Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Perideridia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 4967

Nevada State Museum Herbarium

Perideridia gairdneri (Hook. & Arn.) Mathias
PLA G 0004796 GM.J. Williams   84-120-41984-08-25
USA, Nevada, Elko, Charleston-Jarbidge Road, 2.1 miles E of Beaver Creek Ranch house., 41.576651 -115.603749, 2057m

PLA 0009148A. Pinzl   78781987-05-19
USA, Nevada, Lander, Shoshone Range, Crum Cyn, Rock Creek 6 rd mi SE of Bateman Spring, 1646m

PLA 0012410A. Pinzl   108841993-07-27
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Virginia Range, south end, ca 0.25 mi W of McClellan Peak, dry meadow, 2195m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0001602 GN.H. Holmgren   86301977-07-18
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Egan Range, Upper Terrace, 16 km (10 mi) airline distance south-southwest of Ely, 39.12 -114.94, 2840m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA T 0000625 TP. Train   s.n.1934-06-01
USA, Oregon, Malheur, Sheaville, Silver City Rd near Falen Ranch, 1372m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0001647A. Pinzl   s.n.1975-06-27
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, US 95, west side, 18 miles north of Winnemucca, 1433m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0001641P. Herlan   s.n.1974-06-22
USA, Nevada, Washoe, 2 miles south of Refuge Headquarters, 1798m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0003460A. Pinzl   17471978-05-23
USA, Nevada, Douglas, Pine Nut Mts, 1.7 mi SW of Rte 395 at Bodie Flat along dirt rd, 1676m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0004795 GM.J. Williams   86-27-31986-05-13
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Road to Buffalo Meadows Ranch from Smoke Creek Desert. 4.1 road miles S of Buffalo Meadows Ranch., 40.704962 -119.805722, 1433m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0004794 GM.J. Williams   86-42-11986-05-21
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Hungry Valley, 3.7 road miles beyond the end of the paving on Chickadee Road, NE of Lemmon Valley., 39.6876 -119.7802, 1524m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0006826 GA. Tiehm   117861988-06-23
USA, Nevada, White Pine, 7.5 miles north of highway 6 from Ely to Currant on the road to Hamilton, road summit between Red Mountain and the White Pine Range., 2530m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0004793 GM.J. Williams   83-116-101983-07-29
USA, California, Modoc, Warner Mountains, 1.1 miles N of Stowe Reservoir Campground, N of Cedar Pass., 41.568362 -120.242222, 2088 - 2088m

Perideridia bolanderi (A.Gray) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr.
PLA G 0008419 GJ.F. Smith   27091993-09-05
USA, Idaho, Valley, Snowbank Mountain, near summit, Wilson Meadows, grazed mountain meadow, 44.5 -116.166667, 2438m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0008515 GR.V. Hardy   8721993-06-09
USA, Utah, Box Elder, Bovine Mountains, 41.47 -113.73, 2134m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0004792 GM.J. Williams   84-86-11984-07-01
USA, California, Modoc, On the Crowder Flat road, 3.1 miles N of Hwy 299, 41.519664 -120.643307, 1341m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0000024 GM.J. Williams   75-28-171975-06-01
USA, Nevada, Washoe, SE of Peavine Peak. North of Mesa Park., 1494m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0000947A. Pinzl   s.n.1973-06-22
USA, Nevada, Douglas, Pinenut range, road to Mt Como, 2134m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0001124A. Pinzl   s.n.1974-06-10
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Peavine peak (north side), 2134m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0000518P. Herlan   s.n.1971-06-22
USA, Nevada, Douglas, Pinenut Range, Sunrise Basin

Perideridia californica (Torr.) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0010180 GL.P. Janeway   16741986-05-16
USA, California, Merced, Southwest of Los Banos; eastern slopes of the Inner South Coast Ranges. South Fork Los Banos Creek about 2 miles south of its confuence with North Fork., 229m

Perideridia lemmonii (J.M. Coult. & Rose) T.I. Chuang & Constance
PLA G 0000770 GA. Tiehm   47181978-08-11
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Racetrack Reservoir, 4.4 air mi NE of refuge sub-HQ, 41.896839 -119.580629, 1750 - 1750m

Perideridia lemmonii (J.M. Coult. & Rose) T.I. Chuang & Constance
PLA 0004848G.T. Austin   s.n.1980-07-30
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Rte 34, 10.2 miles south of Hays Canyon Road, 1829m

Perideridia lemmonii (J.M. Coult. & Rose) T.I. Chuang & Constance
PLA G 0010645 GA. Tiehm   133652000-08-09
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Mosquito Valley, Mosquito Lake on the east side of Mosquito Mtns, NW end of the lake, 41.849583 -119.843123, 1732 - 1732m

Perideridia parishii subsp. latifolia (A. Gray) T.I. Chuang & Constance
PLA 0008514A. Pinzl   74891986-07-17
USA, Nevada, Lyon, North end of Sweetwater Flat, meadow on north side of Risue Road, 1/3 road mile west of Rte 338, 38.55 -119.23, 1996m

Perideridia parishii subsp. latifolia (A. Gray) T.I. Chuang & Constance
PLA 0008513A. Pinzl   75201986-07-31
USA, Nevada, Carson City, Carson Range, N Cyn Rd ca 1 1/3 rd mi N of stream crossing by cabin, 2271m

Perideridia parishii subsp. latifolia (A. Gray) T.I. Chuang & Constance
PLA 0004849G.T. Austin   s.n.1980-07-02
USA, Nevada, Elko, Wildhorse Creek Campground, 1890m

Perideridia parishii subsp. latifolia (A. Gray) T.I. Chuang & Constance
PLA 0003868A. Pinzl   25241979-08-16
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Carsom Range, Hobart Creek Reservoir, 2301m

Perideridia parishii subsp. latifolia (A. Gray) T.I. Chuang & Constance
PLA G 0003781 GA. Tiehm   99881985-07-22
USA, Nevada, Douglas, Pine Nut Mts, 1.2 airmiles south of Slater's Mine on the NE side of Mt. Siegel, 2256m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) Nelson & Macbride
PLA 0005538A. Pinzl   41901981-06-11
USA, Nevada, Elko, Route 11A, Bull Run Basin Rd 3 rd mi SW of Forest Service boundary, 1845m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0008512A. Pinzl   73901986-06-02
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Between the Buffalo Hills & Granite Range, Rte 447 1.5 rd mi NW of Crutcher Cyn turnoff, 1433m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0012409A. Pinzl   108151993-07-14
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Santa Rosa Range, Lye Creek, just west of campground, 41.68 -117.57, 2271m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (Gray) A. Nels. & J. F. Macbr.
PLA 0012408A. Pinzl   108261993-07-14
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Santa Rosa Range, Windy Gap on Hinkey Summit rd, interior of sharp rd curve, SE from gap proper, 2256m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0011096A. Pinzl   96541991-06-27
USA, Nevada, Elko, rd to Sunflower Flat from Rte 225 0.2 mi E of major fork (northward rd goes to California Basin), 1890m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) Nelson & Macbride
PLA 0010870A. Pinzl   90301990-05-30
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Warm Springs Cyn, N of Mud Meadow, 1396m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0004847A. Pinzl   32011980-06-19
USA, Nevada, White Pine, White Pine Range, road toward Copper Creek, 2.3 road miles north and west of Little Currant Creek/White River fork, 38.9617 -115.3825, 2316m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0009809A. Pinzl   83361988-05-24
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Along road parallelling and above Tollhouse Canyon, 1.8 road miles southwest of SW corner of Summit Lake Indian Reservation, 41.48 -119.11, 1554m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0000689 GB. Rogers   10051978-06-06
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Hobble Reservoir, W side of Mule Mountain, 3.9 air miles W of Refuge sub-HQ, 41.85 -119.55, 1817 - 1817m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0005337A. Pinzl   40751981-06-02
USA, Nevada, Douglas, Mud Lake, 1555m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0009146A. Pinzl   79271987-06-03
USA, Nevada, Elko, Tuscarora Mountains. Midas/Tuscarora road, 2 ¾ road miles east of Hot Creek crossing, south of east junction of China and Willow Creeks, 41.22 -116.46, 1689m

PLA 0014239A. Pinzl   110821994-06-20
USA, Nevada, Lander, Fish Creek Mountains, south and west of Daisey Pass on road to radio towers, between 5th and 6th sharp turn from the bottom, 2133m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0014240A. Pinzl   114531995-06-20
USA, Nevada, Pershing, Sonoma Range Sonoma Canyon end of 'main' road start of foot path., 1710m

PLA 0014241A. Pinzl   114311996-06-20
USA, Nevada, Pershing, Stillwater Range, vicinity of Fencemaker Pass; side canyon to north, 1845m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0014242A. Pinzl   114121995-06-19
USA, Nevada, Churchill, Clan Alpine Mountains, 0.3 road mile northeast of Camp Creek road on road to Alpine Ranch, 39.44 -117.9, 1844m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0014243A. Pinzl   114961995-06-21
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Pine Forest Range South side of Mahogany Mtn SE facing slope west of Alta Creek Basin, 1859m

PLA 0014244A. Pinzl   116711995-07-19
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Schell Creek Range, Success Road Loop, ca 0.5 road mile south of Success Summit, topmost hairpin turn that points eastward, 2690m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0007471A. Pinzl   60491984-07-09
USA, Nevada, Lander, East side of Toiyabe Range, Vigus Canyon drainage, Grass Valley Road (Rte 306), 39.6 -116.92, 2073m

Perideridia bolanderi subsp. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA 0009147A. Pinzl   79451987-06-04
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Bloody Run Hills of Santa Rosa Range, 2½ road miles west of US 95 on Sand Pass Road, 41.13 -117.74, 1494m

Perideridia bolanderi var. bolanderi (A.Gray) A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr.
PLA G 0002537 GA. Tiehm   92001984-08-09
USA, Nevada, Pershing, West Humboldt Mountains, Star Creek Canyon on the east side of the range, west of the Silver State Mine, 40.54 -118.16, 2560m

Perideridia bolanderi var. bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PLA G 0003330 GM.J. Williams   83-90-11983-07-10
USA, Nevada, Douglas, Pine Nut Range, ca 0.5 mile E of Slater's Mine., 38.920082 -119.480894

Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Image Associated With the Occurence
Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
PH00179869Andrew Townesmith   8892007-08-01
United States, California, Trinity, Shasta-Trinity National Forest. Along Forest Service route 17/Stewart Springs road, 14.4 mi. from intersection of Stewart Springs and Old 99 Highway roads. At Deadfall Meadow trailhead., 41.335 -122.52111111, 2007m

Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
PH00748658Patricia Wilder   51551971-06-22
United States, California, Plumas, Spanish Ranch, 6 mi W of Quincy on Spanish Ranch Road, on N side of road, Cascada mountain range, Spanish Creek to North Fork Feather River, 1097m

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Perideridia oregana (S. Watson) Mathias
PH00171171Tracy Scott   99
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Illinois Valley Ranger District; Siskiyou National Forest, between Selma & Cave Junction, about 1 mile off of Hwy 199 on Forest Road 4201, 42.231667 -123.660278, 412m

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Perideridia oregana (S. Watson) Mathias
PH00171172Tracy Scott   992006-08-12
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Illinois Valley Ranger District; Siskiyou National Forest, between Selma & Cave Junction, about 1 mile off of Hwy 199 on Forest Road 4201, 42.231667 -123.660278, 412m

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PH00020412Henry N. Bolander   25391873-00-00
United States, California

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Edosmia oregana Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray
PH00010029Thomas Nuttall   s.n.
United States, Rocky Mts.

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Edosmia oregana Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray
PH00026353Thomas Nuttall   s.n.
United States, Oregon, Wappatoo Island

Image Associated With the Occurence
Edosmia oregana Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray
PH00026354Thomas Nuttall   s.n.
United States, Oregon, Wappatoo Island

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Podosciadium californicum (Torr.) A. Gray
PH00013320S.B. Parish   98511881-08-00
United States, California, San Jacinto Mt., 3048m

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PH00010028unknown   s.n.

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PH00010027unknown   s.n.

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PH00026352unknown   s.n.

Angelo State University Herbarium

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Perideridia californica (Torr.) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
6660Frank Timmons   581987-04-17
United States, Nevada, Clark, 0.5 mi W Hoover Dam, along NV 93, 36.009845 -114.732922

Appalachian State University, I. W. Carpenter, Jr. Herbarium

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Perideridia parishii subsp. latifolia (A. Gray) T.I. Chuang & Constance
011067Richard R. Halse   80982010-08-31
United States, Nevada, Douglas, Along State Hwy. 28 ca. 0.3 miles north of Spooner Lake or 1 mile N of its junction with US Hwy 50 (Spooner Junction) Toiyabe National Forest; 39.11039 -119.92267, 39.11039 -119.92267, 2118 - 2118m

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Perideridia gairdneri (Hook. & Arn.) Mathias
ASU0092974Elinor Lehto   95661967-07-07
USA, Arizona, Apache, Phelps Botanical Area, east fork of Little Colorado River, 33.9297 -109.484, 2804m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Perideridia gairdneri (Hook. & Arn.) Mathias
ASU0092975Elinor Lehto   50621965-05-22
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sharp Creek (east of Kohl's Ranch), 34.2987 -110.998

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092958Jon Ricketson   2850-A1985-07-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Dry Lake Hills on Elden Mountain; Dry Lake Hills Tank along USFS Road 789, in 'first' meadow; Humphreys Peak Quad, 35.2613 -111.639, 2533m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092959D. J. Pinkava   45651967-09-23
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Lake#1 (east of Woods Canyon Lake), 34.3394 -110.952

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092960L. R. Landrum   82671994-06-22
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Oak Creek Vista just above Oak Creek Canyon on road to Flagstaff; ca 12 mi south of Flagstaff, 35.030907 -111.73387, 2073m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092961Carl-Eric Granfelt   69-1941969-06-29
USA, Arizona, Apache, Fort Apache Indian Reservation; along shallow seasonal rivulet vicinity junction trail 3 with trail 6 Paradise Logging Unit, 33.999438 -109.696023, 2621m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092962Marc A. Baker   141672001-07-24
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Hutch Mountain 7.5' USGS Quadrangle; west side of Mule Park, just north of Happy Jack, 34.746584 -111.422255, 2320m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092963D. J. Pinkava   114491973-07-25
USA, Arizona, Apache, Apache National Forest, Mt Baldy-Sheep Crossing Campground area; White Mountains, 33.95977 -109.50648

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092964McLeod   5211971-08-20
USA, Arizona, Apache, On trail to Mt Baldy, 33.9059 -109.563

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092965Elinor Lehto   240551979-09-06
USA, Arizona, Coconino, NE Flagstaff, Hart Prairie, east end of Fern Mountain, 35.3489 -111.739

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092966Marc A. Baker   146232002-08-12
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Groom Creek USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangle; Bradshaw Mountains, south of Prescott; 500m northeast of Hassayampa Lake, 2.7km northeast of Mt Tritle, 34.4333 -112.42, 2060m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092967J Steed   15
USA, Arizona, Apache, Boggy Creek (T4N, R28E, S12), Wildcat Creek (T4N, R28E, S11, 14) and Centerfire Creek (T4N, R28E, S7); White Mountains, West Fork Allotment , Alpine Rd, 33.72 -109.44, 2219m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092968David J. Keil   34791968-07-29
USA, Arizona, Gila, Workman Creek area near falls, Sierra Anchas Mountains, 33.8775 -111.039, 2134m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092969Betty Walden   sn1964-08-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Lake #2 Mogollon Rim, 34.2503 -111.598, 2344m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092970Rose E Collom   sn1949-07-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Greenland Lake, North Rim, Grand Canyon, 36.2431 -111.991, 2591m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092971D. J. Pinkava   49111968-09-05
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Lake #1 near Woods Canyon Lake turnoff, 34.3394 -110.952

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092972John R Heisey   sn1979-08-26
USA, Arizona, Apache, 20 miles southwest of Springerville, 34.003 -109.607, 2774m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092973Alvin L. Medina   3601993-06-00
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Blue Ridge Rd, Buck Springs (T13N, R11E, S12, 13); Merritt Draw (T13N, R11E, S13); and Houston Draw (T13N, R11E, S28), 35.0003 -111.667, 2316m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092976Chester F. Deaver   17001946-08-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Mormon Lake, Long Valley Hwy, south of Flagstaff, 34.5208 -111.329

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092977Suzi Holden   0102002-07-31
USA, Arizona, Woods Canyon Lake

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Perideridia parishii (J.M. Coult. & Rose) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092978Sheila Murray   AZ932-762010-09-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino, NW of Mormon Lake, Near Weimer Spring, Off FS Road 132, 34.97 -111.52, 2190m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092979Rose E Collom   sn1949-07-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Greenland Lake, North Rim, Grand Canyon, 36.2431 -111.991, 2591m

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092982D. J. Pinkava   P-127321974-08-16
USA, Arizona, Apache, Rte 260, 15 mi west of Eager; near Greens Peak Turnoff, 34.1119 -109.574

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Perideridia parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0307949Patti West   1CC2008-06-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Coyote Spring., 34.443587 -111.157372, 694m

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ASU0300772A. Tiehm   180302017-08-21
USA, Nevada, Elko, Copper Mts, 4.7 road miles S of Coon Creek Summit on main road to Charleston, then 0.6 road miles S on side road., 41.740383 -115.46715, 2195m

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Perideridia parishii subsp. parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092980L. R. Landrum   51321986-07-17
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Ca 3 mi east of hwy 260 on road from Lakeside to Vernon, 34.2575 -109.64

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Perideridia parishii subsp. parishii (Coult. & Rose) A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr.
ASU0092981William Knight   4051989-08-24
USA, Arizona, Houston Draw, 34.4847 -111.205, 2194m

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Perideridia bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride
ASU0106598M.A. Baker   190312017-06-07
USA, NEVADA, Churchill County, Clan Alpine Mountains, just west of Bench Creek, 2.1km east of the summit of Round Mountain, 67km east of Fallon, ravine bottom, 39.456 -118.0018, 1848m

Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission Herbarium

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Perideridia americana (Nutt. ex DC.) Rchb. ex Steud.
ANHC007391Brent Baker   15-00262015-05-12
United States, Arkansas, Saline, Ouachita Mountains. Central Hills, Ridges, and Valleys Ecoregion. USGS Lonsdale NE 7.5' Quad. Middle Fork Barrens Natural Area. E of Burk Rd. and W of Middle Fork Saline River, about 1.7 road mi. N of jct. with AR Hwy 5 in Owensville. NE end of large shale barrens. TRS: T1S R17W S17 E2NE4SE4, 34.63997 -92.83979

Image Associated With the Occurence
Perideridia americana (Nutt. ex DC.) Rchb. ex Steud.
ANHC007511Brent Baker   15-00612015-06-12
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, Ozark Highlands. Dissected Springfield Plateau-Elk River Hills Ecoregion. USGS Rockhouse 7.5' Quad. Kings River Preserve, The Nature Conservancy. NE side of Stanley Mountain, just above Kings River, across from Mason Bend. TRS: T19N R25W S21 E2NW4NW4, 36.30212 -93.65001

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Perideridia americana (Nutt. ex DC.) Rchb. ex Steud.
ANHC007721Theo Witsell   14-00402014-05-07
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, Ozark Highlands. White River Hills Ecoregion. USGS Beaver 7.5' Quad. 2.5 mi. NNW of Busch. Poddy Hollow, N of Creek, about 1.3 mi. upstream of Butler Creek. Banks property., 36.49349 -93.85765

Image Associated With the Occurence
Perideridia americana (Nutt. ex DC.) Rchb. ex Steud.
ANHC007722Theo Witsell   14-01482014-05-30
United States, Arkansas, Washington, Boston Mountains. Lower Boston Mountains Ecoregion. USGS Fayetteville 7.5' Quad. Kessler Mountain. 200 ft. N of KKIX-FM radio tower., 36.02153 -94.21823

Image Associated With the Occurence
Perideridia americana (Nutt. ex DC.) Rchb. ex Steud.
ANHC007723Theo Witsell   14-01482014-05-30
United States, Arkansas, Washington, Boston Mountains. Lower Boston Mountains Ecoregion. USGS Fayetteville 7.5' Quad. Kessler Mountain. 200 ft. N of KKIX-FM radio tower., 36.02153 -94.21823

Image Associated With the Occurence
Perideridia americana (Nutt. ex DC.) Rchb. ex Steud.
ANHC008019Theo Witsell   10-01582010-06-03
United States, Arkansas, Sharp, Ozark Highlands. Central Plateau Ecoregion. USGS Sitka 7.5' Quad. Rock Creek Natural Area. N side of fireline on N boundary of Natural Area, W of Rock Creek Rd., 36.23999 -91.44623

Image Associated With the Occurence
Perideridia americana (Nutt. ex DC.) Rchb. ex Steud.
ANHC009293Theo Witsell   16-02782016-05-31
United States, Arkansas, Saline, Ouachita Mountains. Central Hills, Ridges, and Valleys Ecoregion. USGS Lonsdale NE 7.5' Quad. Middle Fork Barrens Natural Area (2 mi. NW of Owensville). N of unnamed gravel road connecting Burk Rd. & Middle Fork Saline River, just S of unnamed creek downstream from where it leaves large, seasonally-wet glade opening., 34.64051 -92.83905

Image Associated With the Occurence
Perideridia americana (Nutt. ex DC.) Rchb. ex Steud.
ANHC015003Theo Witsell   14-01092014-05-28
United States, Arkansas, Washington, Boston Mountains/Ozark Highlands boundary. Lower Boston Mountains/Springfield Plateau Ecoregion boundary. USGS Fayetteville 7.5' Quad. SW Fayetteville. Kessler Mountain. N side of W Kessler Mountain Rd., 36.01971 -94.21553

Image Associated With the Occurence
Perideridia americana (Nutt. ex DC.) Rchb. ex Steud.
ANHC017325Karen L. Willard   11552020-05-20
United States, Arkansas, Washington, Boston Mountains. Lower Boston Mountains Ecoregion. USGS West Fork 7.5' Quad. Lake Wilson in Fayetteville. Approximately 250 meters east of the southern end of Lake Wilson., 35.99615 -94.13027

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