BRYV0067066 James D. Morefield 4675 1987-07-20
U.S.A., Nevada, Esmeralda, White Mountains: Along main stream in Trail Canyon 2.8 miles N60¼E of Boundary Peak. Fishlake Valley drainage., 2743m
BRYV0067061 Noel H. Holmgren 14424 2001-07-06
U.S.A., Nevada, Lander, Toiyabe Range, Kingston Creek Canyon, at the mouth of Deer Canyon, 45 km (28 mi) air distance south of Austin., 39.29194 -117.12916, 2455m
Bureau of Land Management:CFOBLM
CFOBLM00047 D. Gentilcore 50 2011-06-14
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains. Sams Fire of 2009. Burned Pinus ponderosa stringer on Wood Ranch Rd. 7.7km S of intersection with Pine Canyon Rd., 37.41394 -114.23736, 1802m
Paul C. Silva 112 1943-06-08
United States, California, Tulare, Near Fairview, bed of Tobias Creek.
T. La Doux 538 2007-06-12
United States, California, Inyo, Big Pine Canyon; along North Fork of Big Pine Creek at top of First Falls at old campground area.; Coyote Flat 7.5’ Quad, 37.1258667 -118.4436, 2503m
Michael Honer 1113 2001-07-01
United States, California, Mono, Inyo National ForestClover Patch. Along FS Rd. 3S01B, road crossing near S end of meadow.; Watterson Cyn. quad, 37.6918667 -118.6276167, 2380m
C. R. Annable 2509 1995-07-06
United States, California, Mono, Inyo National Forest. Beartrack Canyon Rd. (USFS IN03)., 37.9333333 -119.1333333
Philip A. Munz 16134 1940-07-18
United States, California, Mono, Tamarack Creek, SW of Bridgeport., 2805m
C. L. Hitchcock 6570 1940-05-24
United States, California, Shasta, Hat Creek, 20 miles W of Fall River Mills.
D. W. McNeal 3089 1985-05-23
United States, California, Alpine, Above Highways 89-4, 1.1 miles N of their junction W of Monitor Pass.
Beatrice Willard 25 1945-07-21
United States, California, Mono, “Old Mammoth”, Mammoth Lakes area, Inyo National Forest., 37.626558 -118.982435, 1829 - 2439m
F. W. Peirson 11196 1934-07-11
United States, California, Mono, From Moat Lake, Virginia Lakes Basin., 38.0562 -119.2791, 3110m
Michael Honer 1699 2002-07-04
United States, California, Mono, Inyo National ForestGlass Mountain Region: E-slope of Black Mountain, appox. 2.5 km S of peak, at end of old mine/ranch road from Kelty Meadows area.; Glass Mtn. quad, 37.7871667 -118.6285167, 2622m
Mary DeDecker 250 1955-06-25
United States, California, Mono, Bloody Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada., 2500m
Dorothy Davis s.n. 1923-08-00
United States, California, Plumas, Mt. Eureka, 1524m
F. W. Peirson 12431 1938-07-08
United States, California, Mono, Between Owens River and the boulevard in the vicinity of Whiskey Creek., 2073m
Roxana S. Ferris 10646 1942-07-14
United States, California, Tulare, Mineral King Post Office, Sequoia National Forest., 2378m
Michael Honer 260 2000-06-13
United States, California, Mono, Inyo National ForestAlong FS Rd. 30E10, between Clover Patch and Kelty Mdws, grassy grazed campsite near (dry) water trough and mining prospects. Conspicuous white quartz veins nearby.; Watterson Cyn. quad, 37.7323833 -118.6339667, 2700m
Percy C. Everett 21993 1956-07-09
United States, California, Mono, 1.5 miles east of junction roads to Devil’s Postpile and Mammoth Lakes., 2378m
Philip A. Munz 21091 1955-07-20
United States, California, Mono, Chemung Mine, Masonic Mountains, 38.3491 -119.1487, 2530m
E. K. Balls 14853 1950-05-23
United States, California, Mono, Above Paradise Creek, along Rock Creek, just north Inyo County line., 1951m
Michael Honer 903 2001-06-07
United States, California, Mono, Inyo National ForestN edge of Long Valley; springfed meadow above 4WD ranch rd, near base of slopes rising N.; Dexter Cyn. quad, 37.7631667 -118.8225667, 2256m
Beecher Crampton 318 1941-07-11
United States, California, Mono, Devil’s Gate., 38.3483 -119.3607, 2295m
Jim André 23029 2010-07-29
United States, California, Inyo, Sierra Nevada; along Coyote Road, north side of Coyote Plateau, 10.5 road miles SSW of Bishop at first crossing of Coyote Creek.; Bishop 7.5’ Quad., 37.259 -118.4742667, 2678m
Philip A. Munz 11802 1947-05-16
United States, California, Mono, Highway on grade north of Mono Lake., 38.0279 -119.1558, 2104m
I. L. Wiggins 10125 1942-08-12
United States, California, Tuolumne, Along northeast side of Emigrant Lake, Stanislaus National Forest., 38.178963 -119.683945, 2683m
Mary DeDecker 4078 1976-05-28
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Adobe Hills, north of Benton Station.: Truman Canyon., 2164m
Philip A. Munz 13578 1949-06-15
United States, California, Mono, Convict Lake, east base of Sierra Nevada., 37.589 -118.8581, 2348m
T. M. Hendrix 436 1937-07-27
United States, California, Mono, Mono County: 4.75 miles up Eagle Creek, Bridgeport.; Bridgeport, 2744m
Mary DeDecker 2994 1972-07-19
United States, California, Inyo, Sierra Nevada: Northwest of Bishop; Peterson Mill on Coyote Creek., 2729m
F. W. Peirson 6076 1925-06-25
United States, California, Mono, Rock Creek, volcanic tablelands., 37.552418 -118.654732, 2073m
I. L. Wiggins 14176 1957-06-27
United States, California, Mono, Along creek 1 mile below Lundy Lake Dam, road west of Highway 395
F. W. Peirson 6144 1925-06-28
United States, California, Mono, Reverse Creek, Silver Lake region., 37.765 -119.107, 2195m
J. B. Feudge 1507 1926-05-29
United States, California, Mono, Long Valley.
Michael Honer 107 1999-06-14
United States, California, Inyo, E-slope Sierra Nevada. Appx. 15 mi. W of Bishop. 184 Columbine Road, Aspendell subdivision., 37.2233333 -118.605, 2561m
Michael Honer 1739 2002-07-04
United States, California, Mono, Inyo National ForestKelty Meadows; SW fork of meadow drainage, around spring at end of ranch road.; Glass Mtn., 37.7511333 -118.6422, 2793m
Ernest C. Twisselmann 17947 1971-07-14
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains: Little Fish Fork, Fish Fork Camp., 34.317102 -117.668869, 2012m
Ernest C. Twisselmann 18013 1971-07-14
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains: Little Fish Fork, Fish Fork Camp., 34.317102 -117.668869, 2012m
04609 Fisher Jr J C 66 1971-06-13
United States, Nevada, Nye, Horse Mtn Range, Currant Creek Campground, 1982m
40177 P.J. Leary 5281 1995-06-27
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, drainage on N side of summit of Magruder Mtn, 2377m
49614 D.A. Charlet 0528 1989-08-15
United States, California, Modoc, Warner Mountains, 1.2 km northwest of Eagle Peak, 2550m
ASC00101067 M. Licher 3087 2011-06-04
United States, California, Inyo, Pine Creek Canyon, approx. 2 mi. above Ravena, northwest of Bishop, 37.403361 -118.645639, 1780m
ASC00027507 D. McNeal 1464 1974-06-13
United States, California, Alpine, Beside Hwy 89, 0.5 miles east of the junction of Hwy 4., 38.65998 -119.7192
ASC00119218 Lyman Benson 11239 1942-07-02
United States, California, Mono, Mammoth Lakes Post Office, small creek, Sierra Nevada Mt. Great Basin drainage., 37.648964 -118.970877, 2287m
ENLC00008 D. Gentilcore with L. Guenther 50 2011-06-14
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Clover Mountains. Sams Fire of 2009. Burned Pinus ponderosa stringer on Wood Ranch Rd. 7.7km S of intersection with Pine Canyon Rd., 37.41394 -114.23736, 1802m
GMDRC4607 J. André 14774 2007-06-12
United States, California, Inyo, Big Pine Canyon: at confluence of South and North Forks of Big Pine Creek just upstream from Glacier Lodge, 2393m
UTC00003848 Marcus E. Jones 1897-05-31
United States, Nevada, Carson City, Carson City
UTC00102952 Arthur Cronquist 8626 1959-07-06
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, A mile north of Blue Lake; Pine Froest Mts, 75 miles northwest of Winnemucca., 2347m
UTC00154216 MJ Williams 77-463 1977-06-25
United States, Nevada, Douglas, Pine Nut Mtns 2 mi S of Sunrise Pass, 39.0344 -119.3259, 2438m
UTC00154217 MJ Williams 77-4113 1977-06-16
United States, Nevada, Eureka, Pete Hansen Canyon NW side of Roberts Mtn, 39.553 -116.2326, 2256m
UTC00157768 Brant Roger; Arnold Tiehm 936 1978-06-01
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Virgin Valley, N part of Virgin Creek Gorge, 8.9 air miles SW of Range HQ Duffurena Ranch., 41.7693 -119.0016, 1585m
UTC00158350 A Tiehm; B Rogers 4434 1978-06-15
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Side canyon to S of Hell Creek 5.2 air mi SW of Virgin Valley Ranch, 41.7318 -119.1521, 1676m
UTC00176295 MJ Williams 78-1783 1978-06-30
United States, Nevada, Elko, Belcher's Meadow
UTC00241350 Noel H. Holmgren; Patricia K. Holmgren 14424 2001-07-06
United States, Nevada, Lander, Toiyabe Range, Kingston Creek Canyon, at the mouh of Deer Canyon, 45 km (28 mi) south of Austin., 39.2919444 -117.1291667, 2455m
UT0013775 D. W. McNeal 3089 1985-05-23
USA, California, Alpine, Above Hwys. 89-4, 1.1 miles N of their junction, West of Monitor Pass
43813 C. R. Annable 2509 1995-07-06
United States of America, California, Mono Co., Inyo National Forest, Beartrack Canyon Rd (USFS IN03), 37.93 -119.13
737344 N. H. Holmgren 14424 2001-07-06
United States of America, Nevada, Lander Co., Toiyabe Range, Kingston Creek Canyon, at the mouth of Deer Canyon, 45 km (28 mi) air distance south of Austin, 39.2919444 -117.1291667, 2455m
03761544 A. H. Barnum 1399 1965-07-30
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., 37.280406 -113.504711
3761545 D. Atwood 24827 1999-06-01
United States of America, Utah, Millard Co., Sawtooth Mountain, House Range, via North Canyon Rd., 39.1843 -113.4127, 2500m
3761547 D. E. Breedlove 3495 1962-06-13
United States of America, California, Sierra Co., Along State Hwv. 89, 6.8 miles north of Sierraville., 1524m
3761549 I. F. Tidestrom 10172 1919-07-01
United States of America, Nevada, Sweetwater Mts, near Sweetwater., 2100m
3761550 I. L. Wiggins 14176 1957-06-27
United States of America, California, Mono Co., Along creek 1 mile below Lundy Dam, road west of .S. Highway 395.
3761551 W. A. Archer 6097 1938-06-23
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Hunter's Creek Road, 6-8 mi. sw. of Reno, Sierra Nevada Range., 1829m
3761552 P. Train 3941 1940-06-03
United States of America, Nevada, Esmeralda Co., Middle Creek, n. fork Chiatovitch Creek, e. slope Boundary Peak., 2621m
3761558 A. Tiehm 5049 1979-06-19
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Independence Mts, Gance Creek, .9 air miles WNW of the Saval Ranch., 41.301412 -115.918913, 1966m
3761559 A. Tiehm 9557 1985-06-03
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Calico Mts, High Rock Canyon, 3.6 road miles northwest of High Rock Lake on road to Stevens Camp., 41.32977 -119.352627, 1524m
3761563 M. J. Williams 77-46-3 1977-06-25
United States of America, Nevada, Douglas Co., Pine Nut Mtns. 2 mi S of Sunrise Pass, 2438m
3761564 M. J. Williams 77-41-13 1977-06-16
United States of America, Nevada, Eureka Co., Pete Hansen Canyon, NW side of Roberts Mtn., 2256m
3761565 M. J. Williams 76-64-1 1976-06-19
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., about half-way up Mt. Grant, 2286m
3761567 S. L. Welsh 13202 1976-05-25
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Pass Ca. 5.5 miles Northwest of New Harmony, 2.5 miles southwest of Grants Ranch, 37.5513 -113.336
3761568 P. A. Munz 21091 1955-07-20
United States of America, California, Mono Co., In springy place, Chemung Mine, Masonic Mts., 2530m
3761569 A. Cronquist 8626 1959-07-06
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Aspen grove along small stream a mile north of Blue Lake; Pine Forest Mts, 75 miles northwest of Winnemucca, 2347m
3761570 B. Maguire 13643 1936-05-02
United States of America, Utah, Cache Co., Spring Hollow, below girls camp near tennis courts., 1615m
3761572 B. Maguire 11463 1935-05-19
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake Co., 6 miles below Pine Crest., 40.454104 -111.831322, 1768m
3761573 B. Maguire 17115 1939-06-18
United States of America, Utah, Cache Co., Logan Canyon, Tony Grove.
3761574 B. Maguire 20994 1941-06-22
United States of America, Utah, Beaver Co., Granite Mountain Pass, 11.5 miles east of Milford, 38.396719 -112.798054
3761575 B. Maguire 21547 1942-06-24
United States of America, Utah, Cache Co., Logan Canyon, Spring Hollow., 41.752915 -111.716479
3761578 A. Tiehm 11108 1987-05-28
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Santa Rosa Range, Three Mile Creek north of the Buckskin Mountain road, near the canyon entrance., 41.824425 -117.063697, 1524m
3761582 S. L. Welsh 21246 1982-06-21
United States of America, Utah, Wasatch Co., 8 mi SW of S arm of Strawberry Reservoir, 40.3904 -113.0927, 2621m
3761588 J. H. Christ 18264 1949-06-03
United States of America, Idaho, Idaho Co., 20 miles southeast of Lowell, near Selway Falls. Up Meadow Creek one-half mile, across bridge on old trail. On steep open granitic sand, west-facing hillside.
03761590 A. Tiehm 15566 2008-06-05
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Sonoma Range, unnamed canyon just N of Pole Creek on NE end of the range., 40.92172 -117.56172, 1646m
3761599 A. Tiehm 13927 2002-06-07
United States of America, Nevada, Eureka Co., Roberts Mountains, 1.7 road miles N of Three Bars Ranch on the main road to Tonkin Summit., 39.83151 -116.468178, 2012m
3761601 A. C. Blauer 65 1964-07-15
United States of America, Utah, Utah Co., along Tooth Springs road about 2 miles from Alpine Loop road
3761602 A. Tiehm 13005 1999-06-23
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., Wassuk Range, Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant, Cottonwood Creek, 0.6 road miles N of main road junction to Mt. Grant on the Cottonwood Creek road., 38.53789 -118.823274, 2713m
3761603 K. H. Thorne 4718 1986-06-01
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., White Hollow, NW slope of Bull Mts. 7 mi S on Pine Park Campground Rd., 37.5403 -114.0203, 1850m
3761611 P. Train 3031 1939-06-08
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Summit Lake Creek Dam, Summit Lake Indian Reservation.
3761612 A. M. Alexander 3807 1944-07-03
United States of America, California, Mono Co., Robinson Creek, east slope of Sierra Nevada (9.5 miles southwest of Bridgeport)., 2103m
3761613 B. Maguire 21071 1941-08-02
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Snake Range, Wheeler Peak, Lehman Creek Basin, 2499m
3761614 M. E. Jones s.n. 1880-05-00
United States of America, Utah, City by[?] Can.[?]
3761615 A. O. Garrett 2714 1913-06-14
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake Co., 40.667317 -111.923603
3761617 A. Tiehm 4434 1978-06-15
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Side canyon to south of Hell Creek, 5.2 air miles southwest of Virgin Valley Ranch., 41.73247 -119.153743, 1676m
3761620 B. Rogers 936 1978-06-01
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge. Virgin Valley, N part of Virgin Creek Gorge, 8.9 air miles SW of Range HQ Duffurena Ranch., 41.769007 -119.002592, 1585m
3761627 M. E. Jones 1752 1880-06-05
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake Co., City Creek Canon, 1829m
3761629 R. J. Shaw 4764 1990-06-19
United States of America, Utah, Weber Co., Wasatch-Cache National Forest; Snow Basin Ski Area, 150 yds below Becker Chair Lift, 41.2129 -111.8445, 2438m
3761630 A. P. Pinzl 9424 1991-06-05
United States of America, Nevada, Douglas Co., Pine Nut Mts, about ¾ road mile SE of Lebo Spring., 39.049846 -119.556305, 2012m
3761634 P. Train s.n. 1937-04-30
United States of America, California, Mono Co., Bridgeport. Mountain slopes., 1829m
3761635 P. Train 4089 1940-06-21
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., Cottonwood Creek Canyon, Wassuk Range, Mt. Grant road., 2438m
3761637 M. J. Williams 83-78-2 1983-06-25
United States of America, Nevada, White Pine Co., Near Hwy 50, Little Antelope Summit, Antelope Mtns., 39.399991 -115.468231, 2256m
3761638 M. J. Williams 83-24-7 1983-06-03
United States of America, Nevada, Douglas Co., Meadow in the Pine Nut Mtns, on the Bullionville Rd, near Pine Nut Creek., 38.874459 -119.577205, 1859m
3761639 M. J. Williams 82-308-1 1982-07-24
United States of America, Nevada, Lyon Co., SE of Como, Pine Nut Mountains., 39.135927 -119.429334, 1981m