C.M. Allen 7705 1977-04-08
United States, Louisiana, Sabine, Along Sneed Creek ca. 7 miles northeast of Zwolle in the "Big Woods"
E. Lehto 15675 1969-04-27
USA, Texas, Smith, Starville, 32.47551 -95.11585
M.A. Piehl 1973-04-29
USA, Louisiana, West Feliciana, Near La. 421, 4.3 mi N of jct with La 10
W.N. Grafton 1972-07-30
United States, West Virginia, Fayette, Waste area at old town site of Sewell.; Sewell
A.E. Radford 45080 1966-07-31
United States, North Carolina, Chatham, Morgan Creek, 4.6 mi N of Farrington
413956 T. H. Kearney s.n. 1897-05-23
United States of America, Maryland, Great Falls, 38.998721 -77.254426
381673 G. V. Nash 239 1894-03-29
United States of America, Florida, Lake Co., In vicinity of Eustis, 28.852768 -81.685353
381674 G. V. Nash 239 1894-03-29
United States of America, Florida, Lake Co., In vicinity of Eustis, 28.852768 -81.685353
EIU039786 Phillippe, Loy R. 24264 1994-05-25
USA, Illinois, Alexander, Shawnee National Forest. Jonesboro Ranger District, Compartment J-99. McClure 7.5 minute topographic map.
Barchiesi, Alessandro 29-81 1989-05-02
United States, South Carolina, Richland, Columbia, SC
Bryson, Charles 19177 2002-04-30
United States, Mississippi, Winston County, Winston
BUT0030562 J. E. Potzger 8329 1940-06-15
United States, Indiana, Harrison, 6 miles southeast of Corydon.
86640 J. E. Potzger 1949-05-30
United States, Indiana, M. Beasley woods, 0.5 mile south and west of Burns City, on Highway 45, 0.5 mile west on county line of Martin and Daviess Co.
94774 J. E. Potzger 1949-05-30
United States, Indiana, Beasley woods, 0.5 mile south and west of Burns City on Highway 45, 0.5 mile west of highway on county line road (Martin-Daviess).
101620 Lester F. Ward 1888-06-17
United States, Indiana, High Island.
79865 J. E. Potzger 1940-06-15
United States, Indiana, Above Buck Creek.
151774 P. E. Rothrock 1993-08-09
United States, Indiana, 6 miles southeast of Corydon.
3475 Ray C. Friesner 1929-09-04
United States, Indiana, Beasley woods, 0.5 mile south and west of Burns City on Highway 45, 0.5 mile west of highway on county line road (Martin-Daviess).
86370 Ray C. Friesner 1949-10-15
United States, Indiana, 0.2 mile east of Rd. 37, 2.5 miles south of Grantsburg.
21878 Ralph M. Kriebel 1934-06-10
United States, Indiana, 2 miles southwest of Bryantsville.
21879 Ralph M. Kriebel 1934-06-10
United States, Indiana, 2 miles southwest of Bryantsville.
3282672 Cindy E. Becker e1545 2005-08-08
United States, Missouri, Newton, Camp Crowder-National Guard Training Site; degraded forest; Broad summit, remnant open woodland community. Northeasta corner of the North Unit, Camp Crowder. Clarksville very gravelly silt loam; Assoc: Sassafras albidum, Danthonia spicata, Lespedeza procumbens, Panicum linearifolium., 36.82916 -94.32888, 378m
2585279 George Yatskievych 92-335 1992-09-09
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Holly Ridge Natural Area, 1/3 miles N of Pleasant Valley Church via dirt road, ca. 1 1/2 miles N of U.S. Highway 60 ca. 3 airmiles Dexter; along trail running W from parking lot near preserve dedication sign; T26N R11E S31 SW 1/4; young forest of Quercus, Acer, Liquidambar, and Sassafras, on gravelly soil; forming dense clumps of overlapping rosettes to 1/2 diameter, leaves yellow-green., 128m
1619902 Francis E. Drouet 453 1933-06-01
United States, Missouri, Boone, Hillside with southern exposure by Providence Road S of Hinkson Creek, S of Columbia, MO.
101890615 Julian A. Steyermark 18956 1935-05-12
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Low rich sandy woods along Little Black river, south of Grandin and northwest of Flatwoods
101890624 John H. Kellogg 25983 1932-06-14
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, Hog Hollow, Sandstone banks.
2525777 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1935-08-13
United States, Missouri, Washington, Ebo Post Office, Wet rocky banks along Ebo Creek.
2523925 Benjamin F. Bush 749 1895-07-18
United States, Missouri, Dunklin, Campbell, 36.4933 -90.075
2523550 Allison W. Cusick 33266 1996-08-07
United States, Missouri, Madison, Dry, mowed ground in Granite View Cemetery, St Rt 72 at Roselle
101893111 Allen H. Curtiss 6602 1900-04-27
United States, Florida, Moist ground bordering swamp near Jacksonville.
3314138 Richard Carter 682 1977-05-05
United States, Mississippi, Sharkey, Delta National Forest; south of Little Sunflower River, ca. 5 miles east of Kelso; low woods along F.S. 720; R6W, T10N. Sect. 36, NE corner; roadside.
102326164 Sidney T. McDaniel 28575 1986-04-16
United States, Mississippi, Monroe, Ca 2.4 mi SSW Greenwood Springs, SE4 S9. Tennessee River Hills.
101890619 John H. Kellogg 27115 1935-06-14
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Along Little Black River. Near Highway, 21.
101890628 Julian A. Steyermark 8518 1933-05-24
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Sandy upland pine-oak woods near "Chimney Rocks" along River Auy Vases, 5 mi. east of Pickle
101890608 Julian A. Steyermark 19158 1935-06-01
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Low woods along north Fork of White river, between Roosevelt and Richville
101890611 Julian A. Steyermark 8648 1933-11-12
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, Porphyritic slopes of Johnson's shut-in along East fork of Black river, south of Monterey
3523310 John H. Kellogg n. 1932-06-14
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, Pacific Palisades sandy banks
3512035 Melvin L. Conrad 13045 1992-05-27
United States, Missouri, Iron, Johnson Mt.; Hwy 32, 3.0 mi off, near jct w/ Hwy A, 37.63916 -90.88666
102862327 Richard Carter 615 1977-05-04
United States, Mississippi, Sharkey, Delta National Forest, ca. 7 miles north of Holly Bluff in vicinity of Red Gum Natural Area; R5W, T12N, section 8.
3500399 Cindy E. Becker 1545 2005-08-08
United States, Missouri, Newton, Camp Crowder - National Guard Training Site degraded forest; Broad summit, remnant open woodland community. Northeast corner of the North Unit, Camp Crowder; (X:381499.88 Y:4076730.50 Z:15); Clarksville very gravelly silt loamSassafras albidum, Danthonia spicata, Lespedeza procumbens, Panicum line, 36.82916 -94.32888, 378m
102323954 Douglas Ladd 17235 1993-05-25
United States, Missouri, Carter, Chilton Creek Preserve; ca. 8 miles north/northwest of Van Buren.
102693680 Michael B. Brooks 826 1980-04-04
United States, Florida, Marion, Ca 2.5 miles east of inter. of state road 40 and forest road 88, Juniper Springs recreational center, Sec. 17, T15S, R26E.
2525868 Julian A. Steyermark 6224 1938-08-29
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Cherty slopes adjacent to low woods along valley of Mill Creek, T26 N R.7 E sect. 4, 1 1/2 mi. S. W. of Wappapello
1694241 Cindy E. Becker 30 1996-06-21
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, Dark Hollow. Growing on terrace feature.
1645037 Benjamin C. Tharp 43101 1937-04-25
United States, Texas, Polk
1636297 Francis P. Daniels s.n. 1899-08-00
United States, Michigan, Kent, Dry thickets, McCords, MI.
1636294 Clair L. Kucera 40105 1955-06-25
United States, Missouri, Howell, Open woods, dry soil, 6 mi S West Plains.
100739509 Sidney T. McDaniel 15981 1972-05-09
United States, Mississippi, Yazoo, ca 2.2 mi E of Sartartia, steep disturbed decidious wooded , loess ravines. Disturbed.
1636308 Allen H. Curtiss 6635 1900-05-22
United States, Florida, Sumter, In edge of low wood near Mabel.
3218632 Sidney T. McDaniel 28575 1986-04-16
United States, Mississippi, Monroe, Ca 2.4 mi SSW Greenwood Springs, SE4 S9. Tennessee River Hills.
1636345 George V. Nash 2156 1895-07-11
United States, Florida, Columbia, Collected at Lake City.
100792599 J. Richard Abbott 8477 1996-04-24
United States, Florida, Levy, Waccasassa Bay State Preserve; T 16S R 15E S3 to T 15S R 15E S34 (ca 29° 07'N 82° 46.1'W); north of Turtle Creek; mosaic of coastal hydric hammock and wet depressions.
1636234 Julian A. Steyermark 76735 1954-08-20
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Sandy wooded slopes bordering ravines, along and tributary to spring-fed creek near junction of Crowley Ridge and lowland, on property of Mr. Martin, 3 1/2 mi SE of Bloomfield., 36.5005 -89.551
100792600 J. Richard Abbott 9148 1996-06-23
United States, Florida, Levy, Waccasassa Bay State Preserve; T 16S R 16E S19 & S30 (ca 29° 04.2'N 82° 43.2'W); ex-Northcut property, north of junction with C-40 on C-40A; mosaic of swamp and coastal hydric hammock.
1636260 Agnes Chase 2316 1904-06-11
United States, Maryland, Montgomery, Sandy wet ground, opening in bottomland woods, along Potomac, SE of Great Falls, Maryland.
1636273 Clair L. Kucera 37232 1955-05-25
United States, Missouri, Howell, Dry rocky soil in oak woods, 4 mi S West Plains.
1636216 Homer D. House 2184 1906-05-20
United States, South Carolina, Oconee, Clemson College., 34.6802778 -82.8366666
1636208 Julian A. Steyermark 83496 1956-11-01
United States, Missouri, New Madrid, Sandy prairie opening bordering scrub oak woods along railroad, 3 mi NE of Lilbourn.
1636177 John K. Small 19226 1892-06-13
United States, Virginia, Smyth, Collected about Chatham Hill Gap, on Walker Mountain., 914m
1636166 Ernest J. Palmer 24873 1924-05-14
United States, Arkansas, Garland, Banks of Hot Springs Creek, near Hot Springs.
1641730 Allen H. Curtiss 6602 1900-04-27
United States, Florida, Moist ground bordering swamp near Jacksonville.
1619941 Francis P. Daniels 585 1903-06-13
United States, Missouri, Boone, Columbia, MO., 38.95167 -92.33389
101892442 George V. Nash 2156 1895-07-11
United States, Florida, Columbia, Collected at Lake City.
1619936 Martin, S. Clark 36994 1952-09-03
United States, Missouri, Dent, Pine stand, near Bunker.
102351024 Richard Carter 682 1977-05-05
United States, Mississippi, Sharkey, Delta National Forest; south of Little Sunflower River, ca. 5 miles east of Kelso; low woods along F.S. 720; R6W, T10N. Sect. 36, NE corner; roadside.
1619953 John H. Kellogg 25983 1932-06-14
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, Hog Hollow, Sandstone banks.
101892432 Francis P. Daniels s.n. 1899-08-00
United States, Michigan, Kent, Dry thickets, McCords, MI.
102380201 Will McDearman 990 1976-07-17
United States, Alabama, Lawrence, Bankhead National Forest, 14 mi. NE of Haleyville, Sipsey River Wilderness Area, Thompson Cr. watershed S of NW road. SE4 NW4 S27, upland forest on ridgetops. Thin soil, 0-15 percent slopes, on soil at edge of old road.
1619980 Clair L. Kucera 37060 1955-08-08
United States, Missouri, Dent, Oak pine woods near Bunker.
101892433 Allen H. Curtiss 6635 1900-05-22
United States, Florida, Sumter, In edge of low wood near Mabel.
1619876 Julian A. Steyermark 8648 1933-11-12
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, Porphyritic slopes of Johnson's shut-in along East fork of Black river, south of Monterey
1619866 Clair L. Kucera 37076 1955-08-15
United States, Missouri, Dent, Oak pine woods.
1619916 John H. Kellogg 27115 1935-06-14
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Along Little Black River. Near Highway, 21.
1619849 Julian A. Steyermark 19158 1935-06-01
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Low woods along north Fork of White river, between Roosevelt and Richville
1626957 Allen G. Shuey 2437 1980-03-11
United States, Florida, Hillsborough, Associated with parthenocissus quinquefolia, baccharis halimifolia, psidium Guajava, vitis rotundifolia, sida rhombifolia, and thelypteris kunthii under Canopy of quercus nigra and quercus virginiana in sand clay soil of overburden Windrow on unreclaimed phosphate mined land w of henry george road about .4 mi s Of old hopewill road. Sec 33, township 29s, range 22e.
1622552 Clair L. Kucera 40064 1957-05-25
United States, Missouri, Benton, Damp beech woods along Hwy 61, 3 mi S Benton.
102843587 Sidney T. McDaniel 7688 1966-08-21
United States, Alabama, Pickens, Pickens Co.: 6.3 miles NW of Pickensville, gravelly recently cut and burned oak slope.
102899849 Sidney T. McDaniel 15981 1972-05-09
United States, Mississippi, Yazoo, ca 2.2 mi E of Sartartia, steep disturbed decidious wooded , loess ravines. Disturbed.
102862328 Richard Carter 615 1977-05-04
United States, Mississippi, Sharkey, Delta National Forest, ca. 7 miles north of Holly Bluff in vicinity of Red Gum Natural Area; R5W, T12N, section 8.
3208838 Douglas Ladd 17235 1993-05-25
United States, Missouri, Carter, Chilton Creek Preserve; ca. 8 miles north/northwest of Van Buren.
100227447 David R. Morgan 486 1978-05-09
United States, Mississippi, Jones, 7.5 miles E. of Laurel in disturbed pine-hardwood-magnolia woods, low wet ground along logging road, N2 Sect. 21.
2526103 Bruce Schuette 2631 1995-09-24
United States, Missouri, Montgomery, Graham Cave State Park. Roadside at intersection of campground and river access roads. NW1/4, Sec. 27, T48N, R6W. Wooded roadside at base of sandstone outcrop., 38.9011111 -91.5730556
2526249 Julian A. Steyermark 11606 1936-07-10
United States, Missouri, Butler, Making rich light green patches in upland oak-hickory woods, north of Rombauer, T26 N, R7E, sect. 20, 12 mi. north of Pojadr Bluff
2524812 John H. Kellogg 406 1925-05-31
United States, Missouri, Iron, Iron Mountain, Lake.
2523252 John H. Kellogg 1422 1927-06-19
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, Doe Run.
101893468 Donald Blake 477 1966-05-08
United States, Georgia, Piedmont Province. Full sun, wet sandy depression along Millstone Creek. Echols Mill granite outcrop, about 9.3 miles N 45 degrees E of Lexington.
102351023 Richard Carter 682 1977-05-05
United States, Mississippi, Sharkey, Delta National Forest; south of Little Sunflower River, ca. 5 miles east of Kelso; low woods along F.S. 720; R6W, T10N. Sect. 36, NE corner; roadside.
245098 Roy E. Gereau 2327 1987-06-06
United States, Missouri, Phelps, NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 32; 0.6 mi S of Missouri State Hwys 8 and 68 on Rd. 129 at intermittent stream crossing (ca. 1 mi. S of St. James).
1619990 Julian A. Steyermark 8518 1933-05-24
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Sandy upland pine-oak woods near "Chimney Rocks" along River Auy Vases, 5 mi. east of Pickle
1619888 Julian A. Steyermark 18956 1935-05-12
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Low rich sandy woods along Little Black river, south of Grandin and northwest of Flatwoods
2767889 Alan E. Brant 5901 2005-08-29
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Lowndes Quadrangle. T29N, R7E, SE4, Sec. 17. Along County Rd. 224 ca. 0.5 miles east of Hiram, MO. Chert-clay soil., 37.1805556 -90.2938889, 200m
3555716 George Yatskievych 93-291 1993-08-21
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Wells Branch Fen Natural Area, Mark Twain National Forest, ca. 3 mi NW of Doniphan on W side of dirt road running N from U.S. Highway 160 to Current River (near Deer Leap Recreation Area) open cherty woods along road, 36.66083 -90.89388, 122m
3574820 Susan Farrington 08-172 2008-08-16
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Blooming Paradise Farm (private property of Dan Drees and Susan Farrington) Hog Cave Hollow. Low woods bordering stream., 37.1405555 -91.2727778, 241m
100412379 Nels J. Holmberg 784 2004-06-21
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, Gray Summit MO, Dana Brown Woods, NW of Freund Center., 38.4691667 -90.805, 165m
1645009 Donald Blake 477 1966-05-08
United States, Georgia, Piedmont Province. Full sun, wet sandy depression along Millstone Creek. Echols Mill granite outcrop, about 9.3 miles N 45 degrees E of Lexington.
1636333 Homer D. House 2177 1906-05-20
United States, South Carolina, Oconee, Clemson College., 34.6802778 -82.8366666
1619974 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. 30945 1977-05-18
United States, Arkansas, Nevada, Open field & roadside near Serepta Spring Roadside Park., 85m
2526627 Benjamin F. Bush 4638 1907-05-21
United States, Missouri, Taney, Swan, Sandy woods., 36.79527 -93.0625
2526315 George W. Letterman s.n. 1883-05-30
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Allenton, Mo (Low Woods), 38.5036111 -90.6758334
2527022 Kenneth K. Mackenzie 358 1897-07-19
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Dry ground-Common. Pleasant Grove.