Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Calystegia sepium subsp. appalachiana
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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University of Minnesota Herbarium

361029Lakela, Olga   37511940-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, Between Carlton and Jay Cooke Park, S of St. Louis River, 46.65651 -92.40326

367333Moore, John W.; Moore, Marjorie F.   105691938-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Faribault, About 2 mi W and 1 mi N of Frost., 43.600822 -93.966615

370725Rosendahl, C.O.; Moore, John W.   132991940-06-27
United States, Minnesota, McLeod, Along Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul railroad, 1 mi W of Sumter., 44.739405 -94.283701

371999Moore, John W.; Jacobs, D.L.   147241941-07-06
United States, Minnesota, Douglas, Along the railroad, 1 mi. N of Garfield., 45.955273 -95.491987

416830Lakela, Olga   97611949-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of White Iron River S of Ely [Superior National Forest], 47.843473 -91.821611

428194Smith, Welby R.   188971991-06-21
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Along the N side of Washburn Lake, about 6 mi E of Hill City. T52N R25W NW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 24 [Hill River State Forest], 46.9969444 -93.4599991

442480Lakela, Olga   135271951-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Hwy 73, near Floodwood Lake, 47.168272 -93.035201

516076Myhre, K.M.   42531993-07-23
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Located 5.5 mi SE of the town of Nickerson; T45N R16W SW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 29 [Nemadji State Forest], 46.352316 -92.394696

603635Moore, John W.; Moore, Marjorie F.   269591966-07-22
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, NE1/4 Sec. 27, Bethel Twp. [Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve], 45.406779 -93.193727

628173Ownbey, Gerald B.   45301972-07-08
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Afton Hills, 0.5 mi S of Afton village [T28N;R20W], 44.907173 -92.81202

631481Richards, Donald; Massey, C. F.   17401971-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Roadside near Johnson Lake 16 mi N of Grand Rapids (in Chippewa National Forest), 47.438334 -93.59609

631482Richards, Donald; Massey, C. F.   21451972-07-03
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Deer Lake, 18 mi NW of Grand Rapids; near N shore of lake, 47.37852 -93.66181

681685Gustitus, Jody   81973-09-28
United States, Minnesota, Washington, off hwy 95, 1/4 mi north of Stillwater [T30N;R20W], 45.084979 -92.817348

687338Wheeler, Gerald A.; Glaser, Paul H.   17671977-06-27
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Collection Site no. 68, Grand Rapids, on N bank of the Mississippi River, the bank just E of where the bridge on hwy 169 Collection Site no. 68, Grand Rapids, on N bank of the Mississippi River, the bank just E of where the bridge on hwy 169 crosses the river in Grand Rapids; NE1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 21 T55N R25W., 47.248397 -93.690202

830980Cholewa, A. F.   20441992-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Snake River County Park just N of Kanabec Co. line, hwy.95 [T43N;R23W;S33], 46.601325 -93.26366

Auburn University, John D. Freeman Herbarium

Radford, A. E.   450141966-07-17
United States, North Carolina, Watauga, BOONE.

Missouri Botanical Garden

102912569R. K. Brummitt   219912009-06-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Somerset, Eockwood, bank of Casselman River 0.5 km up stream from bridge., 39.9166667 -79.15

100773678R. K. Brummitt   219912009-06-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Somerset, Eockwood, bank of Casselman River 0.5 km up stream from bridge., 39.9166667 -79.15

102912567R. K. Brummitt   219912009-06-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Somerset, Eockwood, bank of Casselman River 0.5 km up stream from bridge., 39.9166667 -79.15

102912568R. K. Brummitt   219912009-06-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Somerset, Eockwood, bank of Casselman River 0.5 km up stream from bridge., 39.9166667 -79.15

102912570R. K. Brummitt   219912009-06-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Somerset, Eockwood, bank of Casselman River 0.5 km up stream from bridge., 39.9166667 -79.15

102912571R. K. Brummitt   219912009-06-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Somerset, Eockwood, bank of Casselman River 0.5 km up stream from bridge., 39.9166667 -79.15

West Virginia University Herbarium

Gilbert H. Schubert   1942-07-18
United States, West Virginia, Brooke, Schubert's corn, 39.34027778 -80.84305556

Forrest J. Boggs   1953-06-08
United States, West Virginia, Braxton, Gassaway, south of; Sugar Creek, 39.165 -80.61916667

Marilyn Ortt   37101997-10-16
United States, West Virginia, Wood, Williams Dist.; Williamstown; Waverly Rd, along north side of; S. R. 31, ca. .2 mi. east of, 38.51638889 -80.17777778

Elizabeth A. Bartholomew   1969-09-21
United States, West Virginia, Doddridge, Greenwood, 39.24888889 -80.70722222

William N. Grafton   1973-07-22
United States, West Virginia, Fayette, Babcock State Park; Loop Rd., 38.89416667 -78.1725

Duane Woofter   1959-07-11
United States, West Virginia, Gilmer, Troy, 39.28138889 -79.32666667

Francis Moreland   1965-07-04
United States, West Virginia, Grant, Stoney River; VEPCO Dam gate, 39.24333333 -80.73305556

F. W. Hunnewell   28671914-07-00
United States, West Virginia, Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, 38.20638889 -79.43055556

Wilbert M. Frye   1941-08-17
United States, West Virginia, Hampshire, Pleasant Dale

W. J. Sumpstine   1940-08-20
United States, West Virginia, Hancock, Tomlinson Park

Dwight E. Wratchford   17041960-05-16
United States, West Virginia, Jefferson, Shepherdstown, 39.08527778 -80.84027778

A. S. Margolin   1741938-08-14
United States, West Virginia, Lewis, Jackson's Mill; West Fork River, 38.995 -79.19055556

John L. Sheldon   6941904-08-01
United States, West Virginia, Mason, Point Pleasant, 39.1475 -78.29944444

Dorothy J. Music   1961-07-25
United States, West Virginia, McDowell, Anawalt, 39.28666667 -79.04166667

Botanical Expedition WVU   5201928-08-23
United States, West Virginia, Mineral, Patterson's Creek, 38.91972222 -80.70388889

C. F. Millspaugh   2061890-06-14
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, 38.5425 -80.0975

Amy M. Tunison   41995-10-03
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, Morgantown, University Ave.; behind Pi Beta Phi house, 39.06583333 -80.605

William D. Creasy   1946-07-00
United States, West Virginia, Nicholas, Calvin, near; Beaver Creek, 38.90277778 -81.93416667

Russell West   7641937-08-20
United States, West Virginia, Ohio, Oglebay Park, 39.48944444 -86.92527778

Elizabeth A. Bartholomew   O1934-3821934-07-17
United States, West Virginia, Ohio, Middle Wheeling Creek; Wheeling Girl Scout Camp, below, 39.43333333 -80.83444444

James B. Hinkle   1969-08-00
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Buckskin Res.; near old barn, 39.16361111 -80.275

Opal Martin   1968-06-19
United States, West Virginia, Preston, Kingwood; Martin Farm, 38.93 -80.71055556

John P. Tosh   4111940-09-03
United States, West Virginia, Raleigh, McCreery; Batoff Mt, foot of; behind first house at foot of mountain, 38.52277778 -80.16194444

Howard Perine   1936-00-00
United States, West Virginia, Randolph, Pickens, 38.5425 -80.0975

Roy B. Clarkson   5061955-06-25
United States, West Virginia, Randolph, Valley Bend, south; US 250, at a pond, 38.9125 -80.64694444

Sandra Elmore   1969-09-23
United States, West Virginia, Roane, Methodist Center, near; Spring Creek Rd., 38.95944444 -80.98166667

Roy B. Clarkson   13661957-06-29
United States, West Virginia, Greenbrier, Neola, south of, 604m

Wilbert M. Frye   1953-06-27
United States, West Virginia, Tucker, Dolly Sods, 38.42583333 -81.56944444

Dale Wilson   1965-07-22
United States, West Virginia, Tucker, Dolly Sods, road to, 37.86277778 -79.67583333

George B. Rossbach   59121964-05-27
United States, West Virginia, Upshur, Buckhannon, Florida & Marion Sts.; Jawbone Run, 38.6325 -79.03361111

George B. Rossbach   98211986-07-10
United States, West Virginia, Upshur, Buckhannon; West Virginia Wesleyan College; campus

Oscar E. Haught   4941931-06-23
United States, West Virginia, Wetzel, Littleton, west of, 38.93055556 -80.73638889

Elizabeth A. Bartholomew   W-20331949-09-07
United States, West Virginia, Wirt, Elizabeth, 3 miles east of; Perish Fork of Standingstone Creek, 38.49472222 -79.63833333

R. K. Brummitt   207492002-07-02
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Slaty Fork, 4 km south of; Rt. 55, on; Sharp's Store, opposite filling station by

R. K. Brummitt   207312002-07-01
United States, West Virginia, Pendleton, Franklin, 11.5 km southwest of; Rt. 220, on; Cave, 4 km northeast of

R. K. Brummitt   207262002-07-01
United States, West Virginia, Tucker, Harman, 9.5 km northeast of; Dolly Sods, about 3 km along road to; Rt. 32, from; Teter Farm, opposite

William N. Grafton   1998-09-03
United States, West Virginia, Wood, Muskingum Island; Ohio River, 39.29722222 -79.24777778

G. B. Rossbach   22631960-07-23
United States, West Virginia, Upshur, Buckhannon; Florida St; Jawbone Run, by

G. B. Rossbach   7921955-09-25
United States, West Virginia, Upshur, Tennerton and buckhannon boundary; Rt 4, near; State Guard armory, at; buckhannon river, w side

Greg B. Smith   1984-09-18
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, Morgantown; Core Arboretum; Service Road, along, 38.77388889 -80.39305556

Christopher S. Goode   51997-09-23
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, Morgantown, 101 McLane Ave.; behind apartment complex, 39.29166667 -79.45277778

George B. Rossbach   102531990-08-18
United States, West Virginia, Upshur, Buckhannon; College Avenue; old high school, abandoned yard of, 39.28444444 -79.28916667

George B. Rossbach   101801990-07-21
United States, West Virginia, Upshur, Buckhannon; West Virginia Wesleyan College campus, south of; Camden Avenue, south of, 38.61472222 -79.54194444

Ray Harris   821932-08-00
United States, West Virginia, Calhoun, Pink, 38.35944444 -79.18583333

Ray Harris   1933-07-23
United States, West Virginia, Calhoun, Pink, 39.36888889 -79.49305556

Nicholas Doner   42000-08-26
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia, Caperton Trail, heading toward lock and dam; last road/trail crossing, about 50 meters from, 38.995 -79.19055556

Appalachian State University, I. W. Carpenter, Jr. Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
015017Derick B. Poindexter   08-8292008-08-12
United States, North Carolina, Alleghany, Located along NC 18 N, at the jct. with Grayson St. (SR 1403). Growing in disturbed areas., 36.506546 -81.119612, 884 - 885m

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium: Vascular Plants

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00043869Whiton, John   s.n.1982-08-28
United States, Virginia, Arlington, upstream from Walter Reed Dr. on Four Mile Run

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084637Sears, M. [Michael]   s.n.1965-08-21
United States, North Carolina, Durham, alluvial woodland border, northeast of Durham on Neuse River at Co. line (sw. of Cozart)

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084497Gentry, J.   3301962-06-23
United States, Kentucky, Henry, US 4221 and Six Mile Creek, roadside

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084638Coker, William Chambers   s.n.1926-07-26
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Top of Cold Mt., 35.409551 -82.856243

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United States, Tennessee, Johnson

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00385377Brummitt, R. K.   215732006-08-18
United States, North Carolina, Watauga, 7 miles WNW of Boone, Sugar Grove, opposite gas station;; 36.25 -81.783333, 36.25 -81.783333

NCU:Vascular Plants
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United States, North Carolina, Ashe

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00385742Brummitt, R. K.   216232006-08-22
United States, North Carolina, Watauga, 2 miles WNW of Boone on highway 321 at junction with 105, 36.233333 -81.716667

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084499Downs, Robert M.   79871969-09-05
United States, West Virginia, Mineral, Edge of North Branch of Potomac RIver 1 mile southeast of Piedmont.

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084498Woodward, Harry   15891968-06-14
United States, Kentucky, Oldham, Flora of the Horner Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary Open field 50 ds SW of tobacco barn

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084634Radford, A. E.   411781958-09-28
United States, North Carolina, Ashe, West Jefferson, 36.403736 -81.492883

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084636Ramseur, George S.   7411956-07-10
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe, Grass bald, Craggy Dome, sw. slope near Blue Ridge Pkwy.

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00039480Ward, H. D.   941968-05-18
United States, Virginia, Virginia Beach, The end of Mills Landing Road

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084635Freeman, Oliver Myles   581861958-07-01
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe, Blue Ridge Parkway at Craggy Gardens

NCU:Vascular Plants
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United States, Georgia, Gilmer

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084639Ahles, Harry E.   417011958-05-30
United States, North Carolina, Hertford, 3.7 mi E of Harrelsville

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084640Ahles, Harry E.   463941958-07-14
United States, North Carolina, Madison, jct of NC 208 and US 25-70 N of Walnut, 35.914147 -82.756686

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084641Freeman, Oliver Myles   577511957-08-28
United States, North Carolina, Transylvania, Between Wagon Road Gap and Beech Gap on the Blue Ridge Parkway

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00043872Lane, M.   s.n.1971-07-10
United States, West Virginia, Tucker, Dolly Sods

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084500La Vecchia, Frank   s.n.1973-09-05
United States, West Virginia, Taylor, Grafton, 39.340925 -80.018966

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00039483Eggers Ware, Donna M.   54451974-06-06
United States, Virginia, Surry, In open sun on low bluff above beach near huntclub cabin on bluff above the James River, Drewry Point; just S of boundary of VEPCO Surry Nuclear Power Station; E of Surry.

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084643Rohrer, Joseph R.   2126a1978-07-17
United States, North Carolina, Watauga, SE slope of Hanging Rock Ridge near condominiums -- 3800 ' [feet] Disturbed area; semi-open. Rock type: siltstone FLORA OF THE HANGING ROCK AREA

NCU:Vascular Plants
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NCU00084642Moore, J. Kenneth   25471969-08-10
United States, North Carolina, Watauga, on ridge north of Old Field Bald... A floristic study of Long Hope Creek Valley, 36.350147 -81.638646

Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Herbarium

MMNS039380Max Medley   s.n.2011-06-13
United States, Georgia, Walker, Johns Mountain WMA; on Johns Mountain Overlook, 34.644678 -85.055252

Illinois Natural History Survey

ILLS00150857M.A. & M.F. Basinger   s.n.2012-08-10
United States, North Carolina, Yancey, Along trail 186 off of the Blue Ridge Parkway (Bald Knob Ridge area).

University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium

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United States, Vermont, Chittenden, 44.48735 -73.23124

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United States, Vermont, Rutland, 43.79975 -73.08017

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United States, Vermont, Caledonia, 44.31967 -72.07896

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United States, Vermont, Addison, 44.20635 -73.27721

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Vermont, Caledonia, 44.31967 -72.07896

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United States, Vermont, Franklin, 44.96906 -72.61835

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