A.E. Radford
United States, South Carolina, Dorchester, detailed locality information protected
ASU0138460 A.E. Radford
USA, South Carolina, Dorchester, detailed locality information protected
2255169 S. T. McDaniel 5942 1965-04-13
United States of America, Florida, Wakulla Co., 6 miles west of Newport., 30.199332 -84.281508
2255163 C. R. Jackson 4 1949-04-16
United States of America, Florida, 15 miles north of Tampa, 28.165354 -82.458428
2255159 S. L. Orzell 21677 1993-05-04
United States of America, Florida, Orange Co., Ca. 0.2 mi N of east end of Wheeler Rd, at a point 1.5 mi E of jct Fort Christmas Rd, ca. 2.5 mi N of FL 50 at Christmas; Orlando Wilderness Park; Titusville SW 7.5' Quad. SEQ, SEQ, 28.5714 -80.9986, 6m
2255161 C. Deam 1828 1906-04-08
United States of America, Florida, At Daytona.
2255160 S. L. Orzell 21568 1993-04-15
United States of America, Florida, Dixie Co., On S bank of Steinhatchee River, just upstream from US 19/98/Alt 27 bridge, ca. 0.3 mi S of int FL 51 in Tennile (in Taylor Co.); Clara 7.5' Quad. SWQ, NEQ, NEQ, 29.775 -83.3233, 5m
2255165 W. M. Canby s.n. 1869-03-00
United States of America, Florida, Clay Co., 30.065241 -81.697593
2255162 R. M. Harper 28 1925-04-19
United States of America, Florida, Wakulla Co., About 2 miles northwest of St. Marks, 30.170529 -84.223743
11033 A. W. Chapman s.n.
United States of America, Florida, 30.57575 -85.016864
02255158 S. L. Orzell 19166 1992-03-15
United States of America, Florida, Sumter Co., On both sides of FL 50, 2.8 mi W of Lake Co. line, 2.5 mi W of jct FL 469, ca. 2.2 air mi ENE of Linden; Mascotte (and Webster) 7.5' Quad. NEQ, NEQ, SWQ, 28.5719 -81.9986, 30m
2255167 R. M. Harper 37 1909-04-26
United States of America, Florida, Levy Co., About 3 miles southwest of Sumner, 29.186105 -83.002911
2255164 S. T. McDaniel 6086 1965-05-02
United States of America, Florida, Columbia Co., 3 miles west of Lula.
02531068 W. D. Longbottom 18764 2013-03-03
United States of America, Florida, Dixie Co., Along CR 358, across from entrance to Dixie Sportman's Hunt Club, edge of woods at roadside., 29.69114 -83.21083
2255166 A. J. A. Fredholm 5110 1902-04-24
United States of America, Florida, Duval Co., Hummock
2255168 A. J. A. Fredholm 5110 1902-04-24
United States of America, Florida, Duval Co., 30.335441 -81.648009
Lucas C. Majure 8213 2020-05-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, Gainesville, Rock Creek Neighborhood off of NW 34th St. and NW 36th Dr, along Possum Creek (tributary of Hogtown Creek), 29.6773 -82.376693, 55m
Lucas C. Majure 7614 2019-03-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, Gainesville, University of Florida Campus, Natural Areas Teaching Lab, East of SW 34th St, and east of Natural Area Dr., 29.631307 -82.369024, 45m
Lucas C. Majure 8199 2020-03-08
United States, Florida, Alachua, San Felasco Hammock Preserve State Park North Entrance, S side of Hwy. 232, 29.712988 -82.461784, 61m
Lucas C. Majure 10659 2024-03-30
U.S.A., FL, Marion, Roadside off of E Co. Rd. 316, 6.2 km W of Ft. McCoy., 29.36855 -82.03773, 8m
USCH0067185 Roark, D. N.
United States, South Carolina, Aiken, detailed locality information protected
USCH0067186 Roark, D. N.
United States, South Carolina, Aiken, detailed locality information protected
USCH0067183 McMillan, Patrick D.
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, detailed locality information protected
USCH0060403 McMillan, Patrick 6152 2002-04-04
United States, Florida, Osceola County, Intercession City
USCH0060409 Orzell, Steve L. 19311 1992-04-06
United States, Florida, Alachua
USCH0060408 Orzell, Steve L. 21229 1993-02-18
United States, Florida, Pasco
USCH0060407 Orzell, Steve L. 19182 1992-03-18
United States, Florida, Seminole
USCH0060406 Bryson, Charles T. 7921 1988-06-02
United States, Florida, Jefferson
USCH0060405 Anderson, Loran C. 15443 1995-04-17
United States, Florida, Wakulla
USCH0060404 Anderson, Loran C. 15458 1995-04-29
United States, Florida, Wakulla
USCH0067184 Antieau, Clayton
United States, South Carolina, Aiken, detailed locality information protected
AUA000020495 Flournoy, Denise R. 139 1973-10-19
United States, Florida, Calhoun, 4.5 MI S OF JACKSON CO. LINE ON SAME FLA. 73S.
CLEMS0007343 McMillan, P.D.
United States, Florida, Osceola, detailed locality information protected
CLEMS0007342 McMillan, P.D.
United States, Florida, Osceola, detailed locality information protected
CLEMS0023914 Richard.D D. Porcher, Jr.
United States, South Carolina, Hampton, detailed locality information protected
CLEMS0006207 McMillan, P.D.
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, detailed locality information protected
CLEMS0006206 McMillan, P.D.
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, detailed locality information protected
100787611 J. Richard Abbott 14889 2002-06-03
United States, Florida, Saint Johns, [NAD 83] west of St. Augustine; accessed N of C.R. 208 (Picolata Road) on C.R. 13A (Pacetti Road) then E on Scaff Road, then SE on foot toward Turnbull Creek; floodplain swamp and bottomland forest on west side of creek (fairly nice quality)., 29.925 -81.4742
100787609 J. Richard Abbott 14243 2001-04-07
United States, Florida, Levy, Devil's Hammock; southwest of Bronson on FL 24, then ca 1.8 map miles N of FL 24 on W side of the Waccasassa River (ca 700' SSE from end of unmarked logging road). Bottomland forest (mosaic with floodplain swamp); many parts clear-cut (2 years ago?)., 29.3812 -82.7365
100787612 J. Richard Abbott 8348 1996-04-06
United States, Florida, Alachua, NW Gainesville, San Felasco Hammock Preserve State Park, parking lot S of trailhead on Millhopper Road (= NW 53rd Avenue & C.R. 232), ca 500-600 m W of I-75 overpass bridge; along trail to E and S of parking area (and road)., 29.7081 -82.4536
2713007 Anonymous s.n.
United States, Florida, Gadsden
2713923 Sidney T. McDaniel 5938 1965-04-13
United States, Florida, Wakulla, 6 miles west of Newport, hardwood hammock near lower bridge of Wakulla River, common in sandy soil over limestone.
102164590 Sidney T. McDaniel 5896 1965-04-10
United States, Florida, Gadsden, Aspalaga, mesic bluff above floodplain of Apalachicola River.
3270485 John R. MacDonald 8505 1995-04-29
United States, Florida, Wakulla, St. Marks National Wildlife refuge, just off of Tram Rd. ca. 150'; growing in median of side road.
2712749 CHATER 4588 1891-04-00
United States, Capseo
2712823 Sidney T. McDaniel 5896 1965-04-10
United States, Florida, Gadsden, Aspalaga, mesic bluff above floodplain of Apalachicola River.
2712809 Allen H. Curtiss 3226
United States, Florida, Dry woods near Mosquito Inlet
2712783 Joseph R. Churchill 101 1897-04-08
United States, Florida, Duval, "Wilber's; St. Nicholas; So. Jacksonville
2713894 Anonymous s.n.
United States, Florida
100787607 J. Richard Abbott 10084 1997-04-01
United States, Florida, Hamilton, NE of White Springs; Big Shoals Conservation Area and Tract; accessed south of FL 135 on Godwin Bridge Road to parking area above Suwannee River (south of junction with Long Branch)., 30.3533 -82.6883
100787608 J. Richard Abbott 18752 2004-03-23
United States, Florida, Taylor, Snipe Island Unit, Big Bend Wildlife Management Area; south off U.S. 98 on Mandalay Road, then NW in powerline right of way, then N into woods., 30.1436 -83.9709
100787610 J. Richard Abbott 14331 2001-05-18
United States, Florida, Levy, Waccasassa Bay State Preserve (recently acquired portion, not inventoried during JRA's M.S. thesis at UF); southeast of Sumner (walked in from near the Park Headquarters on FL 24, following newly-marked boundary, then south -- no direct access)., 29.2041 -82.9643
100787613 J. Richard Abbott 14243 2001-04-07
United States, Florida, Levy, Devil's Hammock; southwest of Bronson on FL 24, then ca 1.8 map miles N of FL 24 on W side of the Waccasassa River (ca 700' SSE from end of unmarked logging road). Bottomland forest (mosaic with floodplain swamp); many parts clear-cut (2 years ago?)., 29.3812 -82.7365
100787627 J. Richard Abbott 13355 2000-03-15
United States, Florida, Suwannee, Woods Ferry Conservation Area; ca 7.3 map miles NE of Live Oak, 2 miles W of the junction of I-75 and the Suwannee River; 1.7 miles NW on C.R. 136A from C.R. 136, then ca .1 mile NE and .6 mile W on unmarked dirt roads., 30.345 -82.87
2712855 Allen H. Curtiss 4739 1894-04-28
United States, Florida, Dry oak woods near Jacksonville
100999713 Richard Carter 16530 2006-04-29
United States, Georgia, Camden, Ca. 5.0 airmiles ESE Burnt Fort; vic. Jim Baileys Mill, USGS Jerusalem Quad., 30.9239667 -81.8209833
2712908 Allen H. Curtiss 3226
United States, Florida, Dry woods near Mosquito Inlet
2712882 Anonymous 4619 1891-04-00
United States, Under Torreyas, [Cha...]
2712946 Allen H. Curtiss 3226
United States, Florida, Dry woods near Mosquito Inlet
2713766 V.E. McNeilus
United States, Tennessee, Jefferson, detailed locality information protected
2713885 Roland M. Harper 33 1909-04-25
United States, Florida, Alachua, Open sandy hammock around Alachua Sink
2713810 Curtis s.n.
United States, Florida
2713941 Anonymous s.n.
United States, Florida, Aspalaga., 30.618 -84.908
2713968 Robert F. Thorne 3110 1947-04-14
United States, Georgia, Decatur, Sandy woods, ravine, bluff along Flint River, 1 mile north of Chattahoochee
DEK00098415 Steve L. Orzell 21336 1993-03-25
United States, Florida, Saint Johns, along Nine Mile Rd (also known as International Golf Pkwy.), from 1.7-1.9 mi W of jct of US 1, ca. 4.9 mi E of US 95 bridge, ca. 9 air mi NW of St. Augustine; Twelvemile Swamp; 7.5' Quad.; Bakersville., 29.999722 -81.418333, 9 - 10m
APSC0048351 R. Kral 1977-04-10
United States, Florida, Columbia
USA, Florida, Wakulla
0091737MOR Curtis, L s.n. 2014-04-00
United States of America, Florida, Citrus, Three Sisters Spring, Crystal River. Cutler Spur., 28.891238 -82.5869
WVA-V-0003541 Radford, A. E.
United States, South Carolina, Dorchester, detailed locality information protected
DUKE10037394 LeBlond, Richard J. 2751 1992-05-13
United States, North Carolina, Columbus, along Snake Island Road (SR 1927), about 0.3 mi SE of jct with Hallsboro Road (SR 1001), 34.198076 -78.604266
DUKE10037395 Blomquist, Hugo Leander 15106 1951-04-28
United States, North Carolina, Craven, about 1 mi W of Cherry Point, off hw 70 on old road to Morehead City, 34.881775 -76.866667
74658 McMillan, Patrick D; Kelly, Brendon
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, detailed locality information protected
v0276011WIS McNeilus, Vern E. 90-126 1990-04-05
United States, Florida, Jefferson, Along Rte 98, close to Aucilla River; Jefferson County, 30.376529 -83.805036
v0276007WIS S.L. Orzell; E.L. Bridges 19354 1992-04-08
United States, Florida, Lake, W edge of Black Water Swamp, ca. 1.4 air mi W of Lake Norris, ca. 2.4 air mi SE of jct FL 42 and FL 439, ca. 12 ir mi NE of Tavares; Paisley 7.5' Quad; SWQ, 28.931389 -81.575556, 11m
v0276008WIS A.K. Gholson, Jr; B. Godfrey 11298 1985-04-24
United States, Florida, Jefferson, 0.4 mi S of Aucilla River; S of US 98; Jefferson County, 30.423458 -83.900474
v0276009WIS C.T. Bryson 7921 1988-06-02
United States, Florida, Jefferson, 0.4 mi W of Aucilla River; S of US Hwy 98, 30.148508 -83.993837
v0276010WIS McNeilus, Vern E. 90-136 1990-04-06
United States, Florida, Jefferson, ca. 2.5 mi S of Wacissa Springs along Rt 59, 30.332469 -84.025219
1428143 Roland M. Harper 3632 1938-04-11
United States, Georgia, Early, Kirkland Creek near Howard's Mill.
1365733 Steve L. Orzell & Edwin L. Bridges
United States, South Carolina, Greenville, detailed locality information protected
1365735 Philip E. Hyatt
United States, South Carolina, Barnwell, detailed locality information protected
1365736 Philip E. Hyatt
United States, South Carolina, Barnwell, detailed locality information protected
1365738 Steven R. Hill | Rick Meyers
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley, detailed locality information protected
1365739 Robert F.C. Naczi
United States, South Carolina, Oconee, detailed locality information protected
1365740 Clayton Antieau
United States, South Carolina, Aiken, detailed locality information protected
1365741 Thomas F. Wieboldt 5552 1985-05-25
United States, Virginia, Giles, Little Meadows. Along Little Stony Creek a short ways above St. Rt. 714. 2 1/2 miles SE of Interior, VA., 937m
1365742 Richard Carter | P. Bauer, H. Cantrell, J. Lusk, J. Robertson 8626 1991-05-18
United States, Georgia, Union, Bank of West Fork of Wolf Creek, 1.9 miles W of Hwy US 19-129 (Sunrise Grocery) by Wold Creek Road (F.S. Rd. #107).
1365743 Dennis A. Albert s.n. 1992-03-26
United States, Florida, Hamilton, Big Shoals, Suwanee River, White Springs Quadrangle.
1365744 William W. Ashe 1207
United States, North Carolina, Orange, Chapel Hill.
1365745 A.K. Gholson, Jr | Bob Godfrey 11298 1985-04-24
United States, Florida, Jefferson, 0.4 mi s of Aucilla River; s of US 98. Margin of swampy area.
1365746 Charles T. Bryson 7918 1988-06-02
United States, Florida, Wakulla, 0.6 mi E Wakulla River, S of US Hwy 98.
1365747 Albert E. Radford
United States, South Carolina, Dorchester, detailed locality information protected
1365748 A.K. Gholson, Jr | Bob Godfrey 11300 1985-04-24
United States, Florida, Wakulla, 0.65 mi e of Wakulla River, s side of US Hwy 98. S of Tallahassee.
1365749 Sidney McDaniel 5942 1965-04-13
United States, Florida, Wakulla, 6 miles west of Newport.
1365750 Charles C. Deam 1828 1906-04-08
United States, Florida, Volusia, Daytona.
1365751 Steve L. Orzell & Edwin L. Bridges 16373 1991-04-15
United States, Florida, Polk, At W edge of Reedy Creek Swamp near mouth of Horse Creek, ca 2.6 air mi E of the center of Davenport. Davenport 7.5' Quad., 28.154167 -81.559167, 22 - 24m
1365752 Steve L. Orzell & Edwin L. Bridges 13223 1990-04-28
United States, Florida, Marion, On S side of FS Rd 71 at crossing of Morman Branch, ca 0.4 mi E of FL 19 at a point ca 1.3 mi S of Juniper Creek bridge & ca 2.2 mi N of int FL 40; Morman Branch, Ocala NF, F.M. Arredondo Grant. Juniper Springs 7.5' Quad., 29.198611 -81.651111, 2m
1365753 A.K. Gholson, Jr | Bob Godfrey 11298 1985-04-24
United States, Florida, Jefferson, 0.4 mi s of Aucilla River; s of US 98. Margin of swampy area.
1365754 Charles T. Bryson 7921 1988-06-02
United States, Florida, Jefferson, 0.4 mi W of the Aucilla River, S of US Hwy 98.
1365755 Vern E. McNeilus 90-126 1990-04-05
United States, Florida, Jefferson, Along Rt. 98, at edge of woods. Close to Aucilla River.
1428558 Steve L. Orzell & Edwin L. Bridges 19311 1992-04-05
United States, Florida, Alachua, S side of FL 236, 1.9 mi E of jct FL 235-A, 2.6 mi E of jct I-75, ca. 5 mi W of Santa Fe, Townsend Branch; High Springs 7.5' Quad, 29.870833 -82.504167