Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Cochlidium linearifolium (Monogramma immersa)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-83 of 83

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

Xochitl Munn-Estrada   16952001-11-23
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santa Maria Teopoxco, Vereda (antiguo camino real) del Plan de Guadalupe al Cerro Pelón, 18.13242 -96.96925, 2604m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983501T. B. Hallberg   17311972-07-25
Mexico, Oaxaca, Distrito Tehuantepec. In cloud forest along continental divide; between la Chiguzhé and Gueva de Humboldt., 1372m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983508J. T. Mickel   67871972-09-23
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlán District, 49 km n of Ixtlán de Juárez on Rte 175, 1-2 km n of Cerro Pelón., 2713m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983503G. M. Diggs, Jr.   39271986-06-22
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santa María Tlahuitoltepec Mun., Along road between Mitla and Zacatepec, 30 km by road ENE of Ayutla, just E of intersection with road to Totontepec., 17.13 -96.07, 2500m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983489J. T. Mickel   67051972-09-23
Mexico, Oaxaca, Distrito Ixtlán. 23 km s of Valle Nacional, 5 km n of Vista Hermosa. Dense wet montane forest, 1280m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983494J. T. Mickel   43441969-10-28
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Ixtlán. 48 km N of Ixtlán, 6l km S of Valle Nacional, ca. 1 km N of high point at Cerro Pelón., 2682m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983500J. T. Mickel   15281964-07-27
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan-Tuxtepec road, 35- 39 km south of Valle Nacional (km 96-100). Dense rain forest., 1585m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983487T. B. Hallberg   15191971-12-02
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Villa Alta. Along trail from Yetzelalag toward Lovani., 1067m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983488J. T. Mickel   59531971-07-31
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Tuxtepec. 24 km S of Valle Nacional, 5 km N of Campamento Vista Hermosa., 1250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983504J. T. Mickel   38001969-10-05
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Ixtlan. Trail from San Pedro Nolasco N to the Llano Verde., 2195m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983505J. T. Mickel   38001969-10-05
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Ixtlan. Trail from San Pedro Nolasco N to the Llano Verde., 2195m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983506J. T. Mickel   45991970-09-18
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Mixes. West slope of Cerro Zempoalteptl to Yacoche., 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983507J. T. Mickel   46481970-09-19
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Mixes. NW slope of Cerro Zempoaltepet, trail from Yacoche to Totontepec., 1981m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983499Y. Arellanes C.   4071998-08-20
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlán de Juárez Mun., Distrito: Ixtlán. Cerro "El Chapulin", 17.5083 -96.3122, 1640m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983490J. T. Mickel   55031971-07-23
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Ixtlan. Cerro Pelon, 47 km N of Ixtlan on Rte 175 at crest just as road starts down toward Valle Nacional., 2743m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983496X. Munn-Estrada   16952001-11-23
Mexico, Oaxaca, San Jerónimo Tecoatl Mun., Vereda (antiguo camino real) del Plan de Guadalupe al Cerro Pelón., 18.13242 -96.96925, 2604m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983519C. J. Rothfels   33352009-08-24
Mexico, Oaxaca, Santiago Comaltepec Mun., Municipio Santiago Comaltepe. Approx.7.1 km S of La Esperanza, on Hwy 175 towards Ixtlan de Juarez., 17.59157 -96.39185, 1936m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
03983486J. T. Mickel   57341971-07-27
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Ixtlán. 79 km N of Ixtlán de Juárez on Rte 175, 1 km S of Campamento Vista Hermosa. Ca. 1 hour along trail toward Tarabundí., 1402m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983502T. L. Wendt   49891985-07-18
Mexico, Oaxaca, San Miguel Chimalapa Mun., Cerro Baúl, cima del pico sur (mas alto), ca. 23 km. en línea recta al N de San Pedro Tapanatepec., 16.57 -94.17, 2050m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983491G. Ingela   95-M31995-01-03
Mexico, Oaxaca, San José Tenango Mun., Sierra Mazateca, San Martin Caballero. Found in dolina 250 m. south of GPS point., 18.0663 -96.3961, 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983492J. T. Mickel   41341969-10-16
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Teotitlán, 26-29 km NE of Teotitlán de Camino, vicinity of pass at Puerto Soledad., 2256m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983493J. T. Mickel   42691969-10-27
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Ixtlan. 58 km N of Ixtlan, 11 km N of high point at Cerro Pelon., 2012m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983495J. T. Mickel   43671969-10-30
Mexico, Oaxaca, Dto. Tlacolula. 1-2 hrs. N of Sta. Maria Albarradas., 1829m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983497D. E. Breedlove   301611972-12-11
Mexico, Chiapas, On the southeast side of Cerro Tres Picos and the ridges near summit., 2500m

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
3983498J. T. Mickel   71181973-09-20
Mexico, Oaxaca, Distrito Ixtlán. 76 km n of Ixtlán de Juárez on Rte 175, 4 km s of Vista Hermosa, Campamento La Esperanza. Trail down to river, 5200' down to 1500' at river., 1219m

General Research Observations

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
C.J.Rothfels   33352009-08-00
Mexico, Oaxaca, MUNICIPIO SANTIAGO COMALTEPE, Approx. 7.1km S of La Esperanza, on Hwy 175 towards Ixtlan de Juarez., 17.59157 -96.39185, 1936m

Duke University Vascular Plant Collection

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Alajuela

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Mexico, Oaxaca

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, San Jose

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
Costa Rica, Heredia

Wisconsin State Herbarium, Vascular Plants

Image Associated With the Occurence
v0387751WISS. Mori; J. Kallunki   37401974-12-18
Panama, Panama, Cerro Jefe; cloud forest dominated by Clusia spp. and Colpothrinax cookii. Premontane Rain Forest. Along trail on ridge running NE from summit., 980m

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
1639471Bassett Maguire   467311962-08-17
locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1639471

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
1639472D. B. Lellinger   9591970-07-05
locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1639472

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
1639473W. H. Wagner   710261971-03-08
locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1639473

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C.Chr.
1639474Harvey E. Stork   23431928-06-05
locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1639474

Michigan State University

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
MSC0270469I. W. Knobloch   s.n.1985-07-21
Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad, along Blanchisseuse Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
MSC0270470David A. Neill   1061975-05-08
Nicaragua, Esteli, on border with Madriz. Cerro Pataste cloud forest., 13.3333333 -86.6166667

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205192A. Weigand   542014-10-28
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Serra dos Orgaos, -22.461111 -43.028611, 2188m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205193A. Weigand   412014-10-28
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Serra dos Orgaos; -22.461111 -43.028611, -22.456667 -43.022778, 2066m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205194A. Weigand   1532014-11-07
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Road to plateau., -22.360833 -44.7325, 2218m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205195A. Weigand   1122014-11-04
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Trilha to tres picos., -22.431111 -44.600278, 1270m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205196A. Weigand   592014-10-29
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Serra dos Orgaos, -22.463611 -43.042778, 1959m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205197M. Sundue   35642014-03-24
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan, Sendero a La Capilla, 18 km SW of La Esperanza; 17.587306 -96.450861, 17.587306 -96.450861, 2125m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205198R. Torres C.   178102015-03-16
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan, El Mirador, tercera cascada de niebla

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205199R. Torres C.   178202015-03-17
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan, Cerro Pelon a 1.9 km al N del Mirador carr. Oaxaca-Tuxtepec (175).; 17.585 -96.511667, 17.585 -96.511667, 2816m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205200M. Sundue   39742015-03-16
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan, Rt. 175 between Oaxaca-Tuxtepec, along logging road serving the cascades of Comaltepec that departs from the main rd at Km 103.; 17.584444 -96.493611, 17.584444 -96.493611, 2570m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205201M. Sundue   34682013-04-15
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan, Sierra Norte, MEX Rt. 175 Oaxaca to Valle Nacional, El Relampago forest reserve, SW of La Esperanza., 17.584833 -96.4005, 1965m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205202M. Sundue   34682013-04-15
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan, Sierra Norte, MEX Rt. 175 Oaxaca to Valle Nacional, El Relampago forest reserve, SW of La Esperanza., 17.584833 -96.4005, 1965m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205203M. Sundue   35302013-04-17
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan, Sierra Norte, MEX Rt. 175 Oaxaca to Valle Nacional, 1 km NE of La Esperanza; 17.623167 -96.3555, 17.623167 -96.3555, 1830m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205204M. Sundue   34792013-04-15
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan, Sierra Norte, MEX Rt. 175 Oaxaca to Valle Nacional. El Relampago forest reserve, SW of La Esperanza.; 17.584833 -96.4005, 17.584833 -96.4005, 1965m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205205M. Sundue   30092012-02-27
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan, Llano Verde, near the end of the road from Calpulapam to Llano Verde., 17.3053 -96.368433, 2326m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
UVMVT205206M. Sundue   30162012-02-27
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlan, Llano Verde, near the end of the road from Calpulapam to Llano Verde.; 17.3053 -96.368433, 17.3053 -96.368433, 2326m

Image Associated With the Occurence
UVMVT290059K. Lee   21
Dominica, St. Paul

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
BRIT424454A. M. Evans   27471967-07-17
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, High road along hilltops ca. 3 road miles east of Rincón de Osa., 8.687813 -83.493495, 305m

University of Tennessee Vascular Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
TENN-V-0251353A.M. Evans   28291967-07-17
Costa Rica, Puntarenas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
TENN-V-0251352A.M. Evans   2828a1967-07-17
Costa Rica, Puntarenas

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
TENN-V-0251351A.J. Sharp   2828a1962-12-21
Mexico, Oaxaca

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
TENN-V-0251356A.M. Evans   26491967-07-13
Costa Rica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
TENN-V-0251354A.M. Evans   27471967-07-17
Costa Rica, Puntarenas

Lundell Herbarium at the University of Texas at Austin

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
LL00510240H. S. Irwin|Raymond M. Harley|E. Onishi   287751971-01-20
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Summit and upper slopes on S. side, Serra da Piedade, ca. 5 km N of Caeté.

University of Texas at Austin Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
TEX00430221S. Ochoa-Gaona|Neptali Ramírez-Marcial|Miguel Martínez-Icó   47001996-08-17
Mexico, Chiapas, Ocosingo, 2 km al S del crucero Pico de Oro-San Isidro- America Libre., 16.3125 -90.7625

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
TEX00419586Diana Xochitl Munn-Estrada|F. Mendoza   16952001-11-23
Mexico, Oaxaca, Vereda (antiguo camino real) del Plan de Guadalupe al Cerro Pelón ND, 18.13242 -96.96925

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
TEX00420833Tom L. Wendt|Heriberto Hernández G.|Pedro Tenorio L.|E. Torres|Gerardo A. Salazar Ch.|Miguel Angel Soto Arenas   67531996-04-03
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sa de Tres Picos, central part, N side, along ridge (between branches of Arroyo Garrobo) that rises S-ward toward the main E-W ridge and Cerro Piicotzuc, S of "Puerto Oriental"; ca 16.5 straight-line Km SSE of La Laguna, Ver. SANTA MARIA CHIMALAPA, 17.13333 -94.46667

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
BRIT430073John Taylor   175121974-12-22
Costa Rica, Heredia, Collected along the slopes of Cerro Zurqui above the Rio Para Blanco., 10.0592 -84.0332, 1600m

University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
111930D. Burch   4465a1971-05-17
Costa Rica, Puntarenas Prov., Osa, Above field station., 50 - 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
221464D. F. Austin, C. E. Nauman, R. S. Secco, C. Rosário, & M. R. Santos   73201979-11-05
Brazil, Amapá, E de Vila Breu num braço do Rio Breu., -22.8833 -43.2833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
221463D. F. Austin, C. E. Nauman, R. S. Secco, C. Rosário, & M. R. Santos   70771979-10-17
Brazil, Amapá, Estrada até Matapi, atrás Porto Grande., 0.25 -51.1667

Brown University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monogramma immersa (Fée) Hook.
Jamaica, Herb. William Stout, Very rare

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
362520Robert W Baxter   s.n.1955-11-00
Jamaica, St. Andrew, Hardwar Gap, 18.082523 -76.724895, 1219m

Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cochlidium linearifolium (Desv.) Maxon ex C. Chr.
333354Alexander F. Skutch   52291945-08-00
Costa Rica, San Jose, Basin of El General., 675 - 900m

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