9569 S. Lahmeyer SCL 112308.12 2008-11-23
Argentina, Mendoza, Las Heras: Rte. 7 (PanAmerican Hwy), foothills of E Andes Mts., -32.843 -69.24316
v0348500WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Iltis, C.M.; Ugent, D.; Ugent V. 829 1962-12-21
Peru, Apurimac, Abancay, Hills above Rio Pachachaca, W-side, 1-2 km below Casinchihua. HAC. CASINCHIHUA in RIC PACHACHACA VALLEY, 33 km (air) SW of ABANCAY, 2300 - 2500m
1199895 Hugh H. Iltis & C. M. Iltis | D. Ugent & V. Ugent 829 1962-12-21
Peru, Apurímac, Abancay, Above Rio Pachachaca, w-side, 1-2 km below Casinchihua. HAC. CASINCHIHUA in RIO PACHACHACA VALLEY, 33 km (air) SW of ABANCAY, 2300 - 2500m
NLU0112274 Castellanos 20361 1937-04-00
Argentina, Mendoza, Potrerillos a Cacheuta.
UTEP:Herb:76283 Collector(s): Lazaro Juan Novara 13032 2007-12-18
Argentina, Salta, Parque Los Cardones, Limite N De La Recta Tin Tin, 300 M Al Sw Del Camino De Ingreso A Tonco, Cachi Department
UTEP:Herb:76070 Collector(s): Lazaro Juan Novara 12728 2007-01-27
Argentina, Salta, Rumbo A Las Cumbres Calchaquies, Por La Nueva Ruta Tolombon-San Pedro De Colalao, 3-4 Km Al E De La Ruta 40, Pasando Cauce Rio Santa Maria, Cafayate Department, -26.2227777778 -65.8258333333, 1800 - 2000m
UTEP:Herb:75951 Collector(s): Lazaro Juan Novara 13017 2007-06-16
Argentina, Salta, Ciudad De Salta, Capital Department, 1190 - 1190m
LL00549165 D. S. Correll|K. S. Dodds|E. H. Brucher|G. Paxman B640 1960-02-21
Bolivia, Chuquisaca, Near Camargo.
TEX00549166 Sparre 8689 1951-04-15
Argentina, La Rioja, Pelagio B. Luna. Sierra Velazco; Rancho La Esparanza.