430655 Richard R. Halse 9608 2015-08-10
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Siskiyou Mountains; Klamath National Forest; along N.F. Road 20 ca. 2.3 mi SW of its junction with N.F. Road 22; ca. 13 air mi S of Talent., 42.03901 -122.82598, 1858m
UTC00099399 Joseph P. Tracy 5304 1919-09-27
United States, California, Humboldt, Along road between Three Creeks and mouth of Willow Creek, 40.939135 -123.666072, 914m
1868041 W. H. Baker 661 1949-08-26
United States of America, Oregon, Josephine Co., Summit of Lake Mountain. Plants of Oregon Caves National Monument & vicinity.
BRYV0165070 Richard R. Halse 9608 2015-08-10
U.S.A., Oregon, Jackson, Siskiyou Mountains; Klamath National Forest; along N.F. Road 20 ca 2.3 miles southwest of its junction with N.F. Road 22; ca 13 air miles south of Talent., 42.03901 -122.82598, 1858m
68427 R.R. Halse 9608 2015-08-10
USA, Oregon, Jackson, Klamath NF, Siskiyou Mountains, along FR 20, ca 2.3 miles SW of its junction with FR 22, ca 13 air miles S of Talent., 42.03901 -122.82598, 1858m
0008082 Richard R. Halse 9608 2015-08-10
USA, Oregon, Jackson, Siskiyou Mountains; Klamath National Forest; along N.F. Road 20 ca. 2.3 mi SW of its junction with N.F. Road 22; ca. 13 air mi S of Talent., 42.03901 -122.82598, 1858m
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00061707 Lowell E. Urbatsch 7703 2000-08-10
United States, California, Siskiyou, Scott Mountains; Scott Mts, Collected along Road 17, 12.7 miles SW from the intersection of I-5 and Stewart Spring Rd., 41.3573 -122.5398667, 2036m
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00061708 Lowell E. Urbatsch 7703 2000-08-10
United States, California, Siskiyou, Scott Mountains; Scott Mts, Collected along Road 17, 12.7 miles SW from the intersection of I-5 and Stewart Spring Rd., 41.3573 -122.5398667, 2036m
Richard R. Halse 9608 2015-08-10
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Siskiyou Mountains; Klamath National Forest; along N.F. Road 20 ca. 2.3 miles southwest of its junction with N.F. Road 22; ca. 13 air miles south of Talent., 42.03901 -122.82598, 1858m
Richard Brock 825 2000-08-18
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Lake Mtn, e. of Oregon Caves N.M.; Elk Creek Trail near ridgeline., 42.08942 -123.35724, 1707m
Richard Brock; R. Brock 529 1994-07-23
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Eight Dollar-Mtn, Illinois River Valley, near Selma; Ca. 1.5 mi. up the road to the summit., 42.24948 -123.65153
Thomas J. Howell; Thomas Howell na 1889-09-00
United States, Oregon, Unknown, Coast mountians 42nd parallel.
Wayne E. Rolle; Wayne Rolle 290 1989-08-29
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Near bridge across Rock Creek on Oregon Mtn. Road., 42.0362081662 -123.75548355, 500m
Thomas J. Howell; Thomas Howell s.n.
United States, Oregon, Unknown, none.
William C. Cusick; W.C. Cusick 2939a 1902-08-04
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Siskiyou Mts. on the Waldo-Crescent City road., 42.03693 -123.72113
William H. Baker 4940 1947-08-18
United States, Oregon, Curry, Flycatcher Spring, 1 mile west of the north fork of Pistol River., 42.3561 -124.2908
Richard R. Halse 9608 2015-08-10
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Siskiyou Mountains; Klamath National Forest; along N.F. Road 20 ca. 2.3 miles southwest of its junction with N.F. Road 22; ca. 13 air miles south of Talent., 42.03901 -122.82598, 1858m
Thomas J. Howell; Thomas Howell na 1889-09-00
United States, Oregon or California, Unknown, Coast mountains 42nd parallel.
Thomas J. Howell; Thomas Howell s.n. 1888-09-00
United States, Oregon, Josephine, near Waldo., 42.0611 -123.6469
Richard Brock 792 1999-09-14
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Siskiyou Mountains; Upper Yale Creek, Deadmans Point; along road and above road in opening., 42.0595881663 -122.919869095, 1859m
Morton E. Peck; M.E. Peck 8120 1918-07-04
United States, Oregon, Josephine, 4 mi. W. of Waldo., 42.0611 -123.725320260107
Joseph P. Tracy 17043 1941-08-24
United States, California, Humboldt, South Fork Mountain, near McKay Camp
R. S. Woglum 2060 1938-08-28
United States, California, Del Norte, Klamath Ranges: Bear Basin; Siskiyou Mountains; Six Rivers National Forest.
Percy C. Everett 20291 1954-10-13
United States, California, Siskiyou, Indian Creek Road to Obrien, 20.5 miles northwest from Hwy 96 at Happy Camp, 1524m
J. C. Semple 8492 1986-08-16
United States, California, Siskiyou, SW of Etna. Etna Summit on Forest Hwy 93, 1646m
396846 Richard R Halse 9608 2015-08-10
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Siskiyou Mountains, Klamath National Forest; along NS Road 20 ca 2.3 mi SW of its jct with NF Road 22; ca 13 air mi S of Talent, 42.03901 -122.82598, 1858m
Darley F. Howe 4314 1966-08-30
United States, California, Shasta, Clark Creek, 41.07594 -121.7028, 1065m
Darley F. Howe s.n. 1969-08-09
United States, California, Siskiyou, North entrance to Siskyou National Forest., 41.90982 -122.91522, 1525m
106924 M.W. Gorman 5922 1922-08-22
United States, Oregon, Klamath, Rim Road, Crater Lake., 42.94389 -122.10556
193635 R.H. Whittaker s.n. 1949-08-05
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Lake Mountain, Grayback Area, Siskiyou Mts., 42.09 -123.36
197147 R.H. Whittaker 388 (400) 1950-07-18
United States, Oregon, Josephine, Tennessee Mountain, Peridotite range, Siskiyou Mountains., 42.204 -123.705
197146 R.H. Whittaker 285 (390) 1950-07-14
United States, Oregon, Jackson, Little Red Mtn, Ashland Pk. Area, Siskiyou Mts., 42.075 -122.60583