PH00171204 Andrew Townesmith 961 2007-09-21
United States, California, Madera, Sierra National Forest, Bass Lake Ranger District, along Forest Service road 6S47Y, at intersection with 6S47yB, 0.2 mi. N of intersection of 6S47Y and Forest Service route 10 (Sky Ranch Road/Road 622), T6S R22E S17, 37.415278 -119.583889, 1441m
ALBC003622 A.A. Heller 7363 1904-04-28
United States, California, Marin, Corte Madera.
ALBC003623 A.A. Heller 8562 1907-05-23
United States, California, San Mateo, Back of San Mateo on the Half Moon Bay road.
Wendy C. Hodgson 11122-a 1998-08-16
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Prescott National Forest, 4.3 miles west of Prescott town line, west of Kelly Drive off Dearing Road., 34.54 -112.544, 1707m
Hillyard 5071 1979-06-05
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Spring area near Flag Mine, east side of Hualapai Peak. Hualapai Peak 7.5' Quad., 35.0727 -113.889, 2104m
Theresa Wright 93-155 1993-07-04
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, NW of Prescott, 2.7k southwest of Cottonwood Mountain, 100m east of Rd 705; along Cottonwood Creek, running water., 34.7719 -112.878, 1607m
Theresa Wright 93-69 1993-05-16
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, NW of Prescott, ca. 4k southeast of Camp Wood Mountain, along Stringtown Wash; at spring with waterfall, deep pool., 34.8167 -112.892, 1744m
Marc A. Baker 14558 2002-06-25
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Iron Springs USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangle; Bradshaw Mountains, southwest of Prescott, along Aspen Creek, 2km west of Wolverton Mountain., 34.5 -112.535, 1966m
Marc A. Baker 10938 1993-06-24
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, NW of Prescott, 6.2k WSW of Sheridan Mountain summit, 400m northeast of Moonshine Springs at Forest Service Boundary; among rocks and boulders of canyon bottom., 34.6929 -112.943, 1488m
Marc A. Baker 9187 1992-05-19
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Confluence of Apache & Walnut Creeks., 34.918 -112.845
Theresa Wright 1946 1997-06-03
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Watson Woods Riparian Preserve, Prescott Quadrangle; northeast Prescott, south of Granite Dells, @4k north of Badger Mountain, just south of Watson Lake; Granite Creek just east of stream channel, southwest of Kiosk., 34.5811 -112.441, 1579m
M. Butterwick 6869 1980-06-13
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, East Antelope Creek, Southern Weaver Mountains Yarnell 7.5' Quad., 34.2084 -112.679, 1463m
D. Replogle 210 1981-06-05
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Near Wolfe Creek Recreational Area. Ca. 10 miles southeast of Prescott, Arizona., 34.4374 -112.343, 1524m
Wendy C. Hodgson 2923 1984-05-20
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Bradshaw Mountains; ca. 3 miles south of Crown King, at FSR 711 and FSR 192 junction., 1768m
Elinor Lehto 8270-b 1967-05-08
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Southwest of Prescott, Senator Highway at Camp Good News., 34.5122 -112.447, 1800 - 1800m
David J. Keil 6399 1970-06-05
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, 2nd Campground southwest of Prescott in Prescott National Forest., 34.5833 -112.6
Marc A. Baker 11023 1993-07-25
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, NW of Prescott; 1.4k WNW of Stinson Mtn, 40m E of FS 21, 1777m
ASU0023243 Jon Rebman 3307 1996-06-27
Mexico, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Mártir: La Encantada., 30.9333 -115.4, 2300m
ASU0299567 R.R. Halse 9183 2014-07-04
USA, Oregon, Lane, Coast Range, Prairie Mountain, on top of Prairie Mountain ca 7.5 air miles S of Alsea., 44.27501 -123.57957, 1041m
T. Hensel 309 1974-05-22
United States, California, Amador, 1.5 nw of Volcano (town), on a private ranch., 610m
R.R. Halse 7500 2008-08-11
USA, Oregon, Jefferson, Cascade Range; Deschutes National Forest, Mt. Jefferson Wilderness Area, east base of Three Fingered Jack., 44.48609 -121.8386, 1774m
R. Hopping 393 1905-09-16
USA, California, Kaweah River Basin
J. Adams 22 1963-05-09
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mtns, Little Dalton Canyon, 34.16056 -117.83917, 366m
P. Kenny 365 1973-06-01
USA, Oregon, Josephine, 1 mi SW of Selma on Hwy 199., 457m
P. Kenny 317 1973-05-29
USA, Washington, Skamania, 8 mi E of Stevenson on Hwy 14 along Columbia River. Near Girl Scout Camp road turnoff.
J.P. Rebman 4058 1997-05-21
United States, California, San Diego Co., W of Jacumba; S of Olde Hwy 80 between Boulevard and Jacumba., 31.200278 -116.850278, 1070m
D.B. Dunn 20799 1973-06-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, 3.1 mi E of Jct of Hwy 18 & 38
D.B. Dunn 21016 1973-06-24
United States, California, Madera Co., Along Hwy. 41 on the way to Yosemite Nat. Pk. 5.1 mi S of Fish Camp., 1433m
P. Kenny 439 1973-06-07
USA, California, Glenn, at Mendocino Pass, 5 mi S of Plaskett Meadows campground., 1524m
P. Kenny 578 1973-06-22
USA, California, Fresno, 1/2 mi above Pine Ridge store on road to Huntington Lake
P. Kenny 595 1973-06-24
USA, California, Fresno, 1 me NE of jct of Big Creek Canyon rd and road to Huntington Lake, along roadside to Huntington Lake, at N end of Shaver Lake, 1798m
L.E. Detling 6686 1950-07-02
United States, Oregon, Tillamook, Mt. Hebo., 45.216495 -123.758991, 976 - 976m
D. Walters 13837 1980-04-26
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Along Town Creek near Lime Mountain Mine, west of Paso Robles.
M.G. McLeod 469 1971-06-22
United States, California, Riverside, Idyllwild, Ca.
E.C. Twisselmann 9061 1963-10-03
United States, California, Tulare, The Needles Spring, 36.12083 -118.50694, 2378m
J.T. Howell 33886 1958-07-24
United States, California, Fresno Co., Simpson Meadow, Middle Fork of The Kings River., 1829m
L.F. Henderson 1928 1928-00-00
USA, Oregon, Lane, near Wolf Creek; 11 mi W of Crow, 4 mi from Alma
N.C. Cooper 1471 1944-07-02
United States, California, San Diego County, Palomar Mtn. San Diego Co., 1067m
L. Leach 4749 1934-07-17
United States, Washington, [needs research], Goat Rocks Camp.
ASU0313027 G. Rink 14695 2017-06-17
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Hassayampa Creek above Hassayampa reservoir, 34.4347 -112.41374, 2090m
United States, Oregon, Lincoln
United States, California
United States, California, El Dorado
BRYV0001124 Marcus E. Jones 5290 1894-05-16
U.S.A., Utah, Springdale.
BRYV0051903 Richard R. Halse 8891 2013-07-04
U.S.A., Oregon, Benton, On top of Prairie Peak (Mountain) in the coast Range ca. 7.5 air miles south of Alsea., 44.28008 -123.58626, 1041m
BRYV0122061 G. K. Helmkamp 12460 2007-07-07
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains: along CA-89, 5.4 miles northwest of Luther Pass in the Grass Lake area., 38.80805 -120.01111, 2018m
BRYV0122059 G. K. Helmkamp 12119 2007-05-26
U.S.A., California, Nevada, Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains Foothills: along CA-49; 1.2 miles north of North San Juan., 39.37861 -121.09166, 1000m
BRYV0122060 Beecher Crampton 464 1949-05-16
U.S.A., California, Santa Cruz, 3 miles south of Felton, Redwood belt, along State Highway 9., 305m
BRYV0122062 J. Henrickson 19829 1985-05-12
U.S.A., California, San Bernardino, Ca 12 air mi NW of San Bernardino in lower Lytle Creek Wash 2-4 mi N of Interstate 15 along aqueduct on slopes E of wash., 838m
BRYV0122063 James Henrickson 9992 1973-05-20
U.S.A., California, San Diego, 2 air miles SE of Alpine in riparian areas along Sweetwater River in Palos Verdes Ranch Development just below small reservoir.
BRYV0122065 Russell S. Woglum 1171 1935-05-25
U.S.A., California, Santa Cruz, Central Coast: Santa Cruz.
BRYV0122066 A. A. Heller 6680 1903-05-05
U.S.A., California, Monterey, On the Salinas road near Del Monte.
BRYV0122067 Charles Piper Smith 48264 1948-05-10
U.S.A., California, Mendocino, Highway 101-Piercy.
BRYV0122068 D. B. Dunn 20799 1973-06-16
U.S.A., California, San Bernardino, 3.1 mi E of Jct of Hwy 18 & 38, in yellow pine and Incense Cedar largely decomposed granite.
BRYV0122069 Victor Duran 3523 1933-07-21
U.S.A., California, Los Angeles, Buckhorn, San Gabriel Mts., 1981m
BRYV0122070 D. B. Dunn 20676 1973-06-07
U.S.A., California, Lake, 15.7 mi N of Upper Lake on rd to Pillsbury Lake., 1128m
BRYV0122071 Charles Piper Smith 4473 1929-07-27
U.S.A., California, Mariposa, Yosemite National Park. Lake Tenaya - grade westward.
BRYV0122072 D. E. Bright 298 1962-06-18
U.S.A., California, Trinity, Along Highway 299; 7 miles south of Lewiston.
BRYV0122073 P. Kenney 595 1973-06-24
U.S.A., California, Fresno, Collected 1 mi NE of Jct. of Big Creek Canyon Road and road to Huntington Lake, along roadside to Huntington Lake, at north end of Shaver Lake., 1798m
BRYV0122075 Thomas Nelson 4493 1978-07-24
U.S.A., California, Trinity, French Gulch Quad. Along Bully Choop Rd.; ca 2 miles from road to lookout., 40.5704 -122.71862, 1372m
BRYV0122076 P. Kenney 578 1973-06-22
U.S.A., California, Fresno, Collected 1/2 mi above Pine Ridge store on road to Huntington Lake.
BRYV0122078 Ruth A. Nelson 10238 1973-05-13
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Oak Creek., 4000m
BRYV0122100 Barbara L. Wilson 11644 2005-08-30
U.S.A., Oregon, Multnomah, Bull RUn Watershed: intersetion of roads 20 and 2000120., 45.5359 -122.00287, 942m
BRYV0122103 Michael A. Vincent 9076 2000-08-04
U.S.A., Oregon, Lane, Along St. Rt. 242; 14.4 miles east of its junction with St. Rt. 126.
BRYV0122104 David B. Dunn 8179 1952-06-29
U.S.A., New Mexico, Otero, Ca. 1 mi NE of Cloudcroft., 2621 - 2682m
BRYV0122105 Richard R. Halse 4765 1994-07-17
U.S.A., Oregon, Yamhill, In the Coast Range about .5 miles southeast of Fairdale., 146m
BRYV0122106 H. F. Eppson S-63-807 1963-08-11
U.S.A., Oregon, Deschutes, 14 miles northwest of Sisters; along US 20.
BRYV0122107 H. F. Eppson S-63-810 1963-08-15
U.S.A., Oregon, Wasco, 40.5 mi W of the Dalles; US 80N; 14360.8 miles.
BRYV0122108 L. F. Henderson 14372 1932-05-10
U.S.A., Oregon, Lane, Eugene; bank of the Willamette River.
BRYV0122109 Lewis S. Rose 68182 1968-07-20
U.S.A., Nevada, Carson City, Lake Tahoe; 8 mi S of Incline., 1920m
BRYV0122110 P. Kenney 367 1973-06-01
U.S.A., Oregon, Josephine, Collected 1 mi SW of Selma, on Hwy 199., 457m
BRYV0122111 P. Kenney 365 1973-06-01
U.S.A., Oregon, Josephine, Collected 1 mi SW of Selma, on Hwy 199., 457m
BRYV0122112 Richard R. Halse 3706 1988-08-01
U.S.A., Oregon, Marion, Cascade Range; Mt. Jefferson Wilderness; Willamette National Forest; south slope of Park Ridge., 44.71668 -121.79623, 2040m
BRYV0122113 Ann Pinzl 8890 1989-10-16
U.S.A., Nevada, Douglas, Carson Rnage; Kingsbury Grade; about 1 road mile east of junction with Rt 50 in Kingsbury Village., 38.96651 -119.91965, 2024m
BRYOGDF03494 R. C. Fields 42 1916-08-03
U.S.A., Idaho, Idaho, Idaho NF; Hard Creek Basin hillside., 2134m
BRYOGDF03508 L. S. Smith 2158 1927-08-06
U.S.A., California, Placer, Tahoe NF; Top of hill south of Robertson Flat Ranger Station; Duncan Peak Ridge., 2347m
BRYOGDF03509 Ralph Hopping 31 1911-06-29
U.S.A., California, ?, Sequoia NF; Margins of meadows., 1981m
BRYOGDF03510 L. O. Miles 155 1914-07-21
U.S.A., Idaho, Boise, Payette NF; Garden Valley Ranger Station.
BRYOGDF03511 Mont E. Lewis 7919 1985-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Emery, South Hughes., 39.57883 -111.16417, 2530m
BRYV0138178 Robert L. Johnson 3971 2015-07-13
U.S.A., California, Plumas, Northern High Sierra Nevada. Northeast side of La Porte off Main St (Quincy La Porte Rd) near jct with Gold St. E side of road., 39.68506 -120.98221, 1507m
BRYV0159440 George Helmkamp 22994 2014-08-11
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains: Ice House Road, 1.7 miles south of Crystal Basin Information Station (Riverton 7.5Õ)., 38.82277 -120.37694, 1610m
BRYV0122064 Louis C. Wheeler s.n. 1970-06-27
U.S.A., California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains: Little Fish Fork, Fish Fork Camp., 34.3171 -117.66887, 2012m
BRYV0122101 Barbara L. Wilson 11644 2005-08-30
U.S.A., Oregon, Multnomah, Bull Run Watershed: intersection of roads 20 and 2000120., 45.5359 -122.00287, 942m
BRYV0122102 L. F. Henderson s.n. 1928-00-00
U.S.A., Oregon, Lane, Near Wolf Creek; 11 miles west of Crow; 4 miles from Alma.
BRYV0268233 Robert L. Johnson 5635 2018-05-06
U.S.A., Oregon, Sherman, Columbia River Gorge. North-facing slope on south side of Columbia River 1.6 rd mi sw of Biggs Junction on Biggs-Rufus Hwy. Ca 1.5 air mi sw of Maryhill State Park, WA., 45.6632 -120.8529, 63m
BRYV0268232 Robert L. Johnson 5631-3a 2018-05-06
U.S.A., Oregon, Wasco, Columbia River Gorge. Memaloose State Park, Memaloose Safety Rest Area, rest stop 3.1 rd mi east of Mosier exit 69 on I-84. South side of Columbia River and interstate., 45.69448 -121.34429, 73m
BRYV0268234 Robert L. Johnson 5631-2b 2018-05-05
U.S.A., Washington, Klickitat, Klickitat River canyon, 5.4 rd mi n of jct with Hwy 14 (at Lyle) on Hwy 142., 45.74382 -121.22094, 102m
BRYV0163400 George Helmkamp 19665 2012-08-19
U.S.A., California, El Dorado, Northern Sierra Nevada Mountains: unnamed dirt road along Ice House Road, 0.4 mile south of Robbs Peak Road, N of Union Valley Reservoir (Robbs Peak 7.5Õ)., 38.92527 -120.38722, 1756m
PBRU00043486 David B. Dunn, Ledoux, Conrad 20680 1973-06-07
United States of America, California, Lake County, Collected 16.1 miles north of Upper Lake on the road to Pillsbury Lake, 1.3 miles north of Elk Mountain Summit. Yellow pines and some small Douglas Fir still standing after the logging.
PBRU00034825 Elihu Hall 86 1871-00-00
United States of America, Oregon
BUT0004878 Lewis S. Rose 40652
United States, California, Calaveras, Calaveras Big Trees
BUT0004893 Edith A. Purer 7188
United States, Arizona, Hillside, along highway, El Tigre Canyon
BUT0004879 Lewis S. Rose 39096
United States, California, San Mateo, San Mateo Canyon
BUT0004910 Victor Duran 3523
United States, California, Los Angeles, Buckhorn, San Gabriel Mts.
BUT0004881 Lewis S. Rose 34322
United States, California, Sierra, Gold Lake
BUT0004880 Delzie Demaree 8979
United States, California, San Mateo, near entrance to Gar. Rolph Estate
BUT0004609 Don Peters 185
United States, Oregon, Marion, Jefferson Park, T. 10 S, R. 8 E, Section 11, Mount Jefferson Primitive Area, Cascade Mountains
BUT0004610 Edith A. Purer 7826
United States, Washington, Chelan, near Yakima River
Robert F. Thorne, Thomas S. Elias, Paulino Rojas 62005 1986-05-08
Mexico, Baja California, Sierra San Pedro Martir: Oak Pasture, a few miles below entrance to Parque Nacional., 30.9666667 -115.6166667, 1750m
R. S. Woglum 1716 1938-05-15
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Between Paso Robles and Cayucas.