Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Berberis x ottawensis
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-15 of 15

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0157465H. E. Ahles   902071980-08-09
U.S.A., Massachusetts, Suffolk, Roadside, Fowl Meadow, Canton.

Auburn University, John D. Freeman Herbarium

Berberis x ottawensis C.K. Schneid. [thunbergii × vulgaris]
Ahles, H. E.   76395A1973-05-11
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, HATFIELD, ON COLE'S PROPERTY

Berberis x ottawensis C.K. Schneid. [thunbergii × vulgaris]
Ahles, H. E.   PLANT #2D1967-00-00
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, HOWARD BIGELOW'S PLACE, CONWAY

The Morton Arboretum Herbarium - Vascular Plants

Berberis × ottawensis 'Golden Ring'
0041067MORPackard, S | Terrien, D   4240V901990-10-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, Dwarf Woody Plants Collection, Bed #7; E-47/20-90

Berberis × ottawensis 'Golden Ring'
0041068MORPackard, S | Terrien, D   4241V901990-10-00
United States of America, Illinois, DuPage, Dwarf Woody Plants Collection, Bed 7; E-47/25-95

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berberis × ottawensis
1355365Stephen Ross   11762001-05-14
United States, Michigan, Mecosta, Green Twp, 1 mile south of Paris Park, White Pine Trail, 43.764023 -85.49326

Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium

LSU:Vascular Plants
Image Associated With the Occurence
LSU00073779Harry E. Ahles   763951973-05-11
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, Rocky woods, Hatfield, on Cole's property.

University of Memphis Herbarium

Berberis × ottawensis C.K.Schneid. ex Rehder
MEM010731H.E. Ahles   76395A1973-05-11
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire

Towson University

Berberis X ottawensis C.K. Schneid. [thunbergii × vulgaris]
BALT0001685Harry Ahles   76395A1973-05-11
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, Hatfield, Coles property

Berberis X ottawensis C.K. Schneid. [thunbergii × vulgaris]
BALT0001686Harry Ahles   2g1967-01-01
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, Conway, Howard Bigelows place

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berberis x ottawensis C.K. Schneid. [thunbergii × vulgaris]
BRIT217064Alyson Tucker   151987-02-28
United States, Texas, Gregg, Woods South of House at 1701 Lakeshore Dr, Longview, TX.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berberis x ottawensis C.K. Schneid. [thunbergii × vulgaris]
BRIT217065Cindy Girdner   1261987-03-16
United States, Texas, Gregg, 1701 Lakeshore Longview, TX.

Pennsylvania State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berberis x ottawensis C.K. Schneid. [thunbergii × vulgaris]
PAC0073089H. E. Ahles   76395A1973-05-11
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, Hatfield, on Cole's property

Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium

Berberis X ottawensis C.K. Schneid. [thunbergii × vulgaris]
H. E. Ahles   76395A1973-05-11
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire

Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania

Image Associated With the Occurence
Berberis x ottawensis C.K. Schneid. [thunbergii × vulgaris]
SLRO004240H.E. Ahles   76395A1973-05-11
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, on Cole's property, Hatfield

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