ASC00082417 S. Rhodes 9823 1998-07-10
United States, UTAH, Iron, Dixie Nat'l Forest, 12.4 mi W of jct with Hwy 18 in Enterprise on road to Crestline, NV, 37.603056 -113.921389
ASC00082416 S. Rhodes 9817 1998-07-10
United States, UTAH, Iron, Dixie NF, 16 mi W of jct with Hwy 18 in Enterprise on FR 300 (road that goes to Crestline, NV), 37.614444 -113.986111, 1800m
UTC00288724 D. Gentilcore 1891 2020-06-08
United States, Nevada, Nye, Cherry Creek Campground, 38.15347 -115.62509, 2029m
UTC00248677 Arnold Tiehm 15393 2007-05-26
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Egan Range, 1.6 road miles E of West Butte Valley road on road to East Butte Valley, N of highway 50, 39.4822222 -115.1219444, 2073m
UTC00284699 D. Gentilcore 221 2013-06-01
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Within White Pine Hand Thinning, 38.846776 -115.252626, 1960m
UTC00275860 G. Gust 2477 2015-05-10
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Egan Range. ~200m north of Highway 93 on road to Townsend Well., 39.4285 -115.146639, 2048m
01191309 M. A. Franklin 4713 1987-05-12
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Pine Park Canyon, 37.5258 -114.0386, 1658m
01191312 D. W. McNeal 1783 1975-06-10
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Beside highway #6, 0.7 mile northeast of the Nye Co. line, 38.831139 -115.263739
3114198 N. H. Holmgren 9350 1979-06-19
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., North White Pine Range, 1.3 km (0.8 mi) north of U.S. Highway 50 from a turnoff 1 km (0.6 mi) east of Little Antelope Summit and 65.5 km (40.6 mi) west of Ely., 39.3969 -115.4493, 2260m
01191308 B. Ertter 6250 1986-05-29
United States of America, Utah, Iron Co., Ca. 15 airmiles west of Enterprise on Dixie National Forest road 300, basin of Jessie Tie Wash just northwest of Pine Park turnoff, 37.62 -113.98, 1829m
03114193 M. J. Williams 80-71-1 1980-06-16
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Near Hwy 6, 1.4 mi NE of Currant Summit., 38.8452 -115.3641, 1996m
3114195 R. G. Olmstead 596 1984-06-30
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., White Pine Range; 1 mi N of US 50 on gravel rd 0.6 mi E of Little Antelope Summit, 38 mi E of Eureka, 39.4114 -115.468, 2210m
3114196 M. J. Williams 79-103-1 1979-06-26
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., 1.1 mi SW of Currant Summit., 38.8161 -115.3086, 2012m
3114200 P. H. Raven 13545 1958-06-27
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., 4.2 miles south of United States Highway 50 on eastern road to Hamilton
3114201 M. J. Williams 80-237-3 1980-07-21
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Near Illipah Creek Reservoir. Dry hillside., 39.3242 -115.3933, 2103m
3114212 A. Tiehm 7971 1983-06-23
United States of America, Nevada, Lincoln Co., Clover Mts, 6.2 road miles from Caliente on the Ella Mt. road., 1707m
3114194 S. L. Welsh 20585 1981-05-23
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Across rd. from Currant Creek Campground.
00415700 H. D. D. Ripley 6261 1944-06-14
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., W face of White Pine Mts. below Little Antelope summit, 38.9331 -115.4111, 2012 - 2012m
3114208 K. H. Thorne 1083 1980-06-26
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Sixmile Wash, 1 mi N of Lampson Canyon, 39.1799 -115.4381, 2256m
01054726 A. Tiehm 15393 2007-05-26
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Egan Range, 1.6 road miles east of West Butte Valley road on road to East Butte Valley, north of highway 50, 39.48231 -115.12219, 2073m
01191311 N. H. Holmgren 10458 1984-06-13
United States of America, Nevada, Lincoln Co., Wilson Creek Range, black obsidian outcrop south of Mount Wilson, 34 km (21 miles) airline distance north (9°) of Pioche., 38.24 -114.4, 2440m
3114203 P. Train 3873 1940-05-28
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., E. slope Becky Mt. Homestead Cabin Canyon, 14 mi. e. of Junction of U. S. Highways, 93 and 50., 2256m
01191310 L. C. Higgins 16834 1986-06-04
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Water Canyon Road west of Enterprise, 37.6 -113.93, 1772m
3114209 L. C. Higgins 14023 1983-07-28
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., 16 mi. due W of Enterprise., 37.5982 -114.0203, 2000m
3114197 B. F. Harrison 13172 1979-06-11
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Spring Valley Road, 11.2 miles S of U.S. Hwy. 93, 39.928207 -114.52008, 1951m
3114204 M. J. Williams 80-71-1 1980-06-16
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Near Hwy 6, 1.4 mi NE of Currant Summit., 38.842871 -115.363768, 1996m
3114205 R. C. Barneby 14398a 1966-06-10
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Currant Creek, 2042m
3114211 B. Maguire 25564 1945-06-21
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., On ridge east of Little Cherry Greek above the narrows, Quinn Canyon Range, Nevada National Forest.
3114199 H. D. D. Ripley 9285 1948-01-20
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., White Pine Mts, NE of Hamilton., 6700m
3114202 S. Goodrich 12058 1978-07-30
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toiyabe N, F.; Monitor Range; Hunts Canyon; ½ mi. NW of Hunts Canyon Guard Station., 38.442496 -116.792163, 2146m
3114207 H. D. D. Ripley 9285 1948-01-20
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., White Pine Mts, NE of Hamilton., 6700m
3114210 H. D. D. Ripley 9303 1948-01-22
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., White Pine trail to White Pine Peak. Stony clay stream bank., 7900m
3114206 N. H. Holmgren 2165 1965-07-16
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., White Pine Mountains, knoll east of roads summit between Currant Creek and White River drainages., 2743m
D. Gentilcore 1891 2020-06-08
United States, Nevada, Nye, Cherry Creek Campground, 38.15347 -115.62509, 2029m
D. Gentilcore 221 2013-06-01
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Within White Pine Hand Thinning, 38.846776 -115.252626, 1960m
ENLC02513 P. Hellmann 006 2014-07-27
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Antelope Range. Stockade Spring., 40.05924 -114.393852, 2033m
ENLC02643 G. Gust 2477 2015-05-10
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Egan Range. ~200m north of Highway 93 on road to Townsend Well., 39.4285 -115.146639, 2048m
ENLC01842 D. Gentilcore 129 2012-06-29
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Antelope Range. Within Stockade (2011) burned area. 0.53km by air NNW of Stockade Spring., 40.062306 -114.397806, 2040m
ENLC03280 D. Gentilcore 221 2013-06-01
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Within White Pine Hand Thinning, 38.846776 -115.252626, 1960m
56187 M.A. Franklin 4713 1987-05-12
USA, Utah, Washington, Pine Park Canyon., 37.520322 -114.032592, 1658 - 1658m
56188 R.G. Olmstead 610 1984-07-01
USA, Nevada, White Pine, White Pine Mountains, White River campground, 12.1 miles N of US 6 via Currant Creek Road., 38.943826 -115.341064, 2117m
56189 R.G. Olmstead 595 1984-06-29
USA, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe NF, Monitor Range, 0.5 mile NE of Hunts Canyon guard station, 48 miles NE of Tonopah., 38.450171 -116.807328, 2134m
56190 R.G. Olmstead 600 1984-06-30
USA, Nevada, White Pine, White Pine Range, 2.9 miles S of US 50 on Cottonwood Creek Road (5 miles E of Little Antelope Summit)., 39.30705 -115.395044, 2118m
56191 R.G. Olmstead 596 1984-06-30
USA, Nevada, White Pine, White Pine Range, 1 mile N of US 50 on gravel road, 0.6 mile E of Little Antelope Summit, 38 miles E of Eureka., 39.408827 -115.459927, 2210m
56192 M.J. Williams 80-71-1 1980-06-16
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Near Hwy 6, 1.4 miles NE of Currant Summit., 38.830918 -115.264659, 1996m
105686 D. Gentilcore 1891 2020-06-08
USA, Nevada, Nye, Quinn Canyon Range, Cherry Creek Campground., 38.15347 -115.62509, 2029m
56193 V. Bostick s.n. 1969-06-08
USA, Nevada, Nye, Hot Creek Range, Six-Mile Creek, about 5 miles above mouth of canyon., 38.634562 -116.318709, 2256m
56194 M.J. Williams 84-34-1 1984-06-17
USA, Nevada, White Pine, On road to Hamilton, 0.3 mile S of Hwy 50, 39.353283 -115.400123, 2073m
56195 B.O. Moore 634 1937-06-16
USA, Nevada, White Pine, 15 miles N of Ely., 39.462822 -114.86537, 1829m
56196 A. Tiehm 7971 1983-06-23
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains, 6.2 road miles from Caliente on the Ella Mountain road., 37.533413 -114.489261, 1707m
56197 M.J. Williams 80-237-3 1980-07-21
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Near Illipah Creek Reservoir., 39.333124 -115.390291, 2103m
56198 M.J. Williams 80-71-1 1980-06-16
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Near Hwy 6, 1.4 miles NE of Currant Summit., 38.830918 -115.264659, 1996m
56199 P. Train 3873 1940-05-28
USA, Nevada, White Pine, [Schell Creek Range,] E slope of Becky Mountain, Homestead Cabin Canyon, 14 miles E of junction US Hwys 93 and 50., 39.964891 -114.564434, 2256m
100741 J. Hollinger 21744 2018-05-22
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Sawmill Canyon., 37.513483 -114.517137, 1783m
39709 D. Gentilcore 221 2013-06-01
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Within White Pine Hand Thinning., 38.846776 -115.252626, 1960m
56476 B.O. Moore 378 1937-06-03
USA, Nevada, White Pine, 5 miles W of Kimberly., 39.285905 -115.165617, 1981m
56477 S.L. Welsh 20585 1981-05-23
USA, Nevada, Nye, Across road from Currant Creek Campground., 38.816285 -115.353489
56478 M.J. Williams 79-103-1 1979-06-26
USA, Nevada, Nye, 1.1 miles SW of Currant Summit., 38.814993 -115.302495, 2012m
56479 R.G. Olmstead 609 1984-07-01
USA, Nevada, White Pine, White Pine Mountains, White River campground, 12.1 miles N of US 6 via Currant Creek Road., 38.943826 -115.341064, 2117m
108048 G.L. Clifton 45187 2006-06-10
USA, Nevada, White Pine, [Butte Mountains,] Bothwick Road., 39.483363 -115.117311, 2073m
56185 A. Tiehm 15393 2007-05-26
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Egan Range, 1.6 road miles E of West Butte Valley road on road to East Butte Valley, N of highway 50, 39.482306 -115.122194, 2073 - 2073m
56186 K.H. Thorne 907 1980-05-31
USA, Nevada, Nye, Egan Range, White River Valley, mouth of Trough Spring Canyon., 38.388213 -115.011571, 1722m
UT0100514 Tiehm, Arnold 8714 1984-06-18
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Fortification Range, Cottonwood Canyon on the NE side of the range, near Cottonwood Springs T9N, R67E, S27
Bureau of Land Management
EDOBLM00840 D. Gentilcore 129 2012-06-29
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Antelope Range. Within Stockade (2011) burned area. 0.53km by air NNW of Stockade Spring., 40.062306 -114.397806, 2040m
Bureau of Land Management
EDOBLM00854 P. Hellmann 006 2014-07-27
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Antelope Range. Stockade Spring., 40.05924 -114.393852, 2033m
01696251 Arnold Tiehm; Margaret Williams 7971 1983-06-23
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, CLöver Mts, 6.2 road miles from Caliente on the Ella Mt. road,T5S, R67E, 5600 ft., 1707m
01696269 Arnold Tiehm; Margaret Williams 8714 1984-06-18
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Fortification Range, Cottonwood Canyon on the NE side of the range, near Cottonwood Springs, T9N, R67E, S27, 6700 ft., 2042m
RSA0404944 B. Franklin 4713 1987-05-12
United States, Utah, Washington, Pine Park Canyon., 1658m
RSA0404943 Barbara Ertter 6250 1986-05-29
United States, Utah, Iron, Ca 15 airmiles W of Enterprise on Dixie NF Rd 300, basin of Jessie Tie Wash just NW of Pine Prk turnoff., 1829m
United States, Nevada
United States, Nevada
291737 Arnold Tiehm; Margaret Williams 7971 1983-06-23
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains, 6.2 road mi S of Caliente on the Ella Mountain road, 37.530545 -114.486704, 1707m
36391 W.E. Niles 3816 1992-05-26
United States, Utah, Washington, Pine Park, near bottom of cyn, 1677m
60390 A. Tiehm 15393 2007-05-26
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Egan Range, 1.6 road mile eas ot West Butte Valley road on road to East Butte Valley, north of highway 50, 39.482306 -115.122194, 2073 - 2073m
55502 J.A. Alexander 1545 2003-06-18
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Secret Spring vicinity, northeast of Currant Summit, valley north of foothills of White Pine Range and Horse Range, 1957m
01698678 [data not captured]
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine County, [data not captured]
01698679 [data not captured]
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine County, [data not captured]
01698680 [data not captured]
United States of America, Nevada, Nye County, [data not captured]