353226 V. W. Steinmann 1397 1998-10-31
Mexico, Puebla, Tehuacán Municipio, Along MEX 131, ca. 14 km southwest of the Southern limits of Tehuacan and 4 km southwest of the junction to San Gabriel Chilac, hillside to the west of the road, 18.385278 -97.298333, 1450m
01279681 H. D. D. Ripley 14768 1966-11-25
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, 23 miles w. of Ciudad del Maiz, 22.4011 -99.9622, 1097m
01279688 M. W. Bierner 96 1969-07-22
Mexico, Nuevo León, 27 mi S of San Roberto Junction along highway 56 (1 mi N of Village of El Camelo)
01279685 H. D. D. Ripley 13510 1963-11-10
Mexico, Durango, NE of Yerbaniz, 24.7372 -103.8411, 1829m
01279687 J. N. Rose 9788 1905-08-23
Mexico, Querétaro, Between Visaron & Higuerillas
01279691 V. W. Steinmann 1397 1998-10-31
Mexico, Puebla, Tehuacán Mun., Along MEX 131, ca. 14 km southwest of the southern limits of Tehuacán and 4 km southwest of the junction to San Gabriel Chilac, hillside to the west of the road, 18.3853 -97.2983, 1450m
7005 J. G. Schaffner 603,808 1879-00-00
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Ex convalli San Luís Potosí., 22.15111111 -100.97
01279680 H. D. D. Ripley 14715 1966-11-17
Mexico, Puebla, 10 miles s.w. of Tehuacan, 18.3611 -97.5033, 1524m
01279686 T. Mosquin 6902 1967-08-22
Mexico, Durango, 20 miles south of Casco
01279682 H. D. D. Ripley 13318 1963-10-26
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, S. of Villa Hidalgo, 22.4483 -100.6783, 1798m
01279692 R. L. MacGregor 739 1963-07-16
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, 11 miles east of El Huizache along Highway 80, 1417m
01279693 S. Gonzalez 1432 1980-10-13
Mexico, Durango, 8 km al SSE de Vicente Guerrero, por la carretera a Súchil
7544 C. A. Purpus 3214 1908-06-00
Mexico, Puebla, In the vicinity of San Luís Tultitlanapa, Puebla, near Oaxaca. Barranca de Tlacuilosto.
01279683 H. D. D. Ripley 13521 1963-11-12
Mexico, Coahuila, 10 mi. n.e. of Saltillo, 25.5239 -100.8639, 1280m
01279690 C. A. Purpus 5191 1911-07-00
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Minas de San Rafael
01279689 L. R. Stanford 789 1941-08-08
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Near town of Miquihuana, 23.7 -99.75, 2460m
01279684 H. D. D. Ripley 13504 1963-11-10
Mexico, Durango, E. of Luis Moya, 24.5494 -103.9625, 1829m
01279694 C. C. Parry 164 1878-00-00
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Chiefly in the vicinity of San Luis Potosí, 22.1517 -100.9764, 2438m
C. A. Purpus 3214 1908-06-00
1154770 H.D. Ripley & R.C. Barneby | R. Barneby 13318 1963-10-26
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Villa Hidalgo; Villa Hidalgo, 22.4521 -100.679, 1798m
1164202 Carl A. Purpus 3214 1908-00-00
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 30436
TEX00214053 Clark P. Cowan|Melissa Luckow|Denis M. Kearns|Nancy Jacobson 5462 1985-07-08
Mexico, Queretaro, Cadereyta de Montes, 0.7 mi (1.1 Km) S of Higuerillas on dirt rd (terracería) S of Hwy (Higuerillas-San Pablo Tolimán)
TEX00214054 Matt Lavin|Scott Sundberg 5230 1984-10-11
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, N of San Luis Potosí on hwy 57, 18.7 mi S of jct to 57 and 101, 80 Km S of Matehuala
TEX00214055 James S. Wilson 11313 1966-06-02
Mexico, Durango, 63 mi E of Durango on Hwy 40
160966 Ronald L McGregor; Larry J Harms; Albert J Robinson, Jr; R del Rosario; R Segal 739 1963-07-16
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, El Huizache, 11 mi E along Hwy 80, 22.866565 -100.226523, 1417m
00053660 C. C. Parry & Edw. Palmer 164 1878-00-00
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, 22°N, 6000-8000 ft
00053659 J. G. Schaffner 808 1876-00-00
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, San Miguelito Mountains
00053683 C. A. Purpus 3214 1908-06-00
Mexico, Puebla, Barranca de Tlacuilosto [near San Luis Tultilanapa, Mun. Caltepec, Puebla, near the Oaxaca boundary, fide Barneby]