31234100544301 Timothy J. Weckman 2759 1996-05-30
United States, Kentucky, Clay, Big Double Creek Rec Area- S end of Big Double Creek Rd.- DBNF.
31234100544731 Joey Shaw 640 2000-05-30
United States, Kentucky, Mccreary, Yamacraw Bridge. Eastern margin of the river, along the trail until I got to the park boundary. Quad: Barthell 720ft/219m.
31234100544335 James B. Beck 12 1997-09-07
United States, Kentucky, Cumberland, Along Crocus Creek- 1.3 mi S of Adair-Cumberland Co line on KY Hwy 704.
31234100544350 Timothy J. Weckman 10300 2006-05-19
United States, Kentucky, Estill, Hwy 3329; ca 8.5 mi SE of Irvine- KY.
31234100544343 Timothy J. Weckman 10294 2006-05-19
United States, Kentucky, Estill, Hwy 3329; ca 8.5 mi SE of Irvine- KY.
31234100544384 Elizabeth M. Browne 5255 1962-05-17
United States, Kentucky, Fayette, 2 mi E of Tates Creek Pike.
31234100544392 Ross C. Clark 25246 1999-07-19
United States, Kentucky, Fleming, 0.2 mi E of jct with Hwy 1013.
31234100544400 Elizabeth M. Browne 10324 1965-06-23
United States, Kentucky, Floyd, Ky 304- 2.8 mi N of jct this Rt & US 460.
31234100544426 Timothy J. Weckman 2838 1996-06-02
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, ca 0.8 mi W of jct on Hwy 127- N of Frankfort.
31234100544434 John MacGregor FR-413 1981-05-22
United States, Kentucky, Franklin
31234100544442 Steven Rice FR-592 1983-05-24
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, Indian Gap.
31234100544459 W. E. B. FR-235 1976-06-08
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, Benson Hollow.
31234100544467 Elizabeth M. Browne 7029 1963-05-12
United States, Kentucky, Fulton, Ky 1088- between abandoned RR tracks & bridge over creek- 3.3 mi W of jct KY 309.
31234100544475 Edward T. Browne Jr. 5848 1962-07-10
United States, Kentucky, Fulton, Kentucky Point.
31234100544491 Donna A. Godbey 164 1983-05-26
United States, Kentucky, Garrard, Also on banks of creek draining from the lake.
31234100544509 Elizabeth M. Browne 5358 1962-05-20
United States, Kentucky, Harlan, On Big Black Mt.- Ky 160- 4.8 mi W of gap at Ky-Va State line.
31234100854528 Ross C. Clark 21423 1988-05-01
United States, Kentucky, Menifee, Mixed woods along Fish Trap Branch, east of Auxier Ridge
31234100854536 Ross C. Clark 22514 1990-06-07
United States, Kentucky, Wolfe, Rich, northwest-facing forest over calcareous substrate along Chimney Top Creek, vicinity of junction with US Forest Service Trail 220.
31234100544517 Bryce D. Fields 341 1993-05-29
United States, Kentucky, Harlan, Blanton Forest- abandoned homesite adjacent to blue Boy Svout trail along lower elevations of Watts Creek.
31234100544525 Ross C. Clark 24592 1999-06-07
United States, Kentucky, Harrison, 0.4 mi E of jct with Hwy 1054.
31234100544533 Judith E. Rozeman 271 1993-05-15
United States, Kentucky, Knox, Along Ky Hwy 233- ca 2.7 mi S of jct with Ky Hwy 1232- S of Rossland- Ky.
31234100544541 Timothy J. Weckman 10649 2006-06-15
United States, Kentucky, Lawrence, Woods Brnach Rd; ca 2.0 mi W of jct Woods Branch & Hwy 1; ca 5.0 mi E of Webbville- KY.
31234100544558 Timothy J. Weckman 2896 1996-06-21
United States, Kentucky, Lee, ca 1.5 mi W of jct with Hwy 399- near Cressmont- KY.
31234100544566 Timothy J. Weckman 242 1993-05-28
United States, Kentucky, Lee, Billy Fork Rd; -.3 mi N of jct with KY Hwy 52.
31234100544574 Timothy J. Weckman 350 1993-05-28
United States, Kentucky, Lee
31234100544582 Timothy J. Weckman 10119 2006-05-08
United States, Kentucky, Leslie, HWY 257 at Breckinridge Memorial Park; ca 11 mi N of Hyden Ky.
31234100544590 Jeffrey D. Sole 184 1978-06-10
United States, Kentucky, Letcher, Lilley Cornett woods- SW of Whitesburg near Skyline- about 8 mi SE of KY on Rt 1103.
31234100544608 Kim Feeman 399 1999-05-12
United States, Kentucky, Lewis, North Fork Licking River- 0.9 mi SE of Foxport- Kevin Watson farm.
31234100543733 Elizabeth M. Browne 69E20.4 1969-05-30
United States, Kentucky, Lyon, To W of Ky 93- 0.3 mi S of jct this Rt & US 62.
31234100544624 Richard H. Hannan 5509 1980-09-22
United States, Kentucky, McLean, Rt 2 Calhoun Ky 423.
31234100544632 Mary E. Wharton 10236 1956-07-07
United States, Kentucky, Madison
31234100544640 J. Tertulainai 34 1989-07-24
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Central Ky WMA- SE of Dreyfus & Muddy Creek Rds.
31234100544657 Timothy J. Weckman 1429 1995-05-20
United States, Kentucky, Madison, At old water treatment plant site- S end of Center St- Berea.
31234100544665 Timothy J. Weckman 170 1993-05-15
United States, Kentucky, Madison, 223 Walker Parke Rd.
31234100544673 J. Stuart Lassetter 3363A 1978-10-05
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Ky River bluffs on Bull's Hell farm- just W of I-75 off old road to Clay's Ferry Bridge.
Judith E. Rozeman 53 1992-08-31
United States, Kentucky, Madison
31234100544699 Elizabeth M. Browne 7189 1963-06-08
United States, Kentucky, Marion, KY 84- 2.8 mi E of jct Ky 84 & Ky 457.
31234100544707 Ross C. Clark 23589 1997-08-31
United States, Kentucky, Marion, Downstream from crossing of US Hwy 68 & Ky Hwy 52.
31234100544715 Timothy J. Weckman 10719 2006-06-15
United States, Kentucky, Martin, Above Senior Living Center; Hwy 3- Inex- KY.
31234100544723 Ross C. Clark 24760 1999-06-14
United States, Kentucky, Mason
31234100544749 Mary E. Wharton 10035 1956-06-07
United States, Kentucky, Mercer
31234100544756 Timothy J. Weckman 10459 2006-06-08
United States, Kentucky, Metcalfe, E Fork Little Barren River at Mosby Ridge Rd; ca 0.1 mi S of Hwy 80; ca 2.0 mi SW of Nell- kY.
31234100544764 Timothy J. Weckman 10522 2006-06-08
United States, Kentucky, Monroe, Hwy 100- ca 0.1 mi NE of jct 100/214- NW of Otia- KY.
31234100544772 Julian Campbell 223 1984-05-21
United States, Kentucky, Monroe, Site 6. South bank of Slate Creek. S of old Salem Church.
31234100544780 Ronald L. Jones 8189 1997-06-04
United States, Kentucky, Nicholas, 4-H camp- lake & surrounding woodlands.
31234100544798 Ross C. Clark 25164 1999-06-13
United States, Kentucky, Nicholas, At jct of Hwy 648 & 68.
31234100544806 Richard H. Hannan 4675 1980-06-23
United States, Kentucky, Ohio, 0.5 mi E of Dundee & S of Rough River.
31234100544814 Timothy J. Weckman 2793 1996-06-02
United States, Kentucky, Owen, Near Ky River on Hwy 355- ca 4 mi NE of Perry Park- Ky.
31234100544822 Elizabeth M. Browne 8968 1964-07-22
United States, Kentucky, Pike, 1.8 mi S of jct this Rt & Ky 632 in Kimper.
31234100544830 Elizabeth M. Browne 9298.6 1964-08-11
United States, Kentucky, Pike, Old US 460- 0.9 mi S of jct this Rt & Phyllis Kimper Rd.
31234100544848 Elizabeth M. Browne 9981 1965-05-15
United States, Kentucky, Pike, Old Us 460- W of jct this Rt & Phyllis-Kimper Rd.
31234100544863 Deborah White 1994-06-16
United States, Kentucky, Powell, Eastern Ky National Hurad Training Site; Sector 3.
31234100544871 Rob Jacobs 531791 1979-05-31
United States, Kentucky, Pulaski, 0.75 mi N of Bee Rock Rec Area- on W bank 2000 feet S of Beech Narrows- rapid on the Rockcastle River.
31234100544889 Timothy J. Weckman 7062 2002-05-15
United States, Kentucky, Robertson, newsome tract addition to Blue Licks Battlefield SP; Hwy 165- ca 0.6 mi W of jct Hwy 165/68; ca 2.5 mi SE of Piqua- Ky.
31234100544905 Richard Hyerczyk 151 1977-09-17
United States, Kentucky, Rockcastle, 0.5 mi NW off county route 1505 at Union Chapel - about 2.5 air mi NE of Brodhead.
31234100544913 Richard Hyerczyk 152 1977-09-03
United States, Kentucky, Rockcastle, 0.5 mi NW off county route 1505 at Union Chapel - about 2.5 air mi NE of Brodhead.
31234100544939 Timothy J. Weckman 9983 2006-04-26
United States, Kentucky, Spencer, Possum Ridge- off Hwy 248- Taylorsville Lake SP boat ramp- E of Taylorsville- KY.
31234100544947 Timothy J. Weckman 3295 1996-08-11
United States, Kentucky, Taylor, At Clay Hill Memorial Forest; ca 2.0 km SE of Finley & 6.0 km N of Campbellsville.
31234100544954 Elizabeth M. Browne 6813 1963-04-27
United States, Kentucky, Trigg, Ky Woodlands National Wildlife Refuge. At jct Ky289 & road to fire tower #2. 7.1 mi N of US 68.
31234100544962 Timothy J. Weckman 10283 2006-05-11
United States, Kentucky, Trimble, Hwy 421- ca 0.9 mi S of jct 421- ca 0.9 mi S of jct 421/Smith Lane; S of Bedford.
31234100544970 Timothy J. Weckman 3406 1997-04-10
United States, Kentucky, Wayne, Hwy 834- ca 2.5 mi N of jct with Hwy 90- N of Susie- KY.
31234100544145 Ross C. Clark 23188 1995-06-25
United States, Minnesota, Winona
61106 Baldwin, Patrick 444 1992-05-21
United States, Virginia, Hampton City, Langley Research and Development Park, 37.086667 -76.391111
33682 Greaves, James M 368 1975-06-18
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, At gate-bridge of Spring Hill Farm, off US-17, 1.5 miles N of Gloucester CH. G-6., 37.433307 -76.545802
71027 Baldwin Jr, J T 5176 1945-06-05
United States, Virginia, Clarke, Beside Shenandoah River
36427 Whitmarsh, Lynne L 648 1979-09-18
United States, Virginia, Isle of Wight, Along bus Rt. 10, 0.3 mi S of intersection with Co. Rt. 621, SW of Burwell Bay., 37.052634 -76.673011
67511 Simmons, Mark P 426 1991-05-25
United States, Virginia, King George, Western Mathias Point. Horace Ashton property. Shore of Potomac River entangled in a shrub., 38.366667 -77.083333
United States
67145 Reeves, Aaron 76 1993-09-29
United States, Virginia, Surry, -
66158 McAvoy, William A 2887 1997-08-22
United States, Virginia, Northampton, -
42515 Train, E L 811 1977-10-11
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, Along Dragon Run 1/2 mi. west of Rt. 17.
42720 Watson, Frank D 907 1976-09-06
United States, Virginia, Nelson, On a S-facing slope above the Tye River by the Appalachian Trail crossing, 37.850268 -79.077675
43289 North, Gretchen 999 1982-05-28
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, Ravine on N side of VA Rt 33, ca 1.0 mi E of jct with US Rt 17, near Saluda, 37.605523 -76.592798
75136 Dodge, J; Ward, W 1247 1999-05-14
United States, Virginia, Westmoreland, Bluff-tops near western bluff fields. Stratford Hall Plantation., 38.163156 -76.824652
44460 Ware, Donna M Eggers 3662 1971-06-06
United States, Missouri, Webster, Near E margin of Cantre Creek, immediately S of first bridge downstream from MO Hwy. M crossing of Cantre Ck.; about 8 mi. E of Niangua.
7458 Salle, Emily D 436 1971-07-21
United States, Virginia, York, 1/2 mi E of Indian Field Creek on S side of Yorktown Colonial Parkway, 37.261139 -76.561216
45832 Ware, Donna M E 8328 1983-07-11
United States, Virginia, King George, Caledon State Park; about 0.25 mi W of Boyd's Hole on Boyd's Hole Road, 38.348446 -77.152899
51940 Vascott, Anna 747 1983-07-26
United States, Virginia, King and Queen, On Rt. 608, 0.3 mi. NE of the intersection with Rt. 678, at Glebe Swamp crossing, 1.5 mi. NE of Shacklefords., 37.55178 -76.713342
52912 Fleming, Gary P 585 1984-06-23
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Eastern slope of the Rappahannock Mountains, 4.6 miles S. of Marshall; elev. 860 ft., 38.79944 -77.838178, 262m
55059 Fleming, Gary P 3371 1988-07-10
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, On northern slope of the Rappahannock Mountains, 3.5 miles south of Marshall; elev. 920'., 38.810979 -77.845976, 280m
72476 Crouch, Virginia E 1435 1995-07-15
United States, Alabama, Choctaw, -
62373 Kral, R 46436 1972-05-14
United States, Tennessee, Sumner, Limestone woods, bluffs, n side Millersville.
434 Radford, A. E. 45380 1967-06-03
United States, North Carolina, Ashe, North Fork of New River, 1 mi. E of Bina., 36.483609 -81.481133
5478 Redfearn, Paul L Jr 26880 1970-05-24
United States, Missouri, Ozark, Along North Fork River near Hwy 102, NE 1/4 Sect 14, T24N, R11W, ca 4 mi SE of Dorsey
11298 Wieboldt, Thomas F 1143 1972-08-06
United States, Virginia, Greene, Along Preddy Creek SE of VA Rt 670 in the southern corner of Greene County, 38.197328 -78.368302, 128m
11823 Demaree, Delzie 64887 1972-05-15
United States, Arkansas, Madison, PO Forum, War Eagle River, 335m
12336 Windler, D R 3776 1971-08-23
United States, Maryland, Baltimore, 0.4 miles East of the intersection with Poplar Hill Road
13561 Rodgers, C L
United States, South Carolina, Pickens, detailed locality information protected
14377 Demaree, Delzie 66954 1973-06-24
United States, Arkansas, Newton, PO Jasper, 372m
15620 Demaree, Delzie 64909 1972-05-15
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, PO Berryville, 671m
21604 Roe, G. F. 434 1974-06-27
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, Hone Quarry Ridge. George Washington National Forest, 38.479549 -79.184555, 1128m
23092 Diggs Jr, George M 1531 1976-05-22
United States, Virginia, Fluvanna, Beside Kent Branch, 3/4 mile south of the Rt 601 bridge, 37.864386 -78.163755
65268 Bourdo Jr, Eric A s.n. 1961-08-27
United States, Indiana, Tippecanoe, about 3 miles southwest of Lafayette
26160 Corcoran, Celeste M 191 1976-04-17
United States, Virginia, Powhatan, 1 mile east of Fine Creek, 37.606518 -77.796388
28242 Wieboldt, Thomas F 2820 1977-06-05
United States, Virginia, Page, Along a stream. Kettle Canyon about 0.5 mi NW of Skyland and 2 mi NE of Ida, 38.598356 -78.389538
29440 Ware, Donna M E 5324 1974-05-23
United States, Virginia, Surry, near mouth of small ravine bordering outflow canal on the north; VEPCO Surry Nuclear Power Station; PO Surry, 37.168291 -76.698585
29959 Mikula, Bernard 2055 1949-07-01
United States, Virginia, James City, 4 miles SE of Williamsburg, 37.229677 -76.655918
29960 Mikula, Bernard 5302 1950-06-20
United States, Virginia, Shenandoah, near Carmel; along Passage Creek, 38.827123 -78.427201
29962 Mikula, Bernard 5830 1950-06-26
United States, Virginia, Westmoreland, Westmoreland State Park, 38.161798 -76.864134
29963 Mikula, Bernard 3382 1949-08-08
United States, Virginia, Prince George, along James River, 4 mi SE of Hopewell, 37.304293 -77.21428