of America, Wyoming, Sublette Co., New Fork Lake., 43.084943 -109.967383, 2347m
2310350 W. C. McCalla 2355 1899-07-03
Canada, Alberta, In the vicinity of Banff., 51.166667 -115.566667, 1372m
2310187 J. L. C. Marie-Victorin 15088 1921-07-26
Canada, Quebec, Battures récemment émergées, Ile-aux-Couleuvres, en face de Roberval Lac St Jean., 48.506944 -72.171944
2310140 H. Gillman s.n. 1872-06-18
United States of America, Michigan, Port Austin.
2310401 M. L. Fernald 10805 1914-07-16
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Table Mountain, 300m
2310051 F. W. Johnson 506 1923-06-01
Canada, Ontario, Lake Erie, Point Abino., 42.833333 -79.1
2310352 M. L. Fernald s.n.
United States of America, Maine, York Co., 43.1333 -70.65
Carex viridula subsp. pulchella (Lönnr.) Malyschev
2310341 T. G. Lammers 12192 2009-06-22
United States of America, Maine, Sagadahoc Co., Town of Georgetown. Small bay just north of Indianhead Point, west side of Sheepscot Bay, ca. 11 miles south-southeast of Bath.
2192874 W. S. Moffatt s.n. 1891-07-12
United States of America, Indiana, Lake Co., 41.472207 -87.376365
2310397 M. L. Fernald 7098 1912-07-17
Canada, Quebec, Grindstone, Grindstone Island, 47.383333 -61.916667
2310122 M. L. Fernald 3210 1934-07-09
United States of America, Michigan, Schoolcraft Co., Lake Michigan, east of Manistique., 45.957751 -86.246252
2310300 H. A. Stephens 67887 1973-07-17
United States of America, Montana, Daniels Co., 2 mi. E. Flaxville., 48.803073 -105.129928
2310311 J. Macoun 76729 1908-07-05
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island. Vicinity of Nanaimo., 49.15 -123.916667
2310272 A. S. DuBois 531 1938-00-13
Canada, Ontario, Britannia, 45.366667 -75.8
2310038 J. Cayouette J79-375 1979-09-08
Canada, Quebec, Cté de Chicoutimi, Rivière-du-Moulin, un peu à 1'0 de l'embouchure de la rivière Lachance, près des rèservoirs., 48.4403 -71.0139
2310318 Collector unknown 30831 1981-07-21
Canada, British Columbia, At Laird Hot springs provincial Park. This is near mile post 496 on the Alaskan Highway.
2310288 Collector unspecified s.n.
United States of America, Massachusetts, Berkshire Co., 42.304254 -73.248162
2310063 F. K. Butters 1321 1906-06-11
Canada, Alberta, Banff. Sulphur springs., 1402m
2310168 Collector unknown s.n.
United States of America, New York, Erie Co., 42.896501 -78.854232
2310340 Collector unknown s.n. 1870-06-00
United States of America, Maine, York Co., 43.32203 -70.580887
2310044 M. N. Zinck 663 1940-08-13
Canada, Nova Scotia, Lunenburg Co., Birch Isld, in Mahone Bay, 2 mi. S.W. of Chester.
2192852 Frère Rolland-Germain 7009 2018-00-00
Canada, Ontario, Britannia, Vicinity of Ottawa., 45.366667 -75.8
2310344 W. Spreadborough 83126 1910-07-16
Canada, North of Skidegate. Queen Charlotte Islands.
2310195 J. L. C. Marie-Victorin 27475 1927-07-26
Canada, Quebec, Riviere des caps: lieux mouillés à l'ouest de l'embouchure. L'ile D'Anticosti., 47.733632 -69.644217