ASU0305602 Marc A. Baker 18849 2017-05-12
United States, CALIFORNIA, Inyo County, 5km south of Bishop, granite outcroppings and boulders, 37.3101 -118.3999, 1363m
376116 Steven P. McLaughlin 10215 2004-04-26
United States, California, Inyo County, Birch Creek watershed, among boulders at south end of Fish Springs Hills., 37.071667 -118.288333, 1430m
418097 J. M. Andre 23525 2012-10-12
United States, California, Kern County, Sierra Nevada; along Hwy 178 at Cranbrake Creek, 5.8 mi. east of Onyx, approx. 15 mi. east of Isabella Lake. Margin of floodplain, 35.72885 -118.1653, 878m
ASC00116184 Rich Crawford 1251 2014-04-14
United States, California, Kern, Rand Mountains, 8 Km southwest of Randsburg, 35.324382 -117.719236, 1182m
DES00091731 Rich Crawford 1251 2014-04-14
United States, California, Kern, Rand Mountains, 8 Km southwest of Randsburg, 35.324382 -117.719236, 1182m
DES00027104 Norman C. Cooper 3683 1949-05-16
USA, California, Kern, Ricardo., 35.375084 -117.989166, 914m
UCR0094542 Steve Boyd 11981 2008-05-01
United States, California, Kern, Piute Mountains, along Piute Mountain Road west of junctin with Kelso Valley Road (Sageland historical marker), north of St. John Ridge, 35.46833 -118.23389, 1555m
UCR0094506 George K. Helmkamp 4262 1998-08-10
United States, California, Inyo, along Big Pine Creek, 12 miles west of Big Pine along Glacier Lodge Road, 37.12583 -118.435, 2317m
UCR0094540 Naomi Fraga 731 2003-05-19
United States, California, Kern, The Owens Peak Eastern Watershed. Grapevine Canyon, 35.72831 -117.9375, 1159m
UCR0094539 LeRoy Gross 2482 2006-06-08
United States, California, Kern, Scodie Mountains, Kiavah Wilderness in the Sequoia National Forest, upper reaches of Cane Canyon west from Horse Canyon Saddle, east of Yellow Jacket Springs, 35.58825 -118.1325, 1789m
UCR0094547 Scott D. White 5663 1997-08-19
United States, California, Kern, Cache Creek wash adjacent to Hwy 58, c. 12 road mi east of Tehachapi, 35.1 -118.25, 1128m
UCR0094548 Scott D. White 5659 1997-08-19
United States, California, Kern, Bodfish, slopes adjacent to Lake Isabella Road beneath SCE flume crossing over road and Bodfish Creek, 35.6 -118.49167, 768m
UCR0094496 Darren T. Hasegawa s.n. 2007-04-19
United States, California, Inyo, Owens River Gorge, c. 1 mile east of Hwy 395 off Gorge Rd., 37.44472 -118.55639, 1448m
UCR0094492 Jim André 17296 2011-04-15
United States, California, Inyo, 1.4 miles west of Little Lake, along aqueduct service road, 35.93658 -117.9212, 1078m
UCR0094501 Jim André 11706 2008-05-19
United States, California, Inyo, lower Baker Creek drainage at end of (dirt) Sugarloaf Road, c. 5 mi west of town of Big Pine, 37.14972 -118.3525, 1544m
UCR0094529 Steve Boyd 1910 1986-06-09
United States, California, Tulare, Chimney Creek Canyon, south flank of Peak 7125, south of Chimney Meadow, 35.84167 -118.0125, 1982m
UCR0094520 Jim André 17247 2011-04-15
United States, California, Kern, El Paso Mountains, Mormon Gulch north of Goler Heights, 0.7 mile north of Garlock Road, 4.1 miles west of US Hwy 395, 35.42583 -117.77305, 821m
UCR0094525 Ed LaRue s.n. 1995-05-01
United States, California, Kern, 0.5 km (air) north of Pine Tree Canyon Road, just east of Los Angeles Aqueduct, 4 km SSE of Chuckwalla Mtn, 17 km NW of California City, 35.24 -118.08417, 1000m
UCR0094504 Tim Bruhns s.n. 1971-07-21
United States, California, Inyo, Panamint Mountains. Water Canyon [near Panamint City at head of Surprise Canyon], 36.12278 -117.08806, 2134m
UCR0094505 George K. Helmkamp s.n. 1976-05-16
United States, California, Inyo, Cottonwood Road [c. 10 miles south of Lone Pine], west of US 395, 36.43056 -118.06306, 1372m
UCR0112090 June Latting s.n. 1974-08-10
United States, California, Tulare, Mineral King Valley, 36.44944 -118.59528, 2393m
UCR0094534 Amber Swanson 409 2011-04-13
United States, California, Kern, Canyon off Hwy 14 south of Lone Pine [Pine Tree] Canyon; Mojave Desert; North Mojave Desert region, 35.21347 -118.09542, 1012m
UCR0094524 Hugh Dearing 2010 1938-05-01
United States, California, Kern, Jawbone Canyon, 35.30639 -118.10028, 701m
UCR0094530 Jim André 23525 2012-10-12
United States, California, Kern, along Hwy 178 at Canebrake Creek, 5.8 miles east of Onyx, c. 15 miles east of Isabella Lake, 35.72885 -118.1653, 878m
UCR0112091 Steve Boyd 10564 2003-06-27
United States, California, Tulare, Chimney Peak Recreation Area, summit of N high point on Bear Mountain (Bear Peak), 35.88056 -118.07467, 2509m
UCR0094526 Steve Boyd 10209 1998-04-28
United States, California, Kern, Piute Range, Jawbone Canyon. southeast of confluence with Hoffman Canyon, north base of Chuckwalla Mountain, 35.31044 -118.09467, 823m
UCR0094497 Jim André 15061 2010-06-21
United States, California, Inyo, along Buttermilk Road c. 2 miles west of Hwy 168, 8 miles west southwest of Bishop, 37.32948 -118.56997, 1839m
UCR0094527 Mitch Provance 1919 2000-04-16
United States, California, Kern, east side of Barren Ridge, c. 12 km NW of California City. The canyon is marked with a hand made sign as “Castle Rock”; Southern Sierra Nevada/ West Mojave Desert, 35.185 -118.12222, 950m
UCR0094571 Orlando Mistretta 1944 1995-10-02
United States, California, Los Angeles, Little Rock Creek. Upstream from Basin Campground, 34.44889 -118.01583, 1052m
UCR0094486 Jim André 29889 2014-04-23
United States, California, Inyo, Inyo National Forest, mouth of Haiwee Creek Canyon, 6 mi west of US Hwy 395, due east of Haiwee Reservoir, c. 10 mi south of Olancha, 36.13923 -118.01707, 1512m
UCR0094543 Naomi Fraga 590 2003-05-02
United States, California, Kern, The Owens Peak Eastern Watershed, east end of Five Fingers, 35.68531 -117.89081, 1220m
UCR0094510 Onkar Singh 4585 2014-04-24
United States, California, Kern, c. 5 km SSW of intersection of Oak Creek Rd and Tehachapi Willow Springs Rd and 2.7 km west of Tehachapi Willow Springs Rd, 35.005 -118.36917, 1531m
UCR0094493 Jim André 18312 2011-05-27
United States, California, Inyo, mouth of North Fork Lubken Creek, c. 6 mi southwest of Lone Pine c. 2 mi south of Tuttle Creek, 2.3 mi west of Horseshoe Meadow Road, 36.53213 -118.13783, 1833m
UCR0094576 Ann Howald 3038 2014-05-23
United States, California, Mono, Lower Rock Creek Rd, c. 1.9 mi below intersection with Hwy 395, 37.53058 -118.64078, 1933m
UCR0094528 A.C. Sanders 22323 1998-11-15
United States, California, Kern, ridge c. 2 km ESE of Middle Knob along a dirt jeep road; SE Sierra Nevada Mtns., 35.15722 -118.2, 1463m
UCR0094546 Mitch Provance 1964 2000-04-16
United States, California, Kern, Chuckwalla Canyon, c. 1 mile southeast of Peak 1533; Southern Sierra Nevada/ W. Mojave Desert, 35.25569 -118.08806, 1000m
UCR0094495 Jim André 18531 2010-06-19
United States, California, Inyo, Big Pine Canyon, northeast flanks of Kidd Mountain, 0.5 mile south of Glacier Lodge Road, 37.12075 -118.38422, 2133m
UCR0112391 Ann Howald 4534 2018-05-24
United States, California, Mono, Owens River Gorge, Central Powerhouse side road from Gorge Rd, c. 1.4 road miles north of gate; East of Sierra Nevada, 37.50556 -118.56833, 1567m
UCR0094575 Ann Howald 3737 2016-06-04
United States, California, Mono, Lower Rock Creek Rd, c. 3.7 miles below Hwy 395, 37.51383 -118.63025, 1963m
UCR0094490 Jim André 20311 2011-08-06
United States, California, Inyo, Big Pine Canyon; along Big Pine Creek at Hines property, c. 8.5 miles west of Big Pine, 37.12533 -118.3886, 2087m
UCR0094494 Jim André 17825 2011-05-24
United States, California, Inyo, Cottonwood Creek, along Cottonwood Road, 3.0 mi west of US Hwy 395, c. 11 mi north of Olancha, 36.43367 -118.06788, 1461m
UCR0094498 Tasha La Doux 575 2006-07-05
United States, California, Inyo, Big Pine Canyon, along north side of Glacier Lodge Road, 100 m east of bridge to Glacier Lodge cabins, 37.12639 -118.43383, 2375m
UCR0112610 Rich Crawford 1251 2014-04-14
United States, California, Kern, Rand Mountains, 8 km SW of Randsburg, 35.32439 -117.71925, 1182m
UCR0094544 Naomi Fraga 540 2003-04-12
United States, California, Kern, Owens Peak Eastern Watershed. Short Canyon, near dry fall, 35.70931 -117.91581, 1098m
UCR0094570 Scott D. White 10703 2004-08-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, c. 8 air mi WNW of Wrightwood; east of Fenner Saddle Rd. on Pacific Crest trail, 34.38333 -117.75, 2073m
UCR0094626 R.G. Swinney 5391 1996-08-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, above first waterfall in Dog Bone Canyon, western tributary of North Fork Lytle Creek, immediately south of Alpine Canyon, NE of Dawson Peak, 34.30694 -117.62583, 2402m
UCR0094624 John F. Emmel 1711 2001-05-08
United States, California, San Bernardino, east side of Red Mountain, east of Randsburg, 35.34806 -117.56972, 1220m
UCR0094485 John F. Emmel 1652 2000-05-13
United States, California, Inyo, west base of Inyo Mountains, volcanic slope 3.5-3.6 air miles due north of Rudon Spring, 37.01667 -118.17444, 1585m
UTC00230361 Mitch Provance; J. Ross 1919 2000-04-16
United States, California, Kern, Southern Sierra Nevada/ West Mojave Desert: E side of Barren Ridge ca 12km NW of California City. The canyon is marke, 35.185 -118.1222222, 950m
UTC00118070 Ernest C. Twisselmann 13824 1967-09-20
United States, California, Tulare, Kern Plateau: Troy Meadow Road, S slope of Bitter Creek
UTC00114530 Ernest C. Twisselmann 12164 1966-05-10
United States, California, Kern, West of Spanish Needle Creek
UTC00114307 Ernest C. Twisselmann 12369 1966-06-09
United States, California, Kern, Noonday Rest(divide between Horse and Pine Tree Canyons)
UTC00114327 Ernest C. Twisselmann 12019 1966-04-26
United States, California, Kern, Northwest flank of Government Peak at Salisbury Mine, Rand Mountains
168385 collectors: Paul Opler Evi Opler 2005-06-28
United States, California, Mono County, Upper Rock Creek Road, Southwest of Tom's Place., 37.53 -118.7, 2652m
168381 collectors: Paul Opler Evi Opler 2005-06-28
United States, California, Mono County, Upper Rock Creek Road, Southwest of Tom's Place., 37.53 -118.7, 2652m
3113970 J. S. Henrickson 18276 1979-06-12
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., Ca. 26 air miles S of 01ancha 5 miles E of Little Lake, vicinity of Volcano Peak; in disturbed cinder flats along trail., 36.034776 -117.826028, 1356m
3113973 A. C. Sanders 21583 1997-10-12
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., Northern Mojave Desert: China Lake Naval Weapons Station, Coso Range, Wildhorse Canyon near Wildhorse Spring, ca. 3/4 mi. (airline) W of Silver Peak in major N-S draining canyon (Coso Peak 7.5’ Q.)., 36.15 -117.72, 2134m
3113971 L. S. Rose 56062 1956-05-04
United States of America, California, Kern Co., Tehachapi Pass, 11 mi. nw. rocky desert slopes nw. of Mojave., 1067m
Marc A. Baker 18849 2017-05-12
United States, CALIFORNIA, Inyo County, 5km south of Bishop, granite outcroppings and boulders, 37.3101 -118.3999, 1363m
Rich Crawford 1251 2014-04-14
USA, California, Kern, Rand Mountains, 8 Km southwest of Randsburg, 35.324382 -117.719236, 1182m
519623 Purpus, C.A. 5676 1897-04-00
United States, California, [illegible], 1524m
SDSU06739 Wedberg, H. 1286 1966-07-08
United States, California, Kern, At Miracle Hot Springs, on the road from Bakersfield to Bodish and Lake Esabella.
114219 G.L. Clifton 34275 1996-05-10
USA, California, Inyo, [Sierra Nevada,] Ash Creek., 36.388084 -118.043815, 1268m
J.M. André 40391 2018-08-02
United States, California, Inyo, Sierra Nevada, Big Pine Canyon on slopes above backpackers parking lot, 1 mile down-canyon from Glacier Lodge Campground, approx 10 miles west of Big Pine (US Hwy 395), Coyote Flat, 7.5', Management authority, USFS, 37.128283 -118.42735, 2326m
DAV303911 CNPS SSN-SJV Foothill Team 374 2008-08-05
United States, California, Tulare, Tulare County; US Forest Service - Lake Isabella Area., 35.9128982597773 -118.493142470578, 1136m
AHUC101815 William Moon s.n. 1960-07-28
United States, California, Shasta, Shasta County: 4.7 miles south Castle Crags State Park entrance. Along Sacramento River., 41.082877 -122.350515
DAV303910 CNPS SSN-SJV Foothill Team 244 2008-05-14
United States, California, Kern, Kern County; BLM lands - Erskine Creek., 35.5881528892875 -118.44168110222, 945m
J.M. André 41729 2019-05-23
United States, California, Kern, Tehachapi Mountain Range, along Tehachapi-Willow Springs Road, 1.5 miles SE of junction with Cameron Rd, eastern foothills of range, approx. 10 miles westof town of Mojave, Monolith, 7.5', Management authority, Unknown, 35.033917 -118.354083, 1277m
J.M. André 39494 2017-06-06
United States, California, Inyo, eastern Sierra Nevada, along Bishop Creek Rd in Buttermilk Country, approx. 8.5 mi. SW of Bishop, Tungsten Hills, 7.5', Management authority, Unknown, 37.311333 -118.5241, 1921m
GMDRC13115 J. M. André 43254 2020-05-16
United States, California, Inyo, Sierra Nevada: along Ninemile Canyon Rd, switchback at 5469 ft, steep granitic slopes, 1667m
GMDRC3928 J. André 11706 2008-05-19
United States, California, Inyo, Baker Creek: Lower Baker Cr. drainage at end of dirt road (Sugarloaf Rd), approx. 5 mi. west of town of Big Pine., 1544m
GMDRC4733 J. André 15061 2010-06-21
United States, California, Inyo, Eastern Sierra Nevada: along Buttermilk Road approx. 2 mi. west of Hwy 168, 8 miles WSW of Bishop, CA, 1840m
GMDRC5042 J. André 17247 2011-04-15
United States, California, Kern, El Paso Mountains: Mormon Gulch north of Goler Heights, 0.7 mi. north of Garlock Rd, 4.1 mi. west of U.S. 395, 821m
GMDRC5043 J. André 17296 2011-04-15
United States, California, Inyo, Owens Valley: southern Sierra Nevada, 1.4 mi. west of Little Lake, along aqueduct service road, 1078m
GMDRC15768 J. M. André 46555 2023-04-21
United States, California, Kern, El Paso Mountains: southeastern end of range, canyon at northern terminus of BLM Rd # EP421, 3 miles west of Hwy 395, approx. 2.1 miles north of Garlock Rd., 977m
GMDRC12040 J. M. André 41729 2019-05-23
United States, California, Kern, Tehachapi Mountain Range: along Tehachapi-Willow Springs Road, 1.5 miles SE of junction with Cameron Rd, eastern foothills of range, approx. 10 miles westof town of Mojave, 1278m
GMDRC10692 J. M. André 39494 2017-06-06
United States, California, Inyo, eastern Sierra Nevada: along Bishop Creek Rd in Buttermilk Country, approx. 8.5 mi. SW of Bishop, 1921m
GMDRC13094 J. M. André 43206 2020-05-15
United States, California, Kern, Sierra Nevada: Cornbrake Rd, along switchbacks, 4.0 road miles N of Hwy 178, above Spanish Needle Creek drainage, 1365m
GMDRC11785 J. M. André 41315 2019-04-18
United States, California, Kern, southern Sierra Nevada: northern tributary of Pine Tree Canyon, 2.5 miles west of Hwy 14, approx. 15 miles north of town of Mojave, 871m
Jordan Collins 1103 2022-08-22
United States, California, Los Angeles, Western Transverse Ranges, Angeles National Forest, Ridge Route Ridge Bioregion. Cherry Canyon, E of old Hwy 99, SW of I-5, about 2155 air feet NE of old Hwy 99., 34.62674 -118.73763, 674m
Jordan Collins 1007 2022-07-28
United States, California, Los Angeles, Western Transverse Ranges, Sawmill Mountain Bioregion. Fish Canyon, N of Cienaga Campground, N of Castaic Lake. Entered from E end of Warm Springs Fish Canyon Truck Trail. There's 3 sublets on the E side of the canyon that run E to W. Locality in the middle of the 3 sublets., 34.63848 -118.61725, 740m
UCSC011190 Adam Searcy 46 2011-05-07
United States, California, Kern, Jawbone Canyon, Blue Point
CM267236 Kight, W. 4229 1981-07-14
United States, California, Mono, along roadside of Rock Creek Lake Rd. off hwy.395 from Tom's Place, 2286m
96379 E. C. Twisselmann 12369 1966-06-09
United States, California, Kern Co., Noonday Rest; divide between Horse and Pine Tree Canyons., 1524m
SBBG177478 Noraine Meng 410 1967-08-19
United States, California, Tulare, crk just below Troy Meadow Cmpgrd, 36.0697 -118.2301
SBBG177477 H. and M. Dearing 5893 1944-10-05
United States, California, Los Angeles, Charlton Flats, 34.2944 -118.0115
SBBG177476 Henry M. Pollard 1963-11-14
United States, California, Ventura, Santa Ynez Mtns: Los Padres National Forest; lower Camino Cielo near Matilija Cyn, 34.475 -119.298, 366m
SBBG177443 Henry M. Pollard 1963-11-14
United States, California, Ventura, Santa Ynez Mtns: Los Padres National Forest; Camino Cielo, near Matilija Cyn, 34.475 -119.298, 366m
SBBG177435 Ralph Hoffmann 1928-07-09
United States, California, Los Angeles, Pine Cyn, 34.7019 -118.5221
SBBG177442 H. and M. Dearing 2010 1938-05-01
United States, California, Kern, jawbone Cyn, 35.3105 -118.018
SBBG177440 Ernest C. Twisselmann 12019 1966-04-26
United States, California, Kern, Salisbury Mine, NW flank of Government Pk; Rand Mtns, 35.353 -117.677
SBBG177434 Ralph Hoffmann 1931-06-20
United States, California, Inyo, Death Valley National Park; Darwin Wash, 36.335 -117.506
SBBG177480 Henry M. Pollard 1963-12-07
United States, California, Ventura, Los Padres National Forest; Maricopa Rd near Wheeler's, N Fk Matilija Cyn, 34.508 -119.291, 366m
SBBG177441 Noraine Meng 293 1966-10-30
United States, California, Kern, Tillie Crk Cmpgrd, W side of Lake Isabella, 35.702 -118.455
SBBG177445 Henry M. Pollard 1962-09-28
United States, California, Ventura, Santa Ynez Mtns: Maricopa Rd (St Hwy 33), mouth of Matilija Cyn near Sheldon Ranch and Kennedy Cyn, 34.474 -119.2897
SBBG177437 P. Bartholomew 1937-06-29
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Los Padres National Forest; Big Pine Mtn, 34.696 -119.6499
SBBG177431 E. R. Chandler 2633 1965-08-04
United States, California, Ventura, Los Padres National Forest; Reyes Ridge Rd at the trail to the Peak, 34.635 -119.289, 2195m
SBBG177432 Anuja Parikh, N. Gale SM-3 1992-06-27
United States, California, Ventura, Los Padres National Forest; ca. 3.6 km S of summit of Sawmill Mtn, 34.778 -119.165, 2044m
SBBG177439 Ralph Hoffmann 1931-06-20
United States, California, Inyo, Death Valley National Park; Wildrose Cyn, 36.2517 -117.104, 1829m
SBBG177436 Ralph Hoffmann 1929-06-08
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Los Padres National Forest; Dutch Flat, 34.671 -119.594