394554 B. E. Nelson 58656 2003-06-11
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek County, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Beaver Meadows and along trail E 0.5 mi to forest boundary, ca 9 air mi S of Idaho Springs; ca 12-12.5 air mi W of Evergreen., 2841 - 2871m
397291 Noel H. Holmgren 11335 1988-06-27
United States, Idaho, Caribou County, Caribou Range, Idaho Highway 34, Tincup Creek, 14.8 km (9.2 mi) west of Wyoming border, 1905m
Joe T. Marshall 1--I 1995-07-09
United States, Alaska, Denali Highway mile 42.6, edge of road, south side., 899m
Joe T. Marshall 2-C 1995-07-09
United States, Alaska, Denali Highway mile 43.4, south roadside, opposite start of Macclaren River Road., 914m
Joe T. Marshall 2-f 1995-07-09
United States, Alaska, Denali Highway mile 43.4, south roadside, opposite start of Macclaren River Road., 914m
Joe T. Marshall 1-G 1995-07-09
United States, Alaska, Denali Highway mile 42.6, edge of road, south side., 899m
ASC00027173 J.M. Rominger 1176 1972-08-06
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Moraine Park, Rocky Mt. National Park, 40.353317 -105.60278, 2469m
ASC00031719 J.M. Rominger 1183 1972-08-04
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park: Long's Peak trail below boulder field, 40.26294 -105.61615, 3962m
ASC00020313 D. Allen s.n. 1946-07-01
United States, Alaska, Aleutians East, Sand Point, Popof Island, 55.33939 -160.498662
ASC00013329 Thomas C. Moore s.n. 1963-08-02
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Shore of Red Rock Lake, ca 5 mi W of Ward, 40.08157 -105.54123, 2987m
ASC00090112 Noel H. Holmgren 11335 1988-06-27
United States, Idaho, Caribou, Caribou Range, Idaho Highway 34, Tincup Creek, 14.8 km (9.2 mi) west of Wyoming border., 42.9705 -111.20569, 1905 - 1905m
ASC00023524 M. Kravig s.n. 1971-09-15
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Upper Rapid Creek, 44.08961 -103.5646, 1829m
Tim Walker COL--47 1967-07-02
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, 40.34083 -105.69194, 3049m
Carol Chaney 69 1960-07-30
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, Crystal Creek Canyon, 100 yards north of beginning of jeep trail, 39.05878 -107.10306, 3201m
UCR0113695 Dieter H. Wilken 18056 2017-05-03
United States, California, Inyo, Division Creek, 0.8 km east-southeast of Scotty Spring, 2.9 km west-southwest of historic Division Creek Powerhouse, 36.93589 -118.31478, 1680m
745 J. Schoenwetter 745
USA, Wisconsin, Vilas
Ore. 3182
USA, Oregon
UTC00035620 B.F. Harrison 8180 1936-05-10
United States, Utah, Emery, 10 miles up Huntington Canyon, 2134m
UTC00035990 C. L. Hitchcock 4932 1939-06-25
United States, Oregon, Deschutes, Head of small creek 15 miles south of Little Cultus Lake, 1372m
UTC00179056 B Neely; R Vetter 196b 1980-08-02
United States, Utah, Daggett, Ashley National Forest ; SE Uinta Mtns below Red Lake; Leidy Peak Quad [Red lake geog], 40.7947222 -109.8338889, 2987m
UTC00286277 Leila M. Shultz 22,567 2020-08-12
United States, Utah, Cache, Bear River Range of N Wasatch Mountains, Logan Canyon, edge of Logan River near old Forestry Summer Camp, 41.86083 -111.56429, 1884m
UTC00181362 Betsy Neely 196b 1980-08-02
United States, Utah, Dagget, Ashley N.F, Southeastern Uinta Mountains, below Red Lake; Leidy Peak Quad, 2987m
UTC00256265 David Scott 1569 2006-07-10
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park and vicinity; Teton Range; near Elk Ridge, ca 18 air mi NW of Moran, ca 25 air mi N of Moose., 44.0102 -110.7605, 2190m
UTC00253296 Noel H. Holmgren 2007-05-31
United States, Idaho, Bonneville, Caribou Range, McCoy Creek Road, 4.7 km (2.9 mi) road distance southwest of the Bear Creek turnoff (at Jensen Creek)
UTC00253297 Noel H. Holmgren 11335 1988-06-27
United States, Idaho, Caribou, Caribou Range, Idaho Highway 34, Tincup Creek, 14.8 km (9.2 mi) west of Wyoming border, 1905m
UTC00222085 Andreas Leidolf; Russ Mason; Scott & Amy Barras 2184 1997-09-06
United States, Idaho, Custer, Sawtooth National Recreation Area ; Vicinity of Stanely off Highway 21about 2 miles west of the road, 2073m
UTC00270199 Dremolski, L.D. D#4 1929-07-31
UNITED STATES, Utah, Daggett, Ashley Forest, Sec. 30, Tin Ridge In meadow adjoining Lake., 2896m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0138402 Yvonne Chauvin 01VC035-S1 2001-08-14
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve - Alamo Bog, 35.91271 -106.586216
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0025608 Carter, Jack 3862 2005-06-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Rossevelt National Forest, growing along a hiking trail, 40.70935 -105.7488, 2384m
7641 W.S. Cooper sn 1904-07-15
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Estes Park, 2743m
44915 F. Ramaley and W.W. Robbins 3625 1907-08-03
United States, Colorado, Grand, Near Hot Sulphur Springs, 2316m
7640 D. Potter and W.B. Brierly 2610 1934-07-11
Canada, Newfoundland, Labrador; Anchorstock bay; Cape Mugford
82718 J.L. Carter and M.A. Carter 3776 2004-07-25
United States, Colorado, Gunnison, At Lottis Creek Campground, adjacent to Taylor River. Adjacent to Cottonwood Scenic Drive, 8.9 miles south of Taylor Park Reservoir. Gunnison National Forest., 3000m
77417 R.L. Hartman 77223 2003-06-02
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve; Jemez Mountains; Alamo Canyon 1-1.5 mi upstream, 35.91823 -106.6032, 2579m
13004 J.L. Carter and M.A. Carter 3862 2005-06-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Roosevelt Nat'l Forest, adjacent to Cache La Poudre River, along hiking trail, 2384m
116969 collectors: G Kittel & S Hamar 2071 1991-07-26
United States, Colorado, Routt County, Slater Ck along Co Rd 82 2 mi W of Routt Natl Forest boundary, 40.85 -107.21, 2468m
116970 collectors: Jennifer Owens Tom Glass 593 2000-06-21
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Pingree Park up Hwy 14 W of Ft. Collins and S on Rd 63E, meadow valley loop where the bridge crosses the stream., 40.55 -105.59, 2804m
201704 Keith Blackmore 18 1970-07-06
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Subalpine, 3304m
176968 collectors: Gilles Lemieux 1967-07-04
Canada, Quebec, Parc des Laurentides (Lac Malbaic), 47.65 -71.01
116956 collectors: J E Tear, Jr. 1192 1994-06-04
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Flora of the Rabbit Ears Range: Along FS112.1, 0.1 mi SW of CO 125., 40.2 -106.05, 2621m
116957 collectors: Ronald L Hartman Emily Holt 66915 2000-05-25
United States, Colorado, Chaffee County, Central Colorado: Mosquito Range, E Slope Continental Divide: County Rd 315 along Shields Gulch, ca 6.5 air mi E of Buena Vista., 38.83 -106.02, 2286m
176233 collectors: Jack and Martha Carter 3776 2004-07-25
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, At Lottis Creek Campground adjacent ot Taylor River. Adjacent ot Cottonwood Scenic Drive, 8-9 miles S of Taylor Park Reservoir; Gunnison National Forest., 38.77 -106.63, 3000m
157803 collectors: Richard G. Walter CP-102 1972-08-17
United States, Wyoming, Albany County, Chimney Park Scout Camp, bog 1/4 mile south of Baldwin Lodge
157804 collectors: J.M. Gillett & W.J. Cody 1803 1948-06-24
Canada, Churchill, Manitoba: Warkworth Creek, 57.63 -94.08
157805 collectors: R.K. Gierisch 1771 1955-06-26
United States, South dakota, Custer County, Black Hills National Forest, French Creek
116968 collectors: J & M Douglass 60-404 1960-08-26
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Mouth of Bowen Gulch, 1/2 mi. N of Gaskill site, 6 mi. N of Grand Lake., 2682m
116967 collectors: S Nelson 288 1972-06-21
United States, Colorado, Summit County, Along the Blue River, state hwy 9, 4.5 mi. N of Breckenridge., 39.55 -106.04, 2775m
116966 collectors: C M Phillips 46 1974-06-11
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, 1.5 mi. S of the confluence of Two and One Half Creek and the Laramie River on the E side of the rd., 40.63 -105.84, 2719m
116965 collectors: D Wilken 13094 1977-06-05
United States, Colorado, Routt County, Seedhouse Campground, 11 mi. E of Clark., 40.76 -106.75, 2438m
116964 collectors: C Davis D-293 1971-09-04
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Summit of Rabbit Ears Pass, 40.39 -106.61
116963 collectors: D Wilken 14119 1984-07-08
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Near confluence of Ruster's Gulch and the East River., 38.99 -107, 2987m
116962 collectors: R Gierisch 1248 1940-06-09
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Arapaho National Forest, Byers Side Camp, 39.91 -105.89, 2743m
116961 collectors: T May 125 1967-07-28
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Crown Point, 300 yds. ESE from top of highest knob., 3377m
116960 collectors: J H Christ 643 1935-06-30
United States, Colorado, El Paso County, Manitou Reservoir, 38.87 -104.99
116959 collectors: S O'Kane 3417 1989-08-19
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, confluence of Texas Creek and N Texas Creek, E of Taylor Reservoir., 38.87 -106.39, 3097m
189817 collectors: Carol Dunning Boyd Lebeda 1985-12-09
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, 1/4 mile north of Pingree Park
116958 collectors: Christ and Ward 1936-06-28
United States, Colorado, Lake County, Between twin lakes and leadville, 39.32 -106.22
116973 collectors: G N Jones 41202 1965-06-11
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Red Rock Lake, W of Ward., 40.08 -105.54, 3139m
116972 collectors: S Nelson 246 1972-06-20
United States, Colorado, Summit County, Rock Creek, 4.5 mi. W of State Hwy 9., 39.7 -106.18, 2926m
116980 collectors: J H Cowen 2298 1892-08-04
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Bank of Big Muddy, W Gunnison co.
116979 collectors: J H Cowen 779 1892-08-04
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Bank of Big Muddy, W Gunnison co.
116978 collectors: 2297 1895-08-02
United States, Colorado, Park County, Between Como and Boreas., 3200m
116977 collectors: J H Cowen 2296 1896-08-27
United States, Colorado, Summit County, Breckenridge
116976 collectors: 2295 1898-07-03
United States, Colorado, San Juan County, Silverton, 37.81 -107.66
116975 collectors: R A Nelson 7705 1963-07-21
United States, Colorado, Eagle County, Crooked Creek Resort, White River Nat. Forest., 2743m
116974 collectors: H Harrington 4723 1950-07-30
United States, Colorado, Grand County, 10 mi. S of Willow Creek Pass, along creek, 2682m
116982 collectors: J McKee 89012 1989-06-24
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, County Rd. 103, 1.5 mi. S of confluence of Laramie River and Two and One Half Mile Creek., 40.63 -105.84, 2703m
116981 collectors: D Wilken & E Painter 13280 1978-05-23
United States, Colorado, Jackson County, Along Hwy 14, 6 mi. N of Muddy Pass., 40.44 -106.49, 2600m
160722 collectors: Erin Foley Michael Foley 1321 2003-06-24
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: along Keyser Creek, ca .5 mi W of the junction of Williams Fork and Keyser Creek, ca 12.5 air mi SSE of Hot Sulphur Springs., 39.89 -106.08, 2566m
100734 collectors: R Walter 1523 1968-07-07
United States, Colorado, Park County, Just below townsite of Hallville in Hall Valley, 3185m
116953 collectors: Sarah Nunn 2213 2001-06-28
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Larimer County, CO. Roosevelt National Forest, Deadman Creek W of FS Rd 319 in open wide valley. Ca 39 air mi NW of Fort Collins, 40.79 -105.82, 2896m
116954 collectors: S. Spackman S. Floyd 9551 1995-08-17
United States, Colorado, Chaffee County, Pike National Forest. South facing slope on Mt. Massive in basin leading up to the saddle between summit and peak (14,132).
116971 collectors: K J Taylor 10901 1998-08-18
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 2 air mi WNW of Pittsburg. SE1/4 S34, 38.96 -107.1, 3261m
196885 Boyd Lebeda 1985-09-12
United States, Colorado, Larimer, 1/4 mile north of Pingree Park
116955 collectors: W R Erickson L Dugan 163 1976-09-18
United States, Colorado, Jackson County, Along shore of upper big creek lake 21 mi WNW of Cowdrey, 2743m
177145 collectors: D.L. Denham 2141 1968-06-28
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Open subalpine meado on Eastern slope of Medicine Bow Mountains below Cameron Pass, 40.6 -105.86
177146 collectors: D.L. Denham 2141 1968-06-28
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Open subalpine meadow on Eastern slope of Medicine Bow Mountains below Cameron Pass, 40.6 -105.86, 2957m
177147 collectors: D.L Denham 2141 1968-06-28
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Open subalpine meadow on Eastern slope of Medicine Bow Mountains below Cameron Pass., 40.6 -105.86, 2957m
116952 collectors: B. E. Nelson 55464 2001-08-08
United States, Colorado, Routt County, North-central Colorado: Park Range: along Horse Creek to Rock Creek and the ridge to the north, ca 1.5-2 air mi E of Long Park, ca 15.5-16 air mi SE of Yampa., 40.03 -106.64, 2606m
2476077 Collector unknown 2198 1913-07-06
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer Co., River Bank., 2286m
2475812 J. M. Macoun 61,272 1903-07-11
Canada, White Mud Creek, North of [Dunnegan], Atha.
43463 J. C. Lyman 5172 1995-07-24
United States of America, Alaska, Fairbanks North Star Borough, S side of Harding Lake Rd, 1.126km (by air) E of a little lake, NW 1/4, Section 12, 64.4 -146.87, 68m
2475836 M. E. Moodie 857 1915-05-10
Canada, Alberta, Swamp soil Rosebank Creek Valley.
2476008 J. H. Christ 2508 1932-00-00
United States of America, Idaho, Priest Lake, 48.649478 -116.848111
2476020 C. L. Hitchcock 11129 1944-08-14
United States of America, Idaho, Custer Co., Boggy meadowland at junction with West Fork with East Fork Pahsimeroi River., 2438m
2475985 J. Murdoch 4204 1910-07-10
United States of America, South Dakota, 1707m
2475870 C. L. Hitchcock 22110 1961-07-03
Canada, British Columbia, Cariboo, at edge of small lake on the s. side of the highway, ca. 20 mi. e.
2475818 F. R. Fosberg 40067 1959-08-10
Canada, Manitoba, Twin Lakes Hills, 30m
2475927 C. L. Johnson 890193 1986-06-14
United States of America, Idaho, Idaho Co., Packer Meadow and vicinity, 1 mile east of Lolo Pass, Clearwater National Forest.
2475820 W. J. Cody 3606 1950-05-22
Canada, Alberta, 1 mile southwest of Ft. Smith, N.W.T in Alberta. Very wet grass meadow.
2475913 H. M. Raup 6998 1935-08-26
Canada, Muskeg shore, vicinity of camp about 2 mi. W. Ennuyeuse Cr., 59.05 -109.57
2475823 W. J. Cody 4018
Canada, Alberta, 2 miles southwest of Ft. Smith, N. W. T in Alberta., 60 -111.88
2475977 E. P. Bicknell 3463 1884-09-13
United States of America, New Hampshire, Near top of Mt. Washington.
2475828 A. J. J. Breitung 335 1939-07-25
Canada, Saskatchewan, Slyvania. In fence tour.
2475923 C. A. Wellner 1018 1977-05-04
United States of America, Idaho, Bonner Co., Kaniksa Marsh- At upper (west) and near highway., 741m
2476001 W. M. Canby 281 1883-08-01
United States of America, Montana, base of Rocky Mt. Range near Cut Bank Creek.
2476055 H. C. Beardslee, Sr. s.n. 1872-07-08
United States of America, Colorado, Middle Park., 37.815834 -106.671708
2475847 W. J. Cody 7883
Canada, Norman Wells. Common in open muskeg.
2475979 C. H. Churchill s.n. 2005-06-20
United States of America, Minnesota, Mahtomedi
2475884 Collector unknown 80
Canada, Hopedale