ASU0014214 J. A. Encina 760 2001-08-12
Mexico, Coahuila, Sierra de Zapaliname, cañón al Norte De Lomas de Lourdes, 25.4361 -100.967, 2165m
406407 James S. Henrickson 11756 1973-08-03
Mexico, Coahuila, Monclova Municipio, Ca. 35 (air) miles S of Monclova, in small side canyon with oak-chaparral forest., 26.316667 -101.266667, 1524m
310560 J. A. Villarreal 6461 1992-03-21
Mexico, Coahuila, Sierra de Arteaga, carr. 57, 3Km pasando el entronque a Los Lirios, 25.416667 -100.75, 2300m
307848 J. A. Villarreal 6334 1992-03-20
Mexico, Coahuila, Canon de San Lorenzo, 4km al Sur de Saltillo, 25.316667 -100.966667, 1950m
54693 Hinton, GB, et al. 18164 1981-04-24
Mexico, Galeana, Santa Rita, 1980m
01267782 M. C. Johnston 11067D 1973-05-17
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, 1 km, by winding road below and W. of Real de Catorce, on road to Estacion Catorce; above Socavnon La Purisima, 23.6944 -100.8972, 2450m
01267779 F. L. Wynd 375 1936-06-30
Mexico, Coahuila, Ciudad Melchor Múzquiz. Rancho Agua Dulce; moist wooded canyon on the eastern slope of the Sierra de San Manuel
01267781 T. L. Wendt 1305 1975-08-24
Mexico, Coahuila, Ciudad Melchor Múzquiz. Rincon de Maria, 28.4583 -102.07, 1400m
01267780 F. W. Pennell 17497 1934-07-22
Mexico, Coahuila, San Lorenzo Canyon, south of Saltillo, 1900m
5796 E. Palmer 238 1880-07-17
Mexico, Coahuila, Mountains 6 mi E of Saltillo., 25.4208333 -100.80138889
01267783 M. C. Johnston 10501A 1973-03-30
Mexico, Coahuila, About 6 km airline W. of Saltillo, E. extremity of the Sierra de La Vega, at and below Estacion Microondas La Vega, 25.42 -101.08, 2000m
UT0032033 Edward Palmer 238 1880-07-00
Mexico, Coahuila, Mts. 6 mi E of Saltillo
1107108 E. Palmer 258 1880-02-00
Mexico, Coahuila, Mts. East of Saltillo
1149824 F. Lyle Wynd & C.H. Mueller | Cornelius H. Muller 375 1936-06-30
Mexico, Coahuila, San Buenaventura, San Pedro de Agua Dulce; Muzquiz; Rancho Agua Dulce, Sierra de San Manuel, 27.6568 -102.029
PH00005443 Edward Palmer s.n. 1880-07-17
Mexico, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Mts. 6 m. East of Saltillo, Coahuila
LL00260832 James S. Henrickson 11756-6 1973-08-03
Mexico, Coahuila, Ca 35 (air) mi S of Monclova, in Canyon la Gavia, in N side of Sa de la Gavia, 26.31667 -101.26667
LL00260839 James S. Henrickson 13362 1973-09-22
Mexico, Zacatecas, 16 (air) mi E of Concepción del Oro, on upper N side of Sa del Astillero, 0.5 m N of summit, ca 3 mi NE of Guadalupe Garceron, 24.63333 -101.13333
LL00260842 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C. 11067-D 1973-05-17
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 1 Km by winding rd below and W of Real de Catorce, on rd to Estación Catorce; above Socavón La Purisima, 23.69444 -100.89722
LL00260843 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C. 11067-C 1973-05-17
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 1 Km by winding rd below and W of Real de Catorce, on rd to Estación Catorce; above Socavón La Purisima, 23.69444 -100.89722
TEX00260840 Hinton 18164 1981-04-24
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, Santa Rita
TEX00260841 Robert Ford Smith M-173 1960-05-07
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Ca top of "M" ridge above Chipinque
TEX00410233 James S. Henrickson 11756 1973-08-26
Mexico, Coahuila, Monclova, Ca 35 (air) mi S of Monclova, 26.31667 -101.26667
TEX00416995 Juan A. Encina|Leodan Portes Vargas 608 2000-08-26
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo, No locality name provided., 25.38417 -100.865
TEX00410084 James S. Henrickson 13362 1973-09-22
Mexico, Zacatecas, Concepcion del Oro, 16 (air) mi E of Concepción del Oro, on upper N side of Sa del Astillero, 0.5 m N of summit, ca 3 mi NE of Guadalupe Garceron, 24.63333 -101.13333
TEX00260824 G. Hinton B. 24374 1994-06-16
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Santiago, Rancho Chaparral, Santiago
TEX00260825 David H. Riskind|T. Patterson Nulo 1926 1976-04-10
Mexico, Coahuila, Zaragoza, Rancho El Bonito, Serranías del Burro, 29.025 -102.125
TEX00260826 José A. Villarreal|Miguel Agustín Carranza|M. Dolores García 6461 1992-03-21
Mexico, Coahuila, Arteaga, Sa de Arteaga, carr 57, 3Km pasando el entronque a Los Lirios, 25.41667 -100.75
TEX00260827 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C. 10501-A 1973-03-30
Mexico, Coahuila, About 6 Km airline W of Saltillo, E extremity of the Sa de La Vega, at and below Estación Microondas La Vega, 25.41667 -101.08333
TEX00260828 José A. Villareal Q.|Miguel Agustín Carranza 6334 1992-03-20
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo, Cañón de Sal Lorenzo, 4 Km al S de Saltillo, 25.31667 -100.96667
TEX00260829 José A. Villarreal|Miguel Agustín Carranza|M. Dolores García 6461 1992-03-21
Mexico, Coahuila, Arteaga, Sa de Arteaga, carr 57, 3Km pasando el entronque a Los Lirios, 25.41667 -100.75
TEX00260830 Fred A. Barkley|Grady L. Webster 7201 1947-07-02
Mexico, Coahuila, Saltillo, 14 mi S of Saltillo
TEX00260831 Tom L. Wendt|Emily J. Lott|David H. Riskind 1305 1975-08-24
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Rincón de María, 28.45833 -102.06667
TEX00260833 Tom L. Wendt|David H. Riskind 909 1975-04-27
Mexico, Coahuila, Rincón de María, on Hacienda La Babia, ca 70 mi by rd NW from Múzquiz, 28.45833 -102.075
TEX00260834 David H. Riskind 2126 1977-09-18
Mexico, Coahuila, Serrania del Burro, Rancho El Bonito, 29.025 -102.125
TEX00260835 David H. Riskind 2162 1977-09-18
Mexico, Coahuila, Serranías del Burro, Rancho El Bonito; Mpio Villa Acuña, 29.025 -102.125
TEX00260836 Ernest G. Marsh 1904 1939-07-03
Mexico, Coahuila, Monclova, Gloria Mts
TEX00260837 David H. Riskind|T. Patterson Nulo 1966 1966-04-12
Mexico, Coahuila, Zaragoza, Serranías del Burro, Rancho El Bonito, 29.025 -102.125
TEX00260838 M. A. Carranza|L. Zamora 2605 1977-08-31
Mexico, Coahuila, Arteaga, Sa Rancho Nuevo, Cañon de San Juan, aprox 2 km al N de San Juan, 25.25 -100.63889
00059413 Josiah Gregg 439 1848-00-00
Mexico, Coahuila