3505221 Benjamin F. Bush s.n. 1893-09-10
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, Bismarck, 37.76916 -90.62472
101000304 Steve R. Turner 17-074 2017-09-10
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Catawissa Conservation Area, slough margin., 38.4486 -90.7639, 155m
100792986 J. Richard Abbott 17854 2003-06-27
United States, Florida, Taylor, [NAD 27 map datum] W of Perry on U.S. 98, S on C.R. 14, then E (and then S) across Econfina River on Mossy Hammock Road ca 0.6 mile, then NE on gated limerock road ca 1.3 miles, then follow access road to N & W (ca 0.4 map mile, 0.5 on ground?)., 30.0771 -83.8857
100762481 George Van Brunt 2014-55 2014-09-29
United States, Missouri, Iron, Taum Sauk Mountain State Park, Mina Sauk Falls Trail, in an open area near the beginning of the trail and to the east of the trail., 37.5717 -90.7317, 536m
100761524 Alan E. Brant 7897 2014-10-01
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Puxico Quadrangle. T27N, corner R8E, R9E, SW corner, Sec. 18. SE Rock House Marsh on both sides of old bridge on ditch #11. Permit No. 33540-13. Mingo National Wildlife Refuge., 36.9788 -90.13193, 105m
101009009 Alan E. Brant 8589 2017-08-31
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Coldwater Conservation Area botanical survey. Streamhead seeps of south branch of Hunter Creek. Open, gravelly stream margin., 37.25842 -90.40033, 188m
3571173 Solecki, M.K. 254 1979-09-16
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Hawn State Park occasional on shaded alluvial soil of intermittent streambed, 37.825 -90.2275
3560851 Allan J. Bornstein 385 1994-09-10
United States, Missouri, Butler, Missouri Army National Guard Training Site (WETS), growing along road between Peppermint Creek and site 6 primarily an area of dry, upland, Oak-Hickory woods, but with several low-lying sites along seasonal streams, 36.89416 -90.27833
3349121 Alan E. Brant 6285 2007-08-13
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Sturdivant Quadrangle. Central Northern Pool 2 along ditch 104. Duck Creek Conservation Area Botanical Survey., 37.04722 -90.08333, 104m
100697601 Steve R. Turner 13-151 2013-08-19
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Holly Ridge Conservation Area, along trail 0.1 air mi east (bearing 70 deg) from Pleasant Valley Church., 36.8436 -89.9058, 107m
3537765 Tim E. Smith 3138 1991-09-09
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, Lower Ozark Section of Ozark Natural Division; ca. 7.0 mi S of Ellington, sinkhole pond ca. 1/4 SW of Highway 21 just above the waters edge; near Cephalanthus occidentalis; local on cherty, sloping bank, 37.13555 -90.97222
103207909 Alan E. Brant 9708 2021-08-31
United States, Missouri, Iron, Botanical Inventory of Buford Mountain, Missouri Dept. of Conservation Area. Dolomite areas along and above the head of Chambers Creek. Power Line opening., 37.682379 -90.703172, 335m
3543799 Julian A. Steyermark 26186 1937-09-11
United States, Missouri, Callaway, 3 1/2 mi W of Reform alluvial ground along and near mouth of Hall's Creek, near Aux Vasse Creek, 38.74416 -91.84583
101162315 Alan E. Brant 9209 2019-08-14
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Otter Slough Conservation Area Botanical Inventory. Area office and picnic area., 36.722296 -90.113519, 98m
100549172 Gerrit Davidse 40393 2012-10-07
United States, Missouri, Ralls, Ravine along the southern shore of Mark Twain Lake, ca. 1.0 airline miles SW of the Dam., 39.5155556 -91.6586111, 185m
1621776 Ernest J. Palmer 56735 1953-09-18
United States, Missouri, Barton, Collected along Hope Creek 3 1/2-4 miles northeast of Milford.
100344592 Bill Summers 10540 2010-09-27
United States, Missouri, Iron, Taum Sauk Mountain State Park, at the end of State Highway CC, ca. 5 air mi SW of Ironton., 37.5847222 -90.7188889
100866280 Alan E. Brant 8014 2015-07-30
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Graves Mountain Convervation Area botanical survey, compartment 4. Toeslope, south-facing, of Rocky Mountain and along access rd. in Cunningham Hollow. Open canopy deciduous forest., 37.26061 -90.57282, 225m
3504107 Benjamin F. Bush 6197 1910-09-06
United States, Missouri, Dunklin, Campbell low ground, 36.49333 -90.075
100834014 W. D. Stevens 36388 2015-07-18
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, 18546 Melrose Woods Drive, Wildwood; garden clearing on chert ridge, oak-hickory forest, 38.5608333 -90.7033333, 250m
3508472 Arthur Christ s.n. 1985-09-19
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Castlewood State Park moist depression next to parking lot
3507840 Arthur Christ s.n. 1971-08-16
United States, Missouri, Butler, 5 mi. east of Poplar Bluff. ditch along Highway 60, 36.77027 -90.27166
3504934 Benjamin F. Bush s.n. 1892-08-02
United States, Missouri, McDonald
3504935 Benjamin F. Bush s.n. 1892-08-02
United States, Missouri, Newton
3505287 Benjamin F. Bush s.n. 1893-09-15
United States, Missouri, New Madrid, Paw Paw Junction
3500861 Edgar Anderson 1937 1937-08-14
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Missouri Botanical Garden Arboretum, Gray Summit, 38.47 -90.82
3512769 Francis P. Daniels s.n. 1902-09-13
United States, Missouri, Boone, Sandy flats of Hinkson, Columbia, MO.
3514825 Rev. Charles H. Demetrio s.n. 1880-00-00
United States, Missouri, Perry, Kelly woods and field, Perry Co. Mo.
3516375 Heinrich K.D. Eggert s.n. 1893-10-07
United States, Missouri, Scott, wet places
3518654 Rebecca A. Haefner 1666 1979-09-15
United States, Missouri, Carter, Peck Ranch Sinkhole Pond Natural Area. Upland sinkhole pond, marshy habitat surrounded by scarlet oak-hickory forest. In Peck Ranch Wildlife Area., 37.0202778 -91.1377777
101157528 Steve R. Turner 19-051 2019-09-07
United States, Missouri, Butler, Big Cane Conservation Area, margin of loop road about 1/2 mile south of interior parking area., 36.503 -90.47355, 92m
3522568 Stan Hudson 810 1995-10-06
United States, Missouri, Butler, Intersection of County Road 572 and SWPA transmission line around small permanent pool and moist area on powerline right-of-way S of road, 36.85833 -90.28805
3526792 Kenneth K. Mackenzie s.n. 1896-09-18
United States, Missouri, Barry, Eagle Rock frequent along gravelly streams; common in wet sand along White River, 36.54805 -93.75416
3541383 Julian A. Steyermark 20209 1936-10-03
United States, Missouri, Saint Clair, Along Little Monegaw Creek, near Monegaw Springs low alluvial woods
3531373 Ernest J. Palmer 3282 1910-10-16
United States, Missouri, Jasper, 4 mi NW of Joplin sandy fields
3545489 Julian A. Steyermark 6952 1938-09-22
United States, Missouri, Camden, 2 1/2 mi SW of Barnumton gravelly places along Fiery Fork Creek margin along N-facing limestone bluffs, 38.08416 -93.05555
3546174 Julian A. Steyermark 77619 1954-09-17
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Along Crooked Creek, 2 1/4 mi. southeast of Bessville., 37.365 -90.06
3543963 Julian A. Steyermark 26452 1937-09-16
United States, Missouri, Chariton, 4 mi NE of Keytesville in thickets of Iva-Leersia association along bottoms of Little Chariton River, 39.46833 -92.86083
3543298 Julian A. Steyermark 25195 1937-08-23
United States, Missouri, Laclede, 5 mi E of Lebanon dry bed of Mill Creek
3543339 Julian A. Steyermark 25284 1937-08-24
United States, Missouri, Pulaski, Along Gasconade River, 1 1/2 mi NW of Shady Grove in section 7, 6 mi NW of Waynesville gravel bar, 37.865 -92.29055
101894788 Norlan C. Henderson 67-1896 1967-09-30
United States, Missouri, Hickory, Wet margin of Lake Pomme de Terre, at the Hermitage Public Use area.
3549264 Bill Summers 5455 1992-09-01
United States, Missouri, Oregon, NE of Thomasville on Forest Service Road 4155 wet muddy soils by waterhole in Spring Creek valley, 36.83583 -91.45111
103408756 Alan E. Brant 10405 2023-07-21
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, L-A-D Foundation's Egyptian Tract Wet Hollow seep/fen complex. Perched seep on County Road 334 at southern boundary. Missouri Dept. of Conservation funded botanical inventory. Lesterville SE Quadrangle., 37.343654 -90.82983, 213m
101327982 Alan E. Brant 9797 2021-10-05
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Duck Creek Conservation Area, Unit B., 37.049332 -90.139892, 105m
102468481 Julian A. Steyermark 80406 1955-10-18
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Wooded spring branch in Crowley's Ridge near junction with bottomland, between property of Mr. Adam and Mr. Harvey, 3 3/4 mi (by air) SSE of Bloomfield., 36.8386111 -89.9219445
1682149 Ernest J. Palmer 58939 1954-09-28
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Collected along Williams Creek, 2-2 1/3 miles northeast of Mt. Vernon.
1657864 Norlan C. Henderson 67-1896 1967-09-30
United States, Missouri, Hickory, Wet margin of Lake Pomme de Terre, at the Hermitage Public Use area.
100743957 Alan E. Brant 7866 2014-09-03
United States, Missouri, Madison, Marquand Quadrangle. T32N, R8E, SE, NE, Sec. 9. Mark Twain National Forest. Along Forest Service Rd. 7385 just north of F.S. Rd. 2137., 37.47564 -90.16451, 250m
1488327 Alan E. Brant 4540 2000-09-08
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, T29N, R8E, NW, W2, NW4, Sec. 5. Gipsy Quadrangle. Along the banks of the Castor River. Adjacent to State Hwy. Y., 37.21666 -90.2, 126m
3572277 George Yatskievych 90-279 1990-08-21
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, Bowles Pond, ca. 2 mi NW of Redford, W of County Road V seasonally wet area in flat bottom of ravine just N of pond; scattered; to 1 1/2 m tallCarex, Athyrium, grasses, Quercus , Acer, and Ulmus, 37.355 -90.91305, 280m
3576502 Douglas Ladd 4293 1979-09-04
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Hawn State Park, ca. 0.1 mi downstream from picnic shelter moist open fine sand in bed of vernal runoff stream draining into Pickle Creek
3575964 Bill Summers 10207 2004-09-01
United States, Missouri, Howell, Eugene Adams Farm on State Route N, ca. 1/5 mi N of White Church pond/marsh, shrub swamp in shallow sinkhole depression on the edge of low flat woods, 36.86888 -91.795
3570418 Bruce Schuette 2193 1990-08-26
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Cuivre River State Park, pond, pickerelweed na, along muddy margin. by sinkhole pond, 39.03944 -90.92611
100949953 Alan E. Brant 8298 2016-09-10
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Sand Pond Conservation Area botanical survey. Wet flatwood hardwoods along County rd. W3., 36.50318 -90.60335, 88m
3562386 Davis, P. (SEMO) 7864 1976-10-04
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, City of Cape Girardeau
3555147 George Yatskievych 96-85 1996-09-21
United States, Missouri, Henry, S side of state Highway 17 on E side of South Grand River, ca. 4 mi W of Clinton disturbed recently flooded, flat area with wildlife food plots of Sorghum and Helianthus; uncommonwith grasses, sedges, and Polygonum, 38.37638 -93.85638, 218m
3550441 Bill Summers 7567 1995-09-13
United States, Missouri, Butler, Mark Twain National Forest, Poplar Bluff Ranger District, ca. 1 mi NW of Rombauer on County Road 572 low area at head of upland draw under electrical transmission lines, 36.85833 -90.28805
3508070 Arthur Christ s.n. 1974-08-19
United States, Missouri, Butler, Highway 142, south of Poplar Bluff. low alluvial thickets
3550246 Bill Summers 7109 1994-09-14
United States, Missouri, Howell, Eleven Point River at Blowing Springs, about midway between County Road 200 and Highway W gravel bar on the Eleven Point River opposite mouth of Snow Hollow and Blowing Springs, 36.85305 -91.68527
3525677 Douglas Ladd 13739 1989-07-07
United States, Missouri, Barton, Cook Meadow Prairie, ca. 2 mi NW of Golden City, S of Highway U in upland prairie, 37.41583 -94.12555
3549757 Bill Summers 6314 1993-08-21
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Lake Ripley, ca. 1 1/2 mi N of Briar off Highway C shallow water and wet margins of lake, 36.66194 -90.94833
3539016 Julian A. Steyermark 11543 1936-07-09
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Along St. Francis River, vicinity of Hall's Bluff, 4 mi S of Kime gravel bar, 37.02333 -90.43138
3551589 Bill Summers 9542 2000-08-05
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, Ca. 2 mi. SE of Doe Run on Mr. Dennis Weise property, along a spring-fed stream tributary to Doe Run Creek shady woods along a small running stream with exposed sandstone bedrock and low bluffs and ledges; sandy acid soil, 37.71055 -90.46666
3543616 Julian A. Steyermark 25872 1937-09-05
United States, Missouri, Ralls, At Shepherd Ford, 5 1/2 mi W of Center alluvial ground among Eleocharis, 39.53472 -91.62888
3546909 Julian A. Steyermark 82856 1956-10-06
United States, Missouri, Pike, Common; wooded depression of small sink pond, in upland woods, 5 miles southwest of Ashburn., 39.5122222 -91.2438889
3546625 Julian A. Steyermark 80581 1955-10-20
United States, Missouri, Stone, Between bridge over James River and its confluence with White River, on northwest side of James River, 3 mi. (by air) southwest of Radical, 5 3/4-6 mi. northwest of Lampe., 36.6105556 -93.4647222
3546606 Julian A. Steyermark 80406 1955-10-18
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Wooded spring branch in Crowley's Ridge near junction with bottomland, between property of Mr. Adam and Mr. Harvey, 3 3/4 mi (by air) SSE of Bloomfield., 36.8386111 -89.9219445
3546416 Julian A. Steyermark 79244 1955-08-15
United States, Missouri, Osage, Southwest-facing limestone bluffs along Osage River and ravine tributary to bluffs, 1 3/4 mi. (by air) west of Folk, 7 mi. southwest of Westphalia., 38.43 -92.1266667
3549326 Bill Summers 5533 1992-09-16
United States, Missouri, Howell, 3 1/2 mi N of Brandsville wet margins of pond in upland woods, 36.70138 -91.68555
3549306 Bill Summers 5509 1992-09-14
United States, Missouri, Shannon, On Forest Service Road 4289, 1/4 mi N of Forest Service Road 3174 mudhole in roadway on upland wooded flat, 36.9075 -91.39666
101000230 Steve R. Turner 16-117 2016-10-04
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Matson Hill County Park, margin of old fields., 38.6231 -90.8183, 174m
102905367 Alan E. Brant 7897 2014-10-01
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Puxico Quadrangle. T27N, corner R8E, R9E, SW corner, Sec. 18. SE Rock House Marsh on both sides of old bridge on ditch #11. Permit No. 33540-13. Mingo National Wildlife Refuge., 36.9788 -90.13193, 105m
102901370 Alan E. Brant 7866 2014-09-03
United States, Missouri, Madison, Marquand Quadrangle. T32N, R8E, SE, NE, Sec. 9. Mark Twain National Forest. Along Forest Service Rd. 7385 just north of F.S. Rd. 2137., 37.47564 -90.16451, 250m
101326509 Alan E. Brant 9708 2021-08-31
United States, Missouri, Iron, Botanical Inventory of Buford Mountain, Missouri Dept. of Conservation Area. Dolomite areas along and above the head of Chambers Creek. Power Line opening., 37.682379 -90.703172, 335m
UNCC_20778 Leonard, S. [Steven]; Massey, J. [Jimmy]; Radford, A. [Albert] Leonard 4972 1971-08-23
United States, South Carolina, Aiken, Beech Island, 33.427468 -81.890089
UNCC_30663 Matthews, J. ["Jim"; James]; Soule, J. [John] 1996-09-13
United States, North Carolina, Mecklenburg, Hart Road Powerline Right-of-way, 35.3286 -80.9648
GA275364 Richard Carter 17263 2006-09-22
U.S.A., Georgia, Camden, 1.12 airmiles W of Red Bluff by Oscar Rd, 2.60 airmiles NE Whiteoak jct. Hwys US 17 and GA 252, 31.0520667 -81.71085