ASU0139118 B.L. Wilson 14965 2008-07-10
United States, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, 0.9 mile upstream from Forest Service road 3915 on Forest Service road 4015-019, 1777m
ASC00125180 A. Tiehm 18837 2020-08-17
United States, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Mountains, camp area N end of N Hidden Lake, west of the Ruby Valley Forest Service Station., 40.74632 -115.28248, 2914m
ASC00097042 P. Zika 25193 2010-07-21
United States, Oregon, Douglas, NE shore of Diamond Lake, near boat launch, 43.173333 -122.136667, 1580m
ASC00097049 P. Zika 25209 2010-07-22
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Near Route 20, W of Grouse Gap, Siskiyou Mountains., 42.068611 -122.735277, 2060m
2294460 N. Otting 706 2003-07-15
United States of America, California, Lassen Co., Sierra Nevada Mountains, Diamond Mountain, 1000 ft E of summit, 7.5 air mi SSW of Susanville., 40.31189 -120.68903, 2256m
02294459 B. L. Wilson 11440 2005-07-19
United States of America, Oregon, Jackson Co., 2.2 mi due SW of Dutchman Peak, Rogue River National Forest., 42.2117 -122.91026, 1814m
2294461 B. L. Wilson 11400 2005-07-18
United States of America, Oregon, Jackson Co., Between the Pacific Crest Trail and Rogue River National Forest road 20, near the intersection with the road to the summit of Mt. Ashland. NW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec. 20. Willamette Meridian., 42.07824 -122.72546, 2033m
2294463 B. L. Wilson 14889 2008-07-08
United States of America, Oregon, Lake Co., North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, upstream from where Forest Service road 3915 crosses the creek and meets road 4015., 42.9539171 -122.6436035, 1771m
2294462 G. H. True 3962
United States of America, California, Nevada Co., Sagehen Creek Wildlife and Fisheries Station of the University of California, 1981m
BRYV0302839 J. F. Smith 17725 2021-07-15
U.S.A., Idaho, Lemhi, Salmon-Challis National Forest. Alng Forest Service Road 020., 45.00668 -114.12051, 2528m
BRYV0300169 J. F. Smith 17720 2021-07-15
U.S.A., Idaho, Lemhi, FPNW 2. Along Forest Service Road 020., 45.00668 -114.12051, 2528m
BRYV0300990 Trista Crook 92 2021-07-15
U.S.A., Idaho, Lemhi, Top of Lake Mountain off of FS road 389 (Lake Mtn. Road), by radio tower., 45.02131 -114.08353, 2816m
BRYV0303087 J. F. Smith 17935 2021-07-17
U.S.A., Idaho, Lemhi, Salmon-Challis National Forest. Alng Warm Spring Creek. North northeast of Watson Peak. Along Forest Service Road 150., 44.0256 -113.8293, 2321m
BRYV0304140 J. F. Smith 17503 2021-06-27
U.S.A., Idaho, Adams, Mill Creek Road (Forest Service road 65)., 44.73481 -116.32698, 1727m
BRYV0302699 J. F. Smith 17956 2021-07-17
U.S.A., Idaho, Lemhi, Salmon-Challis National Forest. Along Warm Spring Creek. North northeast of Watson Peak. Along Forest Service road 007 from Mormon Canyon road off of Forest Service Road 150., 44.90256 -113.8293, 2321m
BRYV0091094 Barbara L. Wilson 14964 2008-07-10
U.S.A., Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, on Forest Service road 4015, 4.0 miles upstream its junction with Forest Service road 3915., 42.03088 -120.20516, 2130m
2770847 Morton E. Peck 9542 1920-07-17
United States, Oregon, Open woods, Fort Klamath.
2770957 Walter J. Eyerdam s.n. 1932-06-00
United States, Washington, 8 Mi. North Of Seattle.
90253 B.L. Wilson 16437 2010-08-19
USA, Oregon, Grant, Malheur National Forest: Forest Service road 1640-075, to Indian Camp, south side of Strawberry Mountain., 44.258373 -118.698989, 2095m
106323 A. Tiehm 18837 2020-08-17
USA, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Mountains, camp area N end of N Hidden Lake, west of the Ruby Valley Forest Service Station., 40.74632 -115.28248, 2914m
0057335MOR Wilson, B | Otting, N 14951 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, 0.7 mile upstream from Forest Service road 3915 on Forest Service road 4015-019., 1777m
0057360MOR Wilson, B | Newhouse, B 15092 2008-08-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake, Fremont National Forest; on Forest Service road 3372, 3 miles or less by road north of the intersection with Road 34, near Wagon Wheel Flat., 1983m
0073377MOR Wilson, B | Otting, N 15014 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0073376MOR Wilson, B | Otting, N 14948 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0057361MOR Wilson, B | Housely, L 15085 2008-08-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; south of Forest Service Road 4011, which parallels Willow Creek., 1863m
0073386MOR Wilson, B 15013 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0073381MOR Wilson, B | Otting, N 14949 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0073384MOR Wilson, B 15015 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0056143MOR Wilson, B | Otting, N 15018 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, along road 4015, 1/4 mile or less upstream (+/- west) of Forest Service Road 3915., 1770m
0073319MOR Wilson, B 15011 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, 0.7 mile upstream from Forest Service road 3915 on Forest Service road 4015-019., 1777m
0101040MOR Janeway, L 10149 2010-08-00
United States of America, California, Glenn, High North Coast Ranges. Plaskett Meadows 7.5' quad. Northwest edge of large rock outcrop on norht side of Black Butte, 0.4 km north of the top., 39.7294444 -122.869722, 2114m
0072090MOR Wilson, B 15015 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, 0.7 mile upstream from Forest Service road 3915 on Forest Service road 4015-019, 1777m
0101043MOR Janeway, L 10119 2010-07-00
United States of America, California, Glenn, Plasket Meadows 7.5'quad. High North Coast Ranges. Along Road 22N11 at southwest end of Yellow Jacket Glade, 1.1 km south of the top of Black Butte., 39.7169444 -122.869444, 1706m
0066135MOR Zika, P 26288 2013-06-00
United States of America, California, Plumas, Near trailhead to Frazier Falls, FS Road 501, 4.2 road miles S of junction with Route 24, 2.0 air km WNW of Mills Peak; northern High Sierra Nevada (nSNH)., 39.708 -120.646, 1885m
0073387MOR Otting, N | Wilson, B 1945B 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0084340MOR Zika, P 25209 2010-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Jackson, Near Route 20, W of Grouse Gap, Siskiyou Mountains., 42.068611 -122.735277, 2060m
0066185MOR Zika, P 25988 2012-07-00
United States of America, California, Tehama, Yolla Bolly Mountain Trail, c. 0.5 miles W of Cold Fork Trail junction, Yolla Bolly Mountains; North Coast Range Highlands., 40.183167 -122.945333, 2130m
0061667MOR Ahart, L | Dittes, J | Guardino, J 16,108 2009-07-00
United States of America, California, Plumas, About 20 yards east of Forest Service Road 27N26, about 1000 feet northwest of Powerhouse at the north end of Butt Valley Reservoir, about 3 miles (air) southwest of Lake Almanor., 40.1765 -121.194, 1302m
0084670MOR Wilson, B | Housely, L 15126 2008-08-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; along road that goes northwest from the last intersection before Willow Creek Campground, 1876m
0061845MOR Janeway, L 9502 2008-07-00
United States of America, California, Siskiyou, Klamath Ranges; Siskiyou Mountains; 3.2 air km southwest of Cook and Green Pass, 0.4 km southeast of Red Butte., 41.920556 -123.190278, 1737m
0073382MOR Wilson, B 15013 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0073385MOR Wilson, B | Newhouse, B 15091 2008-08-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0073388MOR Zika, P 25193 2010-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Douglas, 43.173333 -122.136666
0073378MOR Wilson, B 15010 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0073374MOR Wilson, B | Otting, N 14949 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0073375MOR Wilson, B | Otting, N 15017 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0063422MOR Janeway, L | Castro, B 8882 2006-09-00
United States of America, California, Plumas, High Cascade Rangs. About 100 m east of Jedidiah Colter Lake (between Blue Lake and North Arm Rice Creek). Reading Peak 7.5' quad., 40.409167 -121.457222, 1975m
0063423MOR Janeway, L 7910 2003-07-00
United States of America, California, Plumas, High Cascade Range. At the end-of-the-road trailhead parking for trail to Little Willow Lake; 200 m southeast of Little Willow Lake. Reading Peak 7.5' quad., 40.41 -121.387778, 1853m
0073379MOR Wilson, B | Otting, N 15018 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0073380MOR Wilson, B | Otting, N 14947 2008-07-00
United States of America, Oregon, Lake
0063440MOR Janeway, L 8738 2006-07-00
United States of America, California, Siskiyou, Klamath Ranges. Salmon Mountains; slope on south side of South Fork Salmon River 0.5 km west of Carter Meadows Summit Deadman Peak 7.5' quad., 41.219444 -122.906389, 1783m
0073383MOR Wilson, B | Kuykendall, K | Nelson, J | Newhouse, B 10557 2001-07-00
United States of America, California, Trinity
USA, Idaho, Fremont
DAV332822 Ellen Dean 9154 2016-07-19
United States, California, El Dorado, El Dorado County: West side of Tahoe Basin. Northern end of D.L. Bliss State Park. Along fire road that begins near park residences on the west side of Highway 89., 38.98 -120.106944, 2135m
DAV332826 Ellen Dean 10532 2019-08-16
United States, California, Placer, Placer County: Northwest corner of the Tahoe Basin. Burton Creek State Park. Western part of Burton Creek Natural Reserve meadow. South of Burton Creek., 39.19 -120.13, 2035m
DAV332823 Ellen Dean, M. Starbuck, 5141 2008-07-19
United States, California, Placer, Placer County: Donner State Park, newly acquired lands to the SW of Donner Lake, along Emigrant Trail on the N side of the north fork of Cold Creek, forest clearing off trail., 39.2922556534757 -120.299825660082, 2112m
DAV332825 Jennifer Poore 57 2019-07-19
United States, California, Placer, Placer County: Northwestern corner of the Tahoe Basin. Burton Creek State Park. Burton Natural Reserve, meadow to the SE of Antone Meadow. Upland from the meadow., 39.19 -120.13, 2012m
DAV332824 C.E.H.R. Meadow Assessment 492 1999-08-19
United States, California, Placer, Placer County: Lake Tahoe Basin; Blackwood Canyon. UTM's 10 743067E, 4332664N., 39.100292 -120.200963, 1939m
v0426329WIS Mansfield, D.H.; Corbin, B. 20374 2020-07-23
United States, Idaho, Owyhee, Silver City Range; northeast facing slope of Turntable Mountain southeast of War Eagle Peak; 3.6 airmiles SE of Silver City., 42.99395 -116.69882, 2298m
1430217 Barbara L. Wilson | Nick Otting 14888 2008-07-08
United States, Oregon, Lake, Deep Creek, upstream from where Forest Service road 3915 crosses the creek & meets road 4015, 42.060871 -120.162136, 1753m
1430218 Barbara L. Wilson | Nick Otting 14956 2008-07-10
United States, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, 0.7 mile upstream from Forest Service road 3915 on Forest Service road 4015-019, 1777m
1430219 Barbara L. Wilson 15015 2008-00-00
United States, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, 0.7 mile upstream from Forest Service road 3915 on Forest Service road 4015-019, 1777m
1430220 Peter F. Zika 25193 2010-07-21
United States, Oregon, Douglas, along NE shore of Diamond Lake, near boat launch, 43.173333 -122.136667
1381783 Andrew L. Hipp | Glen C. Clifton 703 1999-07-11
United States, California, Alpine, SE of parking area at Luther Pass, just east of Grass Lake, Toiyabe Nat'l Forest., 38.785833 -119.940278, 2316m
1428174 W. W. Eggleston 22218 1928-07-16
United States, California, Plumas, Mount Hough, Plumas Forest
1428175 Willard W. Eggleston 21485 1927-07-11
United States, California, Lassen, Bogard Ranger Station, Lassen Forest., 1500m
1459950 Lawrence P. Janeway 10092 2010-07-11
United States, California, Glenn, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1459950, 39.670833 -122.850833, 2020m
1459951 Peter F. Zika 26288 2013-06-28
United States, California, Plumas, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1459951, 39.708 -120.646, 1885m
MISSA008931 Marcus E. Jones 2515 1881-07-25
United States, California, Nevada, Soda Springs, 39.32309 -120.380154
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck s.n. 1917-08-03
United States, Washington, Klickitat, Simcue Mountains, 15 mi. N of Goldendale., 46.0231 -120.8269
Peter F. Zika 12726 1995-09-01
United States, Oregon, Klamath, 10 meters below Rim Drive, below Applegate Peak, E slope of the Cascade Mountains, Crater Lake National Park., 42.8972956507 -122.099705508, 2115m
James W. Thompson; J. William Thompson 13209 1936-07-11
United States, Oregon, Lake, Slopes of Crane Mountain near Lakeview, 42.0701 -120.2464, 2438m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 3385 1916-08-30
United States, Oregon, Klamath, S rim of Crater Lake., 42.9018 -122.095
Barbara L. Wilson; Barbara Wilson, Kuykendall, Otting, Zika 6314 1993-08-06
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Mt Ashland, slope NW of the summit, 42.0869335251 -122.723851265
Peter F. Zika 12691 1995-08-28
United States, Oregon, Klamath, Junction of Rim Drive & Pinnacles Road, Kerr Notch, E slope of Cascade Mountains., 42.91526 -122.06532, 2042m
James W. Thompson; J.W. Thompson s.n. 1925-08-14
United States, Oregon, Klamath, Crater Lake, E of Government Camp, 42.942 -122.1064
Barbara J. Ertter; Barbara Ertter, Linda Vorobik 6483 1986-06-29
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Siskiyou Mountains, ca. 15 airmiles SW of Ashland; ridge of Jackson Gap above road; above headwaters of Silver Fork., 42.0238932854 -122.880016993, 2134m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 23854 1945-07-20
United States, Oregon, Josephine, near Bolan Lake., 42.0225 -123.4583
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 3414 1915-08-19
United States, Oregon, Baker, Near Lakes Ranger Station, Elkhorn Mountains 17 mi. W of North Powder, 44.9624 -118.2294, 2500m
Barbara L. Wilson; Barbara L. Wilson, Richard Brainerd 11400 2005-07-18
United States, Oregon, Jackson, between the Pacific Crest Trail and Rogue River National Forest road 20; near the intersection with the road to the summit of Mt. Ashland., 42.07824 -122.72546, 2033m
OSC-V-259174 P. Zika 12719 1995-09-01
United States, Oregon, Klamath, 0.5 road miles E of Sun Cr, Grayback Ridge Road., 42.8828194552 -122.089811797, 2027m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 3415 1915-08-13
United States, Oregon, Baker, Rock Creek Lake, Elkhorn Mountains, 17 mi. W of Haines, 44.8225 -118.1086
Donald H. Mansfield; Don Mansfield 92-192 1992-07-30
United States, Oregon, Harney, Steens Mountain, above (E of) Little Wildhorse Lake., 42.6278211505 -118.594628195, 2743m
Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 8631 1927-07-20
United States, Oregon, Harney, Banks of stream above Fish Lake, Steens Mountains., 42.7372 -118.6467, 1890m
Louis F. Henderson; L.F. Henderson 5584 1925-07-30
United States, Oregon, Grant, Strawberry Mountain, Blue Mountains., 44.3125 -118.7156, 2591m
Wayne E. Rolle; Wayne Rolle 1170 1997-08-28
United States, Oregon, Josephine, vicinity of Grayback/Sugarloaf Mountian., 42.1173842204 -123.306085174, 1890m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 3416 1915-08-30
United States, Oregon, Baker, Slope of Wallowa Mountains, 6 mi. NE of Cornucopia, 45.070052762 -117.104947966922, 2300m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 10223 1921-07-15
United States, Oregon, Grant, Strawberry Mountains, 2 mi. S of Strawberry Lake, 44.2845 -118.6792
OSC-V-261470 David M. Danley 3155 1991-07-09
United States, Oregon, Klamath, Winema National Forest, along Rd. 603, Clover Creek Rd., 42.243499 -122.106809, 1463m
Barbara L. Wilson; Barbara L. Wilson, Nick Otting 14966 2008-07-10
United States, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, 2.4 road miles upstream from Forest Service road 3915 on Forest Service road 4015-019., 42.0448 -120.1946, 1912m
Frederick L. Wynd; F. Lyle Wynd 1650 1929-08-11
United States, Oregon, Klamath, Crater Lake Park, 42.8997 -122.1328
Donald H. Mansfield; D. Mansfield 7300 2007-06-26
United States, Oregon, Harney, in aspen stand in upper Fir Creek, one mile east and one mile north from Lily Lake on Steens Mountain, east of Frenchglen., 42.767 -118.649616666667, 2152m
William E. Lawrence; W.E. Lawrence 4290 1927-07-10
United States, Oregon, Harney, Fish Lake, Steens Mountain., 42.7372 -118.6467
Philip A. Munz 18366 1973-06-24
United States, Oregon, Lake, Willow Creek Forestry Camp, Warner Mountains., 42.0984 -120.2074, 1768m
Peter F. Zika 11236 1991-07-03
United States, Oregon, Harney, ca. 0.5 mi S of Steens Mt. Loop Rd.; Burns BLM; tributary to Donner & Blitzen River; dry meadow 20 feet from N bank of Corral Cr., 42.749171712 -118.726857011, 1905m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 19714 1937-07-05
United States, Oregon, Klamath, 2 mi. NW of Ft. Klamath, 42.725284254 -122.022521240559
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 23863 1945-07-20
United States, Oregon, Josephine, near Bolan Lake., 42.0225 -123.4583
Donald H. Mansfield; D. Mansfield 7311 2007-06-26
United States, Oregon, Harney, one half mile down Fir Creek into private land from one mile east and one mile north from Lily Lake on Steens Mountain, east of Frenchglen., 42.76735 -118.649233333333, 2134m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 19292 1936-07-13
United States, Oregon, Douglas, Diamond Lake., 43.1789 -122.1378
Barbara L. Wilson; Barbara L. Wilson, Nick Otting 14889 2008-07-08
United States, Oregon, Lake, North Warner Mountains; Deep Creek, upstream from where Forest Service road 3915 crosses the creek and meets road 4015., 42.0599 -120.164, 1771m