Liz Makings 4027 2012-09-04
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest; off Forest Service Road 188; Canyon Creek within elk exclosure, just below OW Ranch, 34.26144 -110.807334, 1930m
Elinor Lehto 3965 1964-08-27
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Stewart Campgrounds in Chiricahua Mountains, 31.890401 -109.168589, 1494m
Elinor Lehto 4015 1964-08-30
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Stewart campground in Chiricahua Mountains, 31.890401 -109.168589, 1494m
ASU0146868 Elinor Lehto 5420 1965-08-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Stewart Campgrounds in Chiricahua Mountains, 31.890401 -109.168589, 1494m
Chester F. Deaver 1695 1946-08-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Mormon Lake; Long Valley Highway, 34.5208 -111.329
McLeod 590 1971-08-21
USA, Arizona, 7 miles north of Greer, AZ on AZ [Highway] 73, 34.1116 -109.458
Theresa Tharalson 17 1990-08-06
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest; Plot 14; Heber area, 34.5032 -110.635, 2012m
Rose E. Collom 708 1936-09-26
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Mack's Crossing; Mogollon rim, 34.2503 -111.598, 2134m
Virgil Scott 1967-08-17
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, NW of Fort Apache Reservation, 33.7906 -109.988
Teresa Tharalson s.n. 1990-09-11
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Apache-Sitgreaves Forest; Hebera area plants; approximately 5 miles northwest of Heber, AZ; Plot 16, 34.518 -110.635, 2012m
H. D. Hammond 10494 1994-08-20
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Mormon Lake 7.5' Quad., 34.9475 -111.454, 2188m
Elinor Lehto 3469 1963-09-08
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, 12 miles west of Snowflake, AZ, 34.5131 -110.289, 1981m
ASU0085815 A.L. Reina-G. 2014-464 2014-08-29
Mexico, Sonora, Cananea, Rancho El Canon, Canon de Evans, 25.4 km (by air) E of Cananea, Sierra de los Ajos, Ajos-Bavispe Reserva Forestal Nacional y Refugio de Fauna Silvestre, 30.996389 -110.006111, 1691m
R. Roy Johnson
USA, Arizona, Gila, Red Lake; Young, AZ, 34.1014 -110.963, 1981m
Elizabeth Makings 1583 2003-08-25
USA, ARIZONA, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, ~2.5 miles north of Hwy 90, ~500m east of San Pedro River., 31.56172 -110.13978, 1229m
ASU0295917 Barbara Ertter 11357 1992-09-06
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Mogollon Plateau ca 3 mi ESE of Heber, 2 mi NNE of Overgaard, subdivison S of Hwy 277; at end of Aspen Road, 34.42171 -110.53971, 1981m
ASU0132378 R.D. Worthington 31589 2002-08-24
USA, New Mexico, Lincoln, Sacramento Mtns, Hale Canyon, Griffith Tank (T11S, R15E, Sec 19); 33.332778 -105.521389, 33.332778 -105.521389, 2198m
ASU0132379 D.J. Pinkava 12529 1974-08-14
USA, New Mexico, Catron, Cottonwood Campground, Rt. 180. San Francisco Mountains
ASU0132380 R.D. Worthington 31491 2002-08-11
USA, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mtns, Caballero Canyon at Westside Road 8 mi S High Rolls (T16S, R11E, Sec 32, NE 1/4) 7200 ft.; 32.87576 -105.835593, 32.87576 -105.835593, 2195m
ASU0132381 D.J. Pinkava 12486 1974-08-14
USA, New Mexico, Catron, 31 mi N of Cottonwood Campground, Rte 180; 34.068739 -108.893956, 34.068739 -108.893956
L. C. Higgins 23518 2001-08-22
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Mount Logan; Grand Canyon Parashant NM, 36.36 -113.213, 2398m
ASU0313444 C.M. Roll 2810 2018-09-10
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Pat Hills, ca. 30 km (by air) SE of Willcox, Sulphur Springs Valley., 32.01805 -109.61365, 1443m
A. Hesselberg s.n. 1966-08-21
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Wood Canyon Lake, 34.3326 -110.943
T. R. Van Devender s.n. 1981-08-02
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Papago Springs Cave, 6 mi south of Sonoita, Canelo Hills, Coronado Nat Forest, 31.6079 -110.6203, 1607m
32172 J. C. Blumer U-176a
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Mountains
J. W. Toumey 5106 1892-07-18
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Mormon Lake, 34.95 -111.45
182319 A. Hesselberg s.n. 1966-08-21
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Woods Canyon Lake, Sitgreaves Nat Forest, 34.3326 -110.943
231271 T. R. Van Devender s.n. 1981-08-02
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Papago Springs Cave, Canelo Hills, 6 mi south of Sonoita, 31.6079 -110.6203, 1607m
32171 J. C. Blumer U-126
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Mountains
32185 Thomas T-110 1939-08-26
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Frijoles Canyon, 1/4 mi below Headquarters, Bandelier National Monument, 1828m
164554 L. M. Pultz 1799 1945-08-11
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, 1 mi NW of Lakeside Ranger Station along Showlow Creek, 34.166667 -109.966667, 2011m
32187 O. M. Clark 8530 1939-08-12
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua National Monument; Lower Bonita Canyon, Chiricahua Nat Mon, 32.0081 -109.3562
32189 L. N. Goodding 277 1909-07-30
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Bear Creek, Huachuca Mountains, 31.3454 -110.3729
440636 T. Embrey s.n. 2021-08-21
United States, Arizona, Cochise, French Joe Canyon, Whetstone Mountains, 31.815162 -110.409351, 1773m
437729 C.M. Roll 2810 2018-09-10
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Pat Hills, ca. 30 km (by air) SE of Wilcox, Sulphur Springs Valley., 32.01805 -109.61365, 1443m
387320 F. W. Reichenbacher 2870 1990-08-22
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Coronado National Forest. East Stronghold Canyon., 1524 - 1676m
229771 G. Yatskievych 80-456 1980-08-11
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Garden Canyon in upper canyon near bottom, Huachuca Mountains, Fort Huachuca military installation, 31.4534 -110.377, 1630m
294691 S. P. McLaughlin 5992 1990-08-11
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Coronado Nat Forest, Huachuca Mountains, Sunnyside Canyon, 31.4311 -110.4, 1783m
89633 A. F. Whiting 854-2773 1937-08-17
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, Near Second Mesa, Hopi Indian Reservation, 35.89528 -110.50333
181274 V. L. Bohrer 1494 1971-08-28
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, Immediately north of Grasshopper Ruin, 10 mi W of Cibeque, 34.075 -110.633333, 1828m
194420 V. L. Bohrer 1901 1974-07-18
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, Grasshopper, ca. 10 mi NW of Cibeque, 34.075 -110.633333, 1798m
318938 H. D. Hammond 10494 1984-08-20
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Mormon Lake 7.5 Quad., 34.95 -111.45, 2188m
186020 Richard R. Halse 724 1971-08-30
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Canyon de Chelly National Monument;Canyon del Muerto where Antelope Trail is located., 36.166667 -109.433333, 1743m
89634 T. H. Kearney 12449 1935-08-12
United States, Arizona, Greenlee County, 15 mi north of Hannigan Meadwo, White Mountains, 33.7799 -109.3514, 2621m
171548 R. J. Barr 61-240 1961-08-17
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Caldwell Ranch, White Mountains near Black River, 33.8421 -109.4209, 2377m
166056 M. E. Caldwell 66264 1964-08-17
United States, Arizona, Apache County, 3-4 mi W of Beaverhead on road to Sprucedale Ranch, White Mountains, 33.716667 -109.283333
174043 M. Schmidt 219 1963-09-02
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Along north fork of White River between Indian Pine and Whiteriver, ca. 6 mi south of Indian Pine, Fort Apache Indian Reservation, 33.983333 -109.908333
152972 R. J. Barr 62-480 1962-08-10
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, E Turkey Creek above Paradise, Chiricahua Mountains, 31.9348 -109.2189, 1737m
171549 R. J. Barr 63-472 1963-09-17
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Ca. 5 mi SW of Eager, south of Colorado Bridge, Big Lake Road, White Mountains, 34.033333 -109.283333, 2133m
371421 Greta Anderson 1302 2001-08-21
United States, New Mexico, Catron County, Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument
363662 Salas, Bamberg, Vega 34 1992-08-08
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua National Monument, ca. 85 paces N. of the Faraway Ranch parking area between the footpath and the wash, 32 -109.366667, 1780m
363661 Salas, Bamberg, Vega 27 1992-08-12
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Eagar vicinity, ca. 0.2 miles S. of triange intersection of 180 and 160 just S. of Eagar, take Picnic Creek road to the E. ca. 1 mile to the base of high ridge, 34.1 -109.233333, 2240m
363660 Salas, Bamberg, Vega 24 1992-08-12
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Near Nelson Reservoir, 2 miles S. of Rt. 666, then E. 1 mile on road 275, 34.033333 -109.15, 2350m
363632 Bamberg 5 1993-10-09
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, W. of Heber at mile 320.7 on Route 260, 34.433333 -110.6, 1960m
363631 Bamberg 4 1993-10-09
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, On N. side of the road around parking lot of the restaurant and grocery store, 34.383333 -110.566667, 1830m
363637 Bamberg 28 1995-09-27
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Near Eagar, ca. 0.2 miles S. of the triangle intersection of 180 and 160 go one mile down the abandoned section of Picnic Creek road, 34.1 -109.233333, 2240m
363636 Bamberg 24 1995-09-26
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua National Monument; In Chiricahua N.M. just N. of Faraway Ranch parking lot, 32 -109.366667, 1780m
363639 Bamberg 31 1995-09-27
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Near Nelson Reservoir, at 2 miles S. of Reservoir, take 216 E. for 5 miles to mile marker zero at creek, on N. side of road in steep banks of creek, 33.983333 -109.116667, 2500m
363646 Bamberg 80 1999-08-23
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, E. on 40 from Williams, to N. shore of (intermittently dry) Davenport Lake, ca. a driveway, 35.266667 -112.073333, 2140m
363645 Bamberg BKPF 79 1999-08-22
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, S. rim; across from Buggeln picnic area down wooded slope to Buggeln Tank, near a spring on a raised berm, 35.978333 -111.94, 2230m
363644 Bamberg, Martin, Pavek, and Fernandez 74 1998-09-17
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, Near Kayenta, near Navajo National Monument and Betatakin ruins, off 160 on trail from Anasazi Inn (at Tsegi) to private land in Tsegi Canyon, 36.647778 -110.436944, 2297m
363643 Bamberg 73 1998-09-17
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Canyon de Chelly National Monument; ca. 2/3 mile E. of Antelope Ruins near intersection of del Muerto and Black Rock Canyons., 36.152778 -109.435278, 2188m
363642 Bamberg 40 1995-10-05
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Mormon Lake S. of Flagstaff, E. side of lake among tumbled rocks on W. facing slope, 34.933333 -111.45, 2169m
363641 Bamberg 33 1995-09-27
United States, Arizona, Greenlee County, 666 S. of Alpine to 28 the 3.5 miles W, ca. 2 miles S. of Sprucedale along the banks of Beaver Creek, 33.716667 -109.266667, 2438m
363653 Bamberg and Fernandez 100 2002-09-22
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, Sitgreaves National Forest, ca. 11 miles NE of Lakeside on Porter Mt. Road near Sponseller Lake, 34.228333 -109.843333, 2134m
363652 Bamberg and Fernandez 98 2002-09-22
United States, Arizona, Navajo County, Sitgreaves National Forest, ca. 11 miles NE of Lakeside on Porter MT. Road near Sponseller Lake, 34.225278 -109.844444, 2138m
363657 Salas, Bamberg, Vega 2 1992-08-07
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Coronado National Memorial; Near Sierra Vista, off Montezuma Canyon road in Coronado national Memorial, Ida Canyon SE of Sutherland Peak, 31.383333 -110.35, 564m
377674 G. Rink 931 2001-08-07
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Canyon de Chelly National Monument; On 3rd terrace of the floor of Bat Canyon below Elephant Grass Canyon., 36.089257 -109.407711, 1829m
380188 Liz Makings 1583 2003-08-25
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, ~ 2.5 miles north of Hwy 90, ~ 500 meters east of San Pedro River., 31.560667 -110.13905, 1228m
ASC00070654 D. Roth 1297 2001-08-29
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Navajo National Monument, Seep area below Keet Seel Ruin, 36.75866 -110.49402, 2071m
ASC00059087 V.O. Mayes s.n. 1974-08-13
United States, Arizona, Apache, 2 mi E Klagetoh, in cornfield, 35.5 -109.55
ASC00107190 G. Goodwin 4612 2014-08-14
United States, Arizona, Coconino, About 8 miles south of Redlands Camp and 0.5 mile SE of Moore Tank along the Cataract channel, 35.69405 -112.3827, 1692m
ASC00118081 G. Goodwin 6003 2018-08-31
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Abt 3 miles east of Long Lake NE of Clints Well and 2 miles west of Chavez Pass, 34.774283 -111.176167, 2042m
ASC00087582 G. Rink 5268 2006-09-03
United States, New Mexico, Cibola, El Morro National Monument, Box Canyon, 35.03654 -108.35262, 2210m
ASC00092085 C.Y. McCulloch s.n. 1963-08-22
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Grapevine Allotment, Coconino NF, 34.872778 -111.238611
ASC00072826 Salas, Bamberg and Vega 24 1992-08-12
United States, Arizona, Apache, Near Nelson Reservoir; 2 mi S on Rt 666, E 1 mi on Rd 275; lower side of rd under trees., 34.033333 -109.15, 2350m
ASC00072827 Salas, Bamberg and Vega 27 1992-08-12
United States, Arizona, Apache, Eagar vicinity; ca. 0.2 mi S of triangle intersection of 180 and 160 just S of Eager; Picnic Creek Rd E ca. 1 mi to base of high ridge., 34.1 -109.233333, 2240m
ASC00072823 Salas, Bamberg and Vega 2 1992-08-07
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Coronado National Forest, Near Sierra Vista; off Montezuma canyon Rd; Ida canyon SE of Sutherland Peak; rdside to Creekbed and W at fenceline to shady ravine., 31.383333 -110.35, 1850m
ASC00085351 K. Christie 1133 2005-09-07
United States, Arizona, Coconino, N of HWY 180, ca. 2.35 mi. SW of Double Top and ca. 1.5 mi. S/SE of Little Wild Bill Tank., 35.59419 -112.00425, 1900m
ASC00072809 Bamberg 73 1998-09-17
United States, Arizona, Apache, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Ca. 2/3 mi E of Antelope Ruins nr intersection of del Muerto and Black Rock canyons., 36.152778 -109.435278, 2188m
ASC00072805 Bamberg 31 1995-09-27
United States, Arizona, Apache, Near Nelson Reservoir; at 2 mi S of Res, take 216 E for 5 mi to mi marker 0 at Creek, 33.983333 -109.116667, 2500m
ASC00072803 Bamberg 28 1995-09-27
United States, Arizona, Apache, Near Eagar; ca. 0.2 mi S of traingle intersection of 180 and 160 go 1 mi down abandoned section of Picnic Creek Rd., 34.1 -109.233333, 2240m
ASC00074660 R.R. Halse 724 1971-08-30
United States, Arizona, Apache, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Small side canyon off Canyon del Muerto where Antelope Tr is located., 36.152528 -109.369984, 1743m
ASC00072797 Bamberg 4 1993-10-09
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Overgaard; N side of rd around restaurant parking lot and grocery store., 34.383333 -110.566667, 1830m
ASC00072798 Bamberg 5 1993-10-09
United States, Arizona, Navajo, W of Heber, mi 320.7 on Rte 260 at hilltop pulloff., 34.433333 -110.6, 1960m
ASC00072810 Bamberg 74 1998-09-17
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Near Kayenta, Navajo National Monument and Betatakin Ruins; off 160 on trail from Anasazi Inn (at Tsegi) to private land in Tsegi canyon; narrow SW/NE canyon along N face of shear sandstone cliff., 36.647778 -110.436944, 2297m
ASC00072818 Bamberg 98 2002-09-22
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Sitgreaves National Forest, Ca. 11 mi NE of Lakeside on Porter Mountain Road near Sponseller Lake; S of Sponsellor Lake, 34.225278 -109.844444, 2138m
ASC00072819 Bamberg 100 2002-09-22
United States, Arizona, Navajo, Sitgreaves National Forest, Ca. 11 mi NE of Lakeside on Porter Mountain Road near Sponsellor Lake; just S of fence, 34.228333 -109.843333, 2134m
ASC00050483 J.D. Morefield 354 1985-09-07
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Elden Mountain; 0.45 miN 85 deg E of Elden Spr on SE slope nr base., 35.2301 -111.5867, 2194m
ASC00002731 C.F. Deaver 1695 1946-08-16
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Mormon Lake, Long Valley Highway., 34.52083 -111.32889
ASC00048427 C. Schaack 2011 1986-09-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Elden Mountain S slope., 35.2301 -111.5867, 2164m
ASC00072812 Bamberg 80 1999-08-23
United States, Arizona, Coconino, E on 40 from Williams to Davenport Lake N shore; at driveway., 35.266667 -112.073333, 2140m
ASC00072808 Bamberg 40 1995-10-05
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Mormon Lake S of Flagstaff; E lakeside., 34.933333 -111.45, 2169m
ASC00050502 J.D. Morefield 3184 1985-09-15
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Elden Mountain; SW slope nr base just above Paradise Spring., 35.2301 -111.6221, 2255m
ASC00106970 Kirstin Olmon 631 2012-09-15
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, Lee Canyon, 33 km W of U.S. Route 89 at Cameron on Highway 64, 12.7 km W on Forest Road 307, north side of the road., 35.942987 -111.873011, 1998m
ASC00072802 Bamberg 24 1995-09-26
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua National Monument, Just N of Faraway Ranch parking lot., 32 -109.366667, 1780m
ASC00071176 C. Casey 1499 1998-08-10
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Mount Trumbull area, approx. 6km S of Nixon Springs; plot: MT-96-1, 36.35747 -113.16513, 2048m
ASC00072828 Salas, Bamberg and Vega 34 1992-08-08
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Chiricahua National Monument, Ca. 85 paces N of Faraway Ranch parking between footpath and wash., 32 -109.366667, 1780m
ASC00072807 Bamberg 33 1995-09-27
United States, Arizona, Greenlee, 666 S of Alpine to 28, 3.5 mi W; ca. 2 mi S of Sprucedale along Beaver Creek banks., 33.716667 -109.266667, 2438m
ASC00095861 G. Goodwin 2480 2010-08-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Cataract Ranch, about 7 miles NW of Cataract Well, 35.977167 -112.5035, 1710m