Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Pachycormus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 209

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
ASU0002990John L. Anderson   98-101998-02-05
Mexico, Baja California, Ca. 29.35 mi S of Puertocito from end of pavement., 29.9943 -114.568, 58m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0002991Wendy Hodgson   95891995-09-03
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Sierra San Francisco, Cerro Bola., 27.5417 -113.108, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
ASU0002992Jon Rebman   82641994-04-26
Mexico, Baja California, 3.3 miles ENE of Rosarito and Hwy 1, along road to Mision de la San Borjas., 28.7378 -114.041, 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
ASU0002993Wendy Hodgson   96041995-09-04
Mexico, Baja California, Ca. 1.0-1.5 mi W of Hwy 1, off a dirt road towards Pacific Ocean and beach., 28.5939 -114.092, 29m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0002994D. J. Pinkava   14218-B1984-05-21
Mexico, Baja California, Rte 1, 1.4 mi NW of San Agustin., 29.98858 -114.999573

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0002995Jon Rebman   15591993-03-15
Mexico, Baja California, E of El Marmol on the road to Mina Olvidada and approx. 12 mi E of Rte 1., 30 -114.75, 665m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0002996H. S. Gentry   233001973-06-17
Mexico, Baja California, 10 miles S of San Luis Gonzaga Bay along road to Laguna Chapala., 29.416425 -114.368855, 274m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
ASU0002997D. J. Pinkava   142291984-05-22
Mexico, Baja California, Gringa, ca. 10 km N of Bahia de Los Angeles (town)., 29.023503 -113.566667

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0002998Jon P. Rebman   10511991-01-08
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Approx. 1 mi W of km marker 31 on the dirt road that goes N of Bahia Asuncion to Rancho San Miguel., 27.546667 -114.590278

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0002999D. J. Pinkava   P-122861974-05-29
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Rte 1, ca. 12 mi W of Santa Rosalia., 27.392284 -112.384595

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
ASU0003000Jon P. Rebman   10181991-01-06
Mexico, Baja California, Boulder fields 1.3 miles W of km post 163 of Rte 1 on the road to Faro San Jose., 29.8028 -114.903

University of Arizona Herbarium

419699Benjamin T. Wilder   13-112013-04-10
Mexico, Baja California, Midriff Islands, Gulf of California: Isla Smith. One of the small islands in Bahia de los Angeles, 29.076833 -113.514472, 1m

419777Benjamin T. Wilder   13-112013-04-10
Mexico, Baja California, Midriff Islands, Gulf of California: Isla Smith. One of the small islands in Bahia de los Angeles., 29.076833 -113.514472, 1m

P. J. Rempel   2731937-03-20
Mexico, Baja California, Gulf of California Region. Puerto Refugio, Angel de la Guarda Island.

404365T. L. Burgess   73601987-04-28
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Baja California Sur; 16.9 mi N of Punta Abreojos post office via road to Hwy 1. Arroyo La Tinaja on W side of low basalt ridge., 26.933333 -113.45, 60m

415462Benjamin T. Wilder   10-3522010-05-22
Mexico, Baja California Norte, Gulf of Calfornia, Midriff Islands, Isla Angel de la Guarda canyon inland from estero, 29.362611 -113.381528, 50m

393078Miguel Dominguez Leon   36392004-01-14
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Loreto Municipio, Sierra de La giganta; Cerro del Toro, 3 K. al S. Del Rcho. Sta. Ines., 25.042139 -111.677833, 900m

Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00000200George Lindsay   A751939-08-01
Mexico, 10 mi. S. L. C. Mexico, Punta Prieta., 28.788038 -114.111636

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00028466Wendy Hodgson   37261985-07-01
Mexico, Baja California, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Az, lat 33.461826, lon -111.9445 ele 1280', Bed number 11A, accession number A-75; collected by George Lindsay, R.S. Hoard, August 1939, 10 miles south of Puerto Prirta (Prieta?), Baja California, 31.212065 -115.918829

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00034618Howard Scott Gentry   74881947-03-10
Mexico, Baja California, Eastern bajada of Sierra Calvario, Systema de Sierra Viscaino., 27.4125 -114.220833, 60 - 243m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00042917Wendy Hodgson   95891995-09-03
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Cerro Bola., 27.534167 -112.995833, 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
DES00043124Wendy Hodgson   96041995-09-04
Mexico, Baja California, Ca 1-1/2 miles west of highway 1, off a dirt road towards Pacific Ocean and beach., 28.5939 -114.092, 29m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00039690Wendy Hodgson   82641994-04-26
Mexico, Baja California, 3.3 miles ENE of Rosarito and highway 1, along road to Mision de la San Borjas., 28.7378 -114.041, 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00008479H. S. Gentry   233001973-06-17
Mexico, Baja California, 10 miles S of San Luis Gonzaga Bay along road to Laguna Chapala., 29.416425 -114.368855, 274m

Herbario de la Universidad de Sonora

Image Associated With the Occurence
28026Reymundo Domínguez Cadena   45632016-11-08
México, Baja California Sur, Sitio el Paraje de Aguajito, en la Sierra de la Gata; subida por Rancho abandonado a 17 km al sur del poblado de los Planes, Mpio. de La Paz, B.C.S., 23.827886 -109.881724, 570m

Image Associated With the Occurence
25788Benjamin T. Wilder.   13-nov2013-04-10
México, Baja California, Midriff Islands, Gulf of California: Isla Smith. One of the small islands in Bahía de los Ángeles., 29.07683333 -113.5144722, 1m

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
Arthur C. Gibson   36201982-07-18
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, km [post] 181 on Hwy 1, 6 km south of Catavina, 29.70278 -114.6775, 658m

Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
Benjamin T. Wilder   13--112013-04-10
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, Isla Smith. One of the small islands in Bahía de los Angeles., 29.07683 -113.51447, 1m

Wendy C. Hodgson   95891995-09-03
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Mulege, Cerro Bola, just south of the town of Sierra San Francisco, 27.53417 -112.99583, 900m

Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
Wendy C. Hodgson   96041995-09-04
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, c. 1.5 miles west of Hwy 1, off a dirt road towards Pacific Ocean and beach, 28.55439 -114.06692, 29m

Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
Roy Kniffen   s.n.1970-07-00
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, South of San Luis Gonzaga; Gulf of California, 29.75 -114.41667

Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
Roy Kniffen   s.n.1970-03-26
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, Between San Felipe and San Luis Gonzaga; Gulf of California, 30.33444 -114.64694

New Mexico State University Herbarium

39863M. Miller   351969-04-09
Mexico, Baja California, Mexico, one mile north of La Virgen, 610m

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
2592288I. Johnson   33621921-04-30
Mexico, Baja California, Mexicali Mun.

San Juan College Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0003828Heil, Kenneth D.   41791988-02-15
Mexico, Baja California, Ca 5 miles north of Catavina on Mex 1. Roadside., 29.7833333 -114.7666667, 639m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0003829Heil, Kenneth D.   18621984-03-15
Mexico, Baja California, Ca 1/2 mile south of Catavina on Mex 1. Roadside., 29.7166667 -114.7, 546m

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
BRYV0141726C. Newberry   3021986-01-11
Mexico, Baja California, Baja California, Norte; Gravelly bajada E. of Rosarito, BCN.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
BRYV0141727K. Thorne   58091988-01-24
Mexico, Baja California, Baja California, Norte.3.6 miles N of Catavina on Hwy 1., 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
BRYV0141728Ken Heil   18621984-03-15
Mexico, Baja California, 1/2 mile south of Catavina.

Huntington Botanical Gardens Herbarium

Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville

6711J. Dice   4781984-06-06
Mexico, Baja California, Arroyo El Palmarito, ca 4.5 km NW of Cataviña., 29.75416 -114.74166, 450m

Pachycormus discolor var. veatchiana (Benth.) Coville (Kellogg) Gentry
6308R. Moran   290331980-07-17
Mexico, Baja California, Isla Cedros; near mouth of Cañada de la Mina, E coast., 28.35833 -115.2, 20m

Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
9678B. Leuenberger   30211981-10-26
Mexico, Baja California, Rt. 1 (Parador Punta Prieta - Bahia de los Angeles), turnoff after San Borja.

San Diego State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
SDSU02213Harvey, D. R.   6881932-03-23
Mexico, Baja California, 10 miles north of Catavina.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
SDSU02214Lindsay, G.   1937-07-06
Brazil, 15 miles east of Punta Priety on trail to San Borjos.

Image Associated With the Occurence
SDSU02203Howe, D. F.   44681967-10-13
Mexico, Baja California, 1.6 miles south of Rancho Mesquital., 28.62396 -114.03448

Image Associated With the Occurence
SDSU02204Howe, D. F.   44681967-10-13
Mexico, Baja California, 1.6 miles south of Rancho Mesquital., 28.62396 -114.03448

Image Associated With the Occurence
SDSU02304Lindsay, George   21391937-07-06
Mexico, Baja California, 15 mi. southeast Punta Prieta

Missouri Botanical Garden

Pachycormus discolor Coville ex Standl.
101176494Mónica Carlsen   35012019-04-23
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, Missouri Botanical Garden, Shoenberg Temperate House. Source: Hannon, Dylan (Unknown). MOBOT LCMS Accession # 1985-1518-1., 38.6144722 -90.2590833

Georgia Southwestern State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
00000355K Thorne   58091988-01-24
United States, California, Norte, 3.6. miles N of Catavina on Hwy 1.

Howard Payne University Herbarium

HPC00006992Whitson, Roxi   2951980-01-02
United States, Vizcaino, Baja California norte

Appalachian State University, I. W. Carpenter, Jr. Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
010709Carpenter   76931976-07-11
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Rocky coast south of Todos Santos B.C.S., 23.446489 -110.223303

Madrean Discovery Expeditions

mde-41473T.R. Van Devender   1991-03-13
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 9.8 km (by air) NW of Cataviña., 29.78778 -114.79389, 634m

mde-42014T.R. Van Devender   1998-02-14
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 9.6 km by air) NNW of Cataviña., 29.80278 -114.76972, 678m

mde-41247T.R. Van Devender   1990-07-25
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 1.3 km (by air) ENE of Rancho Santa Ynés, 3.5 km (by air) E of Cataviña.., 29.73333 -114.68333, 575m

mde-41305T.R. Van Devender   1998-02-16
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 7.9 km (by air) NW of Cataviña., 29.78 -114.77472, 628m

mde-42090T.R. Van Devender   1991-03-13
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 9.8 km (by air) NW of Cataviña., 29.78778 -114.79389, 634m

mde-41344T.R. Van Devender   1998-02-15
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 9.2 km (by air) NW of Cataviña., 29.79778 -114.77278, 669m

mde-41864T.R. Van Devender   1990-07-25
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 1.3 km (by air) ENE of Rancho Santa Ynés, 3.5 km (by air) E of Cataviña.., 29.73333 -114.68333, 575m

mde-41397T.R. Van Devender   1998-02-14
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 9.6 km by air) NNW of Cataviña., 29.80278 -114.76972, 678m

mde-41922T.R. Van Devender   1998-02-16
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 7.9 km (by air) NW of Cataviña., 29.78 -114.77472, 628m

mde-41961T.R. Van Devender   1998-02-15
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, 9.2 km (by air) NW of Cataviña., 29.79778 -114.77278, 669m

Herbario Annetta Mary Carter

Image Associated With the Occurence
18589Miguel Domínguez León   34672003-03-13
México, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Misión de Los Dolores, 3 km al SW del Rancho Los Dolores, 25.05 -110.883333, 85m

Image Associated With the Occurence
5447Jon P. Rebman   309872015-11-18
México, Baja California Sur, La Paz, S of Mision Dolores & NW of San Evaristo; steep rocky north-facing slope, 24.9888 -110.902, 525m

20022Jon P. Rebman   75932001-10-19
México, Baja California Sur, Loreto, SW of Agua Verde along tril to Marta in large box canyon to W., 25.48333 -111.05, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
25251Reymundo Domínguez Cadena   32812010-03-04
México, Baja California Sur, Comondú, Ladera Las Tijeras, SE de Isla Margarita, 24.37998 -111.729, 558m

4378José Luis León de la Luz   73021994-07-24
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Arroyo al S de La Salina, 24.902227 -110.589478, 31m

4391José Luis León de la Luz   62401993-04-22
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Comondú, Cañada de las Tijeretas, 24.365414 -111.727453, 128m

Herbario de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
4956J. Rebman   10181991-01-06
México, Baja California, San Jose, Boulder fields 1.3 miles west of km post 163 of Rte 1 on the Road to Faro San José

Pachycormus discolor (S. Wats.) Gentry
6256J. Rebman   15591993-03-15
México, Baja California, El Marmol, East of El Mármol, on the road to Mina Olvidada approx. 12 miles east of Rte. 1., 30 -114.75

Pachycormus discolor (Kell) Gentry
3219Hugo Cota   74091986-12-30
México, Baja California, Isla de Cedros, Isla de Cedros, El Choyal., 28.25 -115.25

Pachycormus discolor Coville ex Standl.
11636J.A. Guillen   2001-11-17
México, Baja California, Cataviña, Km 177.5 carret. El Rosario-Cataviña, 29.75 -114.733333

11905J. Delgadillo   2002-04-22
México, Baja California, Cataviña, Camino a Santa Rosalillita, 28.683333 -114.166667

Pachycormus discolor (Kell.) Gentry
3054J. Delgadillo   1986-09-18
México, Baja California, Isla de Cedros, Isla de Cedros., 28.25 -115.25

Pachycormus discolor (S. Wats) Gentry
8494J. Rebman   31361996-05-20
México, Baja California, Puertecitos, South of San Felipe; 29.3 miles south of Puertecitos, 29.933333 -114.5

Pachycormus discolor (Benth) Coville
3360J. Delgadillo   1987-11-10
México, Baja California Sur, Sierra San Francisco, Sierra de San Francisco., 27.616667 -113.083333

Pachycormus discolor (Benth) Cov.
12215J. Rebman   75932001-10-19
México, Baja California Sur, Agua Verde, Southwest of Agua Verde along trail to Sabta Marta in large box canyon, 25.483333 -111.05

3894R.F. Thorne   585771985-02-04
México, Baja California, Isla de Cedros, Isla de Cedros Canada de la Mina to old copper mine., 28.35 -115.216667

Pachycormus discolor (S. Wats.) Gentry
11460R. D. Bratz   1976-01-01
México, Baja California, Santa Ines, 9 km NW of Rancho Santa Ines., 29.766667 -114.766667

Pachycormus discolor (S. Wats) Gentry
4927J. Rebman   10511991-01-08
México, Baja California Sur, Bahía Asunción, Apporx. 1 mile wets of km marker 31 on the dirt road that goes north of North of Bahía Asunción to Ranchito San Miguel, 27.333333 -114.116667

Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville.
13529S. Ibarra   81995-02-23
México, Baja California, Bahia de Los Angeles, 10 km antes del entronque Bahia de Los Angeles.Ensenada, 29.166667 -114.05

California Polytechnic State University, Robert F. Hoover Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI130914D. Pinkava   P122861974-05-29
Mexico, Baja California, Rte 1, ca. 12 mi W of Santa Rosalia

University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mexico, Baja California

Natural History Institute Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
NHI000233FC Baptista   1984-05-19
Mexico, Baha del Norte, ca 64 km S of Punta Prieta near Altimera beach

Image Associated With the Occurence
NHI000232FC Baptista   1984-05-19
Mexico, Baha del Norte, ca 64 km S of Punta Prieta

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM347569Lobdell, E.Y.   22181989-12-07
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Pittsburgh, Phipps Conservatory, Greenhouse No. 7, 40.439124 -79.947622

Delaware State University, Claude E. Phillips Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
DOV0056668Alfred W. Anthony   27a1896-07-00
Mexico, Baja California, Turtle Bay [Bahia Tortugas]

Image Associated With the Occurence
DOV0056669Alfred W. Anthony   271896-07-00
Mexico, Baja California, Cedros Island

Image Associated With the Occurence
DOV0056670Alfred W. Anthony   s.n.1897-03-00
Mexico, Baja California, Cedros Island

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mexico, Baja California

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mexico, Baja California

University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
76558I. L. Wiggins   178651962-04-27
Mexico, Baja California, 10 mi. S of Arroyo Catavina., 29.7294 -114.721, 610m

Herbario "Luz María Villarreal de Puga" de la Universidad de Guadalajara

Image Associated With the Occurence
214394A. Sánchez-Romero   282021-12-19
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Oasis del Saltito, 3 km al S de Playa Muertitos, 24.221944 -110.163889, 150m

Herbario Jerzy Rzedowski

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
QMEX00010776Hernández-Sandoval, L.   69362016-05-07
México, Baja California Sur, Mexicali, Isla Ángel de la Guarda, parte norte, 29.533 -113.5443333, 15m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
QMEX00010777Hernández-Sandoval, L.   69462016-06-07
México, Baja California Sur, Mexicali, Isla Ángel de la Guarda, parte norte, 29.44861111 -113.3954028, 15m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
QMEX00017447Hernández-Sandoval, L.   69312016-05-07
México, Baja California, Mexicali, Isla Ángel de la Guarda, parte norte, 29.533 -113.5443333, 15m

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Clifton Smith Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
SBBG154267Ralph N. Philbrick   B72-851972-04-21
Mexico, Baja California, arroyo wash, mouth of cyn, N of wreck of "Tepic", at foot of El Gato trail, Isla Cedros

Image Associated With the Occurence
SBBG154274C. H. Muller   108151960-06-18
Mexico, Baja California, Low ridge at head of Gran Canon, Isla Cedros, 28.1862 -115.2042, 610m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pachycormus discolor (Benth.) Coville
SBBG160334Michael R. Benedict   1977-06-07
Mexico, Baja California, rocky upland 0.5 mi W of Parador, Catavina

Image Associated With the Occurence
SBBG154270Michael R. Benedict   1971-03-08
Mexico, Baja California, Cyns near coast of Campo Punta Norte, N-eastern portion of island, Isla Cedros, 28.3547 -115.1949

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