ASU0008390 D. J. Pinkava P-13426 1976-06-16
Mexico, Durango, Rte 40, 6.1 mi W of Rio Mimbres, ca. 37.5 mi W of Durango., 23.9084672860076 -105.031689405441, 2493m
ASU0008389 A. Ventura A. 54 1990-03-02
Mexico, Hidalgo, Mpio. de Tepeapulco. Tepeapulco., 19.792549 -98.550453
ASU0008388 Watkins 683 1975-07-27
Mexico, Michoacán, 26 mi W. of Mexico & Michoacan` boundary & 18 mi E. of Giudad Hidalgo, 19.485442 -100.43561, 1951m
ASU0008387 A. Ventura A. 3684 1980-09-16
Mexico, Mexico, Mpio. de San Cristóbal Ecatepec. Cerro de la Cruz., 19.601111 -99.0525, 2400m
ASU0008386 A. Ventura A. 3237 1978-08-16
Mexico, Mexico, Mpio. de Villa Nicolás Romero. San Pedro., 19.621944 -99.313056
ASU0008385 Elinor Lehto 24880 1980-08-12
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ca. 51.6 miles NE. Alamos, Sonora 6.7 miles N. Chinacas, 27.233248 -108.650072
ASU0008384 Elinor Lehto 21972 1977-08-02
Mexico, Puebla, 1.2 mi W of Texmalaquila. Just SE of Pico de Orizaba (Volcan Citlaltepetl), near E base of Sierra Negras., 18.96927 -97.364084
ASU0301288 Liz Makings 5404 2017-08-13
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Juriquipa; Rancho Zulema, 30.28313 -109.55989, 1680m
P. S. Martin s.n. 1991-08-21
Mexico, Sonora, Alamos Municipio, 1 km west of Los Llanitos on rd to Chiribo from Huicoche., 27.328333 -108.666667, 1600m
P. Jenkins 89-239 1989-08-16
Mexico, Chihuahua, Memelichic, south of town., 28.043333 -108.176667, 2300m
249627 E. Molseed 394 1966-06-00
Mexico, Durango, At k 1062, ca. 2 km E of El Salto on Hwy 40; on Rancho El Consuelo., 2529m
249619 E. Molseed 426 1966-07-02
Mexico, Jalisco, At km 647, 23 mi south of Guadalajara, Hwy 15., 1539m
377329 D. A. Yetman s.n. 1990-09-04
Mexico, Chihuahua, Conchuhi
392995 Leonardo Alvarado C. 161-a 2002-07-12
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ixtlán de Juárez Municipio, Brecha a San Isidro.
428433 Sue Carnahan 1315 2015-08-10
Mexico, Sonora, Nacozari de García, 1.5 km SE of Rancho el Tigre, ENE of Mina el Tigre, 28.3 km (by air) WNW of Bavispe, 51.5 km (by air) ENE of Nacozari de García, Sierra el Tigre, 30.58268 -109.19954, 2291m
DES00025272 Refugio Cedillo Trigos 851 1981-07-28
Mexico, Oaxaca, Distrito de Ixtlan: Desviacion a San Juan Atepec, al NE de Ixtlan., 17.430453 -96.499912, 2860m
DES00057111 Juan Arguelles 148 1959-08-25
Mexico, Sonora, San Bernardino & vicinity, Rio Mayo watershed. Curahui., 27.383333 -108.833333, 400 - 1000m
29009 Liz Makings 5404 2017-08-13
México, Sonora, Sierra Juriquipa; Rancho Zulema, 30.28313 -109.55989, 1680m
5728 W. Trauba SN 1997-08-12
México, Sonora, Yécora, 28.37361111 -108.925, 1540m
27254 José Jesús Sánchez Escalante 2018-2-014 2018-08-06
México, Sonora, Municipio de Nácori Chico, Sonora. Sierra Madre Occidental, sobre el camino al Pico La India, a 3 km (línea recta) al S de Mesa Tres Ríos., 29.813179 -108.718063, 1635m
Mitch Provance 1448 1999-07-13
Mexico, Zacatecas, Huanusco, Rancho La Tarjea; 4.5 km SSE of La Higuera (which is along Hwy. 70); N base of the Sierra El Laurel, 21.69833 -102.805, 1800m
R. Corral Díaz 679 1983-08-25
Mexico, Durango, Santiago Papasquiero, c. 22 air km WNW of Santiago Papasquiero, 3.3 mi by Topia Rd. from jct. rd. to antenna at E edge of Sierra, 25.06667 -105.85, 2668m
A.C. Sanders 8587 1988-08-30
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km NNW of the city of Colima at the Jalisco state line near Hacienda San Antonio; W edge of rancho; La Joya area, 19.45 -103.66667, 1400m
A. Rodriguez C. 1437 1988-08-13
Mexico, Jalisco, Tala, A lo largo del Arroyo Caliente y Los Letreros, Bosque Escuela, La Primavera, 1450m
E. Molseed 205 1963-07-11
Mexico, Jalisco, 6 mi E of Atotonilco el Alto, 1921m
O.F. Clarke 546 1967-08-22
Mexico, Chiapas, Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacan, 3 miles north of Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacán, 17.21667 -92.90944, 1616m
Tim Walker s.n. 1967-08-28
Mexico, México, Ocuilan, Lagunas de Zempoala (National Park along the border between the muncipios of Huitzilac, Morelos and Ocuilan de Areaga, Mexico), 19.05361 -99.325, 3354m
A.C. Sanders 11333 1991-09-16
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Rancho El Jabalí, 22 km (airline) north of Colima; Colima/Jalisco line passes through ranch. At El Agostadero, along the cobblestone road up from the shrine on the highway c. 5 km south of San Antonio, 19.43333 -103.69667, 1500m
A.C. Sanders 21179 1997-09-01
Mexico, Sinaloa, Concordia, off Hwy 40 (Mazatlan-Durango Hwy) at Rancho Liebre, c. 2 km west of El Palmito; trail from highway to large barranca c. 2 km NW; Sierra Madre Occidental, 23.575 -105.85, 2000m
UTC00260146 Sally Walker 1976-07-20
Mexico, Durango, 8 miles W of La Cuidad [assumed to mean city of Durango], 24.033281 -104.793941, 2438m
UTC00260187 Sally Walker 1969-08-16
Mexico, Mexico, Morelos, Above Upper Lake, Lagunas de Zempoala National Park, 19.062217 -99.318679, 2926m
UTC00260188 Tim Walker 1987-08-05
Mexico, Jalisco, San Gabriel, Km 142 S of Jiquilpan above Rt 110, 19.778449 -103.778585, 1402m
UTC00260160 Tim Walker 1992-08-24
Mexico, Jalisco, 20km W of Sayula, on Carranza rd
UTC00260159 A. Osyany 1991-11-08
Mexico, Mexico, 26 km on rd from Tenancingo to San Gaspar
UTC00260157 Sally Walker 1979-10-19
Mexico, Jalisco, Tapalpa
UTC00260155 Tim Walker 1993-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua, Km 106, Rt 16, 23km SE of Madera
UTC00260152 Sally Walker 1969-09-21
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 17 mi E of Ciudad del Maiz
UTC00260182 Sally Walker 1969-09-21
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 8 miles E of Ciudad del Maiz, 1524m
UTC00260162 A. Osyany 4 1991-09-12
Mexico, Jalisco, 20km S of Guadalupe, S of Tapalpa
UTC00258634 Noel H. Holmgren 8045 1975-08-30
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, 32.2 km north of La Mesa del Huracán, along the road to Colonia Garcia, 80.5 air km north of Madera., 29.9 -108.3, 2450m
UTC00260185 Sally Walker 1968-08-04
Mexico, Jalisco, Puerto Los Mazos, 11 miles S of Autlan, 1372m
UTC00260150 Tim Walker 1992-08-27
Mexico, KM70 2/3 NE of Guadalajara, Rt 54, 1615m
UTC00260154 Sally Walker s.n. 1968-08-12
Mexico, Jalisco, 2 miles on road to Atemajoc, from Sayula to Japalpa Junction, 2286m
UTC00260158 Tim Walker s.n. 1989-11-01
Mexico, Sierra de mil Cumbres, km 189, west of Toluca, 2865m
UTC00260797 Tim Walker 1978-07-20
Mexico, Durango, 47 km S. of Cd. Durango. Durango on road to La Hor., 2316m
UTC00260190 Tim Walker 1989-07-12
Mexico, Nayarit, Km 15 N. of Tepic, old Rt. 15 in Nayarit, 732m
UTC00260038 Sally Walker s.n. 1972-01-02
Mexico, Oaxaca, About 10 miles northeast of Oaxaca City near road to Gaclatao, 2740m
UTC00260040 Tim Walker s.n. 1983-07-13
United States, Durango, 184 km wes of Cuidad Durango on Route 40
UTC00260184 Tim Walker 1985-09-02
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Km 207 (16 km W of Sta. Catarina) Rt 70, 1829m
UTC00260500 Tim Walker 1987-08-02
Mexico, Rm. 16 N of Tepic, Hayanit. Rt. 15 Mexico, 838m
UTC00260192 Sally Walker 1970-08-02
Mexico, Durango, Cryotes, 8 miles E of El Salto, 2377m
UTC00260433 Sally Walker 1970-08-28
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra de Alamos, 1067m
UTC00260194 Sally Walker 1974-08-06
Mexico, Jalisco, Tapalpa, 2 miles North of Tapalpa, 19.97531 -103.75855, 2286m
UTC00269723 A. Osyany 1991-11-08
MEXICO, Km 26 - on rd from Tenancingo to San Gaspar, 1524m
UTC00269724 Sally Walker 1977-07-09
MEXICO, Chiapas, SW of San Aristobal de las Casas., 2134m
UTC00260191 Sally Walker 1972-11-28
Mexico, Nayarit, 21 km S of Tepic, beside road to Compostela, 945m
UTC00260492 Tim Walker 1987-08-07
Mexico, Nayarit, Km 59 N of Tepic. Along lane, leading E from pullout by roofless house, 79m
6761 C.H.T. Townsend and C.M. Barber 146 1899-07-20
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mexico, Near Colonia Garcia in the Sierra Madre, 2286m
75267 W.L. Wonderly 459 1977-04-26
Mexico, Chiapas, Ocosingo, Ococingo [Ocosingo], near Rancho Buenos Aires
62977 W.L. Wonderly 348 1976-08-23
Mexico, Michoacan, Mexico, Bought near Morelia at km. 211, "Los Trojes".
59122 W.L. Wonderly 310 1976-08-19
Mexico, Michoacan/Mexico, Along highway to Zitacuaro, km. 115 W of Toluca.
69336 R.W. Spellenberg, L. Brouillet, and T.K. Todsen 12592 1998-08-14
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ocampo, Parque Nacional "Cascada de Basaseachi,"along Rio Baseaseachi leading to falls, 28.1817 -108.2117, 1950m
66963 G. Quintana and E. Estrada 3555 1994-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Madera, Laguna de Babicora; Arroyo Las Varas, 2300m
319549 R. W. Cruden 1751 1970-08-07
Mexico, México, Ca. 5 kms S Villa Guerrero, Rt 55 between K 61 and 62., 2000m
621901 A. Rodríguez Contreras 2972 2002-07-07
Mexico, Oaxaca, 8.4 km. N of Santiago Amatlán along a dirt road to San Miguel Chicahua, 17.6 -97.18, 2400m
319551 E. W. Molseed 423 1966-06-30
Mexico, Nayarit, Road between Compostela and Tepic, 14.6 miles S of junction with highway 15 in Tepic., 1021m
00319552 C. G. Pringle 4771 1894-08-03
Mexico, Oaxaca, Sierra de San Felipe., 18.161509 -96.771203, 2896 - 3048m
319555 C. G. Pringle 1379 1889-09-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre
03855246 L. K. Magrath 9375 1976-06-26
United States of America, Oklahoma, Bryan Co., Bennington Bog, 4.5 mi e on US 70 of Bennington & 1 s, 34.0117593 -95.973473
319398 E. Palmer 182 1886-06-00
Mexico, Jalisco, Río Blanco, 20.77947 -103.399981
1042356 L. J. Ford 56 2006-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua Estado, Municipio Urique. Home of Rubén Lopez, 27.25755 -108.013967, 2115m
319546 E. W. Molseed 394 1966-06-25
Mexico, Durango, At K 1062 about 2 km east of El Salto on Highway 40; on Rancho El Consuelo., 2530m
01083141 N. H. Holmgren 8045 1975-08-30
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental, 32.2 km north of La Mesa del Huracán, along the road to Colonia Garcia, 80.5 air km north of Madera, 29.9 -108.3, 2450m
319554 G. B. Hinton 6527 1934-08-31
Mexico, México, Temascaltepec Mun., Nanchititla, 18.863582 -100.451612
319557 C. G. Pringle 4490 1893-08-13
Mexico, Ciudad de México, Cerro de Ixtapalapa.
38776 C. G. Pringle 4519 1893-09-05
Mexico, Jalisco, Rocky slopes of barranca near Guadalajara, 20.7277778 -103.26666667
319397 C. G. Pringle 2553 1889-07-02
Mexico, Jalisco, Hillside near Guadalajara., 20.672467 -103.334031
01505423 S. Brown 2189 1914-05-22
Bermuda, Orange Valley
319548 E. W. Molseed 287 1963-08-04
Mexico, Oaxaca, Ca. 4 km north of Santa María Albarradas. Found along here to top of ridge at 6900 ft (continental divide) and down to 5200 ft, ca. 2 km from Santo Domingo Albarradas, all NE from Mitla., 2012m
319416 R. W. Cruden 1638 1969-07-23
Mexico, Guerrero, Ca. 29 km by lumber road NE of Cerro Teotepec (40 km SW of Gral. Nicholas Bravo)., 2700m
38775 C. G. Pringle 6618 1896-10-24
Mexico, Hidalgo, Valley near Tula, 20.0819444 -99.42, 2073m
319401 C. G. Pringle 4400 1893-06-23
Mexico, Jalisco, Near Guadalajara., 20.672467 -103.334031
319547 R. W. Cruden 2123 1973-09-27
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Rt 70, ca. 47 kms W of Ciudad Valles., 750m
319550 G. B. Hinton 9748 1936-10-22
Mexico, Guerrero, Mina. Fresnos., 2100m
319558 R. W. Cruden 1454 1968-08-03
Mexico, Michoacán, Cerro de Garnica, ca. 58 km E of Morelia., 2900m
319545 W. C. Leavenworth 680 1940-08-19
Mexico, Michoacán, Tancítaro Mun., On Cerro Tancítaro., 3505m
621902 A. J. García-Mendoza 7326 2001-11-10
Mexico, Oaxaca, San Miguel Chicahua Mun., Nochixtlán. 8.5 km. al NO de Amatlán, camino a Apoala., 17.58 -97.1977778, 2438m
38774 C. G. Pringle 1379 1889-09-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre
7493 R. McVaugh 15554 1957-07-19
Mexico, Colima, Mountain summits near pass ca. 11 miles SSW of Colima on Manazanillo Rd.; deciduous woodland now nearly in full foliage, dominated by various Leguminosae, Bursera, Cnidoscolus, 19.0416667 -103.75, 500m
319553 G. B. Hinton 6527 1934-08-31
Mexico, México, Temascaltepec Mun., Nanchititla, 18.863582 -100.451612
T.R. Van Devender 2014-10-17
Mexico, Chihuahua, Temósachic, 3.4 km (by air) NE of Agua de los Leones, Sierra las Conchas., 29.17333 -107.93861
T.R. Van Devender 2014-08-01
Mexico, Sonora, Bacanora, Rancho las Tierras de Jimenez, 14.2 km (by air) SW of Bacanora, Sierra de Murrieta., 28.90111 -109.51417
son-trv-24621 T.R. Van Devender 2014-04-27
Mexico, Sonora, Mazatán, Represo la Leona, 1.7 km (by air) SE of Rancho el Bachán, 10.1 km (by air) NNW of Mazatán, Sierra Huérfana (= Mazatán)., 29.08833 -110.17694, 1437m
Hale, Stephen 2017-08-15
Mexico, Sonora, Nacozari de Garcia, Rancho la Zulema, Sierra Juriquipa, 10.52 mi, 16.93 km (by air) SE of Nacozari de García., 30.28085 -109.54934, 1780m
Sue Carnahan 1315 2015-08-10
Mexico, Sonora, 1.5 km SE of Rancho el Tigre, ENE of Mina el Tigre, 28.3 km (by air) WNW of Bavispe, 51.5 km (by air) ENE of Nacozari de García, Sierra el Tigre, 30.58268 -109.19954, 2291m
BRYV0015731 Stewart C. Sanderson 9 1965-05-21
U.S.A., Texas, San Patricio, Rob & Bessie Welder Wildlife Foundation. Inside compound near north fence, Welder Refuge, Sinton.
BRYV0015730 Watkins 683 1975-07-27
Mexico, Michoacn, 26 mi. W. of Mexico and Michoacan boundary & 18 mi. E. of Ciudad Hidalgo in St. of Michoacan, Mexico., 1951m
BRYV0015729 Cyrus G. Pringle 13657 1905-09-05
Mexico, Morelos, Sierra de Tepoxtlan.
BRYV0015724 Elizabeth Neese 8293 1979-08-13
U.S.A., Utah, Salt Lake, East Bench, Salt Lake City.
BRYV0015728 Cyrus G. Pringle 13657 1908-09-05
Mexico, Morelos, Sierra de Tepoztlan., 2286m