ASU0044481 L. R. Landrum 10590 2003-06-12
Ecuador, Napo, Cotococha; about 1 km west of Venecia and 25 km east of Tena; on the south side of the Napo River. Trail west of camp along river, north of road., -1.043822 -77.714209, 450m
ASU0044483 L. R. Landrum 10669 2003-06-15
Ecuador, Napo, Cotococha; about 1 km west of Venecia and 25 km east of Tena; on the south side of the Napo River. Along road between Venecia and Cotococha., -1.043822 -77.714209, 450m
ASU0044535 L. R. Landrum 10669 2003-06-15
Ecuador, Napo, Cotococha; about 1 km west of Venecia and 25 km east of Tena; on the south side of the Napo River. Along road between Venecia and Cotococha., -1.043822 -77.714209, 450m
Grady L. Webster 23327 1978-08-28
Peru, Loreto, Terra firma rainforest Bushmaster Trail Explorama Lodge near confluence of Napo & Amazon Rivers., -3.416666667 -72.8, 30m
1641504 F. Fagerlind & G. Wibom 2207 1953-01-20
Ecuador, Napo, Tiputini - Lagartococha
1641505 Ynés Mexía 6124 1931-11-19
Peru, Loreto, Above Pongo de Manseriche, 200m
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0044676 Ynes Mexia 6124 1931-11-19
Peru, Loreto
BRIT467805 R. Vasquez 11111 1988-09-29
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Indiana, Yanamono. Rio Amazonas., -3.5 -72.833333, 106m
BRIT467851 Manuel Rimachi Y. 4566 1979-08-15
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Dtto. Las Amazonas. Rio Amazonas. Baradero de Santa Elena, Isla del caserio de Sapo Playa.
TEX00547674 Ynes Mexia 6124 1931-11-19
Peru, Loreto, Above Pongo de Manseriche. Mouth of Rio Santiago., -4.457083 -77.578901
TEX00547519 Robin B. Foster 9248 1982-10-18
Peru, Huanuco, Pachitea, Codo de Pozuzo. Of Río Pozuzu after it emerges from mountains. Trail to NW behind settlement., -9.666666667 -75.416666667
159062 R. J. Gustafson 1916 1980-10-22
Peru, Loreto, Maynas Prov., Altura de Pena Negra, SW of Iquitos, ca. 4 km beyond Quistacocha., -3.7667 -73.25, 183m