Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Silene acaulis var. acaulis (Silene acaulis subsp. acaulis, Silene acaulis f. albiflora)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-23 of 23

Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Silene acaulis var. acaulis (L.) Jacq. [excluded]
ASC00106350G. Kluwin   4452013-07-22
United States, Colorado, Archuleta, San Juan Mountains, Continental Divide trail #813 near Montezuma Peak, 37.372515 -106.683195, 3834m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Silene acaulis var. acaulis (L.) Jacq. [excluded]
ASC00063696R. Mathiasen   97751997-06-29
United States, Alaska, North Slope, BROOKS RANGE. 1.0 mile north of Alaska Pipe Line Pump Station No. 2 on east side of Dalton Highway, arctic plain, 68.284479 -150.368416, 243m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Silene acaulis var. acaulis (L.) Jacq. [excluded]
ASC00050292R. Harris   s.n.1988-07-04
United States, Alaska, Nome, 17 mi N of Nome in Steep Creek, 64.65379 -165.762052, 125m

General Research Observations

Silene acaulis var. acaulis (L.) Jacq. [excluded]
G. Kluwin   4452013-07-22
USA, Colorado, Archuleta County, San Juan Mountains, Continental Divide trail #813 near Montezuma Peak, 37.372515 -106.683195, 3834m

Oregon State University

Christine C. Johnson; Christine C. Lorain-Johnson, Paul J. Johnson   7431983-08-22
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, 1/2 mile E of Frazier Lake along trail to Eagle Cap Wilderness along West Fk Wallowa River, 12 miles S of Wallowa Lake., 45.1542 -117.244079962798, 2195m

University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Canada, Northwest Territories

University of Alaska Museum

Image Associated With the Occurence
34966William A. Gould   s.n.1999-07-23
Canada, Nunavut, Victoria I, Mt. Pelly, 69.18 -104.75

32418William James Cody   326061983-07-10
Canada, Yukon Territory, Limestone ridge, 60.08 -127.41

21120Stephen S. Talbot, Sandra L. Talbot   661993-07-11
United States, Alaska, Alaska Peninsula, Baldy Village road, 55.24 -162.77

Image Associated With the Occurence
9981John DeLapp, Michael Duffy   93-331993-06-27
United States, Alaska, Quartz Hill area, cirque N of mine, 55.5 -130.41

Image Associated With the Occurence
145731Marilyn H. Barker   SP05-1892005-07-10
United States, Alaska, Aleutian Range, Sand Point Village, Popof I., 55.3375 -160.5

55899Rebecca Steffl   471990-06-29
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula Highlands, Neva Cr, Kougarok R, 90 miles NE of Nome on Hwy, T1N R29W, 65.46 -164.7

Image Associated With the Occurence
32419William James Cody, James H. Ginns   335191984-07-06
Canada, Yukon Territory, Ogilvie and Wernecke Mountains, Cloudy Range, W of Canadian R. headwaters, 64.61 -138.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
79212Rob Lipkin, Alan R. Batten, Julie A. Michaelson, Ginny Moran, Debbie Blank   1151993-07-07
United States, Alaska, Ahklun Mts, Kisogle Mtn., 59.41 -161.17, - 600m

60204Marilyn H. Barker, Alan R. Batten, Kevin Lynch, Garry Davies, Becky Davies   BG02-522002-07-30
United States, Alaska, Robinson Mts, Donald Ridge, ridge W of camp, 60.25 -143.08, - 670m

Image Associated With the Occurence
8914Michael Duffy   93-8931993-08-01
United States, Alaska, Revillagigedo Island, Mt. Reid, 55.7 -131.26

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

CM290762Utech, F.H.   82-3191982-07-10
Canada, Nunavut, Keewatin, Kudlulik Peninsula, Rankin Inlet area, along Char River, ca 6 km S of hamlet, NW Hudson Bay, 62.886111 -92.158333, 5m

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
[filed under Europe]

Canadian Museum of Nature

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 464739   80-100
United States of America, Alaska (State)

University of Calgary Herbarium

UAC:Vascular Plants
10121C.D. Bird a. G.D. Benson   297201972-07-03
Canada, Yukon

UAC:Vascular Plants
10122C.D. Bird a. G.D. Benson   290811972-07-01
Canada, Yukon

UAC:Vascular Plants
40673David Dickson   191983-00-00
Canada, NWT

UAC:Vascular Plants
10128N. Kondla   9591973-07-01
Canada, NWT

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