ASU0133618 N.H. Holmgren 11822 1993-05-09
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Grouse Creek Mountains just below Keg Spring Pass on E side of range 7km W of Immigrant Pass road, 2075m
ASU0133619 N.H. Holmgren 5065 1971-06-07
USA, Utah, Uintah, Uinta Mts 0.8 mi on Diamond Mt Plateau rd from UT Hwy 44 the jct of which is 23.8 mi N of Vernal, 2495m
ASU0133620 R.L. Hartman 2946 1970-05-30
USA, Wyoming, Carbon, Ca 2 mi NNW of town of Elk Mountain on road to Hanna., 2256m
ASU0133294 G. Mason 6854 1964-05-30
USA, Oregon, Wallowa, Wallowa Mts. on W slope of West Moraine at Wallowa Lake., 1372m
ASU0133621 G. Mason 2053 1961-05-21
USA, Oregon, Union, Howard Meadows Rd, ca 10 mi W of La Grande, 1372m
ASU0133622 G. Mason 970 1961-05-12
USA, Oregon, Union, Pumpkin Ridge Road; ca. 2 mi. N of Summerville., 823m
ASU0133623 R.R. Halse 8217 2011-06-14
USA, Oregon, Wallowa, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Buckhorn Observation Site, about 13 air miles north of Imnaha; 45.75392 -116.82285, 45.75392 -116.82285, 1630m
ASU0133624 G. Mason 960 1961-05-12
USA, Oregon, Union, Pumpkin Ridge Road; ca. 2 mi. N of Summerville., 823m
ASU0133625 G. Mason 2079 1961-05-21
USA, Oregon, Union, Howard Meadows Rd, ca 10 mi W of La Grande, 1524m
ASU0133298 N.H. Holmgren 5758 1972-06-04
USA, Idaho, Twin Falls, Road to Monument Spring, 9.1 mi S of Rogerson-Murphy Hot Springs rd, 15.5 air mi WSW of Rogerson, 2134m
ASU0133626 A. Tiehm 12868 1999-06-09
USA, Nevada, Elko, Owyhee Desert, Hat Peak, 11.4 road miles W on Bob Johnson Road from the Sheep Creek Reservoir Road, SE slopes of the peak.; 41.9 -116.39, 41.9 -116.39, 1722m
ASU0133627 A. Tiehm 13862 2002-05-28
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Virginia Mountains, creek near Lower Scott Spring, 1.4 road miles east of main Spanish Flat road; 40.025822 -119.768328, 40.025822 -119.768328, 2210 - 2210m
ASU0133628 A. Tiehm 13849 2002-05-22
USA, Nevada, Pershing, Eugene Moutains, Pole Canyon on east side of the range, 3.6 road miles west of main valley road; 40.82094 -118.1464, 40.82094 -118.1464, 1661 - 1661m
ASU0133629 G. Mason 664 1961-04-14
USA, Oregon, Union, Hull Lane, 1 mi E of Imbler, 792m
ASU0133305 N.H. Holmgren 4781 1971-05-23
USA, Idaho, Bear River, Bear River Range, Bloomington Creek Canyon, 2.2 miles west of Bloomington (US 89); 42.1936111 -111.4708333, 42.1936111 -111.4708333, 1859m
ASC00064710 Noel H. Holmgren 11823 1993-05-09
United States, Nevada, Elko, Independence Mountains, Taylor Canyon, along Nevada Highway 226, 4.3 km (2.7 mi) west of summit., 41.25 -116.03, 1925 - 1925m
ASC00088981 Raymond J. Evans s.n. 1959-04-25
United States, Utah, Cache, Green Canyon. 2.5 mi left side of roadway, 41.58049 -111.799663, 1539m
ASC00083336 L.J. Wilson 6 1961-04-25
United States, UTAH, Cache, 1 mi up Logan Canyon on Rte 89, 50 feet on N side of hwy, 41.743411 -111.78542, 1400m
Arnold Tiehm 15595 2008-06-07
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Santa Rosa Range, Auto Hill, [0.25] road miles NNW of National Mine road junction on main ridge road, 41.83478 -117.58183, 1418m
UTC00117792 G Davidse; J.L. Gentry Jr. 1099 1967-06-28
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Humboldt NF ; Santa Rosa Range NE of Winnemuca 38.5 miles NE of jct US 95 & NV 8B Cabin Creek, 1859m
UTC00117794 G Davidse 1045 1967-05-13
United States, Utah, Rich, 1 mi W of Garden City, 1859m
UTC00063017 FH Rose 40 1938-05-06
United States, Montana, Petroleum, Miller Creek Valley near Missoula
UTC00132088 NH Homgren; PK Holmgren 4840 1971-05-26
United States, Utah, Box Elder, North end of Grouse Creek Mountains along Lynn-Grouse Creek road 0.3 miles SW of summit, 2118m
UTC00210721 M Curto; L Allen 925 1933-05-23
United States, Utah, Rich, Bear River Range eastern slope; Temple Canyon adjacent to USFS Rd 008 ca. 1.0 mi W of jct with Meadowville Rd, 2042m
UTC00132089 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 4982 1971-06-03
United States, Idaho, Bingham, Blackfoot Mtns Wolverine Creek Canyon 1.7 mi above canyon entrance 20 airline mi ENE of Blackfoot, 1646m
UTC00117803 G Davidse 1053 1967-05-15
United States, Utah, Cache, 1/4 mi W of Wellsville along 2nd So. Str., 1463m
UTC00135731 Calvin McMillan 626 1947-06-17
United States, Utah, Juab, Fifteen-mile Creek Canyon south Indian Village Deep Creek Mountains, 2286m
UTC00117809 G Davidse 1032 1967-05-13
United States, Idaho, Franklin, Just N of the Franklin Cemetery, 1402m
UTC00022185 Bassett Maguire 16028 1937-05-08
United States, Utah, Cache, Bench N. outskirts Providence
UTC00117813 G Davidse 1036 1967-05-13
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, 1.3 mi W of Ovid along Ida. Hy. 36
UTC00229676 Jamie McEvoy; Steve Klassen 19 1999-04-25
United States, Utah, Cache, 4.5 miles up Logan Canyon along the Crimson Trail., 41.7522222 -111.7122222, 1951m
UTC00117814 G Davidse 1037 1967-05-13
United States, Utah, Rich, 2 mi W of Garden City, 2103m
UTC00117817 G Davidse 1040 1967-05-13
United States, Utah, Cache, 20 1/2 mi up Logan Canyon and 1/2 mi up Twin Creek Rd., 2012m
UTC00068915 CL Hitchcock; CV Muhlick 1944-06-07
United States, Idaho, Custer, Above N Fk Big Lost River ca 20 mi N of Sun Valley
UTC00157828 B Rogers; A Tiehm 834 1978-05-06
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge ; N end Virgin Creek Gorge 1.6 air miles SSW of Virgin Valley Ranch, 1554m
UTC00149685 JW Grimes 75-110 1975-07-06
United States, Idaho, Jefferson, On the north side of Kelly Canyon, 1928m
UTC00237894 Charles Piper Smith 1528 1909-04-18
United States, Utah, Cache, DSL-Mendon line, Logan
UTC00117821 G Davidse 1018 1967-05-08
United States, Utah, Cache, Mouth of Wellsville Canyon, 1524m
UTC00249036 Ronald L. Hartman & K. H. Dueholm 12812 1981-05-28
United States, Wyoming, Hot Springs, Bighorn Basin: ca 10 air mi E of Thermopolis; Also S 10., 43.634 -108.0066
UTC00102335 VK Hugie; B Thatcher 15 1962-06-06
United States, Wyoming, Hot Springs, Ca. 11 mi. S of Thermopolis opn Owl Creek Mts in the Arapahoe Assoc. pasture, 1890m
UTC00117829 G Davidse; AW Collotzi 512 1966-06-03
United States, Oregon, Harney, Malheur National Forest ; 15 mi N of Burns
UTC00210220 M Curto; L Allen 882 1993-05-16
United States, Utah, Rich, East side of Bear Lake on plateau east of Radio Facility between Pine and Mahogany Canyons and N of Six Mile Creek, 2164m
UTC00026453 HB Passey; VK Hugie sn 1959-06-02
United States, Nevada, Elko, Bedke Ranch 20 miles E of Contact, 1829m
UTC00117835 G Davidse; AW Collotzi 488 1966-06-02
United States, Idaho, Owyhee, 5 mi W of Silver City along road to Jordan Valley
UTC00224042 Noel Holmgren; Doris Holmgren 11822 1993-05-09
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Grouse Creek Mountains just below Keg Spring Pass on E side of range 7km W of Immigrant Pass road, 2075m
UTC00178661 RJ Davis 51-w 1934-06-25
United States, Wyoming, Platte, Medicine Bow Mts
UTC00117842 G Davidse 411 1966-05-19
United States, Utah, Summit, 1 mi N of Snyderville, 2012m
UTC00149765 A Cronquist 11524 1976-06-03
United States, Utah, Uintah, Saddle at the S end of Limestone Mt. ca 30 km airline NNW of Vernal, 2400m
UTC00232852 Sandy Long 632 2000-04-23
United States, Utah, Tooele, Site 15. Box Elder Wash., 40.495 -112.4505556, 1503m
UTC00211605 M Hysell; LM Shultz; J Godfrey CP334 1993-04-28
United States, Utah, Utah, Camp W.G. Williams Training Area ; Traverse Mountain Range, 1599m
UTC00117847 G Davidse; J Davidse 343 1966-05-07
United States, Utah, Cache, 1 mi up Hyrum Canyon, 1646m
UTC00211046 RV Hardy 891
United States, Utah, Tooele, One mile S of Vernon Reservoir
UTC00260808 B.E. Nelson 17025 1989-06-27
United States, Wyoming, Park, Northern Absarokas: ridge between Beem Gulch and Elk Creek, ca 3 air mi SE of Sunlight Ranger Station, ca 25.5 air mi NW of Cody., 44.6875 -109.5131, 2469 - 2499m
UTC00061924 L Arnow 6637 1990-04-11
United States, Utah, Morgan, Ca 1/2 mi NW of X of Rt. 167N with road leading from Mountain Green to Morgan; ca. 1/4 mi N of Mountain Green Cemetery, 1550m
UTC00111079 RL Anderson 1966-05-14
United States, Utah, Cache, Spring Hollow Logan Canyon, 1524m
UTC00205050 W Padgett; M Manning 2062 1987-06-15
United States, Nevada, Lander, Toiyabe National Forest ; Austin R.D. Toiyabe Range Lower Cahill Creek; 0.5 mi above Hwy 50 east of Austin, 39.4672222 -117.0063889, 2158m
UTC00117872 JL Gentry Jr.; G Davidse 1639 1967-06-25
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Humboldt National Forest ; Santa Rosa Range NE of Winnemucca 33.5 miles NE of jct US Hwy 95 and NV Hwy 8B 0.5 miles up Lye Creek Rd, 2121m
UTC00117853 G Davidse; J Davidse 356 1966-05-07
United States, Utah, Cache, 1 mi up Left Fork of Blacksmith Fork Canyon at jct with Millville Canyon, 1737m
UTC00138739 TF Wieboldt 1594 1974-05-25
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Raft River Mtns 4 miles SW of Standrod Utah-Idaho One Mile Canyon, 2073m
UTC00117874 G Davidse 417 1966-05-21
United States, Utah, Cache, 3 miles north of Hardware Ranch, 1829m
UTC00117856 G Davidse; J Davidse 364 1966-05-07
United States, Utah, Cache, 1/2 mi W of Herd Hollow entrance in Left Fork of Blacksmith Fork Canyon, 1829m
UTC00138745 TF Wieboldt 1606 1974-05-25
United States, Utah, Box Elder, Raft River Mtns One Mile Canyon, 2073m
UTC00117864 G Davidse; J Davidse 375 1966-05-14
United States, Utah, Cache, 20.5 miles up Logan Canyon near Twin Creek Road, 1890m
UTC00252601 Winona Cardon 1938-05-15
United States, Utah, Weber, Eden, 41.301076 -111.804867
UTC00229301 Arnold Tiehm; Jan Nachlinger 12868 1999-06-09
United States, Nevada, Elko, Owyhee Desert 11.4 road miles W on Bob Johnson Road from the Sheep Creek Reservoir Road., 1722m
UTC00229302 Arnold Tiehm 12994 1999-06-15
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Santa Rosa Range NE side Buckskin Mt. head of N Fork Little Humboldt River in the canyon N of the cabins., 2347m
UTC00117869 JL Gentry jr; G Davidse 1503 1967-06-13
United States, Nevada, Elko, Pequop Mts Pequop Summit 5 miles west of junction US Hwy 40 and NV Hwy 30 at Oasis, 2070m
UTC00018322 Bassett Maguire 2386 1933-05-30
United States, Idaho, Franklin, 6 mi N of Preston Idaho
UTC00117555 G Davidse x-38 1967-05-13
United States, Idaho, Franklin, 20 1/2 mi W of Ovid and 9 1/2 mi W of the jct of the Bear River and Idaho 36; S of hy.
UTC00046508 A Cronquist 31-36 1936-04-24
United States, Idaho, Bannock, Lava rocks at Ross Park Pocatello
UTC00117557 G Davidse x-40 1967-05-13
United States, Idaho, Franklin, 20 1/2 mi W of Ovid and 9 1/2 mi W of the jct of the Bear River and Idaho 36 N of Hy.
UTC00279472 Mary E. Barkworth 2457 -b 1980-04-26
United States, Utah, Cache, Entrance to Green Canyon, 41.767431 -111.781887, 137m
UTC00117558 G Davidse x-41 1967-05-13
United States, Idaho, Franklin, 20 1/2 mi W of Ovid and 9 1/2 mi W of the jct of the Bear River and Idaho 36; N. of Hy.
UTC00117893 G Davidse; AW Collotzi; D Hatch 316 1966-04-30
United States, Utah, Juab, Foothills of Mt. Nebo; 2 mi SE of Mona
UTC00117559 G Davidse x-42A 1967-05-13
United States, Idaho, Franklin, 20 1/2 mi W of Ovid and 9 1/2 mi W of the jct of the Bear River and Idaho 36 ; N of Hy.
UTC00029627 Lund 2 1938-04-29
United States, Nevada, Elko, 2 miles SE Union Region 3 District 1 Division of Grazing USDI, 1768m
UTC00117898 G Davidse; AW Collotzi; D Hatch 324 1966-04-30
United States, Utah, Sanpete, Below Yearns Dam in Manti Canyon, 2073m
UTC00117899 G Davidse; AW Collotzi; D Hatch 325 1966-05-01
United States, Utah, Utah, Manti-La Sal National Forest ; 3 mi SE of Thistle just inside the Manti-La Sal National Forest, 1707m
UTC00216585 RS Snell 1937-06-12
United States, Utah, Cache, Route #2 Logan-Garden-City highway
UTC00080498 J Thieret 194 1950-05-14
United States, Utah, Cache, Pelican Pond
UTC00117901 G Davidse; AW Collotzi; D Hatch 330 1966-05-01
United States, Utah, Utah, Manti-La Sal National Forest ; 3 mi SE of Thistle just inside the Manti-La Sal National Forest; in canyon bottom along Lake Fork Creek, 1646m
UTC00053530 P Train 2757 1939-05-13
United States, Nevada, Lander, Kingston Canyon at old mill E slope Toiyabe Range near Nye-Lander County line, 1676m
UTC00023614 M Goldsmith 1634 1926-05-15
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Head of Crow Creek
UTC00117568 G Davidse x-30 1967-05-13
United States, Idaho, Franklin, Just N of the Franklin Cemetery, 1402m
UTC00117906 G Davidse; AW Collotzi; D Hatch 338-A 1966-05-01
United States, Utah, Utah, 3.8 mi NW of Alpine at summit of Corner Canyon, 1768m
UTC00117570 G Davidse x-33 1967-05-13
United States, Idaho, Franklin, Just N of the Franklin Cemetery, 1402m
UTC00117571 G Davidse x-34 1967-05-13
United States, Idaho, Franklin, Just N of the Franklin Cemetery, 1402m
UTC00132368 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 4813 1971-05-25
United States, Idaho, Power, Snake River Plain 15 airline miles WNW of American Falls, 1448m
UTC00132369 Noel H. Holmgren; P. K. Holmgren 4781 1971-05-23
United States, Idaho, Bear Lake, Bear River Range Bloomington Creek Canyon 2.2 miles west of Bloomington (US Hwy 89), 1859m
UTC00289890 Diane Menuz UWC-04-110 2014-08-11
United States, Utah, SUMMIT, 40.813357 -110.522526, 3129m
UTC00117917 G Davidse 393 1966-04-15
United States, Utah, Cache, Right Fork of Logan Canyon at intersection of Box Canyon and Willow Creek, 2073m
UTC00035282 BF Harrison 8161 1936-05-10
United States, Utah, Emery, Near forks of Huntington Canyon, 2591m
UTC00217995 R.J. Shaw 5217 1995-06-14
United States, Idaho, Caribou, Hwy 34 3 miles north of Henry ID., 1676m
UTC00230451 Craig J. Anderson 2 1991-06-03
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Approx. 8 km southwest of Kemmerer., 2103m
UTC00124267 H Richardson 13 1968-05-30
United States, Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin National Forest ; Campground at mouth of South Fork; Hebgen Lake Ranger District
UTC00132397 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 5017 1971-06-05
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Twin Creek Valley old U.S. Hwy 30 N. 8 miles west of Kemmerer, 2057m
UTC00117642 G Davidse x-27 1967-05-08
United States, Utah, Cache, Mouth of Wellsville Canyon
UTC00037360 Shipley
United States, Nevada, Elko, Golliher Pasture (18 mi. NE of San Jacinto)
UTC00117643 G Davidse x-28 1967-05-08
United States, Utah, Cache, At the mouth of Wellsville Canyon
UTC00119469 Bassett Maguire 21450 1942-04-27
United States, Utah, Utah, Bluff overlooking stream at Thistle