Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Isolepis inundata
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-16 of 16

Intermountain Herbarium (Vasc. & Algae)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Isolepis inundata (Sond.) Tosh & Robbr.
UTC00113902Gerrit Davidse   7291966-07-22
COSTA RICA, Cartago, 74 km of San Jose along the Interamerican Hwy. Approaching Cerro de la Muerta, 2800m

University of Michigan Herbarium

1136742Michael J. Oldham   60171986-03-28
Costa Rica, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 77537

1136743Michael J. Oldham   60381986-03-29
Costa Rica, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 77538

1136744N. A. Murray & D. M. Johnson   8141982-07-26
Costa Rica, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 77539

1136745A. Jiménez & R. Rodríguez | R.L.C. Rodríguez   4081957-04-18
Costa Rica, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 77540

1136746Peter F. Zika   130451997-01-11
Costa Rica, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 77541

1136747Harvey E. Stork   28391928-06-05
Costa Rica, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 77542

1136748W. Thomas   21921979-08-04
Costa Rica, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 77543

1136749Melinda C. Denton   12461966-08-19
Costa Rica, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 77544

Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Isolepis inundata (Sond.) Tosh & Robbr.
NO0035156R. Mason   114881970-11-25
New Zealand, Northland, Far North District, Awanui, Spains Road

LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
Isolepis inundata (Sond.) Tosh & Robbr.
NO0035157A. P. Druce   1892541967-02-00
New Zealand, Taranaki, West Egmont

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Isolepis inundata (Sond.) Tosh & Robbr.
CM518233von Sneidern, K.   2089
Colombia, Cuenca, Puracé, 3450m

Isolepis inundata (Sond.) Tosh & Robbr.
CM471965Taylor, G.A.   s.n.1996-02-23
New Zealand, Solander Islands, Rakuira Ecological Region, Solanders Ecological District, Solander Island, North Bay, 2m

Isolepis inundata (Sond.) Tosh & Robbr.
CM421729Pennell, F.W.   125391925-02-00
Chile, Chiloe, Ancud, 50 - 100m

University of Texas at El Paso Biodiversity Collections Herbarium

Isolepis inundata (Sond.) Tosh & Robbr.
UTEP:Herb:75254Collector(s): Helen P. Vonow   Vonow 29732006-02-01
Australia, South Australia, South-Eastern, marshes swamp native forest, adjacent Mount Burr Road, -37.6158333333 140.5241666667

Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium

Isolepis inundata (Sond.) Tosh & Robbr.
J. C. Solomon   173301987-11-11
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, .7 km. E. of Cotapata

Page 1, records 1-16 of 16


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