1383 Ann Noble 60 1973-03-24
United States, Texas, Mason, 6 mi S, 3.8 mi W Mason, along Llano River
1393 Patricia Burleson 744 1977-06-16
United States, Texas, San Saba, 14 mi SW Richland Springs
10400 Stanley D. Jones 6647 and 78699 1991-05-09
United States, Texas, Travis, ca 100 m N on Valburn Dr from Valburne Circle North
APSC0065265 R. Kral 1998-04-27
United States, Texas, Tarrant
United States, Texas, Williamson
BAYLU001098 L.L. Sanchez 2686 2002-05-01
USA, Texas, Bell, Fort Hood Military Reservation. Training Area 25A, 0.3 miles south of Ivy Mountain Road, on dirt road that is 0.4 miles east of junction with Clark Road., 31.1333 -97.7667
BAYLU023632 L.L. Hansen 5891 2008-05-08
United States, Texas, Bell, Training Area 71, 0.5 miles north of Million Dollar Highway, along east side of dirt road that is 0.1 mile east of boundary fence. UTM 6111 34338., 31.186942 -97.733887
BRIT12858 R. J. O'Kennon 18641 2003-06-27
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 49. ca 0.5 mi E of Fs 910 and Co Rd 2360 down unmarked road. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3201 -97.5781, 290m
BRIT35060 R. J. O'Kennon 19308 2004-05-08
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 49. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3208 -97.5763, 316m
BRIT04300 R. J. O'Kennon 18093 2003-05-02
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Grasslands Unit 71., 33.308583 -97.605436, 305m
BRIT50050 K. R. Norton 781 2011-05-06
United States, Texas, Parker, Corner of Highland Rd and New Highland Rd, ca 3 mi SW of Springtown., 32.9293 -97.6484, 298m
BRIT50517 K. R. Norton 1383 2012-02-29
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. Research site: Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, 32.8291 -97.4779, 210m
BRIT50608 K. R. Norton 658 2011-04-06
United States, Texas, Parker, Corner of Old Agnus rd and Weiland rd. Large open Walnut limestone glade with an abundance of exposed limestone and thin soil., 32.8333 -97.7695, 349m
BRIT50636 R. J. O'Kennon 19989B 2005-05-05
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 71. Growing in thin, rocky soil on Walnut limestone glade. Research site: LBJ National Grasslands, 33.3083 -97.6064, 334m
BRIT55995 Rebecca K. Swadek 268 2010-05-31
United States, Texas, Wise, Rhome. 0.4 miles W of Hwy 287, just N of Hwy 114. Research site: Rhome Site, 33.059 -97.4854
BRIT58869 Rebecca K. Swadek 642 2011-05-25
United States, Texas, Parker, Springtown. Northwest corner of the intersection of Highland Road and New Highland Road. 1.07 miles south-southwest of Hwy 199 and 3.42 air miles east of FM 51. Research site: New Highland, 32.929 -97.6478
R. J. O'Kennon 19999 2005-05-12
United States, Texas, Wise, Co Rd 4227 at Co Rd 4360. Growing in limestone seep near road., 33.1445 -97.5375, 284m
Rebecca K. Swadek 141 2010-04-24
United States, Texas, Wise, Rhome. 0.4 miles W of Hwy 287, just S of Hwy 114. Research site: Rhome Site, 33.0573 -97.4859
Rebecca K. Swadek 173 2010-04-28
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Fort Worth. Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge. Prairie East of Confederate Park Road/FM 1886 near Gate House. Research site: Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, 32.8297 -97.4787
Rebecca K. Swadek 341 2010-06-02
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Eidson Property. Entrance North side of 10 Mile Bridge Road, ca. 2.6 mi N of FM 199 and ca. 3.6 mi W of FM 1220. 0.6 miles E of intersection with Wells Burnett Rd. Hillslope on road to house 115 m N of entrance on 10 Mile Bridge Road. Research site: Eidson Property, 32.8664 -97.4867
Rebecca K. Swadek 549 2011-04-01
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. 325 Meters NE of intersection of Broadview and Buffalo Rd. SE side of road. Research site: Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, 32.8312 -97.4764
Tiana F. Rehman 474 2012-06-27
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Fort Worth. Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. East of the Gate house at the front entrance of the Refuge. Research site: Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, 32.8293 -97.4777, 208m
BRIT541161 P. J. Barbour 8525 2015-04-19
United States, Texas, Wise, Decatur; LBJ National Grasslands, Unit 49, 33.32037 -97.58214, 319m
BRIT382933 P. J. Barbour 8503 2015-04-11
United States, Texas, Palo Pinto, Palo Pinto Mountains State Park west of Strawn via TX 2372 W; N 32.53970°, W 098.54071°; el. 1113 ft.; along 'road/trail' sides, 32.5397 -98.54071, 339m
BRIT547155 Gary R. Briggs 325 1972-05-29
United States, Texas, Mills, 5 miles southeast of Goldthwaite on Hwy 183., 31.38097 -98.535099
BRIT547154 Lloyd H. Shinners 28419 1960-05-01
United States, Texas, Lampasas, Near creek, 2.4 miles east-southeast of Lometa, TX., 31.207736 -98.354611
BRIT547153 S. Jones 1241 1988-04-20
United States, Texas, Lampasas, Open roadside 1.4 miles east on Hwy 190 from junction with FM 2808., 31.088469 -97.964824
BRIT547152 Eula Whitehouse 15391 1946-04-20
United States, Texas, Hamilton, 9 miles south of Hamilton; by roadside., 31.57314 -98.123923
BRIT547151 Eula Whitehouse 15391 1946-04-20
United States, Texas, Hamilton, 9 miles south of Hamilton; by roadside., 31.57314 -98.123923
BRIT547150 E. S. Nixon 10153 1980-04-09
United States, Texas, Fayette, Open roadside along FR 955, about 1.8 miles north of junction of FR 955 and Hwy 71., 29.873182 -96.710369
BRIT547149 Eula Whitehouse 15622 1946-05-04
United States, Texas, Cooke, Rocky hillside about 2 miles south of Leo., 33.433611 -97.397491
BRIT547148 Barney L. Lipscomb 2261 1977-06-08
United States, Texas, Bosque, approx. 2 miles NW of Mosheim, west from dam site along Hog Creek., 31.656069 -97.638355
BRIT547147 S. E. Wolff 4038 1933-05-26
United States, Texas, Bell, Prairie south of Temple,TX., 31.059403 -97.325556
BRIT547146 L. L. Hansen 5891 2008-05-08
United States, Texas, Bell, Training Area 71, 0.5 miles north of Million Dollar Highway, along east side of dirt road that is 0.1 mile east of boundary fence. UTM 6111 34338., 31.032629 -97.835877
BRIT547145 L. L. Hansen 5599 2008-03-26
United States, Texas, Bell, Training Area FH 104, along Longbow Lane bike trail, 0.7 miles west of BLORA mountain bike parking and trailhead. UTM 6361 34462., 31.141853 -97.572314
BRIT547144 Wm. F. Mahler 9774 1984-05-22
United States, Texas, Wise, Slope of western mesa on circle 900, Cross Timbers National Grassland, north of Decatur, TX., 33.371698 -97.588029
BRIT547143 Wm. F. Mahler 9780 1984-05-22
United States, Texas, Wise, Slope of eastern mesa on circle 900, Cross Timbers National Grassland, north of Decatur, TX., 33.371698 -97.588029
BRIT547142 Eula Whitehouse 15111 1946-04-06
United States, Texas, Wise, About 2 1/2 miles west of Rhome near Trinity River., 33.061776 -97.529689
BRIT547141 Eula Whitehouse 15008 1946-03-31
United States, Texas, Wise, Grand Prairie, about 2 miles south of Rhome on Highway 287; 33.024435 -97.471966, 33.024435 -97.471966
BRIT547140 Eula Whitehouse 15076 1946-04-06
United States, Texas, Wise, Grand Prairie, about 2 miles west of Rhome,TX., 33.058056 -97.532019
BRIT547139 C. L. Lundell 10298 1941-04-21
United States, Texas, Travis, West of Austin, near Beecaves, TX., 30.311584 -97.963919
BRIT547138 R. Kral 78665 1991-05-09
United States, Texas, Travis, North Cat Mountain, 100 m north on Valburn Drive from Valburn Circle N., 30.370497 -97.780588
BRIT547137 Lloyd H. Shinners 11287 1949-05-26
United States, Texas, Somervell, Tank on rocky slope, 3 miles south of Glen Rose, TX., 32.191049 -97.755306
BRIT547136 Lloyd H. Shinners 12178 1950-04-02
United States, Texas, Somervell, Roadside ditch 3 miles southwest of Glen Rose, TX., 32.203796 -97.791702
BRIT547135 Toney Keeney 5925 UVST 1986-05-10
United States, Texas, San Saba, In canyon west of the Danny Pierce place on 570 adjacent to the Lloyd Smith Ranch on the Bend road.
BRIT547134 Larry E. Brown s.n.
United States, Texas, San Augustine, Rock outcrop ca. 0.5 mile south of Highway 21 and ca. 8 miles west of San Augustine, TX.
BRIT547133 Megan Darin-McConnell s.n. 2005-04-25
United States, Texas, Parker, Tesoro Nature Preserve, Aledo, TX., 32.695964 -97.602247
BRIT571332 Lloyd H. Shinners 13208 1951-05-06
United States, Texas, Palo Pinto, Stream bottom on north city limits of Strawn, TX., 32.559743 -98.497594
BRIT581257 Delzie Demaree 12034 1936-04-11
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Garvin.
BRIT581258 Delzie Demaree 12512 1936-04-09
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Arbuckle Mts. Davis.
BRIT581259 John Taylor 26099B 1978-05-18
United States, Oklahoma, Choctaw, Collected from an area along the Red River near its junction with the Kiamichi River about 5.2 miles Southeast of Fort Towson, Oklahoma.
BRIT581260 R. J. Tyrl 746 1973-04-07
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, R2E, T1S, Sec 30, 1.3 mi SW of junction of I-Hwy 35 on U.S. Hwy 77D. N&S facing steep slopes of Arbuckle Mtns., 34.4414 -97.1342, 251m
BRIT581261 F. L. Johnson 0150 1994-05-26
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Chickasaw National Recreation Area; Below Arbuckle Dam. UTM (⁰⁶808³⁸119)., 34.432786 -97.032289
BRIT581262 Connie Taylor 27414 1979-05-04
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Treasure Lake area of Wichita National Wildlife Refuge.
BRIT581263 John Taylor 22082 1976-06-27
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, Collected from Bee Branch about 5 miles South West of Mill Creek, Okla.
BRIT581264 G. W. Stevens 24 1913-04-12
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Near Crusher Spur.
[filed under North America]
BRYV0080181 Robert Stratton 6800 1948-05-07
U.S.A., Oklahoma, Murray, About 3/4 mile west of Camp Classen, 6 miles south of Davis, Arbuckle Mountains.
FWNC00001838 L. Weldon|M. Sawey|J. Lingan|K. Amato|M. Dezendorf LW070907.4 2007-09-07
United States, Texas, Tarrant, FW Nature Center and Refuge. West Fork of Trinity River watershed. 165 m N, 200 m E (map distances) of junction of Buffalo Road with Hwy. 199 access road at Refuge entrance. From fee collection booth, go 85 m on ESE bearing (111°), then 117 m on E bearing, 32.82833 -97.47703
00139041 D. S. Correll & H. B. Correll 29501 1964-04-28
United States of America, Texas, Montague County, Just west of Forestburg.
LL00414628 Donovan S. Correll|E. C. Ogden|H. K. Svenson 28259 1963-07-04
United States, Texas, McCulloch, 4 miles SE of Brady.
LL00414629 John R. Crutchfield 1206 1966-03-26
United States, Texas, Blanco, On bank of Little Blanco River, 8 miles S of Blanco., 29.997943 -98.418993
LL00414631 Cyrus Longworth Lundell|Amelia A. Lundell 8461 1940-04-19
United States, Texas, Wise, Denton-Decatur road.
LL00414644 Cyrus Longworth Lundell|Amelia A. Lundell 10298 1941-04-21
United States, Texas, Travis, W of Austin, near Beecaves.
LL00414645 Donovan S. Correll 27268 1963-04-17
United States, Texas, Red River, White Rock.
LL00414648 Donovan S. Correll|Helen B. Correll 29081 1964-04-09
United States, Texas, San Augustine, On dirt road to S of Rt. 21 on E edge of San Augustine.
LL00414649 Donovan S. Correll 25004 1962-04-20
United States, Texas, San Augustine, About 1 mile SE of San Augustine., 31.519639 -94.093987
1090232 Robert Kral s.n. 1991-05-09
United States, Texas, Travis, North Cat Mountain; seepy area in juniper-oak glade, N on Valburn Drive from Valburn Circle N., 100m
2825290 B. C. Tharp s.n. 1930-03-30
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., Onion Creek, 30.139981 -97.785068
2825298 B. Ertter 4816 1983-05-09
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., hills west of Austin, Common Ford Road ca 1 mile north of Bee Cave Road (Road 2244), 30.323054 -97.94501, 244m
2825283 B. C. Tharp 998 1921-04-24
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., Edwards Plateau, near Austin, 30.334694 -97.781949
2825284 D. S. Correll 25004 1962-04-20
United States of America, Texas, San Augustine Co., On and about Weches formation about 1 mile southeast of San Augustine, 31.519639 -94.093987
2825287 J. R. Crutchfield 1206 1966-03-26
United States of America, Texas, Blanco Co., bank of Little Blanco River, 8 miles S of Blanco, 29.997943 -98.418993
2825288 D. S. Correll 28259 1963-07-04
United States of America, Texas, McCulloch Co., 4 miles southeast of Brady, 31.094104 -99.287091
2825291 B. C. Tharp 995 1921-04-15
United States of America, Texas, Edwards Plateau 14 mi W of Austin, 30.266943 -97.978379
2825294 B. C. Tharp 997 1921-03-14
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., Edwards Plateau near Austin, 30.334694 -97.781949
2825295 B. C. Tharp 1001 1921-05-18
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., Edwards Plateau near Austin, 30.334694 -97.781949
2825296 D. B. Ward 7507 1971-05-03
United States of America, Oklahoma, Payne Co., n. end of intramural field, n. side of Oklahoma State Univ. campus, 36.125745 -97.079987
2825299 B. C. Tharp 1002 1921-05-18
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., Edwards Plateau, near Austin, 30.334694 -97.781949
2825300 B. C. Tharp 1010 1921-00-00
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., Edwards Plateau, near Austin, 30.334694 -97.781949
02825282 D. S. Correll 25004 1962-04-20
United States of America, Texas, San Augustine Co., On and about Weches formation about 1 mile southeast of San Augustine, 31.519639 -94.093987
2825289 R. Stratton 6800 1948-05-06
United States of America, Oklahoma, Murray Co., about 3/4 mi. W. of Camp Classen, 6 mi. S. of Davis, Arbuckle Mts., 34.458976 -97.16766
2825292 G. W. Stevens 24 1913-04-12
United States of America, Oklahoma, Murray Co., Near Crusher Spur, 34.482329 -97.06792
2825293 B. C. Tharp 995 1921-04-15
United States of America, Texas, Hays Co., Edwards Plateau, 14 mi W. of Austin, 30.266943 -97.978379
2825285 C. H. Wright s.n. 1850-00-00
United States of America, Texas, Blanco Rio, 30.052107 -98.265987
2825286 C. Parry s.n.
United States of America, New Mexico, in the Valley of the Rio Grande, below Doñana
2825297 B. C. Tharp 996
United States of America, Texas, Travis Co., Edwards Plateau beyond Oak Hill, near Austin, 30.234241 -97.868476
OKLA020000791 S. L. Stevens 1405 1996-06-06
United States, Oklahoma, Osage, Tallgrass Prairie Preserve; NE of the Stucco House in Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, 36.8466 -96.4127
Umalde T. Waterfall 17434 1969-04-20
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Idabel; 2 mi E and 2 mi N of Idabel
OKLA020000799 L. M. Rohrbaugh 519 1958-05-10
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Wichita Mountains; N slope of Elk Mountain in Wichita Mountains
OKLA020000793 G. W. Stevens 24 1913-04-12
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Crusher Spur; near Crusher Spur
OKLA020000798 Umalde T. Waterfall 11821a 1954-04-19
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Idabel; 2 mi NW of Idabel
OKLA020000792 Robert Stratton 6800 1948-05-07
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Davis; 6 mi S of Davis; Arbuckle Mountains; 0.75 mi W of Camp Classen
OKLA020000797 Doyle A. McCoy 2344 1952-03-29
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, Ada; 1 mi SE of Ada; Wintersmith Park
OKLA020000796 Robert Stratton 6800 1948-05-07
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Davis; 6 mi S of Davis; Arbuckle Mountains; 0.75 mi W of Camp Classen
OKLA020000883 Jack W. Stanford 2103 1968-04-30
United States, Texas, Brown, 2 miles west of Brownwood
OKLA020000884 Jack W. Stanford 2993 1969-03-22
United States, Texas, Hamilton, 7 miles east of Hamilton
012594 D.S. Correll 28259 1963-07-04
United States, Texas, McCulloch, 4 miles southeast of Brady.
Rebecca K. Swadek 642 2011-05-25
United States, Texas, Parker, Springtown. Northwest corner of the intersection of Highland Road and New Highland Road. 1.07 miles south-southwest of Hwy 199 and 3.42 air miles east of FM 51.
Rebecca K. Swadek 141 2010-04-24
United States, Texas, Wise, Rhome. 0.4 miles W of Hwy 287, just S of Hwy 114.