UTC00278872 Mark Cody Holthouse 2017-06-29
United States, Utah, Utah, 40.22909418 -111.6655962
02734226 C. D. Fretz 162 1905-05-21
United States of America, Pennsylvania, Bucks Co., 40.353993 -75.304898
02734227 C. D. Fretz 162 1906-05-21
United States of America, Pennsylvania, Bucks Co., 40.353993 -75.304898
EIU027428 Marcum, Paul R. 5019 2008-05-13
USA, Illinois, Woodford, ParkLands Foundation's Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve; located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 40.66 -89.13262, 218m
USCH0081252 Sawyer, George P. Jr. 1419 1964-07-25
United States, North Carolina, Wake, William B. Umstead State Park
2883596 John H. Kellogg 5 1905-05-06
United States, Missouri, Cole, Osage; fR from 10/01/1907 on same sheet
102903574 Bill Summers 9220 1999-06-03
United States, Missouri, Dunklin, Ca. 3 mi SE of Malden on State Highway WW near Crowley's Ridge at border of peach orchard near SE lowlands on land recently aquired by Department of Natural Resources; edge of oak-hickory woods sloping off to meet bottomlands; inflorescence smooth, 36.55 -90.0388889
2883449 Ernest J. Palmer 5432 1914-04-30
United States, Missouri, McDonald, Noel; glades on hillsides, 36.5456 -94.4852
2883597 John H. Kellogg 5 1907-10-01
United States, Missouri, Cole, Osage; fL from 05/06/1905 on same sheet
2883421 Ernest J. Palmer (4) 1923-05-17
United States, Missouri, Iron, Near Ironton; thickets along small rocky stream; stamens 10; anthers yellow in bud; this specimen same as #19503
2883469 Benjamin F. Bush 12 1905-10-07
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Montier; fruit small, hard, green, slightly reddish, 36.9869 -91.5753
2883598 John H. Kellogg 5 1905-05-07
United States, Missouri, Cole, Osage, 38.1503 -92.6179
2883424 Ernest J. Palmer 4568 1913-10-06
United States, Missouri, Barton, Golden City; near Muddy Creek; small tree in low woods
2883489 Benjamin F. Bush 16 1905-09-28
United States, Missouri, Christian, No location given
1633742 Harold W. Rickett 46 1931-05-21
United States, Missouri, Boone, Hilltop S of Columbia.
2883599 John H. Kellogg 2 1905-05-08
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Pacific; sand hill; FR collected on 9/29/1907 on same sheet
2883425 Ernest J. Palmer 35942 1929-05-21
United States, Missouri, Macon, Near Renick; thickets along small creek
2883600 John H. Kellogg 4 1905-05-06
United States, Missouri, Cole, Osage, 38.1503 -92.6179
2883427 Ernest J. Palmer 31624 1926-09-07
United States, Missouri, Madison, Near Fredericktown; thickets along small creek
2883512 Benjamin F. Bush 16 1906-00-00
United States, Missouri, Christian, No location given; collected from tree in the Arnold Arboretum; stamens about 10; anthers very pale pink; styles 1-2
2883428 Ernest J. Palmer 30250 1926-05-22
United States, Missouri, Madison, Near Fredericktown; tree about 7 m tall in thickets in open ground along rocky creek; stamens 10; anthers yellow
2883430 Ernest J. Palmer 35759 1929-05-19
United States, Missouri, Nodaway, Near Maryville; small tree in open woods along upland stream; stamens 10; anthers yellow
1637019 Harold W. Rickett (1) 1931-10-04
United States, Missouri, Boone, Shrub; Hilltop near Balanced Rock.
2883575 George Yatskievych 91-54 1991-05-02
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, SE of Fenton; E of Old State Route 141 along Corsandie Road on E facing slopes on W bank of Meramec River below new housing devlopment; above floodplain on open, disturbed at edge of remnant woodland; spindly trees to 3 m tall; uncommon, 38.4972222 -90.4194445, 450m
2883604 John H. Kellogg 2 1905-05-09
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Allenton; stamens 8-10; anthers pink; styles 2, 38.5036111 -90.6758334
2883431 Ernest J. Palmer 26332 1924-09-30
United States, Missouri, Pettis, Near Sedalia; small trees with wide spreading branches in thickets along small upland stream
100748723 Benjamin F. Bush 200 1899-07-18
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Dodson, 38.975 -94.5528
2883433 Benjamin F. Bush 10081 1923-05-31
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Swope Park; prairies
2883434 John B.S. Norton 60 1900-09-26
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Carondelet
100751385 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1903-05-07
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Barretts Station
2883611 Ernest J. Palmer 9 1907-04-28
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Joplin; stamens 10; anthers pale yellow, 37.08416 -94.51305
2883435 Harold W. Rickett 1281 1936-05-05
United States, Missouri, Boone, S of Columbia; hilltop; stamens ca. 9; anther pink styles 1-2; spines 27 mm
2883613 Heinrich K.D. Eggert s.n. 1887-05-11
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Near Pacific; hills
2883436 Melvin L. Conrad 9201 1981-05-21
United States, Missouri, Randolph, NEMO Coal Company Strip Mine Project; old field, 39.505 -92.48722
2883614 Noah M. Glatfelter 3 1902-05-07
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Clayton Road SW of Forest Park; small trees along road, 38.6401039 -90.2920818
2883616 Ernest J. Palmer (10B) 1907-04-28
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Neck City; stamens 10; anthers pale yellow, 37.25694 -94.44416
2883441 Bill Summers 9953 2002-09-30
United States, Missouri, Howell, Ca. 6 1/2 mi E of West Plains on State Highway ZZ; on Eldon and Lucille Summers farm; single tree growing inside natural sinkhole pond basin in pasture land bordering pond; single stone in fruit; fruit red, 36.7172223 -91.7216667
102231991 Benjamin F. Bush 5 1905-05-06
United States, Missouri, Carter, Grandin; gravelly branches; a tree 20-30 ft tall and 4-8 in diameter; flowers pure white, 0.5 in across, sweet scented; stamens 10 in one set; anthers very small, pure yellow; thorns very short 1 in or less
2883617 Ernest J. Palmer 1588 1908-04-25
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Webb City, 37.14638 -94.46277
2883444 Ernest J. Palmer 19503 1920-10-12
United States, Missouri, Taney, Near Ironton; thickets along small rocky stream
2883618 Ernest J. Palmer 910 1906-07-04
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Sarcoxie; small trees; common
2883445 John B.S. Norton 60 1901-05-07
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Carondelet
2883619 Ernest J. Palmer 1581 1906-05-13
United States, Missouri, Jasper, 0.5 mi E of Oronogo; large tree in moist ground
2883620 Ernest J. Palmer (22) 1903-05-19
United States, Missouri, Jasper, 1 mi S of Webb City; common in thickets
2883448 Ernest J. Palmer (4A) 1913-09-02
United States, Missouri, McDonald, Noel, 36.54555 -94.485
2883621 Ernest J. Palmer 2767 1909-09-25
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Carterville; copses
2883450 Ernest J. Palmer (4B) 1913-09-02
United States, Missouri, McDonald, Noel; small tree in fertile soil, 36.54555 -94.485
2883622 Ernest J. Palmer (3G) 1901-05-19
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Carterville; Prosperity Junction; thickets
1567164 Julian A. Steyermark 68060-B 1949-05-21
United States, Missouri, Chariton, Dissected ravine topography in upland acid oak-hickory woods tributary to Chariton River, 4 mi. northeast of Keytesville.
2883624 Noah M. Glatfelter 14 1901-09-28
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, O'Fallon Park
2883625 Ernest J. Palmer s.n. 1907-10-13
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Joplin, 37.08416 -94.51305
2883453 John H. Kellogg 123 1908-05-03
United States, Missouri, Greene, NE Springfield; stamens 10; anthers pinkish white; styles 1-2; corymbs 12-20 flowers; spines very numerous, large, compound on trunk; bark rough, grayish color; 6 in diameter; round top
2883627 Ernest J. Palmer (28) 1909-09-25
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Webb City; copses, 37.14638 -94.46277
2883454 Ernest J. Palmer 30157 1926-05-18
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, Near Bismarck; thickets along small rocky limestone stream; stamens 10; anthers pale yellow
2883630 Ernest J. Palmer s.n. 1908-09-16
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Joplin, 37.08416 -94.51305
2883455 John H. Kellogg 119 1908-09-20
United States, Missouri, Greene, SW Springfield, 37.2 -93.29
1641949 Ernest J. Palmer 57943 1942-09-16
United States, Massachusetts, Suffolk, Cultivated at The Arnold Arboretum.
102232020 John H. Kellogg 7 1905-05-03
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, River Des Peres; river bank; stamens 15; anthers yellow; pistils 3-4, mostly 4; corymbs 10-15 flowers
2883633 Ernest J. Palmer (8) 1909-05-12
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Carthage; small trees in thickets on dry hills
2883456 John H. Kellogg 123 1908-05-04
United States, Missouri, Greene, NE Springfield; stamens 8-10; anthers white; styles 2; corymbs 12-20 flowers; spines slender; bark rough, scaly; 8 in diameter; 20 ft; spreading top
2883458 Benjamin F. Bush 12 1905-05-16
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Montier, 36.9869 -91.5753
2883637 Ernest J. Palmer 10B 1907-10-04
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Neck City; thickets, 37.25694 -94.44416
2883459 John H. Kellogg 123 1908-05-04
United States, Missouri, Greene, NE Springfield at Clay and Webster Avenue; stamens 10; anthers pinkish white; styles 1-2; corymbs 12-20 flowers; spines large, numerous; 6 in diameter; round top
2883641 Ernest J. Palmer (13) 1907-04-28
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Neck City; stamens 10; anthers yellow, 37.25694 -94.44416
2883461 John H. Kellogg 123 1909-00-00
United States, Missouri, Greene, Brookline; collected from tree in the Arnold Arboretum
2883644 Harold W. Rickett 1419 1936-10-19
United States, Missouri, Boone, S of Columbia; hilltop
2883470 John H. Kellogg 125 1909-00-00
United States, Missouri, Greene, Brookline; collected from tree in the Arnold Arboretum
102231985 John H. Kellogg 2 1902-05-09
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, White Oak woods near Barrett's Station; crus-galli looking trees; stamens 10-15; anthers white
2883654 John H. Kellogg 7 1907-10-01
United States, Missouri, Cole, Osage, 38.1503 -92.6179
102231990 Benjamin F. Bush 16 1905-05-26
United States, Missouri, Christian, No location given; gravelly streams; a large tree with a broad flat topped head 20-25 ft tall and 6-8 in diameter; stamens 5, 6 or 7 in 1 set; anthers pale salmon color; styles 2 or rarely 3
2883659 John H. Kellogg 7 1905-05-06
United States, Missouri, Cole, Osage; large rough bark tree; thorns long, weak, slender; stamens 10; anthers large pale yellow; corymb 10-12 flowers; smooth, glandular; pistils 2; leaf ellipical petioled no bracts leaf smooth pale green
2883474 Benjamin F. Bush 580 1901-05-23
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Webb City; common in thickets, 37.14638 -94.46277
102055635 Alan E. Brant 5582 2004-05-11
United States, Missouri, Dent, Howes Mill Spring Quadrangle. T34N, R4W, SW, SE, Sec. 15. Thorny Hollow Fen and adjacent bottoms. Old fields. Mark Twain National Forest Botanical Survey., 37.6391666 -91.3544444, 383m
102232012 John H. Kellogg 129 1908-05-09
United States, Missouri, Greene, SW Springfield; stamens 10; anthers white; styles 2; corymbs 12-20 flowers; spines small; bark rough; 12-14 in diameter; wide spreading top
2883660 Ernest J. Palmer 22838 1923-05-24
United States, Missouri, Stone, Galena; along James RIver; small spiny tree 4-5 m tall on rocky banks of river, 36.8053 -93.4665
2883475 George W. Letterman s.n. 1911-07-06
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Allenton; Grass Hill; plentiful, 38.5036111 -90.6758334
102232016 Ernest J. Palmer 25465C-G 1924-06-14
United States, Missouri, Daviess, Near Pattonsburg; hillside thickets
2883661 Maureen McHale s.n. 1998-05-14
United States, Missouri, Knox, Lee Mackey property; bottomland forest, 40.2819445 -92.1097222
2883476 Ernest J. Palmer 5658 1914-05-20
United States, Missouri, Stone, Galena; rich alluvial ground, 36.8053 -93.4665
2883663 Ernest J. Palmer 22645 1923-05-17
United States, Missouri, Iron, Near Ironton; large round topped tree 7-8 m tall in rocky ground along small stream
101892553 Harold W. Rickett 47 1931-05-20
United States, Missouri, Boone, Hilltop near balanced rock, s of columbia
2883479 John H. Kellogg 2 1902-05-07
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Barretts Station
2883667 John H. Kellogg 121 1908-05-03
United States, Missouri, Greene, SW Springfield; stamens 8-10; anthers white; styles 2; corymbs 12-20 flowers; spines slender; bark rough, scaly; 8 in diameter; 20 ft; spreading top
2883481 John H. Kellogg 123 1908-09-21
United States, Missouri, Greene, NE Springfield
2883588 John H. Kellogg 5 1907-09-29
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Pacific; Sand HIll; top of hill; FL from 05/08/1905 on same sheet
2883608 John H. Kellogg 2 1905-05-08
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Pacific; stamens 8-10; anthers pink; pistils 2
2883487 Benjamin F. Bush 2 1905-10-08
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Montier; fruit abundant deep red, speckled, hard, ripe, falling much, 36.9869 -91.5753
2883628 Ernest J. Palmer 2804 1909-10-02
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Webb City; copses, 37.14638 -94.46277
2883676 John Davis 3 1910-09-25
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Whiteside; woods, 39.18527 -91.01666
2883631 Ernest J. Palmer 1998 1909-05-13
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Joplin, 37.08416 -94.51305
2883651 William W. Ashe s.n. 1924-06-03
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Webb City, 37.14638 -94.46277
2883681 John H. Kellogg 127 1908-05-09
United States, Missouri, Greene, SW Springfield; stamens 10-12; anthers yellow; styles 2; corymb 10-15 flowers; spines small; bark rough, small scales; 12 in diameter; wide spreading top
2883493 John H. Kellogg 2 1907-05-13
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Barretts; stamens 10; anthers white; pistils 2-3, mostly 2
2883671 Benjamin F. Bush 5226 1908-10-05
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Sheffield; bottoms, 39.10611 -94.51056
2883691 Ernest J. Palmer (35) 1908-04-21
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Webb City; stamens 10; anthers red; styles 3-5, 37.14 -94.46
2883495 Benjamin F. Bush 6A 1906-00-00
United States, Missouri, Taney, Swan; collected from tree in the Arnold Arboretum, 36.795 -93.062
2883711 John H. Kellogg 129 1908-09-20
United States, Missouri, Greene, SW Springfield; stamens 10; anthers white; styles 2; corymbs 12-20 flowers; spines small; bark rough; 14 in diameter; wide spreading top
2883714 Benjamin F. Bush 2 1905-05-01
United States, Missouri, Butler
2883498 Harold W. Rickett 97A 1931-10-02
United States, Missouri, Boone, Columbia; E of University Avenue; hilltop, 38.95 -92.32
2883687 Benjamin F. Bush 2C 1905-05-12
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Montier, 36.9869 -91.5753