CM480174 Camp, W.H. E-4600 1945-00-00
Ecuador, Azuay, eastern Cordillera, 1-8 km N of Sevilla de Oro, 2743m
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0111006 Joseph A. Ewan 16586 1944-12-15
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0111007 Joseph A. Ewan 16359 1944-10-27
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0111008 Joseph A. Ewan 16140 1944-09-11
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0111009 Joseph A. Ewan 16304 1944-10-09
000082464 Sundue, M. 1425 2008-01-17
Costa Rica, San Jose, Villa Mills, Cerro de la Muerte, along road to radio tower. Paramo., 9.566434 -83.754382
000082462 Sundue, M. 1427 2008-01-17
Costa Rica, San Jose, Villa Mills, Cerro de la Muerte, along road to radio tower. Paramo., 9.566434 -83.754382
000072489 Hickey, R.J. 1011 1989-07-04
Ecuador, Carchi, Paramo del Angel. Sub-paramo roadside. 10 km N of El Angel., 0.838506 -77.994805
000072493 Hickey, R.J. 1009 1989-07-04
Ecuador, Carchi, Paramo del Angel. Sub-paramo roadside. 10 km N of El Angel., 0.838506 -77.994805
000106504 Churchill, H. 3368 1980-02-02
Costa Rica, Cartago, Cerro de la Muerte (Cerro Sakina) Paramo Buena Vista. Growing with Chusquea subtesselata, Pernettia coriacea, Hypericum, Jamesonia, & Lycopodium., 9.528469 -83.698525
000106505 Navaro, A.D. 223 1991-06-01
Ecuador, Imbabura, Laguna de Mojanda, in paramo surrounding lake, on steep, grassy bank., 0.141295 -78.273512
000106506 Navaro, A.D. 214 1991-05-30
Ecuador, Pichincha, On turn off from San Juan to antennas., -0.288159 -78.647915
000073217 Hickey, R.J. 92-11 1992-03-17
Venezuela, Merida, Emparque Nacional de Mucubaji, near Laguna Negra. Open paramo habitat., 8.781908 -70.805107
000073218 Hickey, R.J. 92-11 1992-03-17
Venezuela, Merida, Emparque Nacional de Mucubaji, near Laguna Negra. Open paramo habitat., 8.781908 -70.805107
CHRB0082096 James D. Montgomery 74-106 1974-07-19
Costa Rica, San Jose, Cerro de la Muerte, 3353m
CHRB0082097 J. D. Montgomery 85140 1985-02-06
Costa Rica, San Jose, on paramo near summit Cerro de la Muerte, 3300m
CHRB0082098 Y. Saiki CR-92 1983-08-30
Costa Rica, San Jose, Cerro de la Muerte, 3300m
SIU000183 Zak, V. 684 1985-09-11
Ecuador, Pichincha
Grady L. Webster 27348 1989-09-05
Ecuador, Prov. Cotopaxi, Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, Páramos NW of Volcán; Cotopaxi, elev. 3600-3800 m, 00°38'S, 78°29-31'W; common, on banks., -0.6333333333 -78.48333333, 3800m
1478401 Ynés Mexía 7510 1935-07-17
Ecuador, Carchi, Canton Espejo. East of Angel., 3500m
UVMVT185889 P. F. Zika 2723 1981-01-10
Costa Rica, Route 2, Cerro de la Muerte, Talamanca Range. Near pass., 3400m
UVMVT185887 P. F. Zika 6890 1983-01-06
Costa Rica, km 95, along Route 2, Cerro de la Muerte, Talamanca Range., 3200m
UVMVT185880 W. L. Testo 695 2015-01-02
Costa Rica, San Jose, Perez Zeledon, Cerro de la Muerte. Km 89 on the Carretera Interamericana, radio tower site., 3400m
UVMVT185881 H. W Churchill 3743 1981-01-24
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paramo Buena Vista Cerro de la Muerte. East side, on road division km 85., 3000m
UVMVT185886 D. Barrington 361 1970-12-28
Costa Rica, Cerro de la Muerte., 3300m
UVMVT185879 R. T. Martin 83 1967-06-28
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Páramo de Chisacá, 4.07353 -74.339697
UVMVT185885 Richard T. Martin 83 1967-06-28
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Páramo de Chisacá, 4.029624 -74.362509
v0358051WIS Anderson, Roger; Mori, Scott 85 1966-06-19
Costa Rica, Cartago, Cerro de la Muerte. 95.5 Km. from San Jose on the Pan American Highway., 3200m
v0358052WIS Ugent, D.; Ugent V.; Albornoz G. 5676 1963-07-10
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Volcan Cotopaxi; Pedregal-Tambo, near Hda. YacuTambo, -0.616667 -78.433333, 3659m
v0358058WIS Knight, Dennis H. 560 1965-03-07
Ecuador, Loja, in paramo on slopes of Cerro Villonaco, ca. 10 km. west of Loja., 2743m
v0358059WIS Knight, D.H.; Ream, R. s.n. 1961-08-02
Costa Rica, San Jose, near Villa Mills (Cerro de la Muerte)., 3200m
v0358060WIS White, Starker; Alverson, W. S. 640 1977-05-30
Colombia, Magdalena, North slope of Cuchilla Cinturuagaca, the next valley up from that of the Rio Duriameina., 10.683333 -73.65, 3700m
v0358061WIS Smith, J. F.; Frost, E. 337 1987-07-06
Costa Rica, Cartago, Cerro de la Muerte; on hill across Pan American highway from Hotel La Georgina., 9.566667 -83.766667, 3200m
v0358062WIS Grant, Martin L. 10847 1945-02-05
Colombia, Magdalena, Cordillera Oriental: Sierra de Perijá, 12 km east-ne of Manaure, 48 km east of Valldeupar, 1 km. from the Venezuelan border; Station 112., 3000m
v0358063WIS Barclay, Harriet G.; Juajibioy, Pedro 6550 1959-01-20
Colombia, Magdalena, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, alrededores de cabeceras de Río Sevilla; on grassy slopes which alternate vertically with rock ledges. Near campsite, south side of river, west-facing slope. Station 1., 3320 - 3470m
v0358064WIS Ream, R.; Knight, D. H. s.n. 1961-08-02
Costa Rica, San Jose, near Villa Mills on Pan-Am Highway., 3200m
v0358065WIS Tessene, M. F. 1481 1964-07-30
Costa Rica, San Jose, 5 mi. N of Georgina Inn on Pan-Am highway., 3292m
v0358066WIS White, Starker; Alverson, W. S. 640 1977-05-30
Colombia, Magdalena, North slope of Cuchilla Cinturuagaca, the next valley above that of the Rio Duriameina., 10.683333 -73.65, 3700m
v0358067WIS Horn, Sally P. 57 1985-02-18
Costa Rica, San Jose, Chirripó National Park, Cordillera de Talamanca; South-facing slope of the Valle de los Conejos, about 1 km south of Cerro Nuevo, 3475m
v0414797WIS 4601 1945-07-27
Ecuador, Azuay
BRIT470035 W. H. Camp 4600 1945-07-27
Ecuador, Azuay, The eastern Cordillera, 1-8 km north of the village of Seville de Oro., 2438 - 2743m