UCR0061212 G. Fred Hrusa 13169 1996-07-09
United States, California, Butte, c. 1 m. on 22N89; immediately south of Rogers Cow Camp on Hwy 162, 39.75 -121.3, 335m
16836 G.L. Clifton 1971-08-04
United States, California, Butte, Local landmark: Merrimac. Pulga Quad., 39.757611 -121.297611, 1219m
Hrusa, G.; Wilfred, T. 13161 1996-07-09
United States, California, Butte County, Butte County, 39.7666667 -121.2833333, - 1150m
Hrusa, G.; Wilfred, T. 13174 1996-07-09
United States, California, Butte County, Plumas National Forest, 39.75 -121.3, - 1100m
United States, California, Plumas
101390118 Lawrence P. Janeway 4421 1993-07-02
United States, California, Butte, Berry Creek quad, T22N, R5E, NW1/4 of SE1/4 of sec. 27. Chino Ridge, 200 ft southeast of Chino Creek along Road 23N28, 4.6 mi north of Road 22N34. South-facing road cutbank through decomposing granite., 805m
337801 Mary Susan Taylor 1804 1978-07-21
United States, California, Butte, On N and S side of Oroville-Quincy Hwy, ca. 9 mi N of Lake Madrone, ca. 19 mi NE of Oroville; Yellow Pine Forest., 914m
101390124 Lawrence P. Janeway 4836 1995-07-07
United States, California, Butte, Berry Creek quad T22N, r%E, SE1/4 of NW1/4 of sec. 20. 1.3 mi 1.3 south-southwest of Hungry Hunt Peak; along Road 22N84 2.6 mi from Rd 23 N28., 994m
336937 Lowell Ahart 4248 1983-07-29
United States, California, Butte, T22N R7E nw sec 31. Ca. 2 mi e of Milsap Bar, ca. 25 mi ne of Oroville. Yellow Pine Forest; 900 m., 900m
337057 Lowell Ahart 4745 1984-07-19
United States, California, Butte, About 1 1/2 mile south-east of Bald Mountain, 3/4 mile west of Oak Point, about 4 miles north-east of Stirling City.
1036209 A. Arthur Heller 15153 1938-07-02
United States, California, Plumas, Plentiful in coarse granite sand on a steep slope about shrubs about two miles west of Arch Rock Tunnel, in arid Transition Life Zone. Not observed elsewhere.
1036201 A. Arthur Heller 15708 1940-06-05
United States, California, Plumas, Along State Highway #24, in granite sand near Bucks Creek Power House. Rather plentiful for a distance of a mile or more, always in granite.
1036199 James D. Jokerst 3288 1978-06-21
United States, California, Plumas, Feather River Canyon, 4.2 miles N of Storrie (=9.2 miles N of Butte County line) at Rodgers Flat Power Plant; roadside bank of rotten granite in montane forest, with Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Asclepias cordifolia, introduced grasses; population of several hundred individuals, and more or less continuous with other such populations along Feather River Highway.
1036193 Robert A. Schlising 3778 1980-06-24
United States, California, Plumas, O.3 mile S of Rock Creek Powerhouse, along Hwy 70 in canyon of North Fork, Feather River; T24N, R6E, sec 30; elev. ca 1600 feet; forest of Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus kelloggii, Quercus chrysolepis; on crumbling granite at roadside, with Mimulus bifidus, Linanthus filipes, Gilia capitata, Keckiella breviflora., 490m
337113 Lowell Ahart 4176 1983-06-30
United States, California, Butte, T22N R4E nw sec 15. Along road, se of Concow Reservoir, ne of Oroville. Foothill Woodland; 500 m., 500m
336785 Lowell Ahart 4186 1983-06-30
United States, California, Butte, T23N R4E nw sec 10. Along edge of dirt road, ca. 3 mi se of Stirling City, on w side of West Branch of Feather River. Yellow Pine Forest; 1100 m., 1100m
112771 G.L. Clifton 36762 2001-05-29
USA, California, Plumas, [Sierra Nevada,] Hwy 70, just down river from Camp Rodgers., 39.9585 -121.287583, 634m
24156 L.P. Janeway 4839 1995-07-07
USA, California, Butte, Between Mountain House, Brush Creek, and Mosquito Creek, 5 year old timber plantation above FR 22N49, 0.1 mile N of French Creek Road., 39.699783 -121.335503, 975m
21431 Brian LeNeve LOL_648 2016-06-05
United States, California, Plumas, Highway 70 Feather River., 39.9581 -121.273, 640m
DAV311958 L. P. Janeway 4412 1993-07-01
United States, California, Butte, Butte County: Along French Creek Road, 2.6 miles NE of Stanwood Saddle and Oroville-Quincy Highway., 39.70611111 -121.3363889, 902m
DAV311957 L. P. Janeway 4429 1993-07-06
United States, California, Butte, Butte County: Western end of Watson Ridge, about 1.8 miles E-NE of Bald Rock Dome. About 0.7 mile NW of Fall River., 39.66472222 -121.2725, 1097m
DAV311956 L. P. Janeway 4469 1993-07-22
United States, California, Plumas, Plumas County: Along Oroville-Quincy Highway. 0.9 mile W of Grizzly Creek., 39.85805556 -121.2375, 1622m
DAV311959 L. P. Janeway 4687 1994-07-08
United States, California, Plumas, Plumas County: Hartman Bar Ridge. Slope N of Road 22N94, on south side of Franklin Hill., 39.76444444 -121.1086111, 1707m
DAV311960 L. P. Janeway 4882 1995-07-29
United States, California, Plumas, Plumas County: Along Pipeline Road, 3.3 miles NW of Lower Bucks Lake dam., 39.92666667 -121.2447222, 1585m
Hannah Kang 1166 2024-05-30
United States, California, Plumas, Rock Creek Vicinity. Plumas National Forest. Feather River Canyon. ±0.24 air miles northwest from PG&E Rock Creek Powerhouse. 80 feet northeast from PG&E gate., 39.907376 -121.348826, 688m
Hannah Kang 1173 2024-05-30
United States, California, Plumas, Rock Creek vicinity. Plumas National Forest. Feather River Canyon. ±0.50 air miles northeast from PG&E Rock Creek Powerhouse. 15 feet north off Tobin Ridge Road., 39.910759 -121.33924, 746m
DAV311954 G. F. Hrusa 13186 1996-07-09
United States, California, Butte, Butte County: Sierra Nevada. Plumas National Forest. Immed. S of Rogers Cow Camp on Highway 162., 39.75 -121.3, 1150m
DAV311955 B. Castro 321 1989-07-13
United States, California, Butte, Butte County: Ca. 4.5 road miles NE of Brush Creek, ca. 0.2 mile SW of Junction House, on NW-facing road cut on SE side of the Oro-Quincy Highway ca 0.6-0.7 mile S of its junction with USFS Road 23N60., 39.73694444 -121.2933333, 991m
Hannah Kang 1027 2023-08-08
United States, California, Plumas, ±1.1 air miles southwest from the Grizzly Forebay. 150 ft southeast from where Forest Service Road 36 (24N36) intersects with PG&E access road. ±0.65 driving miles south of the beak of 24N36 road., 39.885312 -121.262224, 1395m
CM187326 Ahart, L. s.n. 1968-06-29
United States, California, Plumas, near La Porte, 762m
SPIF00860 Ann Willyard 144 1997-07-16
Butte, Soapstone Hill 7.5' USGS quad. Color vivid hot pink. 5 miles east of Oroville-Quincy Highway on Road 23N60, 130 meters west of proposed helicopter landing site for Marble Creek Sale. On road bank., 1067m
SPIF00861 Ann Willyard 145 1997-07-16
Butte, Soapstone Hill 7.5' USGS quad. Color vivid hot pink. 5 miles east of Oroville-Quincy Highway on Road 23N60, on proposed helicopter landing site for Marble Creek Sale., 1067m
SPIF00862 J. Moeller, S. Puentes s.n. 2009-07-09
Plumas, Cascade 7.5' USGS quad. Slopes southeast of the upper reaches of Boomer Creek, about 2.4 miles SSE of Cascade. Plants may be an intermixed population; some flowers appear to have blue pollen. Several sites within the area. Found along skid roads and slopes, younger plantations, and alongside roads. Little duff layer, mostly bare soil and rocks. Surrounding forest is mixed conifer. 0-10% canopy cover, 0-20 degree slope. Lat/Lon collected by GPS. Additional points: 39.67300, -121.14997; 39.67276, -121.14855; NAD27., 1323m
SPIF00863 Ann Willyard 84 1997-07-08
Butte, Soapstone Hill 7.5' USGS quad. Color vivid hot pink. 5 miles east of Oroville-Quincy Highway on Road 23N60, 0.2 mile west of proposed helicopter landing site. Old railroad grade., 1067m
SPIF00859 Dr. Dean Taylor 19206
Butte, Soapstone Hill 7.5' USGS quad. This is an extra sample from Dr. Dean Taylors collection # 19206. Unable to find location information. Supplemental location information was copied from JEPS109833: Four Trees Road (Forest Road 23N00) ca. 1.8 mile West of Four Trees.
SPIF00858 Tom Engstrom s.n. 2005-07-19
Shasta, Papoose Creek 7.5' USGS quad. Along 34N29 in the Tributary to Whitney Gulch. SE aspect.
SPIF02128 Matthew C. Berger s.n. 2018-07-16
Plumas, Cascade 7.5' USGS quad. Growing on uphill side of road cut in forest. Associated species: Abies concolor, Calocedrus decurrens, Notholithocarpus densiflorus var. echinoides, Asyneuma prenanthoides, Ceanothus integerrimus, Hypericum perforatum., 1355m
RSA0004429 L. P. Janeway 4836 1995-07-07
United States, California, Butte, 1.3 miles south-southwest of Hungry Hunt Peak; along Road 22N84 2.6 mi from Rd 23N28.; Berry Creek, 39.747159 -121.440574, 994m
RSA0049654 Dean Wm. Taylor 21140 2011-08-03
United States, California, Butte, Vicinity Stirling City; along Reston Road descending into West Branch Feather River canyon 1.4 miles down (north) from the intersection with the Skyway.; Stirling City 7.5, 39.91609 -121.51659, 1005m
G. Fred Hrusa 13169 1995-07-09
United States, California, Butte, Approx. 1 m. on 22N89, immediately S of Rogers Cow Camp on Hwy 162.; Brush Creek 7.5', 39.75 -121.3, 1100m
Harlan Lewis 752 1950-06-30
United States, California, Plumas, Hwy 24, 7.8 mi. S of Yellow Creek Bridge along Feather River
Harlan Lewis 760 1950-06-30
United States, California, Butte, Hwy 24, 2 miles S of Arch Rock on Feather River, 39.83481 -121.41347
RSA0004428 L. P. Janeway 4881 1995-07-29
United States, California, Plumas, Along Oroville-Quincy Hwy 0.9 mi west of Grizzly Creek.; Haskins Valley Quad., 39.861253 -121.238597, 1622m
Harlan Lewis 756 1950-07-01
United States, California, Butte, Highway 24, 0.5 mile south of Arch Rock on Feather River., 39.842953 -121.39715
RSA0004430 L. P. Janeway 4854 1995-07-15
United States, California, Yuba, Inner canyon of Slate Creek, 3 mi northeast of Strawberry Valley; along Road 10N35 2.15 mi northeast of Road 20N04. Southwest facing road cut bank through greenstone and metamorphic rocks., 39.591897 -121.069917, 1006m
RSA0059904 J. T. Howell 27754 1951-06-29
United States, California, Plumas, Feather River Canyon, 549m
Samantha Hillaire 1255 2008-06-09
United States, California, Plumas, Plumas National Forest, Rock Creek area. Along powerlines and access roads.
RSA0004427 L. P. Janeway 4837 1995-07-07
United States, California, Butte, Chino Ridge, 200 ft southeast of Chino Creek along Road 23N28, 4.6 mi north of Road 22N34.; Berry Creek, 39.735199 -121.399498, 805m
RSA0059905 L. P. Janeway 4882 1995-07-29
United States, California, Plumas, Along Pipeline Road 3.3 miles NW of Lower Bucks Lake Dam.; Bucks Lake quad., 39.926667 -121.244722, 1585m
15258 S. Woolhouse 11 2007-06-09
United States, California, Plumas, Highway 70, 39.964 -121.277
00367721 F. H. Lewis, Marg. E. Lewis & F. C. Vasek 756 1950-06-30
United States of America, California, Butte County, Hwy 24, 0.05 mi. S. of Arch Rock on Feather River
00367722 L. Ahart & P. Ahart 4745 1984-07-19
United States of America, California, Butte County, About 1 1/2 mile south-east of Bald Mountain, 3/4 mile west of Oak Point, about 4 miles north-east of Stirling City., 1500m
00367723 L. P. Janeway 4858 1995-07-16
United States of America, California, Butte County, Kimshew Point quad T24N, R4E, SE1/4 of SW1/4 of sec. 13, 0.8 mi northwest of Oak Point; 0.8 mi east of Transfer Ridge; east side of Breakneck Canyon 1.5 mi north of Kimshew Creek; along Concow Road 8.2 mi east of West Branch Feather River., 1402m
00367724 L. P. Janeway 4854 1995-07-15
United States of America, California, Yuba County, Strawberry Valley quad, T20N, R8E, SE1/4 of SE1/4 of sec. 15, Inner canyon of Slate Creek, 3 mi northeast of Strawberry Valley; along Road 10N35 2.15 mi northeast of Road 20N04., 1006m
00367725 L. P. Janeway 4836 1995-07-07
United States of America, California, Butte County, Berry Creek quad, T22N, R5E, SE1/4 of NW1/4 of sec. 20, 1.3 mi south-southwest of Hungry Hunt Peak; along Road 22N84 2.6 mi from Rd 23N28., 994m
Rimo Bacigalupi 7170 1959-06-29
United States, California, Shasta, Dog Creek Canyon, 0.25 mi. above its confluence wi