Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Desmodium procumbens var. longipes
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-16 of 16

University of Arizona Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
443874Frank Reichenbacher   220913-052022-09-13
Mexico, Sonora, 30.7 km, by Sonora Rt 117, N of Rio Yaqui bridge, vicinity of ranch road turnoff to south., 29.3450333 -109.4915111, 935m

Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
268914H. S. Gentry   17281935-09-10
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Charuco, Rio Mayo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
322975T. R. Van Devender   92-9831992-10-05
Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo El Mentidero at El Chinal road, 11.3 km south of Alamos, 26.9125 -108.918056, 240m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
277346M. Sousa   128931984-11-18
Mexico, Chiapas, Bella Vista Municipio, Colonia Chicharras, a 11 km al W de Frontera Comalapa, en el camino a Chicomucelo., 740m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
310028J. E. Laferriere   10881987-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Temósachi Municipio, Nabogame, 28.5 -108.5, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
323421T. R. Van Devender   95-11231995-09-27
Mexico, Sonora, Tres Marias limestone quarry, ca. 28 km east of Mexico 15 in Navojoa, 27.112778 -109.1625, 220m

Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
413371J. F. Castrejon R.   6061999-11-18
Mexico, Oaxaca, Pochutla, Santa Maria Xadani, 2 km al S., 15.944722 -96.055278, 310m

Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
413381J. F. Castrejon R.   6061999-11-18
Mexico, Oaxaca, Pochutla, Santa Maria Xadani, 2 km al S., 15.944722 -96.055278, 310m

Herbario de la Universidad de Sonora

Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
23875Charlie de la Rosa   342015-10-05
México, Sonora, Municipio de Álamos, Sonora. Rancho El Carricito, a 14 Km (línea recta) al E de Álamos., 27.01431 -108.79602, 415m

Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
2454T.R. Van Devender   95-11231995-09-27
México, Sonora, Tres Marias limestone quarry, ca. 28 km east of Mexico 15 in Navojoa., 27.11277778 -109.1625, 220m

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

T.R. Van Devender   95--11231995-09-27
Mexico, Sonora, Tres Marias limestone quarry, c. 28 km E of MEX Hwy 15 in Navojoa, 27.11278 -109.1625, 220m

General Research Observations

Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
Frank Reichenbacher   220913-052022-09-13
Mexico, Sonora, 30.7 km, by Sonora Rt 117, N of Rio Yaqui bridge, vicinity of ranch road turnoff to south., 29.3450333 -109.4915111, 935m

Vanderbilt University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
Mexico, Durango

Madrean Discovery Expeditions

Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
MDE-59905T.R. Van Devender   2022-4292022-09-14
Mexico, Sonora, Bacanora, Rancho las Tierras de Jimenez, 14.2 km (by air) SW of Bacanora, Sierra Murrieta., 28.901111 -109.514167, 1387m

Herbario Annetta Mary Carter

Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
3763José Luis León de la Luz   4037a1989-03-16
México, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Portezuelo de San Francisquito, Paraje Las Hornillitas, 23.489897 -109.946579, 1456m

Southern Illinois University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Desmodium procumbens var. longipes (Schindl.) B.G.Schub.
SIU044501Ventura, E.   5151984-10-16
Mexico, Chiapas

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