PLA G 0008566 G A.H. Holmgren 8204 1951-05-11
USA, Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Mountains, 1 mile N of Arizona state line on US 91, 30 miles SW of St. George on US 91, 37.01377 -113.910485
PLA G 0007674 G M.J. Williams 87-2-6 1987-05-15
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains, Pennsylvania Canyon, 2 miles NE of Elgin., 37.361254 -114.516075
PLA 0007324 A. Pinzl 5854 1984-04-17
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Gap in East Mormon Mountains, south fork of Toquop Wash; unsurveyed, 914m
PLA 0007325 A. Pinzl 5768 1984-03-27
USA, Nevada, Clark, Newberry Mts, Bridge Canyon, just east of Rte. 163, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, 35.189517 -114.683777, 655m
PLA 0012628 A. Pinzl 11034 1994-04-20
USA, Nevada, Clark, greater Gold Butte area, road to Devils Cover, about 2 road miles south of 90° turn, 1130m
PLA 0012897 A. Pinzl 11762 1996-04-10
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, East Mormon Mts, South Fork Toquop Wash, 914m
PLA 0002676 A. Pinzl 1066 1977-04-27
USA, Nevada, Clark, Newberry Mts, 6.5 miles east of Rte. 95 on Christmas Tree Pass Road, 1158m
PLA G 0000323 G A. Tiehm 3230 1977-05-18
USA, Nevada, Clark, Virgin Mts, Seep Canyon on the north side of the range, 36.6602 -114.1388, 1067 - 1097m
PLA 0004044 A. Pinzl 2861 1980-05-13
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, 0.6 mile NE of Riggs Spring turnoff on Kane Springs Wash Road, 37.311 -114.5681, 1257m
PLA G 0002987 G A. Tiehm 8448 1984-05-21
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Seaman Range, White Rock Spring area W of Hwy. 38 at the N end of Pahrock Valley, 1585m
PLA 0005595 A. Pinzl 3840 1981-04-15
USA, Nevada, Clark, New Gold Butte Road, 3.1 road miles north and west of Whitney Ranch/ Gold Butte Fork, 945m
PLA G 0005648 G V.B. Bostick 4402 1969-05-18
USA, Nevada, Clark, McCullough Range, Nipton Pass, S end McCullough Mtn, 1494m
PLA 0008527 A. Pinzl 7283 1986-05-15
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Kane Springs Valley about 10.7 road miles northeast of Route 93, 37.0487 -114.8242, 911m
PLA 0010279 A. Pinzl 8581 1989-05-09
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Hiko Range, US 93, 2 3/4 road miles northeast of junction with Rte 375, 37.56 -115.18, 1228m
PH00748525 Roxana S. Ferris 7260 1928-04-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, East slope of Hackberry Mountain, Providence Mountains
15402 D. J. Pinkava 11402 1968-03-22
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Burro Creek View Point, 34.545283 -113.443613
Elinor Lehto L-18555 1975-05-18
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Carefree, Cox property, 33.8222 -111.918
ASU0158284 L. R. Landrum 8988 1997-05-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Horseshoe Lake Rd 6.6mi from beginning at Bartlett Lake Rd, 33.9167 -111.717, 732m
Elinor Lehto 575 1962-04-14
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, AZ 87; 2mi north of McDowell Rd, 1mi east of the Hwy, 33.477 -111.836, 373m
ASU0158289 Elinor Lehto 401 1962-04-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, AZ 87, 2mi north of Arizona Canal, 33.5057 -111.989, 351m
ASU0158290 Michael Suglia sn 1978-05-21
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ca 10mi north of Circle City; Desert Gold 1 Archeological Site, 33.9202 -112.576
Lynn Wolden 518 1990-05-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hassayampa River Preserve, ca 2mi southeast of Wickenburg on Hwy 89, 33.9345 -112.693, 610m
ASU0158288 L. R. Landrum 9399 1999-04-15
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Camp Creek wash, ca 2.8 mi from Cave Creek rd on Bartlett Lake road, 33.85 -111.783
ASU0158281 Elinor Lehto 7588 1966-12-10
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, 3.1 mi south of Hackberry turnoff on Hwy 93, 35.3242 -113.726
ASU0158278 D. J. Pinkava 4991 1969-05-03
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, 5.3 miles west of Valentine; Rte 66, 35.3875 -113.751
ASU0158275 PC Fischer 6424 1979-05-06
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Malpais Mesa 7.5' Quad; hills on east side of Black Mountains; west of Hwy 93, 34.266 -113.102, 823m
Elinor Lehto L-21415 1977-06-24
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, US 93; 2 mi south of intersection with Hackberry Rd, 35.3402 -113.726
ASU0158273 M. Butterwick 4963 1979-05-22
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Wikiequp northwest 7.5' Quad, 34.6842 -113.713, 1097m
P C Fischer 6366 1979-05-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Wickenburg 2 northeast 7.5' Quad; Vulture Mountains, 33.8767 -112.819, 732m
RK Gierisch 4368 1978-06-01
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Sunshine Trail, 36.9394 -113.478, 1006m
M Butterwick 8974 1986-04-22
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, West side of Black Mountains, along unnamed canyon about 6.5 mi north of Oatman; Oatman 7.5' Quad, 35.1058 -114.377, 853m
Elinor Lehto L-22898 1978-05-30
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Between Wickenburg and Kingman; along US 93, 2.0 mi northwest of jct w/AZ 97, to Bagdad, 34.44 -113.27, 852m
ASU0158270 Elinor Lehto 11402 1968-03-22
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Burro Creek View Point, 34.5377 -113.572
D. J. Pinkava 11967 1974-04-27
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Rte 93, 3 mi south of jct Chico Mine Rd, 35.24 -114.14, 1001 - 1001m
Larry C. Higgins 8337 1974-04-06
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Near mile post 18 in the Virgin Narrows along Interstate hwy 15, 36.95 -113.79, 680 - 680m
Shannon Doan 1478 2003-04-17
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Horseshoe Dam Road at Camp Creek Wash, south side of road, 33.8487 -111.79, 792m
Steve Jones 1492 2011-05-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Sonoran Preserve, wash west of Brown's Ranch, 50 meters north of trail., 33.78139 -111.84386, 813m
L. R. Landrum 11858 2013-04-12
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Salt River, Coon Bluff, ca. 0.45 mi upstream from parking area, 33.551368 -111.6390088
ASU0097351 Elinor Lehto 4792 1965-04-03
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ariz 87, 9 mi north of McDowell Rd, 33.535 -111.73, 427m
ASU0097352 ND Atwood 27058 2001-04-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon Parashant NM, Black Wash, 36.3456 -114.031, 539m
ASU0097353 Darin Jenke 395 2008-04-12
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Rocky river cobble dry., 33.3886 -112.243, 293m
ASU0097354 Darin Jenke 75 2007-05-25
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Salt River south of Tres Rios road. Dry river bed. East of 91'st Ave., 33.3872 -112.254, 290m
ASU0097355 L. R. Landrum 11018 2005-05-10
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Phoenix; Salt River bottom; just west of 19th Ave. bridge, south side of river., 33.4093 -112.1, 317m
ASU0097356 M. Butterwick 4677 1979-04-25
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Kaiser Spring southwest 7.5' Quad; Kaiser Spring Wash, 34.597 -113.468, 732m
ASU0097357 Marc A. Baker 10729 1993-05-06
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Ca 15k SSE of Wickieup; ca 700 m east of Hwy 93, 34.597 -113.503, 716m
ASU0097358 PC Fischer 6451 1979-05-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Aguila southeast 7.5' Quad; about 15 miles southeast of Aguila between Vulture and Bighorn Mountains, 33.7892 -113.027, 640m
ASU0097360 PC Fischer 6349 1979-04-22
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Malpais Mesa southwest 7.5' Quad; Black Canyon Wash on east side of Black Mountains, 34.3248 -113.146, 655m
ASU0097361 Reeves 5486 1977-05-23
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Town of Chloride, 35.4144 -114.199, 914m
ASU0097362 Brown 680 1972-04-06
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Bagdad Turnoff of Hwy 93, 34.5811 -113.204
ASU0097363 Bob Johnson 48 1993-05-05
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Hualapai Valley; 1/2 mi east ofPierce Ferry Rd, 35.7422 -114.158
ASU0097364 L. R. Landrum 6278 1989-04-14
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, 29 miles south of Wikieup post office on Hwy 93., 34.5 -113.3
ASU0097365 Charlotte M. Christy 1507 1993-05-08
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Sacramento Valley between Black Mountains & Kingman; along old US 66; ca 12 rd-mi southwest I-40, 34.8147 -114.16, 792m
ASU0097366 Gregory K Brown 470 1978-04-30
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Junction of Pocum Wash, Grand Wash and Hidden Canyon, 36.5502 -113.763, 1000 - 1097m
ASU0097367 Elinor Lehto 11999 1968-04-14
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Edgemont Road; 0.9 miles north of Dolan Springs Road; 3.6 miles east of US 93, 35.605 -114.272
ASU0097368 S. Doan 1478 2003-04-17
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Horeshoe Dam Rd. at Camp Creek, 33.84 -111.79, 790m
ASU0097376 Darin Jenke 100 2007-07-15
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Just off trail near the parking lot, 33.3894 -112.245, 297 - 297m
ASU0097377 Elinor Lehto L-22943 1978-05-30
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, US 93; 16.7 mi southeast of Jct I-40 in Kingman, 35.018 -113.843
ASU0097378 Elinor Lehto 11580 1968-03-23
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, US 93 at Big Sandy River bridge, 34.66327 -113.58087
ASU0097379 Elinor Lehto L-23060 1978-05-31
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, SE on Hackberry Rd; 6.1 mi from Pierce Ferry Rd; then 4 mi east toward Music Mountains, 35.6558 -113.765
ASU0097380 Gregory K Brown 352 1978-04-29
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Ca 2.5 mi north of Pakoon Spring; along Pakoon Spring Rd, 36.4479 -113.978, 762m
ASU0097381 D. J. Pinkava 12056 1974-04-28
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Rte 66; ca 12 mi northeast of Kingman, 35.3124 -113.902
ASU0097382 L. R. Landrum 6739 1990-04-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Scottsdale, ca 9 mi west of Verde River along rd that runs north of McDowell Mt Park, 33.75 -111.817, 701m
ASU0097383 D. J. Pinkava 4999 1969-05-03
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Along Rte 93; 3.6 miles west of Cane Springs Crossing, 34.9244 -113.729
ASU0097384 Elinor Lehto 12907-a 1968-05-12
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Signal Road; 15.1 miles east of US 93, 34.4742 -113.633
ASU0097385 Bob Marler 632
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, 10 mi north of Kingman; upper Music allotment, 35.3345 -114.052, 914m
ASU0097386 Brown 668 1972-04-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 18.9 M east junction with Hwy 71 on Hwy 60 between Aguila & Wickenburg, 33.9686 -112.729
ASU0097387 Robert E. Coombs 2482 1978-05-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Elbow Canyon; Virgin Mountains, 36.6798 -113.805, 1372m
ASU0097388 Robert E. Coombs 2459 1978-05-06
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Elbow Canyon, 36.7955 -113.823, 884m
ASU0295744 J.M. Andre 30674 2012-04-28
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, along Carp Road, at summit at east end of Mormon Mtns, just west of Davidson Peak, 14.9 mi. NE of junction with Interstate 15, 36.904683 -114.336367, 1144m
ASU0298594 André, J. M. 30280 2014-05-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, Castle Peaks: Mojave National Preserve; far western end of Castle Pks, 0.5 mi. east of Ivanpah Rd, 3.5 mi. north of Barnwell and just east of New York Mtns, 35.3192 -115.253883, 1307m
ASU0300122 André, J. M. 31672 2015-03-18
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Hualapai Mountains: southern end of range, 1.0 mi. south of Chicken Springs Rd, about 1 mi. east of Aubrey Pk, ~ 7 mi. west of Wikieup, 34.670283 -113.704767, 1112m
ASU0305172 Liz Makings 5669 2018-04-28
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument; rocky wash adjacent BLM Road 113, approximately 5 miles south of intersection with BLM Road 101, 36.543686 -113.913104, 990m
ASU0300864 Jim M. André 32663 2015-04-24
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, Cerbat Mountains: west side of range about 12 mi. north of Kingman, 0.3 mi. along faint dirt road north of Mineral Park Rd, 2.7 mi. east of Hwy 93., 35.3555667 -114.1761333, 1166m
ASU0307526 T.F. Daniel 5725 1988-04-06
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Black Mts, Peterson Well to Twin Springs, 877 - 1036m
ASU0309844 T.F. Daniel 5981 1989-03-27
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Cave Spring, unnamed spring, and associated wash on E side of range., 853 - 914m
ASU0158287 Elinor Lehto L18555 1975-05-18
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Carefree, Cox property, 33.8222 -111.918
154 Mark A. Dimmitt 1224 1982-07-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, Granite Mountains; Cottonwood Springs; near Kelso.
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[filed under North America]
BRYV0101995 Larry C. Higgins 509 1966-04-25
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaverdam Mts. at Terrys Ranch in the bottom of the wash.
BRYV0101996 D. Atwood 10730 1985-04-29
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, 1.5 air miles S. of Atkinville., 777m
BRYV0101997 Larry C. Higgins 20328 1999-06-03
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Pachoon Spring Wash., 1250m
BRYV0196129 Walter P. Cottam 3412 1928-06-24
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Virgin Narrows., 1036m
BRYV0196128 Walter P. Cottam 3395 1928-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Santa Clara, 1067m
BRYV0196127 Frank W. Gould 1691 1942-05-02
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Eleven miles south of Hurricane, just west of the fault scarp., 914m
BRYV0196125 Stanley L. Welsh 5268 1966-05-03
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, TerryÕs Ranch. Beaver Dam Wash.
BRYV0196124 Susan E. Meyer 3518 1974-05-18
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, U.S. Highway 91, ca. 1 mile S of Castle Cliff., 1158m
BRYV0196123 Larry C. Higgins 16528 1986-05-15
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Castle Cliffs., 1100m
BRYV0196122 Arthur H. Holmgren 8204 1951-05-11
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Mountains, 1 mile N of Arizona state line on US 91, 30 miles SW of St. George on US 91.
BRYV0196121 Stanley L. Welsh 9528 1969-10-05
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Wash, TerryÕs Ranch.
BRYV0196120 Gary I. Baird 2867 1988-04-28
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Beaver Dam Wash, Lytle Preserve., 869m
BRYV0196119 Stanley L. Welsh 24403 1990-05-03
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Lytle Preserve, Beaver Dam Wash., 850m
BRYV0196118 C. Jones 464 1983-05-21
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, 12 miles n. of I-15 Jct. on old Utah State Hwy. 91.
BRYV0196117 Eileen Matthews 78 1970-05-02
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, One mile west of Beaver Dam Wash on Lytle Ranch exit road in small run-off gullies along roadside.
BRYV0196115 Larry C. Higgins 11919 1978-05-26
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Summit of the Beaverdam Mountains just on the east slope of the summit.
BRYV0196113 N. Duane Atwood 6667 1976-05-28
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, 3 mi W. of Jct. Hwy 54/TerryÕs Ranch road, SW base of Beaver Dam Mountains.
BRYV0196112 Susan E. Meyer 519 1970-04-30
U.S.A., Utah, Washington, Motoqua, on the West Fork of the Beaver Dam Wash., 1036m