Larry F. LaPré s.n. 1986-05-31
United States, California, Lake, Three Peaks, 5 miles SE of Middletown near Napa County line, 38.68528 -122.57139, 732m
Larry F. LaPré s.n. 1986-05-31
United States, California, Sonoma, Socrates Mine, c. 9 miles east-northeast of Geyserville, 38.76333 -122.75861, 976m
3116740 H. K. Sharsmith 4127 1952-06-18
United States of America, California, Sonoma Co., Near junction of Socrates Mine road with Pine Flat-Middletown road, Mayacamas Mountains, 975m
SDSU00491 Howe, D.F. 4265 1966-06-03
United States, California, Napa, 14.0 miles south of Middletown., 38.568925 -122.609673, 305m
79443 M.J. Williams 84-19-2 1984-05-23
USA, California, Lake, Butts Canyon road, 5.7 miles S of Hwy 29 toward Pope Valley., 38.733681 -122.528854, 305m
79444 H.K. Sharsmith 4127 1952-06-18
usa, California, Sonoma, Mayacamas Mountains, near junction of Socrates Mine road with Pine Flat-Middletown road., 38.759695 -122.756785, 975m
79445 E. Williams s.n. 1964-05-01
USA, California, Napa, Napa Valley., 38.444909 -122.381175
CSCN-V-0012012 Beecher Crampton 1938 1954-06-08
United States, California, Lake, 3 miles north of Cobb Mountain, Bottle Rock Road, 38.85 -122.75833
DAV356284 Daniel Potter 788 2015-04-18
United States, California, Napa, Napa County: Knoxville Wildlife Area. Upper Zim Zim Creek drainage., 38.797264 -122.337003, 455m
DAV356286 James A. Neilson, Jr. 3422 1975-06-26
United States, California, Sonoma, Sonoma County: Mayacmas Mountains, adjacent to Caldwell Pines, ca. 3 1/2 miles west of Glenbrook and Bottle Rock Road, northeast Sonoma County. (Elevation and coordinates estimated by label maker.), 38.842778 -122.814444, 975m
DAV356287 D. S. Park 114 2010-06-05
United States, California, Colusa, Colusa County: Walker ridge, Cold Spring Mt. roadside, grassland., 39.069722 -122.482778, 760m
DAV356283 James A. Neilson, Jr. 3433 1975-06-26
United States, California, Sonoma, Sonoma County: Section 10, The Geysers, above Geysers Road. (Exact location unknown. Elevation and coordinates estimated by label maker.), 38.808611 -122.850278, 450m
DAV356289 Ellen Dean 1086 2002-06-02
United States, California, Yolo, Yolo County: McLaughlin UC Reserve. W of Reed mine along Rayhouse Rd. 1.8 road mines W of intersection with Soda Springs Rd., 38.868333 -122.388889, 732m
DAV338531 Craig Thomsen 2879 2009-05-12
United States, California, Colusa, Colusa County on Walker Ridge. Eaton Springs, about 1 mile east of Walker Ridge Rd. East-facing hillslope above (west border) Eaton Springs meadow complex., 39.0797847635167 -122.460406162579, 722m
DAV356292 Ellen Dean 6203 2010-06-26
United States, California, Lake, Lake County: Cache Creek Wilderness area, southern edge of wilderness, accesssed via eastern forks of Rocky Creek Road and then via a private road owned by Stephen Gilardi (an area known as Brushy Sky High on some maps)., 38.9325 -122.468056, 770m
AHUC104720 Beecher Crampton 1303 1953-05-19
United States, California, Napa, Napa County: Chiles Valley, 11 miles east of Rutherford, on Highway 128., 38.504873 -122.294344
DAV356288 James A. Neilson, Jr. 3574 1975-05-14
United States, California, Lake, Lake County: Mayacmas Mountains, Francisco Property. High Valley Creek. (Coordinates, location, and elevation estimated by label maker.), 38.838333 -122.769722, 792m
AHUC104721 Beecher Crampton 1938 1954-06-08
United States, California, Lake, Lake County: 3 miles north of Cobb Mountain, Bottle Rock Road., 38.851475 -122.75554
DAV356285 Jack Major 546 1961-06-13
United States, California, Napa, Napa County: State Highway 128, 3.9 miles northwest of Moskowite's Corners., 38.4892 -122.24612
DAV356291 Ellen Dean 8798 2015-05-23
United States, California, Napa, Napa County: Butts Canyon. Private property owned by Jobst Jesse. Permission for access and collecting granted. Along Butts Canyon/Guenoc Road just NW of Shell Valley Rd turn off. South side of road., 38.695 -122.447222, 244m
DAV356293 Daniel Sanchez-Mata s.n. 2006-06-15
United States, California, Lake, Lake Co.: Cobb-Kelseyville. Bottle Rock Road close to Beaver Creek campground and to Sulphur Creek Road., 38.8333333333333 -122.75, 760m
DAV356294 D. Sanchez-Mata s.n. 1996-06-29
United States, California, Trinity, Trinity County: Hayfork-Peanut. Open serpentine chaparral near Salt Creek., 800m
DAV338530 Craig D. Thomsen 2518 2001-05-24
United States, California, Colusa, Colusa Co.: Bear Creek Botanical Management Area. On Caltrans right-of-way, south side of Hwy 20, about 0.5 mile west of Hwy 20/16 instersection, between Colusa Co. milepost 2.63 and 2.17., 39.0127412838711 -122.377187217662, 325m
DAV245430 Julie Kierstead Nelson 98013 1998-06-17
United States, California, Shasta, Shasta-Trinity National Forest; Yolla Bolla Ranger District. Ca. 50 mi. W of Red Bluff, S side of North Fork Beegum Creek., 40.329311 -123.01539, 1000m
DAV338529 Craig D. Thomsen 2438 2001-05-24
United States, California, Colusa, Colusa Co.: Bear Creek Botanical Management Area. On Caltrans right-of-way, south side of Hwy 20, about 0.5 mile west of Hwy 20/16 instersection, between Colusa Co. milepost 2.63 and 2.17., 39.0127412838711 -122.377187217662, 325m
DAV356290 James A. Neilson, Jr. 2745 1974-05-24
United States, California, Lake, Lake County: Mayacmas Mountains, Childers Peak area, Barceloux Ranch. (Elevation estimated using Google Earth by label maker.), 38.841944 -122.63, 579m
MEM020904 Erika R. Moore 8 2019-06-27
United States, California, Trinity, In Shasta-Trinity National Forest., 40.427773 -123.16235, 957m
MEM020905 Erika R. Moore 7 2019-06-27
United States, California, Trinity, In Shasta-Trinity National Forest., 40.42777 -123.16235, 957m
United States, California, Sonoma, 38.525182 -122.92611
United States, California, Sonoma County, Sonoma County, CA
United States, California, Napa County, Napa County, CA
OBI152793 Robert F. Hoover 9878 1966-05-28
United States, California, Napa, Just S of summit on Butts Cyn rd from Pope Valley, 38.67332 -122.44469
OBI152792 David J. Keil 24506 1994-06-06
United States, California, Napa, Just south of Lake Hennessy on south side of Highway 128
CM367798 Raiche, R. 60290 1986-06-30
United States, California, Sonoma, at Lake Co. line, Mayacamas Mts, Pine Mt. fireroad, near head of Black Rock Creek, 747m
CM297289 DeMartile, R.A. 110 1983-06-15
United States, California, Lake, Goat Mountain Road enroute to old Pacific lookout area, Spanish Creek watershed, near Colusa Co, 945m
CM321598 Utech, F.H. 86-330 1986-05-19
United States, California, Napa, along Butts Canyon Road near junction with Snell Valley Road along Butts Creek, 250m
01341098 Thomas W. Nelson 5632
United States, California, Trinity
01341106 Smith
United States, California, Sonoma
BRIT00655 Helen K. Sharsmith 4127 1952-06-18
United States, California, Sonoma
BRIT00656 D. E. Breedlove 5178 1963-05-30
United States, California, Lake
BRIT00657 D. E. Breedlove 5095 1963-05-29
United States, California, Lake
PAC0071519 Helen K. Sharsmith 4127 1952-06-18
United States, California, Sonoma, near junction of Socrates Mine road with Pine Flat-Middletown road, Mayacamas Mountains, 975m
SBBG158128 Ryan O'Dell 2018-06-12
United States, California, Trinity, Bramlet Rd [SE of Bone Gulch, S of Hwy 36], 40.39674 -123.188997
SBBG156626 Ryan O'Dell 2018-06-10
United States, California, Lake, Forest Service Rd M6, [NE of] Lake Pillsbury, 39.457636 -122.894269
SBBG157530 Ryan O'Dell 2018-06-16
United States, California, Tehama, Forest Service Rd M2 (Toomes Camp Rd), [SW of] Round Mtn, 39.91488 -122.67779
424345 Beecher Crampton 1938 1954-06-08
United States, California, Lake, Cobb Mountain, 3 mi N, Bottle Rock Road, 38.842355 -122.749179
147690 Helen K Sharsmith 4127 1952-06-18
United States, California, Sonoma, Near jct of Socrates Mine rd with Pine Flat-Middletown rd, Mayacamas Mountains, 975m
00011952 V. Rattan 28 1884-06-00
United States of America, California, Mendocino County, Sanhedrin Mt, Mendocino Co. Coast Mts. North of San Francisco Bay
21982 Donald V. Hemphill 162 1941-05-15
United States of America, California, Blake's Canyon, two miles southeast of Angwin, 427 - 427m
Helen K. Sharsmith 4127 1952-06-18
United States, California, Sonoma
Darley F. Howe 4265 1966-06-03
United States, California, Napa, 14 miles south of Middletown, 38.6253 -122.5994, 305m
217687 Helen K. Sharsmith 4127 1952-06-18
United States, California, Sonoma, Near junction of Socrates Mine road with Pine Flat-Middletown road, Mayacamas Mountains, 38.759695 -122.756785, 975m
NDSU050070 Helen K. Sharsmith 4127 1952-06-18
United States, California, Sonoma, 975m