ASU0108014 N.O. Frakes 042 2010-06-11
USA, Nevada, Nye, Monitor Range foothills, upper end of Dry Valley, 2353m
ASU0120553 N.H. Holmgren 5924 1972-06-15
USA, Idaho, Cassia, Cache Peak Range (Albion Mts) Silent City of Rocks just SW of road's summit 13 airline mi SE of Oakley, 2088m
ASU0120554 A. Tiehm 12508 1998-06-20
USA, Nevada, Mineral, Excelsior Mtns, 2.8 rd mi N of jct to Cow Camp on main rd N from Huntoon Valley to Rattlesnake Flat, 2195m
ASU0120555 N.H. Holmgren 4022 1970-05-29
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, Black Rock Desert 1.3 mi N of Sulphur on road to Quinn River Crossing, 1219m
ASU0120556 G. Mason 5223 1962-06-29
USA, Oregon, Wallowa, Marble Point on old Francis Lake Trail; Lostine River Rd near Lapover Ranch., 1768m
ASU0312419 Arnold Tiehm 18461 2019-06-28
USA, Nevada, Elko, Wild Horse Range, Lost Meadow Creek Canyon N of Hwy 225 from Wild Horse Reservoir., 41.69848 -115.8542, 1875m
ASU0345371 Walter Fertig 29678 2014-06-20
USA, Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: South Pass area, along Continental Divide at south end of Acorn Ridge, ca 3.8 miles NNW of WY Hwy 28, east of Lander Cutoff Road, 0.3 miles south of the Sweetwater River, ca 8 miles SW of South Pass City., 42.406961 -108.963068, 2316m
BHSC0056543 Stevens, O.A. 38-133 1938-06-30
United States, Montana, Park, Cooke City, Index (?) Creek, 45.01661 -109.93407
BRYV0006228 Leigh A. Johnson 93-103-GH 1993-06-30
U.S.A., California, Mono, Masonic Mtn. vicinity: 2.9 miles into Toiyabe National Forest on road 046 (Masonic Road; about 50 yards N of success mine). Frequent yet inconspicuous plants within 30 yards of road to the East, mostly past flowering, under cover of shrubs. Less than 5 cm tall., 38.342 -119.1562, 2450m
BRYV0002122 N. Duane Atwood 28795 2002-07-07
U.S.A., Idaho, Blaine, Burned area; N of Sunset Crater; Crater of the Moon National Monument (CMNM)., 43.35111 -113.55638
BRYV0002109 N. Duane Atwood 28540 2002-06-26
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Blizzard Road; ca. .2 mi. w. of Hwy. 20/26/93; Crater of the Moon National Monument., 43.49527 -113.53972, 1737m
BRYV0051335 Mont E. Lewis 5433 1978-06-07
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, Fishlake; 5 miles up Salina Creek from freeway., 2073m
BRYV0051336 S. White 189 1980-06-17
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, 33 miles due east of Salina., 38.93653 -111.41871, 2560 - 2591m
BRYV0051337 K. Moon 848a 2005-07-05
U.S.A., Utah, Rich, Deseret Land & Livestock; ca. 1.4 miles west of Saleratus Reservoir #1., 41.27883 -111.26833, 2256m
BRYV0051358 A. Taye 2954 1984-07-28
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Tushar Mtns, Beaver River Canyon below skull Flat., 38.27137 -112.5012, 2377m
BRYV0051359 Stanley L. Welsh 19600 1980-06-14
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, Ca 23 miles due east of Salina., 38.76096 -111.42014, 2560m
BRYV0051360 Beth L. Corbin 1124 2004-07-11
U.S.A., Utah, Weber, On south facing ridge above Kelley Canyon, east of Huntsville., 41.28939 -111.70594, 1829m
BRYV0051361 K. Moon 1688 2006-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Rich, Ca. 12 road miles south and west of Woodruff. Between Wheatgrass Hollow and Home Canyon., 41.4295 -111.29133, 2298m
BRYV0031551 J. F. Smith 11018 2013-06-20
U.S.A., Idaho, Blaine, North Fork Big Wood River trail., 43.87155 -114.438, 2192m
BRYV0114288 Ronald L. Hartman 70477 2001-05-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Moffat, North-central Colorado, Cedar Mountain, ca 6 air mi NW of Craig., 40.57561 -107.6156, 2195 - 2225m
BRYV0114516 Robert L. Johnson 3275 2014-07-30
U.S.A., Oregon, Grant, Blue Mountains. Ca 1.2 air mi W of Indian Rock peak (Greenhorn Mtns). 8.4 rd mi E of jct with Hwy 20 on NF-45., 44.75596 -118.71655, 1901m
BRYV0051362 Kaye H. Thorne 4671 1986-05-30
U.S.A., Utah, Millard, Pavant Mt. Cold Spring. About 12 miles SE on Second Creek Rd., 38.69386 -112.42367, 2200m
BRYV0051363 Noel H. Holmgren 12411 1995-07-18
U.S.A., Utah, Juab, Deep Creek Range, Indian Farm Creek drainage, 14.5 km (9 mi) air distance west-southwest of Callao., 39.85121 -113.8638, 2680m
BRYV0051338 Elizabeth Neese 9264 1980-07-17
U.S.A., Utah, Sevier, Ca 10 mi due W of Emery, near Jack AdleyÕs Grove., 38.92618 -111.41407, 2560m
BRYV0051356 Aven Nelson 5639 1899-07-03
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Mammoth Hot Springs.
BRYV0048639 Ronald L. Hartman 28804 1991-06-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Bridger-Teton National Forest: Snake River Range: southwest side of Munger Mountain, ca 11 mi S of Jackson., 43.34374 -110.78424, 1890 - 2195m
BRYV0048640 Noel H. Holmgren 1270 1964-07-04
U.S.A., Nevada, Humbolt, Pine Forest Range, Leonard Creek drainage., 2134m
BRYV0143846 Robert L. Johnson 4845 2016-06-27
U.S.A., Montana, Ravalli, Sapphire Mountains. 2.8 rd mi north on North Fork Rye Creek Rd (FR321) after jct with Rye Creek Rd. Ca 7.5 air mi east of Darby. W side of rd., 46.01495 -114.02036, 1468m
BRYV0166320 Arnold Tiehm 17446 2016-06-21
U.S.A., Nevada, Washoe, Hayes Canyon Range, road summit on the Dugway Road to Vya and Long Valley, 1.8 road miles SW of Vya road., 41.59186 -119.8876, 1829m
BRYV0166319 Arnold Tiehm 17484 2016-06-22
U.S.A., Nevada, Washoe, Mosquito Mountains, BLM area north of Coleman Valley Ranch, just south of the state line, 4.6 miles WNW of ranch house., 41.99516 -119.88018, 1905m
BRYV0190035 Leigh A. Johnson 05-187 2005-06-21
U.S.A., Nevada, WHITE PINE, Humbolt-Toiyabe National Forest, Schell Creek Range. Common in patches across the stream to the south of the East Creek Campground, at base of, and up slope below junipers on the hills; along road NF-564, ca. 6.5 miles east of jct with Hwy 93., 39.49515 -114.64999, 2259m
BRYV0190036 Leigh A. Johnson 05-185 2005-06-21
U.S.A., Nevada, WHITE PINE, White Pine Range, in hills north of Hwy 50 around dirt roads that wander off Little Antelope Summit, about 11 miles west of jct with Hwy 3., 39.40022 -115.46804, 2292m
BRYV0190033 Leigh A. Johnson 04-087 2004-06-03
U.S.A., Nevada, ELKO., Hill on E side of 754, just past Pole Creek. Growing with Eriastrum, Linanthus, and Gilia., 41.3732 -115.11803, 1796m
BRYV0190034 Leigh A. Johnson 04-093 2004-06-03
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, 1.8 miles along road to Bull Camp from county road 753 (road departs 753 just north of OÕNeil Ranch)., 41.81536 -115.03286, 1829m
BRYV0146952 N. Duane Atwood 28127 2002-05-25
U.S.A., Idaho, Power, 0.3 miles east of Crystal Ice Cave area. Craters of the Moon National Monument., 42.96055 -113.21888, 1510m
BRYV0051357 S. Goodrich 24955 1995-06-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Bridger Teton National Forest, Gros Ventre Range, Gros Ventre drainage., 2450m
BRYV0051339 Jennifer J. Whipple 3960 1992-06-16
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Craters of the Moon National Monument; northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 1., 1804m
BRYV0051340 Aven Nelson 5953 1899-07-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Yellowstone, Undine Falls. Along a road.
BRYV0051341 N. D. Atwood 31501 2006-06-21
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, E side of Craters of the Moon National Monument, s. of Cruthers Butte., 1601m
BRYV0051342 S. Popovich 6966 1995-00-08
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Snake River Plain, ca. 17 air miles n. from Arco. In Bear Paw Kipuka., 1620m
BRYV0051343 A. H. Holmgren 1285 1941-06-29
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Region 3, Lone Mountain, 30mi, NW. of Elko.
BRYV0051344 A. H. Holmgren 1131 1941-06-15
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Region 3. 1/2 mi, above Thomas Canyon Camp Grounds, Lamoille Canyon.
BRYV0051345 Noel H. Holmgren 5924 1972-06-15
U.S.A., Idaho, Cassia, Cache Peak Range (Albion Mountains); Silent City of Rocks, just southeast of roads summit; 13 airmiles southeast of Oakley., 2088m
BRYV0051346 James Grimes 1807 1980-07-11
U.S.A., Idaho, Valley, Above West End Creek, a tributary to Sugar Creek. Stibnite area., 2042m
BRYV0051347 Bassett Maguire 20810 1941-06-17
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Lehman Creek Canyon, Snake Range.
BRYV0051348 S. Goodrich 13497 1979-07-17
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe National Forest Toiyabe Range, right fork Stewart Cr. 20 mi. & 3.5 degrees from town of Round Mtn., 38.88527 -117.36583, 2880m
BRYV0051349 S. Popovich 6948 1995-00-08
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Snake River Plain, ca. 17 air miles n. from Arco. In Bear Paw Kipuka., 1620m
BRYV0051350 S. Popovich 4327 1995-06-01
U.S.A., Idaho, Blaine, Sagebrush steppe of Snake River Plain, ca. 0.4 air miles due s. from Ant Butte. In old burn opening, s. of roadside., 1548m
BRYV0051351 Arnold Tiehm 12508 1998-06-20
U.S.A., Nevada, Mineral, Excelsior Mountains, 2.8 road miles N of junction to Cow Camp on main road north from Huntoon Valley to Rattlesnake Flat., 2195m
BRYV0051352 Arnold Tiehm 10540 1986-06-01
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Fivemile Gulch, 1/2 mile northwest of the Goose Creek road on the road to Fivemile Spring., 1707m
BRYV0051353 Arnold Tiehm 11374 1987-06-28
U.S.A., Nevada, Humbolt, Santa Rosa Range, Buckskin Mountain north of Windy Gap, south side of mountain., 2316m
BRYV0051354 Arnold Tiehm 11814 1988-06-26
U.S.A., Nevada, Eureka, Fish Creek Range, Prospect Peak area south-southwest of eureka, 0.7 road miles south of the peak., 2774m
BRYV0051355 E. F. Evert 2951 1981-07-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains, north fork Shoshone River drainage; on the ridge between Kitty and Eagle creeks, ca 1/2 miles south of U.S. Hwy. 14, 16, and 20., 2530m
BRYV0267142 Arnold Tiehm 15932 2009-07-16
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range, North Fork of Stewart Creek, just E of last creek crossing on trail main trail to ridgeline., 38.88736 -117.35897, 2804m
PBRU00043086 Wm. C. Cusick 1973 1898-06-28
United States of America, Oregon, Eastern Oregon Plants, broken rocks of Stein's Mts.
Clare B. Hardham 2356 1957-06-27
United States, California, Mono, Headwaters Swauger Creek, Sweetwater Mountains., 38.393123 -119.339268
RSA0071100 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1891-07-21
United States, Nevada, Unknown, Spencemont [Sprucemont?, Elko Co.]
RSA0094954 Arnold Tiehm 12508 1998-06-20
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Excelsior Mountains, 2.8 road miles N of junction to Cow Camp on main road north from Untoon Valley to Rattlesnake Flat., 38.218732 -118.499368, 2195m
RSA0071093 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1891-06-23
United States, Utah, Juab, Mt. Ibapah., 39.828273 -113.919719
RSA0071579 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1894-06-04
United States, Utah, Piute, Marysvale., 38.448849 -112.240073, 1829m
RSA0071099 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1906-07-23
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Piermont., 2743m
RSA0071103 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1909-07-22
United States, Montana, Ravalli, Alta., 1372m
RSA0071095 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1904-06-24
United States, Utah, Carbon, Scofield., 39.724129 -111.160727
D. E. Breedlove 43710 1979-05-24
United States, California, Mono, Quaking Aspen Canyon on the NE side of Wheeler Peak above Sweetwater., 2744m
D. E. Breedlove 43601 1978-06-10
United States, California, Mono, Quaking Aspen canyon on the NE side of Wheeler Peak (above Sweetwater, Nevada), 2744m
RSA0071096 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1903-07-17
United States, Utah, Juab, Mt. Ibapah., 39.800074 -113.865296, 2134m
RSA0071102 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1893-06-06
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Aurum., 2530m
RSA0071101 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1905-06-30
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Aurum.
Clare B. Hardham 12796 1965-09-05
United States, California, Mono, Sweetwater Mountains, 2744m
RSA0071097 G. W. Martin s.n.
United States, Idaho, Fremont, St. Anthony.
RSA0071098 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1894-06-15
United States, Utah, Sevier, Salina Canon [Canyon]., 38.995053 -111.555436, 2438m
D. E. Breedlove 43742 1979-06-12
United States, California, Mono, Town site of Masonic (upper), 38.3622 -119.1142, 2713m
RSA0071094 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1880-06-11
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, City Creek Canon [Canyon]., 40.835057 -111.747596, 2225m
RSA0139069 Arnold Tiehm 17484 2016-06-22
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Mosquito Mountains, BLM area north of Coleman Valley Ranch, just south of the state line, 4.6 air miles WNW of ranch house., 41.9951667 -119.8801833, 1905m
RSA0139073 Arnold Tiehm 17446 2016-06-21
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Hayes Canyon Range, road summit on the Dugway Road to Vya and Long Valley, 1.8 road miles SW of Vya road., 41.5918667 -119.8876, 1829m
RSA0190773 Arnold Tiehm 18142 2018-06-14
United States, Nevada, Elko, Salmon River Range, Ellen D Mountain, saddle at N end of White Ridge near the road end., 41.764317 -114.852867, 2103m
RSA0565249 Arnold Tiehm 18461 2019-06-28
United States, Nevada, Elko, Wild Horse Range, Lost Meadow Creek Canyon N of Hwy 225 from Wild Horse Reservoir., 41.69848 -115.8542, 1875m
OBI167395 Arnold Tiehm 17484 2016-06-22
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Mosquito Mountains, BLM area north of Coleman Valley Ranch, just south of the state line, 4.6 air miles WNW of ranch house., 41.9951667 -119.8801833, 1905m
CM462294 Macbride, J.F. 3296 1916-07-18
United States, Idaho, Custer, Bear Creek below Parker Mts, 1829m
CM471850 Nelson, A. 5953 1899-07-18
United States, Wyoming, Park, Undine Falls, 44.943984 -110.638588
CSCN-V-0028484 Ronald L. Hartman 12562 1981-05-23
United States, Wyoming, Sweetwater, Washakie Basin: steeply tilted sandstone ridge E of Richard's Gap., 41.005 -109.1686, 1982 - 2195m
CSCN-V-0028483 A. Taye 2954 1984-07-28
United States, Utah, Beaver, Tushar Mountains, Beaver River Canyon below Skull Flat., 38.27137 -112.5012, 2377m
181022 collectors: E F Evert 4021 1983-06-26
United States, Wyoming, Park County, Absaroka Mtns, N fork Shoshone River Drainage, ridge E of Libby Creek, ca 1/4 mi N of Us 14, 43 mi W of Cody., 44.46 -109.86, 1875m
181052 collectors: S. White B.T. Welsh, M. Chatterly 189 1980-06-17
United States, Utah, Sevier County, 33 mi due E of Salina., 38.93 -111.42, 2560m
181053 collectors: E.F. Evert 4184 1982-07-12
United States, Wyoming, Park County, Yellowstone National Park N of Middle Creek, ca 3 mile e of Sylvan Pass., 2377m
183531 collectors: B.E. Nelson 17101 1989-06-30
United States, Wyoming, Park County, Northern Absarokas: Sunlight Basin: above Supher Camp, ca 2-3 air mi SE of Geers Point, ca 32 air mi WNW of Cody., 44.67 -109.67, 2164m
14458 A. Tiehm 4343 1978-06-11
United States, Nevada, Pershing, W Humboldt Mts, N end, 5.5 air mi SSW of Imlay, NW of Star Peak, 1982m
27563 A. Tiehm 11374 1987-06-28
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Santa Rosa Range, open gravelly slopes, Buckskin Mtn N of Windy Gap, S side of mtn, 41.788117 -117.55031, 2317m
29416 A. Tiehm 11814 1988-06-26
United States, Nevada, Eureka, Fish Creek Range, on rocky ridgetops and slopes of quartzite or gravel, Prospect Peak area, SSW of Eureka, .7 rd mi S of the peak, 39.443866 -116.002781, 2774m
42084 Pinzl A 11520 1995-06-22
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Sheldon Antelope Range, ca .75 rd mi E of jct of formerly numbered NV Hwy 34A & NV Hwy 8A, generally S of Sage Hen Hills, 1753m
60393 A. Tiehm 15396 2007-05-26
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Egan Range, 1.6 road mile eas ot West Butte Valley road on road to East Butte Valley, north of highway 50, 39.482306 -115.122194, 2073 - 2073m
62899 A. Tiehm 15932 2009-07-16
United States, Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range; North Fork of Stewart Creek, just east of last creek crossing on main trail to ridgeline, 38.887361 -117.358972, 2804m
66610 A. Tiehm 17484 2016-06-22
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Mosquito Mountains, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) area north of Coleman Valley Ranch, just south of the state line, 4.6 air miles west/northwest of ranch house, 41.995167 -119.880183, 1905m
66617 A. Tiehm 17446 2016-06-21
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Hayes Canyon Range, road summit on the Dugway Road to Vya and Long Valley, 1.8 road miles southwest of Vya road, 41.591867 -119.8876, 1829m
67271 J.S. Holland 2022-45 2022-06-30
United States, Nevada, Elko, 0.25 miles west of Angel Lake, 12 miles southwest of Wells, East Humboldt Range, 41.02551 -115.090833, 2621m
069082 A. Tiehm 18461 2019-06-18
USA, Nevada, Elko, Wild Horse Range, Lost Meadow Creek Canyon N of Hwy 225 from Wild Horse Reservoir., 41.69848 -115.8542, 1875m
ASC00070136 W.H. Moir s.n. 2001-07-10
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest, Cowboy Junior Tank 2 mi. SE of Coulter Hill in commercially thinned ponderosa pine forest., 34.975 -111.59, 7200m
ASC00119500 A. Tiehm 17484 2016-06-22
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Mosquito Mountains, BLM area N of Coleman Valley Ranch, just S of the state line, 4.6 air miles WNW of ranch house., 41.995167 -119.880183, 1905m
ASC00121148 Arnold Tiehm 17446 2016-06-21
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Hayes Canyon Range, road summit on the Dugway Road to Vya and Long Valley, 1.8 road miles SW of Vya road., 41.59186 -119.8876, 1829m
ASC00124374 A. Tiehm 18461 2019-06-18
United States, Nevada, Elko, Wild Horse Range, Lost Meadow Creek Canyon N of Highway 225 from Wild Horse Reservoir., 41.69848 -115.8542, 1875m