UTC00148729 Jim Taggert; Cindy Zabel 148 1976-09-05
United States, Alaska, Kodiak Island, Afognak Island; summit of Cloud Peak., 58.1666667 -153.0666667, 721m
UTC00147641 Jim Taggert 86 1975-08-12
United States, Alaska, Kenai Peninsula, McNiel River State Brown Bear Refuge; Between mouth of McNiel River and observation cave., 59.1194 -154.26547
UTC00195459 Robert F. Thorne; M.Z. Thorne 54596 1980-07-28
United States, Alaska, Anchorage, Chugach State Park; Head of Rabbit Creek Valley (road turn around), SE of Anchorage., 61.0789 -149.823323, 914 - 1036m
UTC00249349 Robert Merrill King, Robert M. Garvey 13991 2005-08-08
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest; Along Webster Pass Rd, ca. one-eighth mile N of Webster Pass., 39.5311111 -105.8363889, 3652m
UTC00249350 Robert Merrill King, Robert M. Garvey 13988 2005-08-08
United States, Colorado, Summit, Arapaho National Forest; Along Webster Pass Rd, ca. one-eighth mile N of Webster Pass., 39.5311111 -105.8363889, 3652m
Walter Fertig 21178 2004-07-07
USA, Alaska, Juneau, Coast Range, Mount Juneau, summit and upper slopes above treeline, ca 1 mile NE of Juneau and Gastineau Channel., 58.318624 -134.402422, 914 - 1067m
Walter Fertig 25178 2009-08-30
USA, Alaska, Juneau, SE Alaska Coast Range, East slope of Mount Roberts, ridge above Mt. Roberts Tram, E of Juneau., 58.29448 -134.369082, 1067m
BRYV0211098 G. W. Argus 10912 1977-07-22
Canada, British Columbia, Liard River Basin. Wokkpash Lake. Stream Valley Leading to the Northwestern end of lake., 58.45 -124.88333, 1524m
BRYV0211091 V. Siplivinsky 621 1980-07-17
U.S.A., Alaska, Alaska Range District. Ca 26 mi NW of Talkeetna, Peters Hills Mts., 853 - 914m
BRYV0216895 Charlotte Hok CH-207-68 1968-08-05
U.S.A., Alaska, Glacier Bay NatÕl Monument. East arm of Berg Mt., 58.93333 -135.76666, 762m
WSC0009412 Melanie Arnett 5620 1999-07-23
United States, Colorado, Saguache, San Juan Mtns: Gunnison Natl. Forest: Along continentinal divide where it parallels Cochetopa Creek, ca 3-5 air mi NNW of Table Mountain; ca 7-10 air-mi ENE of Stewart Peak. E1/2 S19; also SW1/4 S9, E1/2 S17, and W1/2 S20. Barren W facing slope of canyon., 38.060844 -106.779705, 3109 - 3292m
USA, Colorado, Gilpin
USA, California, Inyo
USA, California, Fresno
USA, Colorado, Gilpin
USA, Colorado, Gilpin
USA, Colorado, Gilpin
USA, Colorado, Gilpin
USA, Colorado, Gilpin
19818 Cumby, Bee 189 1974-07-26
United States, Alaska, Valdez-Cordova, Off roadside at Blueberry Lake campground near Thompson Pass, about 25 mi from Valdez along Richardson Highway.
19883 Cumby, Bee 137 1974-07-23
United States, Alaska, Valdez-Cordova, About 200 ft from shore of Prince William Sound, near mouth of Gold Creek, approx 4 mi along shore from Valdez.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00066120 Florence M. Givens 3897 1984-08-14
United States, Colorado, Conejos, In alpine meadow at parking area for Crator Lake trail. Spring Creek Pass., 3658m
39962 R. Allen Moe 54 1976-07-29
United States, Alaska, Aleutian Range, Shumagin Is, Big Koniuji I, Granite Pass, 55.1 -159.55
59984 Marilyn H. Barker, Alan R. Batten, Kevin Lynch, Garry Davies, Becky Davies BG02-162 2002-08-03
United States, Alaska, Robinson Mts, slope SW of McIntosh Peak, 60.26 -142.98
10138 John DeLapp, Michael Duffy 93-50 1993-06-27
United States, Alaska, Quartz Hill area, alpine ridge S of mine, 55.31 -130.49
8584 David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev, Tass Kelso 11805 1993-07-25
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Bear R, 5 km S of Council, 64.86 -163.7
64558 James D. Durst 179 1981-06-28
United States, Alaska, Kilbuck-Kuskokwim Mts, Nyac vic., 61.01 -159.9
8453 David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev, Tass Kelso 11656 1993-07-19
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Mystery Creek, upper part of creek, 65.91 -163.5
18859 Phil Caswell 96-463 1996-07-07
United States, Alaska, Neacola Mountains, North Upper Twin Lakes, 60.7 -153.83
22089 Donald A. Walker, Mindy J. Wilson 82-26 1982-08-15
United States, Alaska, Arctic Foothills, Confluence of Flood Cr. with Ivishak R., 69 -147.51
79249 Rob Lipkin, Alan R. Batten, Julie A. Michaelson, Ginny Moran, Debbie Blank 71 1993-07-07
United States, Alaska, Ahklun Mts, Kisogle Mtn., 59.41 -161.17, - 600m
7991 David F. Murray, Boris A. Yurtsev, Tass Kelso 11322 1993-07-08
United States, Alaska, Seward Peninsula, Crete Creek, 64.88 -166.13
10355 Marilyn H. Barker 78 1993-07-11
United States, Alaska, Aleutian Is, Umnak I, Cape Idak - Otter Bight area, Mt. Idak, 53.46 -167.8
10399 Marilyn H. Barker 151 1993-07-16
United States, Alaska, Aleutian Is, Umnak I, Cape Idak - Otter Bight area, Mt. Idak, 53.46 -167.8
147653 Marilyn H. Barker SP05-222 2005-07-10
United States, Alaska, Aleutian Range, Sand Point Village, Popof I., 55.32316667 -160.388833, 424 - 424m
79192 Rob Lipkin, Alan R. Batten, Julie A. Michaelson, Ginny Moran, Debbie Blank 32 1993-07-07
United States, Alaska, Ahklun Mts, Kisogle Mtn., 59.41 -161.15
22092 Jason Randall Grant 87-74 1987-07-19
United States, Alaska, Aleutian Is, Unalaska I, Ski Bowl Road, 53.85 -166.53
22088 Donald A. Walker 81-94-a 1981-08-14
United States, Alaska, Brooks Range, Jago R. 50 km from coast, 69.61 -143.66
22306 Foley, Erin 2395 2003-07-15
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Arapaho National Forest, Front Range, Jones Pass, ca. 13 air mi. SW of Fraser, ca. 9.5 air mi. NW of Loveland Pass, 39.7767 -105.8879
Mary DeDecker 1600-a 1963-07-14
United States, California, Tulare, Sierra Nevada: Tyndall Creek; Sequoia National Park., 3444m
F. W. Peirson 7662 1927-08-06
United States, California, Mariposa, Porcupine Flat, Sierra Nevada, 2439m
Chas. H. Quibell 6322 1957-07-27
United States, California, Fresno, 11, 580' notch W wall N-S tending Evolution Basin, 17 map mile SE of Florence Lake. Below E 10,980' Sapphire Lake beyond it 13,000' sierran crest; to W upper multiple lake sect. McGee Canyon (10,830') with 12,360' Hermit on N, 12,699' Mt. McGee S.
E. E. Stanford 1981 1930-08-13
United States, California, Mariposa, Near Porcupine Creek, in pine forest, 2561m
Mary DeDecker s.n. 1963-07-14
United States, California, Tulare, Sierra Nevada: Tyndall Creek Basin., 3445m
W. B. Augustine 513 1935-09-12
United States, California, Tuolumne, 1/4 miles S of Finger Peaks; Bridgeport, 3140m
R. L. Armacost 34 1933-08-27
United States, California, Fresno, Dry rocky SW slope, Pilot Knob., 3201m
United States, Alaska
United States, Alaska
United States, Alaska
Michael Honer 2663 2007-06-28
United States, California, Fresno, Sierra National ForestAnderson Creek: 2 mi. E of Courtright Resevoir Dam, 50m N of confluence with North Fork Kings River., 37.0742833 -118.9304667, 2134m
M. B. Dunkle 2267 1929-08-19
United States, California, Tulare, Hill above Lake. Colby Pass., 3506m
Chas. H. Quibell 6629 1957-08-05
United States, California, Fresno, W facing glaciated slope above E shore of 10970' Sapphire Lake in upper half of lower NS section of Evolution Basin, 12400+' Mt. Spencer NE and 13117' Mt. Huxley S with 11400' glacial basin between.; Mt Goddard quad.11600' saddle in western wall directly across Sapphire Lake.
RSA0012346 Joan Stewart 853 1998-08-28
United States, California, Tulare, White Chief, Mineral King
D. D. Keck 5003 1938-09-01
United States, California, Tuolumne, Yosemite Nat'l park, slope above and N of middle McCabe Lake, 37.993121 -119.333431, 3150m
E. R. Johnson 8207 1936-08-24
United States, California, Fresno, High Sierra Nevada. Sapphire Lake., 3354m
J. D. Olmsted 888 1959-09-04
United States, California, Tuolumne, Along Return Creek northeast of Glen Aulin trail crossing 10 miles due north of Tuolmne Meadows, Yosemite National Park, 2698m
Harlan W. Irwin s.n. 1959-07-18
United States, California, Fresno, Subalpine meadow community, SW foot of Mt. Givens, on Kaiser Ridge, E of Huntington Lake., 3049m
J. M. Tucker 3811 1964-08-02
United States, California, Alpine, In vincinity of trail from Carson Pass to Winnemucca Lake, and ca. 1/4 mile north of the latter, just south of Carson Pass, 2744m
Culbertson 4312 1904-08-03
United States, California, Tulare, Farewell Gap
Raymond J. Dobbs 7110 1926-08-06
United States, California, Tuolumne, Youngs Lakes, Yosemite National Park, 37.93563843 -119.3385925, 3110m
Henry J. Ramsey 161 1938-08-04
United States, California, Tulare, Franklin Lake, Mineral King, 36.415977 -118.55704
Clare B. Hardham 8787 1961-08-15
United States, California, Fresno, Hell for Sure Pass., 3354m
Chas. H. Quibell 5687 1955-08-14
United States, California, Fresno, Upper French Canyon Basin (Trib. Piute Crk. and S. Fk. San Joaquin Riv.), W over Sierran Crest from Bishop. Elev.+/-13,000 ft.; Pine Crk. Pass N. 11,100 ft.; Crest ca. 12500 ft.; Pilot Knob SW. 12,245 ft.; Basin mostly above 11,000.Lodgepole for. French Canyon up to ca. 10,400 ft. Subalpine forest to 11,000 Ft (even 11,200)
Chas. H. Quibell 6674 1957-08-09
United States, California, Fresno, W wall Goddard Canyon (S Fork San Joaquin River) above deeply entrenched section of River 0.25 mile above entrance (9650') of N Goddard Creek, which descends E wall from Davis Lakes. 12000' Le Conte Divide on W. McGee ridge on E 12500'-13000'.; Blackcap Mtn Quad
Chas. H. Quibell 5401 1955-08-08
United States, California, Fresno, Upper French Canyon Basin. W over Sierran Crest from Bishop, Inyo County, Royce and Median Peaks, WNW over 13000ft. Pine Creek Pass N 11100ft. Crest E alt 12500ft. Pilot Knobs SW 12245ft. Basin mostly above 11000'.Lodgepole for French Canyon up to ca. 10400ft. Subalpine forest to 11200ft. alt 12000ft.In 'Upper Cirgue' SE of 10,000 Mott Lake, 1 1/2 miles from headwaters N Fork Mono Creek; 2 1/2 miles W of 12,841' Red and White Mt. on Sierran crest.
RSA0018709 Joan Stewart 840a 1998-08-28
United States, California, Tulare, Mineral King
E. E. Stanford 2183 1933-08-17
United States, California, Amador, Plants of Silver Lake Region, 2835m
William J. Ferlatte 342 1966-08-05
United States, California, Siskiyou, Caribou Mtn, Open granite slopes and ridges. Near summit., 2470 - 2591m
Chas. H. Quibell 7167 1957-08-20
United States, California, Fresno, Large Lake in 11,400' Saddle in W rim (Le Conte Divide) of great open headwaters basin of Goddard Canyon (S Fk. San Joaquin Riv.) (Blackcap Mt. and Mt. Goddard Quads.) Just W of 13,568' Mt. Goddard.
D. W. Taylor 4620 1974-07-18
United States, California, Alpine, Western slope of Emigrant Lake crique, 2628m
Chas. H. Quibell 5942 1955-08-21
United States, California, Fresno, Hutchinson meadow area (9400') jct. Piute and Fr. Canyon (immed. W of 12,245' Pilot Knob), Trib. S Fork San Joaquin River, 10 map miles E Florence Lake; crests N and S 12,100-12,500'., 37.26545 -118.78289
UAC:Vascular Plants
47519 B.M. Smith a. B. Purdy, A.C. Basso, R. Chengalath CC3486 1987-07-17
Canada, Yukon
UAC:Vascular Plants
47520 B.M. Smith a. B. Purdy, A.C. Basso, R. Chengalath CC3317 1987-07-11
United States, Alaska
UAC:Vascular Plants
47518 B.M. Smith a. B. Purdy, A.C. Basso, R. Chengalath CC3286 1987-07-10
United States, Alaska
UAC:Vascular Plants
25985 C.D. Bird a. G.D. Benson 31624 1972-07-10
Canada, NWT
UAC:Vascular Plants
40743 David Dickson 89 1983-00-00
Canada, NWT
UAC:Vascular Plants
47136 J.G. Chmielewski a. B.M. Smith, B. Purdy, R. Chengalath CC2654 1986-07-13
Canada, Yukon
UAC:Vascular Plants
47137 J.G. Chmielewski a. B.M. Smith, B. Purdy, R. Chengalath CC2413 1986-07-06
United States, Alaska
UAC:Vascular Plants
47138 J.G. Chmielewski a. B.M. Smith, B. Purdy, R. Chengalath CC2422 1986-07-06
United States, Alaska
UAC:Vascular Plants
43224 Ron Long 1-83-54 1983-07-03
Canada, British Columbia
UAC:Vascular Plants
45142 Ron Long 1-84-44 1984-06-30
Canada, Yukon
9009 Henk Gal 499 1971-07-14
Canada, Yukon, Mile 32, road to Clinton Creek, 1219 - 1219m
410050 Walter Fertig 21178 2004-07-07
United States, Alaska, Juneau, Coast Range, Mount Juneau, summit and upper slopes above treeline, ca 1 mile NE of Juneau and Gastineau Channel., 58.318624 -134.402422, 914 - 1067m